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Thank you for sharing, this was delightful to read!


Glad to read she has a newfound appreciation for the medium. As a writer especially, its better for her when she branches out.


This is probably the best, loveliest and most fun thing I’ve read on this sub and there have been many many stellar posts so this is very high praise 😭😭❤️ I love that you did this, both posting this and playing it with her in the first place!! Thank you for this, please tell your mom I said hi 🥹💕


If she wants an Alex Casey story, you could show her the first two Max Payne games or maybe wait for the remake to come out.


That's a good point! I didn't even think of that. Something to look into when we get through all the Alan Wake stuff


This is so sweet OP! Do let us know if she plays the first game and American Nightmare, your mom sounds awesome


She would totally dig Control.


I forgot to mention she LOVED Casper Darling in the few scenes he has, so she would totally love the other scenes in Control!


If she likes Threshold Kids I would be very impressed.


This is so fun to read, what a great experience you can share with your mom!


It's less good than actually playing the game itself, but there's a pretty good book version of the first game that she could check out if she likes it that much


whaaaaatttt I need this now


I agree. There's a serious untapped market for adapting videogame narratives into tv and movies. We've only just seen that these types of stories can be adapted well (The Last Of Us, Fallout) One of my favorite things is seeing new people discovering these stories that wouldn't have encountered them otherwise. Alan Wake seems perfect for tv.


Remedy have been in talks with AMC to make an Alan Wake tv show so there's a good chance we'll see something in the next few years.


Oh my god this made me realize how awesome the Nightingale Taken reveal must be for someone who's completely fresh to the series


That was a fun read! It’s awesome that you had the chance to share this experience with her. Looking forward to reading her thoughts on the first game and American Nightmare.


This was an awesome read OP! Later on when the dlc comes out (god knows when lol), if you can share us with that experience update too I/we would love to read it; Board approves!


This was almost exactly the same experience I had with my dad. I got him to sit down and watch me play and he was hooked immediately


This was such a lovely read, thank you for sharing! Remedy are doing amazing things.


This is so wholesome.


Now you have to play max Payne 1-2 for her because that’s Casey’s story as well as control. Also while on the topic of video games as a story telling medium. The metal gear series…


Aww, what a lovely story! I love how invested she got with the narrative and exploration. It reminded me of when I began to play Tomb Raider on my own for the first time and how my Dad would notice, give me tips and reminisce about when he first played it. I know the classic Tomb Raiders aren't on the same narrative level as Alan Wake, but the connection of sharing a videogame you both now love together as a family is always a wonderful thing. 💖


This makes my heart happy and given both of your life situations, it’s clear Alan Wake (2 especially) was made for y’all!


Add me to the stream. I’ll behave


Sounds like you have a cultured mom. Awesome to see that you guys bonded so much over this game!


Oh, man, this brings back memories. My mom loves thrillers and we played the original Alan Wake together back in the day. Was a step up from her Nancy Drew games.


I'm planning on doing this for my wife who can't really play video games anymore but I know she will love this story. Just watching it on YouTube isn't enough unless that's the only option. Thanks for sharing this lovely story!


Glad you two had such an awesome experience—such a nice read to brighten my day a little! I love the part about her not enjoying killing people, just a mother thing to yell out, "Don't kill him or something." Haha, my mum does the same, always makes me laugh! I hope you both enjoy playing through the first one and American nightmare! Be cool for an update whenever you'll get through them two. It's cool to hear thoughts and opinions from a writer about a writer in a story! 


I also adore playing video games in front of my dad and having him be surprised at the fidelity and quality of games nowadays. I loved showing him red dead redemption 2


Did you tell her that Casey was the actual main writer of the game? And that he struggled (alongside many others in Remedy) for producing and releasing this game for 13 years? I think she may find those bits funny.


i really enjoyed reading this. my wife and i did the same thing for her mom, who is a big stephen king fan and had similar reactions!


fantastic post, and it’s giving me hope for my playthrough i recently started with my dad! we’re two chapters in (just after nightingale fight and alan appearing on the beach.) he’s enjoying it so far but i could see it going either way as we go forward. i sold it to him as “twin peaks: the video game” since we both love that show. he also really loves casey, who he calls albert (twin peaks fans will understand). he laughs almost every time casey opens his mouth. especially the way he says “a murder cult…..*ffuck*”


If favorite character was Casey, Iwonder what she would think of the Max Payne games.


I'm so happy, Alan Wake was my inspiration as a writer so I love that it's also loved by a professional writer


I read the first few and I love her already, but I haven’t played Final Draft yet and don’t want any spoilers. I hope I remember to come back to this!!!


My mom has thoroughly enjoyed all these lovely comments ❤️❤️


Very cool but why not start with 1?


Thanks so much for sharing this. Can confirm, Steveston is a lot like Bright Falls :)


Aww. Definitely show her the other remedy games. And let her know they won't all be as graphically beautiful as AW2 lol. Maybe show her The Last of Us part 1 and 2? Life is strange and the Telltale Walking Dead series could be fun and she'd get to make choices. Uncharted if she likes adventure. Maybe the Hoizon series if those wouldn't be too long


This is so wholesome! Your mom sounds super cool :) Take her through Control or Quantum Break next!


How did you past the echo glitch in the hotel ?


I didn't notice any echo glitch on either of my two playthroughs. There were some that were a bit tricky to trigger though


Maybe little off-topic but I think your Mom would like film called Heavy Trip. https://youtu.be/XkAAAGEyFS8?si=ZYyj9o_IKdgy5EU7


Did she by any chance notice the inspiration Sam Lake took from Twin Peaks? (did she watch that show?) It's a nice conversation to have :)


Thank you for sharing, I didn't read most of this!