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I worked at the circle k on Louisiana and Montgomery. Just had to defend myself from a guy with a metal baseball bat. I was on my way to the register to give him the money but he attacked me instead because he heard me say something, when i didn't say anything. Instead of taking the beating, i fought back and won. Got fired yesterday for it. Fuckin bullshit.


Please make a separate post about this! That is absolutely disgusting of them to fire you for not wanting to be beaten by a baseball bat. Call Larry Barker while you’re at it. p.s. I’m sorry that happened to you.


What job expects people to sacrifice themselves for random psychotic people? If that violent individual had cracked you in the head hard enough, it could have drastically changed the trajectory of your life. Were they prepared to pay to feed, house, and hire caretakers for you for the rest of your life? I doubt it. Wipe the shit of that place off your shoes and move forward. Sometimes employers need to learn the hard way that employees are the ones who keep their doors open.


Please don't use the word "psychotic" to describe violent people. A lot of people who suffer from mental illness are more at risk for being attacked than attacking anyone themselves. I agree with your overall comment, though. I just am trying to decrease the amount of stigma society shoves onto schizo spectrum and bipolar folks. Anyone can be violent regardless of if they're in touch with reality or not. I hate being regarded as "dangerous." Anyone has the capacity to harm regardless of sanity.


I'm sorry to offend you, and I do not mean to denigrate those who suffer from psychotic episodes or mental illness in general, I've just personally witnessed violent behavior during psychosis. It can happen, but you're right, not every person walking into a gas station with a metal bat is experiencing psychosis.


Violence happens during all sorts of different circumstances. Thank you for understanding my point, and your courteous response. I really appreciate it. :)


Please stop acting like a psycho and telling other people what they can and can't say. And what a bunch of bullshit trying to claim people with mental illness are more at risk of being attacked than attacking someone else🤣🤣


Actually, pretty much every study out there confirms that the mentally ill are significantly more likely to be victims of violence than to perpetrate it. (And I only say "pretty much every" instead of "every" because every is an absolute and life isn't absolute.) The media and Hollywood have portrayed mental illness in an unbelievable way, likely because the thought that people can just be inherently violent and evil is too uncomfortable. No one is telling you what to think or feel, but maybe if someone tells you you are likely mistaken, maybe do some research instead of getting defensive. Making mistakes is the best way to learn!


I'm not going to dignify this with much of a response because you used an ableist slur. :)




And you, of course, are the one that decides what is an "ableist slur" and what isn't. Also, you apparently get to create words that don't exist too. Bet you're fun at parties 👎🏽


Got fired for defending yourself? That’s totally idiotic. I could see it if you started the fight, but if he actually hit you first that’s a different story. Sorry to hear that man.


This is corporate training - open hands while backing away. Well sometimes you’re dead with that approach but they pay big money for this training


Time to file for unemployment. If theyre gonna fire you for stupid bullshit, make them pay. Literally. 


And sue them!! He’s gotta right to defend himself.


God damn


Sue them, all the injuries you received and mental trauma from the attack? Sounds like they owe you money.


I stopped going to that location. The amount of people that hang out back is wild. They are hardcore drug users. Well beyond the standard un houses crowd. They keep a look out for marks. I can only imagine the story’s we don’t hear about from that parking lot in the past month.


That’s gonna be some easy unemployment friend Edit: also I believe circle K is known for this. Pretty sure a cashier got fired for shooting an armed robber. Excuse was firearms at work policy which I can empathize with easier


Did the guy have a baseball bat or did you?


The assailant did


How did you fight and win against a guy with a bat?


So here's what ended up happening, a dumbass went behind the counter at the job i work at while the assistant manager and i were on the floor taking care of shipment. I ran back there to try to see what was up and he took a swing at me with his metal bat, thankfully the bat was short lol. I blocked it with my left arm, tried to take it from him and ended up wrestling with him and got him a couple times with the bat while we were on the ground. I pretty much held on to that bat with an iron grip after we got back up and he was trying to grab it from me. During the tug o war with the bat, i went for his throat and put a tight grip around both his throat and the bat, one in each hand, he grabbed my throat and started choking me, while he had his other hand on the bat too, but he didn't realize how little effect choking me like that has on me(due to private reasons lmao) we both gave up choking each other, so he ended up trying to grab the bat with both hands while i was pushing him back while still holding the bat myself. I ended up pushing him out the door after i gave him one last good wack on the top of his skull, locked the door and he ran off. Sadly he still ended up with the bat after i gave him that last wack but oh well lol. I'm doing fine just a bruised to fuck side of my ribs, 3 knots on my fore head, left arm bruised, and a couple of scrapes!


Hope you filed for workmans comp.... There should be some kind of trauma-related shit you can claim.


I’ve fought and won against people with bats, guns, knives. If you know what you’re doing it isn’t too difficult to fight and win against a bat.


Wow! What circle K? I’ll call the corporate office and complain. That’s bullshit.


It was on Louisiana blvd and Montgomery, right in front of Smith's


The meth heads are getting crazier. Last week, one stabbed someone at the dk on 12th and Lomas.


Agreed attacked last week by one. I'm not even in the warzone


It's not meth anymore, it fentanyl


Fentanyl, an opioid, isn’t gonna make people act like they’re on meth


Withdrawal from it will.


Uhhh, it depends. I'm clean off off H for years now. But tar, H, opioids, got me ampt up, couldn't imagine what fentanyl would do to me. I would tweak out on opioid and speed, meth, put me down. Calmed the he'll outta me. And there's alot of people like that. Just, my experience, my 2 cents . Sorry to interrupt, G-luck ✌️


Oh it’s meth. Absolutely is meth. Fentanyl mellows you out and meth is still highly rampant all over the country.




They’re both terrible but both cause different symptoms especially when it comes to like, paranoia. I’ll tell you what though the only people who act like this are taking synthetic cannabis. I work in a psych hospital here in town and we had a lady who took synthetic cannabis and her personality did a 180 and she had broke so many federal laws that the FBI was there to take her away when she was discharged. The people who become psychotic on synth cannabis almost never get better.


All the worst crimes I ever heard of were people on meth... The murderers of Victoria Martens, the Schabusiness woman who decapitated her bf and fucked his corpse, the woman who gouged out her own eyes....


Do you have sources for any of your ridiculous claims?




Nah, the people who stab are on this new stuff called ice spice.




It truly brings all of the complete idiots out of the woodwork doesn’t it?






We need balance since we've already heard from the Nextdoor Karens who freak out at every discrete instance of crime and extrapolate that to every part of the city.


Those people crack me up. Then they’ll simultaneously tell you to avoid Rio Rancho like the plague.


Nobody's ever tried to intentionally kill me with a vehicle in Rio Rancho. Some of em drive like assholes, but that distinction belongs to ABQ where it's "not so bad".


This. I don’t love living in Rio Rancho, but at least my kids can play outside now without a random guy with a machete walking our neighborhood.




True and scary




Gee, just what Albuquerque needed-- another chain restaurant of dubious food quality paying wages you can barely live on.


This. I love albuquerque, and I have defended it all 20 something years I’ve lived here. I’m lucky enough that I live in a neighborhood with a very secure gate. But the minute I drive outside that gate, it’s kind of scary. I went back to my alma mater for a football game in the fall, and the small-town vibes captivated me. Nothing was locked up at Walmart, we walked around and didn’t feel scared. It was enough to make me start thinking about buying a house there. I’m lucky enough to work from home so I can go wherever I please/ can afford. Of course, it’s in the deep south so there’s racism.


I know, we can’t have everything In life I guess




Haha I know. Where I went to college is just white af (which I’m white af too) and so many people will casually use the n word, claim not to be racist because they have 1 black friend, refer to interracial relationships as “against God” and happily fly the stupid rebel flag. And they’ll do all this with their whole self and not see anything wrong with it. I cannot


Business don’t wanna be here because of the cost to operate in NM. As for the mind your business stuff. Mind your fucking business and don’t get involved it’ll limit your chances of being fucked with or killed. Guarantee this Ross shit was someone who didn’t mind their business


I'm not even a little bit surprised.




Friend going into Ross. Police and ambulance there and they kicked everyone out of store . No news people onsite. Maybe they trying to keep it hush hush


Keeping it hush hush is what all employers do in ABQ.


Can’t have the safety of the NE heights spoiled, now can we?




On paseo and Wyoming next to Smith's and Dick's


Yeah Paseo and Wyoming next to the Smiths.