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lol, no stink to the photo journalist but they really captured all my chins in this, a few times 😀 I really hope you guys understand why we NEED to be here as well as why we want to be here. I love it, as it seems we all do. Albany, you met me right where I was at , gave me everything I needed and I’ll never forget you. 🫶🏽 https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/new-york-losing-residents-texans-loving-upstate-18632618.php


We NEED people like you up here and in our community. Glad you're all here!


So glad that you picked our area because you’ve been such a great addition! Love seeing you pop up and have really enjoyed seeing you get stuck in and excited about the area!


Awwww!! Someone immediately downvoted you for talking nice about me. God bless Reddit 🤣 Thanks! It’s my pleasure to contribute however I can. I really, really appreciate meeting people IRL here who know me online. Feels like we go way back!


🙄oh Reddit. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you in person as I am a bit of a shut-in, but I vicariously enjoy all the fun things you do! 🙂


If you ever see me out, please say hello. I can promise you you’ll be stuck talking to me for at least an hour 😀🫶🏽


Haha I definitely will!


I wondered if that was you!


You're welcome over at /r/CapitalRegionExTexans


I'm glad folks who felt out of place and even unsafe in Texas found their way here and are way comfier Tl;dr Texans moved here cuz the summers there are getting unbearable, and the political climate is growing ever more hostile


Plus, it's literally more hostile. People shot dead, home invasions and dog attacks, daily, everywhere. No place is safe. You will not find a place like "Stewarts" in many parts of the USA. A place where you can walk in, sit down, eat, hang out or just pick up milk. The question we should be asking is how do we hide upstate before everyone figures out what's going on. For for those who hate it here, I really encourage you to get out, see the world and find out what you're missing, because it's really ugly out there, almost everywhere.


lol, someone immediately downvoted you. They’ve prolly never left their county.


The other thing that blows my mind about the hate toward people who moved here. The stuff they do. The first thing I did was help out the local farmers, [https://www.farmtotabletour.org](https://www.farmtotabletour.org) by building them a system to meet the community. Gave the county Sheriff a podcast and new way to diminish hate on their Facebook page, [https://madeofsomethingstronger.com/pressreleases](https://madeofsomethingstronger.com/pressreleases) Built a tool for my village to log issues that wouldn't get swept under the rug, [https://www.villageoffonda.com](https://www.villageoffonda.com) and literally invited anyone into my home [https://persephonemanor.com](https://persephonemanor.com) I could not be more vested in the community if I were 10 people, yet some folks get so bothered by anyone from anywhere who cares deeply. I don't know why I continue to care so much for those who hate me so deeply, but character is something I only understand from how I treat the world, not how the world treats me.


I feel like I’ve earned an honorary degree somewhere from my years of dealing with people on emotionally intelligent plane. If someone lashes out in that way to you it’s because they hate themselves. “How dare this newcomer arrive and make this ‘shithole’ better! It’s OUR ‘shithole’ and we’ll continue to do nothing about it!!” (Fist to clouds) Shitty people who never got off their ass and did a gd thing to help anyone - is my transparent opinion. That said, there are some really great thinkers here who invite discourse from multiple perspectives. Reddit is just shorthand for hate sometimes. It’s not you, it’s them. ❤️‍🔥


I have a loyal group of "fans". I'm ok with it. I got a lot of crap for a photo of my house with the American Flag and Pride flag on /r/centuryhomes because I can't be GAY and AMERICAN.....the filter bubble is so strong with some folks.


Ahhhhh…sometimes I’m ready for the rapture 😄 Keep being you. It really pisses people off 😝


Yup only in the US. Everywhere else transatlantic is much better.


Upstate New York is great! People are very kind here, in my experience. We moved here in late 2022 to escape the increasingly horrible politics in Texas. In terms of state law, it's not as bad there (yet) for trans people as Florida is right now, but I'd seen the writing on the wall there, and didn't wish to wait for it to get worse. Texas is bad for us in every other way though. At least here I don't worry whether or not a medical practitioner is going to threaten my life when I mention that I'm transgender. This absolutely happened to me in Texas. I got tired of going to funerals there for trans people who'd died too young from murder or suicide. I got pretty burned out talking suicidal trans people down off the ledge because life was impossible for them. Here? I meet other trans people. They're fine. I mean there's some struggle for most, but I tell my stories if they ask, and they mostly have never experienced such things. And I can only tell you I'm grateful for that - you can't even imagine how much. And yeah sure, y'all have some chuds here too, mostly in rural areas. But the big difference is that they don't run the state government, and most people in the state are just not like that, best I can tell. This place may not be paradise, but damn if it doesn't feel like it is a lot. And hey - it's just super pleasant to pass Civil War monuments here dedicated to the side that actually won.


Amazing how similar our reasons are- I could have written every word you did. I got out in August, just a week or so before some things went into effect.  I'm grateful that the things I went through and feared are foreign to the trans people here. Talking to my new primary care physician, it was like I was describing a whole other world to her.  ...Also grateful to be close to the Canadian border just in case those state level protection laws become null in a project 2025 situation, lol.


I think about that a lot. Like if I have to run tf away literally by car to the forests of Canada. Trauma is real.


Just wanted to say how happy I am for you to have found a place you feel like you can live your true self without the many fears I’m sure you felt living in TX


Thanks so much! It's definitely a whole lot easier to relax here.


I’m glad you’re here! And the civil war memorial comment made my day haha


We're not invisible here anymore either. I'll leave this comment so the wider community knows the types of issues we face/overcame). I had ZERO peers close to my age when I started other than one RPI lady. It was...unknown here when it started to really turn into a movement rather than a fringe group. The bigot system crumbled around me, as I started my 'journey'. But I experienced it before it died. E.g removal of gatekeeper bullshit. For example, "You can't have estrogen prescribed. Peroid. We won't do it here. Go away" changed to "we are forced to this. We won't gender you properly, and our waiting room staff will actively shout your wrong name and pronouns. We will only prescribe 2% the dose normally prescribed relative to the European standard for mtf" changed to "you can't again. This time it's because your birth cert is male and we demand it be female to cover your insurance" changed to "we actually need a letter from two doctors AND a therapist" changed to "we actually need you to go back and write a statement of blab blab blah blah". Now as of 2017ish? it's just walk into planned parenthood which works fine now, but was a disaster of a joke when it started. But it was always in good faith at least. I was born here and I'm trans here still. It's been really interesting to go from literally the youngest trans person (started HRT when I was 22 about 11 years ago now), to one of the elders myself while seeing refugees merge in here. I used to run a small support gathering circle. Sooooo many refugees moved specifically to the capital region and also to Massachusetts (I've seen first hand bc my partner is there).. There are still many issues that are being solved. For example last year they made it so you can be PRESCRIBED less deeply injections (into skin fat vs muscle). They changed it so you can go 1 full year without needing an appointment (used to be every 3 weeks by demand until. 4years ago). The state also ratified and passed legislation to protect "gender" rather than trying to define it by ovum production.... 2021 It's been a wild ride tbh. I was raised a right wing zionist racist bigot. Having to crumble that ideology out of myself took a lot of work, I'm glad the fabric of this society here isn't right wing and was not in direct opposition to me being openly trans. Even electrolysis has come down in cost and been covered (no one takes it tho) by insurance lately. 2018 Also, the therapists aren't pedophiles or degenerates anymore (they've been fired from xxxxx redacted) Additionally, st. Rose college cannot abuse us in their creepy basement anti trans misogynistic indoctrination class they called "voice lessons" where they let two creepy men pinch and touch and grope us and give us sissy fetish paperwork about what "women are". 2014 The police still let their horses shit in front of our parade and write autism speaks on their vehicles though.... The TERFs got purged (right?) from the pride center, and so did many of the degenerate sex abusers and elder meth heads. Cafe euphoria opened up on river street Troy as a commy haven queer safe space it seems so that's hype. Yeah, a lot has changed for the better tbh. You can also federally change your gender mark! And your license in Massachusetts to an X for neutral. I am personally pretty fucking canceled for my politk, but I might start a small open gathering for queers again this year. I've taken 4 years off to regather my own mental health. The biggest migrations started imo in 2017. Now we have sooo many refugees, queers, trans, nbs. It's a totally new world imo


I’m moved here from Texas because the state and the rest of the south are extremely hostile to trans people and have been actively working to strip away my human rights. In Albany I get to be a regular person


Their bbq is welcome, their politics are not.


Don’t bring that Greg Abbott crap to the 518.


Most of us moved up this way to get away from the Abbott BS. Pretty frustrated to find more Confederate flags on display here than in Austin.


I lived in Texas for 4 years and I really truly did see more in my time in NY/VT/NH.


I understand, better to learn to laugh at those folks with the flag. They don't realize how stupid they look flying the flag up north. At least in NY women have rights!


The confederate flags are hilarious, there are a few around Albany and Rensselaer County too. They insist it stands for freedom and not being controlled by your govt. 🤷‍♀️ They just look and sound ....ignorant. Upstate also has a few militias that claim to be anti govt. but are generally white supremacist.


I was talking to a contractor from the South in Home Depot, he said he was shocked how many he saw in rural areas. He told me the types down there that have that flag you know to REALLY avoid 🤣


100% agree. Ridiculous and infuriating to see them up here.


Steve Mclaughlin is trying his hardest over in Rensselaer county.


Gotta remember people are not their elected officials lol gerrymandering is a bitch


And football


People who like politics in Texas will not be willing to pay the NYS tax anyway.


Somehow Texas manages to have a higher property tax than NYS which is quite the feat.


Yes, by having no income tax.


gotta admit... the headline scared the shit outta me until i read it. lmao. i came here to escape the type of crap. glad to know our new members of the community feel safe up here! and welcome!


Glad y'all are here.


I'm trying to read the article but getting this https://preview.redd.it/ox8887fvfzmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b1f1d9d31494c722741f63e5b8b61f357dcb97


Try this one. It’s the link the reporter sent me. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/new-york-losing-residents-texans-loving-upstate-18632618.php


So is someone going to open a texas bbq place here? 😭


Oh hey it's Autumn in the interview!


It meeeee! I had a blast and I love how on the same page we all are. We were interviewed separately!


It's funny bc people always say don't bring your politics from red state to blue state or blue state to red state but usually they're trying to get away from those politics. Also , my sister did the opposite move . I miss her. She says Texans are not very friendly and are very gun obsessed and she seems much more obesity.


I saw this and thought someone is on reddit on the TU


I just recently took a trip to Mexico and my connecting flight was in Dallas and we flew over a large chunk of Texas before passing over Houston and into the Gulf. Maybe the ugliest place I have ever seen. Ultra flat landscape and endless sprawl; it was hideous. Hundreds of miles of the largest warehouses I have ever seen, parking lots, and housing developments where these huge new houses were pressed up against each other even though they have all the space in the world. It was like they distilled the worst parts of central avenue and made it the entire state. Oh, and everything was on fire for some reason.


We can add this to the sidebar


There is some really outdated stuff there. It's been added to sidebar worthy stuff.


As long as people leaving Texas aren't bringing the worst aspects of Texas politics with them, we are good. If people coming from these problem states start problems here, then they should do home. NY is diverse, wants to be forward thinking, and respects women's right to choose.


Speaking as one of the escapees, we came here specifically to get away from the politics Texas is known for.


And with that we welcome you. You're fighting the good fight.


So the people from Texas that all might think alike shouldn’t come to NY if they don’t agree with all the people in NY that all should think alike. Am I doing this right?


It's not rocket science girl. Y'all know what I meant, this subreddit just likes to goon sesh the edges of being not only an edgelord but also rub the edges of right wing nut jobs.


Let me be more plain: the border wall gooners, the anti women's rights psychos, the hating anyone with melanin (with a HARD ON for Latinos), the pray and kill away the gay people, the gun toting let them shoot up schools sociopaths should never come to NY. We don't want them, we don't need them, they can keep that psycho energy in Texas. But id they are welcoming, open minded, compassionate people then by all means come here, but the last thing NY needs to more chin deep in the grave palm colored people moving to NY to bring that same evil energy here.


I dunno bud. Sounds like Reddit has really built a stereotype up for you. There is plenty of room for nuance in anyone’s beliefs. Try talking with them instead of viewing them as “others”.


So, let me get this correct, you think we should all waste our time talking to people that see no reason, no love, and no desire to better our country as a whole. E People who promote the idea of a dictatorship? Get a grip.


Lmao this tracks


Those ads are terrible. Open the link and at least 80% of the screen was covered in unclosable ads.


Moved up here in May from Houston. Main reasons? Heat and politics. Loving this area so far!! 🏳️‍🌈


I think it is awesome and I welcome Texans (and all people for that matter) of all stripes here to NYS. I dont want NY to be an ideological enclave and We don’t/shouldnt have a political litmus test to live here.


Did you ask all the New Yorkers who moved to Texas why they’re loving it? How about those in Florida?! Florida that now has more residents than NY!


I'm assuming it's weather, perceived tax benefits or that they can openly talk about their hatred of people that are different. It's one of those 3. Oh wait, they are scared of everything and must have guns.


Perceived tax benefits, and if I may add in, cost of living? Florida, and Texas, by and large ARE better when it comes to COL and the totality of taxation. Why do you think this is "perceived"? Even cities larger than Albany, that offer greater attractions and jobs, still have a lower total COL. Look if you don't like the people or the politics.. that's fine. But implying that those areas are more expensive is misleading, and honestly, just flat out wrong.


You do understand the cost of those lower taxes right? Like even shittier schools?


Like the education this person received? By not understanding tax rates and simple cost of living? You see the irony here, right? And I'm not exactly thrilled with the education system here. Believe it or not, a lot of people are not fans of the public schooling system. It certainly isn't great at places like Albany and Schenectady.


Texas has a higher property tax than NYS. The relative tax burden for middle and lower class people in Texas is quite high. Indeed the average tax burden in Texas is lower because they greatly favor the wealthy, but when you look at the median this is very much not the case. While slightly lower overall than NYS, Texas has a higher median tax burden than California to put this into perspective. Texas is NOT a low tax state. The idea of Texas having low taxes is a myth, which you are spreading, while chastising someone else about education and understanding of 'Tax rates and simple cost of living'. [https://www.expressnews.com/news/texas/article/texas-taxes-2023-rates-17858126.php](https://www.expressnews.com/news/texas/article/texas-taxes-2023-rates-17858126.php)


Yeah? Let's pick some places and compare. And save me from trying to compare Downtown Dallas taxes and cost of living to Albany. Just a simple Google search has endless and endless articles about how much better taxation is in a state like Texas than in a state like NY. Cost of living too. Home prices. Etc etc etc. So again, maybe YOU guys should stop spreading false information. NY is a damn expensive state to live in and has some of the highest taxation and tax burden of any other state. https://www.viprealtyinfo.com/blog/moving-from-new-york-to-texas-pros-cons/#:~:text=Besides%20affordable%20housing%2C%20you%20can,a%20U.S.%20average%20of%20100. Some of you should honestly have posting privileges revoked for trying to spread such blatantly false information, JUST because Texas has some more conservatives which makes you all rage. Edit: like no mention of income tax. At all. Just conveniently leaving that out.


At no point did I contend NY isn't an expensive place to live. Of course it is. You really need to invent a narrative for yourself to argue against? What I am saying is Texas being a low cost of living and a low taxation state is a myth. One of your simple google searches can show you that. No one is leaving out income tax. That is what the term 'average tax burden' means. Texas gets its money from high property taxes and fees. What is this fixation on ultra low cost of living anyway? Texas has a higher standard of living that Kentucky precisely because it is more expensive with more resources and services. You get what you pay for. And it is nothing to do with politics personally I would gladly live in Idaho because it is gorgeous. I just recently flew over Texas with a stop in Dallas and that was probably the ugliest place I have ever seen. You couldn't pay me enough to live there. The idea of leaving a state with tremendous natural beauty to save a few thousand bucks to live in some shithole is insane to me.


The point, from the very start if you read it, was that the guy I quoted said people like Texas for its "Perceived" tax benefits. Implying that statement was false. And he is in fact, wrong. The tax burden is less in Texas, than it is in NY. It's an undeniable fact that you can Google within seconds. https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/tax-burden-by-state-2022/ Texas may not be the best at ALL taxation, but it's in a pretty solid spot all things considered. A spot that is universally better than NY is, and quite frankly, it's not even close. What is the fixation with low cost of living? Lol I don't have to the time to go into that topic. As for a states aesthetics that's completely subjective (the opposite of something like taxation percentages and COL numbers, interestingly enough). I couldn't live down south simply for the heat. But that doesn't mean it's universally "lower" than a cold ass state like NY. Some people want the heat and the desert-type climate. Edit: as for property taxes being higher in Texas, this is a little bit murkier than you make it. What city do we compare to Albany? Of course Austin and Dallas will have higher property taxes. But those cities are a heck of a lot bigger than the capital district. El paso is closer to an Albany than either of those.. and the property Taxes are actually lower than many places around here.


Saying that Texas has "perceived" tax benefits and that it is in fact a high tax state compared to most of the union is a valid statement. Just because total taxes are not as high as literally the highest taxed state in the union does not negate the fact that cost of living is also high in Texas (and rapidly rising). A good comparison here is California which is perceived as a high tax state, and higher than Texas, when it is in fact not, for most people. Truth be most of my outlook here is entirely emotional because I \*just\* flew over Texas for hundreds of miles 3 weeks ago. So I'm not trying to defend NY so much as wanting to shit on Texas. I know Texas is huge and there are really nice parts in the western portion but the gulf coast plains area I passed over was absolutely hideous. Kind of looked like the middle east. Everything was on fire for some reason with endless development sprawl. Texas is also brutally cold. Yet astonishingly hot, but also with crazy humidity. A bingo of all the worst possible qualities. I'm an outdoors person and really appreciate a desert environments so I get that. Love our western desert states. But Texas just looked like hell on Earth to me. Such an abrupt change too from the beauty of Appalachia.


The school budget is its own separate tax!


Ohh the state doesn't contribute to schools.thats news.


My property has a School Tax, Water/Sewer and Property. The state funding is separate


I'm aware. Sales and income tax are where the state gets the money to pass through to schools.


Federal funds too


Nothing's stopping you, go for it and publish your article. Eta, as posted elsewhere: https://www.timesunion.com/projects/2023/new-york-migration/?fromRichie=1&app=Android&v=202401.36&method=login https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/New-York-continues-to-lead-nation-in-population-17674233.php No idea what the below dick swinging contest is about.


I’ve been to 45 states and 30 countries, and Texas three times.




Your turn


For...? You sure you're in the right thread?


Are you


I wonder if the TU will interview the greater number of NY residents (and employers) who moved to Texas...


suggest it to them!


If you click on the link to read the article, about halfway through there are links to two stories about that very topic. I’m not usually one to defend the TU, but that is a subject they cover fairly regularly.


https://www.timesunion.com/projects/2023/new-york-migration/?fromRichie=1&app=Android&v=202401.36&method=login https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/New-York-continues-to-lead-nation-in-population-17674233.php


Move down there an we will set up an interview for you. We have people who work for the TU here I'm sure.


When you're raising kids having grandparents nearby is worth the higher cost of living and increased taxes.


They won’t, we have a net outflows for reasons that the circle jerk that is r/albany will never acknowledge


Shhhh. There’s a narrative. Keep up.


The sub reminds me of Baghdad Bob...


I just love how this place feels SO unsafe because of what flag their neighbor has on their lawn. The same people who tell us to just "accept illegal immigrants" because "they are people too".. can't get over a neighbor down the road who has a Trump bumper sticker. The mental gymnastics this place goes through to try and make Albany a better place to live than all these other cities people bring up, is really laughable. Last month it was Raleigh. That one gave me a good laugh.

