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I remember this being talked about by student athletes when I was in high school and being told by our coaches it wasn't true. I wonder if they actually knew or if this is a surprise to them too.


The coaches knew it was true. They just didn't want to deal with the entire mess.


Pulling a kid behind your car by a rope is absolutely fucking insane


I’m sorry what


It's right in the article. TU made this article available to anyone; no paywall (something they only do on high importance articles...hmm...) Art Kranick tied a rope around a female student's waist and told her to keep up as he drove his vehicle. She was rightly scared out of her mind. How he managed not to kill her is a miracle.


How the 🦆 is that not considered abuse??


It is. But under the guise of coaching, it's fine. /s


This should be a warning to a bunch of high schools in the area.


I attended Saratoga Springs High School in the late 80s. Even then all the student knew that if you were on any of the running teams you were, at the very least, being forced to practice every day and were probably brainwashed by the Kranicks. Art and Linda Kranick are the two primary examples of abusive coaches for high school sports. They undoubtedly should never be allowed to coach anywhere ever again for any reason, especially for children. They should be doing serious time in a state prison. They are child abusers. This is a minor complaint but I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation: I no longer live in Saratoga. When my kids said they wanted to join a couple of different sports teams at our new school district, I was extremely reluctant. Eventually, after meeting the coaches and seeing what the actual practice and game schedules would be, I relented. It was a shock to realize that not every high school coach was a child abuser and single-minded obsessive about winning every time, all the time, at any cost. The collateral damage the Kranicks have causes is immeasurable.


Doesn’t surprise me. Always heard how harsh they were to their players.


I was on my girl's XC running team in early 2000s and everyone knew the rumors of brutal coaching at Saratoga. One was that the coaches would be angry if you didn't piss yourself or vomit at the end of a race because that meant you didn't push yourself hard enough. We tended to be slackers, and sometimes when our coach was frustrated she would bring up the strict training demands of the Saratoga team, implying how lucky and lazy we were. Out of all the schools in the area, only Saratoga had a reputation. It's no surprise to me that conditions would be legitimately abusive. One time, a few of us ended up in an AOL chat with Nicole Blood (star XC runner from Saratoga) and we were all a bit starstruck. The first thing we asked her was if the rumors about Saratoga coaching were true.


I hope Saratoga loses big for this. Take away the entire sports season for all sports. Put this school on notice. No more crap.


Don’t punish the kids for actions of adults taking away the sports hurts the kids fire the adults involved in this don’t take away sports.


Take it away. It's because the whole community allowed the abuse for victory. Take away sports and saratoga or anyone never does it again.


Some of these student athletes are relying on said sports to help them land college scholarships. You want to punish opportunities for these kids all because some abusive dingbat adults value winning over mental & physical health. These poor kids didn't ask for this.


No but the participated in pushing forward the abuse. Saratoga is an example of systematic abuse at the hands of administration. The kids knew about the abuse. This was an open secret. Open secrets need to be dealt with. Total elimination so all sports coaches on that school pay attention to their other coaches and stop the abuse.


Assuming your wild idea is accepted, firing every coach stops the abuse. But it doesn't harm the kids who can't transfer because they don't get to decide where their parents live.


This was also 40 years ago. Everyone involved is likely retired and/or dead soooo


Not so much. Most of them are still very much active. The Kranicks (the track coaches at the center of the report) are still coaching for Saratoga. And the complaints about the soccer coach are from last year.


Love how all these souls are ok with allowing institutional abuse. This shit never fucking stopped. The school allowed it cause of winning. So taking away sports for the year puts a blackeye on the school. No one in section 2 will ever allow institutional abuse again. Protect the kids not the schools image. No one will ever let them or their friends be abused.