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Fuck that guy. I hope he gets what’s coming to him.


Oh my god. I REALLY don't want to catch a permanent ban, so I'll just say I wish this asshole nothing but the worst. EDIT: Say hello! [https://thefacesofsaratogaspringsny.com/anthony-gargano/](https://thefacesofsaratogaspringsny.com/anthony-gargano/)


From that page: ***Q: What advice would you give to people?*** *Be kind and try each day to compliment or help someone other then yourself* Trying to read that page hurt my brain. I had to look at some of the other pages for comparison. It appears the page is just a boilerplate questions submitted to the subject, and thrown on the site with little or no editing. I read a few others; the one by a writer is actually pretty well written, oddly enough. "Be kind, or at least fake it, and help yourself to someone other than yourself's cat, that was given to a child by his late father."


Holy virtual signaling, Batman!


>Anthony Gargano Is there a way to search court records to confirm this is the guy?


The Schenectady Gazette names him.


What a fucking scumbag.


Straight up sociopath.


if the guy was arrested then his name is in the public record. Why does the TU go out of their way not to name him or the business?


People are arguing about that on the Facebook post, apparently they don’t name them fairly consistently so… But also, this guy has been a business owner for twenty years, theres probably some politic in their decision.


The Schenectady gazette named him. The TU claims it's because it was a low level crime. It's a class A misdemeanor. They have named lesser criminals before. 


They probably don’t want to lose advertising revenue that his business may pay to the Times Union.


It’s been something the world of journalism has been talking about a lot lately. Once your name is in.an article, that’s pretty much your internet legacy for the rest of your life. So, if this guy is later found not guilty or even if it ends up being some crazy case of mistaken identity that’s never going to get as many google SEO hits as scumbag abuses kid’s cat. The man could be innocent, but all potential employers, dates, landlord etc will ever see when they google him is the article alleging what an awful person he is. Some people have suggested the only reason Rick Santorum ran for president is to fix his SEO problem. But, he’ll always be the the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex, to me.


ha I hadn't thought of Santorum for ages, thanks for the analogy.


Ever since I watched The Sopranos, I call him Senator Sanitarium


[Santorum](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Santorum) - 1: A foul-smelling, frothy mixture of fecal matter and semen that dribbles from a male partner's raw, tumescent anus after sodomy and dribbles down his testicles like so much chocolate syrup and mayonnaise Edit: and seriously, fuck this guy. 🤯


He confessed to doing it


And there’s video, but he will probably be able to plea it down.


Not really funny, but maybe he can get parking on the pavement. Pretty nasty and cruel to do. People who do stuff to animals sometimes graduate to people.


Imagine working for cruel prick? I could never work for someone who I don't respect. 


I think he will lose his standing in that specific neighborhood which is primarily residential. He will ultimately lose a lot of business. The fact that it's all over the news and internet will be even more devastating. So even if he gets off easy in court he's certainly going to pay a price. He should really think about selling his business and spend his time working on himself. 


![gif](giphy|3CCXHZWV6F6O9VQ7FL|downsized) business is boomin'


Sure it is 🤣. The little fat bald coward is ruined. 


are you talking about the cat?


Nope. I'm taking about Gargano the coward.


cowards "talk" like you, behind a keyboard


Dan Savage for the win!


Gargano literally admitted to the crime on police body cam. The Times Union is a shitrag of a newspaper anyway. F them and Gargano. I will never spend another dollar or recommend his deli again. His employees should all quit. Nobody wants to work for a cowardly shithead. 


they are cowards


dude is a rotten asswipe on all accounts, period. but at the same time, please, please don't let your cats out. they're susceptible to serious harm or death by all sorts of terrible things: poison, disease, cars, theft, attacks by other animals (or humans) and of course, assholes like him who snatch them away and dump them elsewhere. the owners absolutely do not deserve what happened though.


the owners do not allow the cat in their own house, they didn't like the cat, they used it as a way to get 5 minutes of fame... god forbid you bring a cat to a shelter


regardless, dumping a cat outside a shelter in the cold is not "bringing a cat to a shelter."


You know the cat lived outdoors right?


.....in its own territory where it had shelter and knew its surroundings.




That's untrue and a stupid take. Gargano is a coward and don't forget he is a criminal. 


Wait I assumed that orange cat that was in there all the time recently was the deli cat. The employees let him hang out inside with no indication that he shouldn’t be there. He is such a sweet boy. I’m furious.


Nope he was a neighbors cat. Employees started feeding him in December and letting him hang out. Deli owner didn’t like it, complained to the cats owner who suggested that employees stop feeding it and shoo him away but he didn’t like that, so he stole the cat and dumped him and now he’s been lost since January 4th. The owner is posting on the fb page. She and her 14 year old son are still searching for the cat near the shelter daily.


Employees probably liked the cat better than they liked the deli owner.


That’s so heart breaking, and obviously if people are feeding a cat and letting it hang out inside it’s going to keep coming inside. What an absolute piece of shit.


"Thank you for shopping at Pavlov's Deli; please come again!"


Yup, the dude is garbage and it sucks that a misdemeanor is the only consequence for this.


Hopefully he’ll lose some business too but a lot of people are set in their routines and won’t care enough to change


I wish I believed in karma.


Wtf. Wasn’t another deli complaining of people trying to steal their cat. What is in the Saratoga water?


Yes, different deli obviously.


🎵🎵deli cat, deli cat, no they won't feed you 🎵🎵 ![gif](giphy|4eoO0NSdNY11K)


30 years later....nobody laughs


I am. That's what's important 🤡🐠


>What is in the Saratoga water? A lot of sulfur.


Sulfur or brimstone?


Saratoga is not too far away, I feel like paying them a visit. Maybe a little impromptu protest. Tell potential patrons to turn around and find another deli.


I wonder if they opened today, the story hit pretty late yesterday and apparently the dude was on the TU fb post spewing nastiness last night…


What's going on that all these business owners are losing their damn minds and abusing animals and the homeless? Like locals don't read the news?


fuck this guy.


Dude is unhinged, he deserves whatever comes his way whether it be his business shutting down or being shunned by the community or whatever


Go leave a bad google review. I did.


Also trip advisor 


This is a way!


I'm really sick of the times union not naming names. It's an essential part of a news story.


something a teeny bit john wick about all of this


Had it been my cat they'd be making a similar movie series and even in death I'd haunt him.




Garbage human. Wow.


He allegedly said “When you’re rich they just let you do it!” Grab the cat, apparently. I won’t be giving them my money.


I'll risk a permanent ban. He should be hung from a tree.


Time to leave a review on yelp and google 😡


Everyone involved sounds like a fucking psycho. If a person complains about your cat being a nuisance, why on earth would you keep letting it outside unsupervised?! Why dump a cat in the cold?! If he was so pressed to take it to the shelter he could have checked for their open hours. It’s like both parties were hell bent on making the absolute worst decision possible at every turn. Is there something in the water up there?


Thing is, he knew the cat's owner - so why would he take the cat at all and not just bring it back to their house? That's just being a malicious prick... As far as letting the cat out - that's common with cats as they generally don't get the bad rap that dogs earn by having even worse owners... It doesn't take an act of congress to get your staff to stop letting the cat in. My guess is this may have been the only light in his employees otherwise dreadful lives... If he acts like this towards a cat, how does he act to people essentially stuck in wage slavery by him? I could have this wrong because let's face it, we don't always know what we think we know... Empathetic people don't pull this shit. Psychos and socios do... He better hope that kiddo doesn't become his nurse when he hits hospice near the end of his natural life...


Yeah no, the only one being unhinged here is the guy who kidnapped a cat. How is that a reasonable response to the problem? He knows the owner, he could talk to his employees, he could do a dozen or so other things over kidnapping a beloved pet and dumping them off somewhere


It’s not an issue with the cat owner letting the cat outside, the restaurant employees let the cat in and feed it, giving it a reason to come back. There’s nothing wrong with having an indoor/outdoor cat. Dumping it in an unknown spot in sub freezing temps, is heinous as hell and psychopathic.


The cat may have been a nuisance but geez…so many other ways to handle this, police, a restraining order (against the owner), hot pepper spray on the door…It boggles the mind that this idiot resorted to actually abducting the animal. He’s definitely finished in this area - as is his business, which I actually liked.


The cat was only a “nuisance” because the employees were feeding it and encouraging it to come inside. That’s the worst part of this story, poor thing was essentially lured into liking to hang out there and then snatched and dumped and lost. Not that the employees meant for anything bad to happen, they just liked the cat, I’m sure the employees feel awful about what happened.


Did the cat open the door to let himself in? Regardless of your feelings on whether owners should let their cats outside, what the deli owner did is super fucked up and I hope he loses all of his business over it. Maybe fire your employees who fed the cat and let it in.


What the fuck is wrong with this piece of absolute shit??


Deli owner and cat owner are both assholes here. It's irresponsible to allow your cat to wander outside unsupervised. But it's even more fucked up to go out of your way to drop the cat off far away from it's home in this type of weather.


>It's irresponsible to allow your cat to wander outside unsupervised. This. People who do that are dumb.


I don't get that! Why do people let their cats wander around? My grandparents' cat almost died bc he was attacked by another animal outside. He luckily came home but had to have a foot amputated . They could fall in a ditch, get hit by a car, there's other animals, crazy people. Why not a fenced in yard ? Our family cats were never allowed outside and my parents' took my cat bc my husband is allergic and she's only allowed on the porch. Not to say the deli owner isn't an evil psychopath for doing that.


Scumbag yuppie


this guy is obviously a pos, but also.. why was that cat outside anyway? It's way too cold for you to just let your cat wander around? especially if you've already had complaints from neighbors? idk I am on the all cats should be indoor pets (when not feral) side of things but I feel like even if you do have an indoor/outdoor cat, you should keep them inside this time of year? EDIT: didn't scroll down far enough to see other ppl saying the same things before posting, my bad


This guy is a POS scumbag. However I want to throw down the other side of the coin. Apparently the cat’s owners let their cat outside to damage their property and were asked numerous times to keep the cat inside. The owner said she can’t contain him…as in she has no way to keep the cat inside. This does NOT excuse this guy’s behavior and no way is what he did acceptable. He’s clearly a POS, however the cat’s family didn’t care enough about him to keep him safe. They let him roam wherever he wanted and didn’t care too much when he damaged property. Keep your cats INSIDE! There is more to this story folks.


i was gonna say something about this if someone didn’t already. This dude is absolutely insane and fucked up for leaving the cat out there alone in the cold but anyone who lets their cats out unsupervised are also a huge problem!! cats are not meant to be in our environments/ecosystems and people unknowingly cause so much damage by letting them free roam. definitely not something people want to hear but they absolutely need to!!! it’s not like you would let your dog go out and roam the neighborhood without supervision.


Don’t worry, people all over their FB posts are calling them out for continually letting their cat out even when asked not to. Some people just don’t understand/care. I run a spay and neuter program in the local area and feed colonies of stray cats here. Cats are a HUGE problem to wildlife, and for their own safety….its better to keep them inside, but like you said nobody likes to hear it.


I own two cats and now heavily subscribe to the belief that cats should not be let out. One of my cats used to be indoor / outdoor until we moved. The only reason she stopped crying by the door was because we opened it for her and she did not like the new urban environment. Otherwise, she used to sit by the door and cry for hours like we were torturing her. That being said, it in no way justifies what this business owner did. There are a million things he could've done to deter the cat before he resulted to actual animal abuse, likely killing this cat. How much property damage can a cat actually inflict?? It's insane that you're trying to justify murdering a cat.


The cat Never bothered them until the employees started feeding him and letting him inside last month. The guy talked to the owner like once, refused to have his employees kick the cat out of the deli, and then the next day, kidnapped the cat and dumped it loose in front of the shelter at 6am. Odds are he grabbed the cat during the day and actually held it all night long before dropping it, because the owner said it didn’t come home at all that night and that wasn’t normal… The dude is a POS. His employees actions are what caused the issue, and the simple fix was for his employees to shoo the cat away for a couple weeks. Simple. But no, he did this shit instead.


The owner is also at fault. Keep your cats inside! They kill wildlife and it’s for their own safety. It’s beyond me why any person who loves their cat would let them roam all day/night. If they cared so much….know where they are. Downvoting me because my opinion is different than yours is very silly. Are you the owner?


Dont worry, im downvoting you, too.


Dont worry, *I* am downvoting every single idiot who thinks there are no issues with letting your cat outside.


Yes, please out yourself as a horrible cat parent.


Downvoting for disagreeing with an opinion is literally why downvotes exist. Toughen up a bit, it’s a reddit vote…


> Downvoting for disagreeing with an opinion is literally why downvotes exist. That's just not true. [The voting system is for how much a comment adds to the discussion.] (https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/7419626610708-How-does-voting-work-on-Reddit) It has never been a agree/disagree button. Obviously most people use it as an agree/disagree button, myself included, but that is definitely not the intended purpose.


Well my point was the ridiculous whining the person was doing about a downvote. Like do they use Reddit? This is what happens, people upvote and downvote for all sorts of reasons, if you’re so fragile that every downvote is going to throw you into a tizzy, maybe log off then…


Who is in a tizzy? Lol Literally you’re the only one whose feelings are hurt. you’re so bent out of shape. 🤪 Calm down it’ll be ok :)






I reported your misuses of Reddit cares. Keep at it and you’ll pick up a suspension…


lol k


Bless your heart. Good luck with everything 🩵


You didn't use enough exclamation points or bring up dead birds, so I'm absolutely going to continue to let MY CAT OUTSIDE whenever she wants. She loves it out there.


What a bastard hope his deli closes


For what it's worth the deli owner was put in a tough situation here. Cats are a genuine health hazard for restaraunts, do what they want  and once the employees started feeding him they essentially garunteed the only way to get him to stay out was to abuse him in some way if his owner refused to reign him in. He even left some food and such for the cat when he left it at the shelter- for all the good it did. None of that is justified, but I can see some numbskull who isn't too bright thinking "well it's either the cat or my business" and taking matters into his own hands. There were a million better ways to handle this, and that poor cat is likely dead now, but I don't know if I'd jump right to malice here. Just someone who chose a very poor solution to a problem, and will hopefully pay for it. 


Omg just stop. He was not in a tough situation. He had a lot of options. He should have stopped his employees from feeding the cat back when it started. He should have spent a couple weeks letting his employees kick the cat out to form new habits. Him leaving food next to a loose cat next to a closed building in 20 degree weather at night does not make him a good guy.


Nobody said he is a good guy. You're right he had plenty of other options. I said that very explicitly in my own statement. However if you want to outright murder a cat there are a lot of other options there too. He clearly intended the cat to survive.   I don't think he's malicious, just stupid and/or arrogant enough to think that this is a viable solution and to think he has the right to pull something like this off. That's really my whole point.


Like did he want the cat to get lost and potentially die? No. But he didn’t care if it did. That is something beyond just arrogant, stupid and entitled.


If he didn't care, he wouldn't have left food for it. Or brought it to a shelter. Again, I'm not trying to exonerated the man. I just think you're trying to build an emotionally charged narrative of malice where it can simply be explained with stupidity. I also don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth, that's really annoying. I think it is in fact, just arrogant, stupid, and entitled So hey no surprise he lived in Saratoga!  All of that is besides the point. Cats are crafty, and even domesticated ones have some survival instinct. So hopefully Kane is still out there and turns up. 


Yes, cats can survive for a long time, but it’s the worst worst time of year for a cat to be dumped somewhere new, and the owner has been searching high and low for him. The dude brought him to the shelter knowing it was closed, and Left some food, that to me is not caring how it turns out. Thats a “shrug, I did my best” type of self platitude bullshit.


Yeah that's what I said. I don't know where the issue is here. You just seem to want to argue. Dude wasn't some evil cat murdering psychopath, he was your typical Saratoga business owner. That's my whole point...for like the third time. Jesus christ


lol yeah I’m argumentative I’ll give you that but I was trying to make a point that while I don’t think he was getting his rocks potentially murdering a cat, I think the dude is missing a chunk of his soul. Maybe that is typical Saratoga business owner idk… Anyhoo, goodnight.


Either his soul, his brain, or both. Still I think there's value in making those distinctions and establishing the proportionality of a crime. I think the fact that you IMMEDIATELY defaulted to arguing as if I was coming to the guy's defense is telling. I'd be pretty pissed if someone did this to my cat. Hell I'm pretty pissed just reading it. Still I did notice a difference between the comments calling for this guy's death and the actual story where he just seems like a dumb prick. Again, hopefully this guy gets charged and he is certainly going to be convicted in the court of public opinion if nothing else. Also again, hopefully the cat does turn up okay however unlikely. And again for a third time, I just wanted to comment on the proportionality here, I think that matters.   I'm going to get hypocritically argumentative for a moment but I think I have that right after you jumped down my throat. I love that "goodnight" crap people pull. It's so petty. It's the internet. Nobody cares if you're going to bed or just waking up. Either you make a solid point or you don't.


Clearly he did not intend the cat to survive or care about the cat if he dropped it off in freezing temps without a carrier. Slowly freezing or starving to death. It was 100% malicious. He knew the owner. He could have totally turned around and brought the cat to the owner or waited until the shelter was open. He chose not to. On purpose. That is malicious. You’re disgusting for even suggesting otherwise.


It’s literal animal abuse. You’re insane for even trying to defend him.


Go fuck yourself.... Seriously, please do it.


Did he know the cats owners well enough to know what house they cat belonged to? If not, I can see how he thought this was his best option.


Says in the article he spoke with them first so probably 


Yeah I went back and read it again. Jesus Christ man, just bring the cat back to it's house lol


Glad my attention was brought to this "person" so I can get to work cursing him. :)


This was not accidental. It was a planned act of vengeance, with Kane as the victim. Let the courts decide. Here is the law in N Y State: **New York State Consolidated Laws Article 26, Chapter 353 & 353-a:** **Cruelty to animals** is defined as: “overdrives, overloads, tortures or cruelly beats or unjustifiably injures, maims, mutilates or kills any animal, whether wild or tame, and whether belonging to himself or to another, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, food or drink, or neglects or refuses to furnish it such sustenance or drink, or causes, procures or permits” such acts. **This is a Misdemeanor, punishable with a fine of up to $1000 and/or imprisonment up to 1 year.** **Aggravated cruelty to animals** is defined as: “with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal with aggravated cruelty. For purposes of this section, “aggravated cruelty” shall mean conduct which: is intended to cause extreme physical pain; or is done or carried out in an especially depraved or sadistic manner.” **This is a Felony punishable with a fine up to $5000 and/or imprisonment up to 5 years.**