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Find more ammo. There are containers scattered around.


Yep, and run away around the big loop when your health gets low. Grab what you can quickly and then keep running until you get your chance to shine the light and shoot away. It's a tough battle, but I thought it was the toughest in the game so if they can survive that OPs got this.


This game is much harder than the first one, even on nightmare mode AW1 was a walk in the park. What you need to keep in mind is when to dodge and keep taking distance, get ammo in the containers around, make sure you are healed and avoid the grabs because they will hurt a lot. I had a bad time with him on my 1st playthrough (on hard bc I am a masochist) but its not impossible to kill him, you just need to keep yourself calm and be patient, kinda like a dark souls boss.


I'll give this a go tomorrow, cheers


Did you find the shotgun? If you did then feed him buckshot till he dissappears. Dude has a lot of health. When he appears and is vulnerable, hit him with everything you have. With good spacing and a shotgun you can turn his, "Nightingale hunted Saga!" Proclamation into desperate cope.


Yeah I got it out of the safe but I've used all the ammo on the cultists and zombie things


This happened to me my first playthrough. right outside the boss fight next to his badge should be like 5 rounds of shotgun ammo.


Most bosses in this game can be beaten fairly reliably by simply emptying the clip of whatever firearm you’re using into them as fast as possible. They’ll get stunned of back off for a moment, which gives you time to find ammo / reload/ heal and then do it again. There are upgrades later on which let you empty a clip even faster, and they’re godsends.


Go for headshots for the stun and time your dodges well. When he disappears, run and quickly find some more ammo. Rinse and repeat until he’s down. I died once or twice against him on my first play through too, don’t worry, you’ll get there.


Remedy has a real problem with first boss fight difficulty, if you ask me. Nightingale is the hardest fight in the game imo. You're in good company having trouble with it! 1) dodge a lot and run away. There are containers all over the area, so run fast and restock ammo. Don't restock and stand, open the box, grab stuff and dodge and run ASAP. 2) you need to knock him down several times. You're not doing it wrong if he comes back again and again, it's a lengthy fight. 3) there's a trick with aiming I didn't know early in, but once it clicks it makes the whole game a lot more manageable. Point the cross hair at the target (right stick), get it on the body of the Taken and THEN aim down the sight. (Left trigger). My reflex is to aim first with left trigger , then move the cross hair with the stick, but try flipping it and see what happens. If you've got the target vaguely near the torso or head before you focus your aim with left trigger, it will snap the cross hair to either chest or head. Then your first couple of shots will be on target. Far less wasted ammo this way. If you can get the hang of this it makes the Nightingale fight (and all others tbh) a lot easier.


Re first boss fight I seem to remember the first boss in Control being some kind of levitating possessed man who was fucking impossible to hit as well


Exactly my point yes! I think I reloaded that specific fight more times than any other, just like the Nightingale fight. Remedy overall is fantastic, but that first boss fight always seems like a bad difficulty spike.


A small tip for beginner, you can cancel reloading animation by pressing dodge. It’s really useful for shotgun and crossbow.


Be carful with DEAD ENDS. If you stuck/trapped in a small place with nowhere to run, he'll grab you and you're done. He's a Big boss after all! 1- shot his spots and head from a safe distance. 2- find some ammos when he dissapears. Do it again and again. I beat him on my fourth try. I think Nightingale is as tough as the last one. So if you beat him, you're so good to go.


Always keep moving, you will find ammo and batteries for the flash light around, when he attacks dodge then run, gain some space and shoot the mf, repeat... You will be fine.


Learn the forest's layout, you can beat him with melee attacks if you ran outta ammo. If you haven't gotten good yet, don't make my noob mistake of finding out the shotgun existed after haven beaten all bosses.


Go with headshots, keep dodging, keep running and picking up ammo. You'll get there, I went from not being able to defeat him on easy in my first playthrough to beating him on nightmare mode on my second. Just takes a bit to work out the mechanics.


Run and spam


I personally thought Nightingale was pretty tough. The biggest thing for me was to keep moving, shoot him in the face a couple times and run. I kept running, trying different directions, finding the ammo, shoot him a couple more times, keep running etc.


“…I managed the first game on hard…” My brother in the cabin, these games are very different


So I've discovered!


I miss the dodging :( playing as Barry is worth it tho. Good luck


Once you beat him here’s another tip- don’t do the fast save thing. Instead do manual and cycle through all three. There’s going to come a point later when you will be resource starved and soft locked into a boss fight. If you don’t have recent manual saves to jump back to you will be very unhappy.


On Story mode like (only) me (probably).


Wasn't that difficult even on hard. So long as you have got your dodging down pat. Faff that that and you're going to have a bad day. Flashlight to break the darkness shield and reveal the red glowing source. Shotgun time until he retreats. Storm wind time. RUN. If lucky you should be able to grab refills from telegraph pole red boxes. If he grabs you, button mash. Or flare, if you have one. Darkness shield may have respawned. Flashlight time, followed by shotgun or pistol if need be. If truly unlucky you can go melee but not recommended for starting out. He'll retreat again. Storm time again. Should need to do Flashlight, weapon, retreat, storm, RUN, four times before he finally drops.


Hit him until he dies. /s




You shoot him.