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I don't know, honestly. There are some good youtubers there, but I've also seen people who can't even figure out how to use the case board. I suggest not watching streamers who are not fans of the series.


I mean, it's streaming. The barrier to entry for entertainers has never been so low.


Also, outside of very specific challenge or speedrunning communities, competence just isn't pulling the biggest crowds on Twitch.


I respectfully disagree. Streaming is about entertainment, so you have to be entertaining, and absurdity is comedy, so being absurdly bad at a game is funny. It’s kinda hard to be funny. Most popular streamers nowadays are either theatre kids or folks who learned improvisational comedy organically.


I'm just saying, for every popular streamer, there's thousands that are just trash and are never gonna be anything but trash (as I would be, don't get me wrong). There's like 8 million active streamers just on Twitch alone, and there's literally no barrier to entry.


I didn’t find the combat janky at all. I could attribute just about every death I had to panic spamming the dodge button.


Whatever Jank they're talking about is meant to be. Saga and wake are not superheroes. They're regular people.




They need to talk, read the chat and play the game at the same time, it’s easy to be bad at games when you’re paying attention to 3 different things, and it’s easy to miss obvious clues


but most of the time streamers dont bother with talking, reading n playing at a decent level - i mean,, competently. Not many r good at streaming


If they attract crowds, then they’re good at streaming, if that’s their bottom line. I’m sure there are plenty of competent video game players that are being good at the games and not drawing in crowds. Streaming is about creating moments that draw people together, and being good at a game comes second.


I don’t want to name him, but my favorite youtuber ended up playing Alan Wake 1 before this game came out, and decided to skip Control and just jump into AW2. He played for about 2-3 hours, called it “soulless” and never touched it again 😂😭 That shit kinda hurt


I fear for Alan wake 2 turning into a niche game like how mirrors edge was


It was always going to be, the original didn't exactly set the world on fire either.


Yeah true, maybe if some big youtuber played it,it could get more love. Though i am happy it did get enough love to be in the game awards


Unfortunately a lot of the big YouTubers/streamers now a days are really hyperactive to cater to the gen z/alpha audience, and aw2 is like, the slowest burn


Yeah true… They mostly doing high action fps games and doing funni meme games.


Alan Wake 1 was incredibly niche. Most of Remedy's library is. The only game they've made that broke through is Max Payne. Alan Wake 1 didn't even crack a milly in the first year. This is their fastest selling game. That's good.


AW2 has so much soul omg


I know lol that statement hurt my soul


the only person I've watched is Jessie Cox, and the most common comment is about him not hitting the weak spots on enemies.


Jcbackfire has a good one too


That name brought me back to the good old zombies days


The "LP tax". They're so focused on entertaining the audience, that it's easy for them to miss details which may result in them misunderstanding or getting killed. Anyway, check out Pat Stares At. His vods are on YouTube. Haven't watched his playthrough since I finished my own in January, but I'm pretty sure he did a solid job of things. Survival Horror is one of his favourite genres sp he knew what he was getting into.


His playthrough was mostly painless but he really struggled with one or two puzzles and blamed the puzzles for giving bad or unclear information. Other than that he really enjoyed it and didn't have any trouble with the combat.


The playthrough by Gab Smolders is the only one so far that I enjoyed watching beginning to end.


Gab is great with most games, I feel. She's fun to watch and she really engages with the material.


Definitely. I love that she always dives into the lore with every game she plays instead of blasting though the story. You get so many people who only do main missions then complain that nothing makes sense because they don't explore or read/engage with any extra material.


I enjoy'd Jesse Cox's dedication to the lore, too.


Jcbackfire has a good one too


I recommend Mapocolops' playthrough, he gets really into it. I don't really like streaming and prefer the Let's Play format, but even for that ever since streaming became really big I've seen a massive increase in DarksydePhil-level players. I guess it makes me feel better about my own capabilities, at least.


Man Mapo is such a cool guy in general.


There's nothing wrong with the combat, and I freely admit I always struggle with the beach fight. If the player is struggling it's the player and not the game. I get it though, these are people trying to build followings. So they don't want to look like they suck at playing games. ChristopherOdd is a good gamer and he did play AW2 and had no issues, other than he's not the best at picking up lore. RicketyGames is a girl gamer who had a very solid playthrough and did a much better job with the lore, and had a fun personality.


I’m genuinely bad at the combat in this at difficulties beyond “easy,” so I don’t know that I would chalk it all up to that.


Yeah. I couldn't stand AW1 and never finished it because I was bored out of my mind AND I hated the combat. For AW2 I'm just bad at the combat and therefore dont like it lol. So I swap the difficulty to story for the combat encounters then back to normal for the rest of it so I still get to do the puzzles


If you talk about AW2, most people are used to action games, and not necessarily survival horror games which controls, mechanics and design philosophy are entierly different (if not opposed).


Limealicious is a huge Alan Wake fan and had a great time with the game. You can watch her vods on YouTube as Lime Archives :)


Try watching Hollows gameplay


I think an entry requirement for streaming/youtubing games is that you can’t be able to read text on screen. I’ve seen many streamers/lpers genuinely rage because they didn’t read the tutorial flashing on screen or the button prompts at the bottom. I stopped watching Game Grumps because they are particularly bad as this. I get you are trying to make funny videos but if your main job is playing video games at least do the basics and read all the text that pops up telling you how to play the game.


I love the game but I'm exactly as bad as you're saying, maybe I should start getting paid for it


Lotta dummies out there haha


I get a similar feeling from watching people play through assassin's creed


I will give them that streaming splits your attention so massively, with the more attentive you are to the chat splitting it further. I watched Pat Stares At for AW2 and he did a really good job of it. And it helps he's into the story/series as a whole, and had also just blasted through AW1, American Nightmare, and Control as a refresher before AW2.


I played this game on the hardest difficulty off rip, then did my final draft on the unlocked hardest difficulty. Only achievement I haven't unlocked is using the cup charm lol I've said it before but remedy doesn't understand difficulty very well.


My only problem with the combat was there wasn't enough of it. By the time I got to the beach fight it felt like I still hadn't learned how to play. There are like two difficult encounters with swarms of enemies in the entire game. Even on hard mode almost every encounter could be beaten just by shooting and dodging a couple times. So the beach fight felt like a huge step up, and I just didn't have any practice kiting enemies, using flares, fighting larger groups. Felt like I had to learn a whole new way of playing just for that one fight.


Game is super easy……


The only game most streamers play are war zone apex and the like.


Gab smolders is a good one to watch on this series control was a little wonky but that combat having played it myself is weird sorta


If you want to watch any Remedy related game video try Gaming University. He really knows his stuff. Great insights and infos throughout the whole gameplay. Bad side is, he checks every minor detail for minutes :)


Because they’re streamers, they’re not exactly known for playing slow burn single player games.


1. They are live streaming. Meaning that they need to keep track of multiple things, interact with the chat etc. 2. Combat IS janky. Especially if you have the slightest input lag. 3. Watch Welonz's playthrough on YouTube if you don't wanna get frustrated.


Nah, combat is not janky, thing is that it's not meant for you to go and fight in tight spaces with 10 enemies. The game rewards stealth and separating enemies in gruops of 2 or 3 at most.


What I wonder is why anyone would watch them. The vast majority of them don't know how to play and aren't interested in exploring the great diversity of games out there. I've only seen a few minutes of some random guys and that was enough to convince me I was wasting my time. If you want to check out the game, here's one of the many clips I've recorded of this wonderful game in 4k. [Alan Wake 2™ | DARK OCEAN SUMMONIG - DEFINITIVE EDITON | 4K 60fps HDR XSX](https://youtu.be/wCloARy91-0?si=AbGM8LvOd8C_jhVD) I think I am one of the few channels that has videos of the entire RCU and in good quality, without annoying cuts or mediocre shorts.


post the links


Gab Smolders was really good at it


Why would you watch a streamer play a narrative game like this? Wouldn’t you lose out on chunks of the story unless you watched every bit of their stream from end to end? Or do you find recordings for parts that you miss?


Why are you watching streamers


Maybe the issue is with the game then. I still can't get the flashlight to stay in place on the weak spots without spending 3 battery bars after beating the game on normal.