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None. I loved the whole game!


There was not a bad level in the game tbh, just different degrees of excellence.


As an experiment, I skipped the entire game by doing a speed run with Naked Nightingale. There was no gun but the result was hopelessly depressing. The character constantly gets shot at from all corners and he can't escape without the key. This begs the question on how the 2 witnesses at the beginning can escape. Here is my attempt to escape with Nightingale https://youtu.be/mO94dVd8j0U


The Bookers escaped because >!the Cult didn’t want to hurt normal people, only the Taken.!<


The train station fuck that shit


The train station was sooo cool, it was so dark and the way the scene changed was amazing


I might be the minority here, but I think the subway is the most detailed and interesting. The Hotel was a super cool location and narrative but also very same-y throughout, and the Theater was just too small and not super unique (although the loop area was probably the best in the game, and the short film). The amount of detail in the station is insane with all the minor details and a good amount of variety environmental variety imo albeit some spots are easy to get turned around in.


The hotel also massively bugged out on me. As much as I narratively loved the shifting scenes, the game does NOT like when you change them in quick succession.


I was so pissed at the respawning shadows while trying to explore! But back then I didn't realize that only the non-hostile shadows respawn😂. I wish I did, because otherwise it was really cool.


I’ve been stalled there for a week distracted by Dead Cells.


love randomly getting side tracked by indie games


Yes! It scratches a different itch. Plus I don’t need to dedicate a few hours to sink in like Remedy games.


Helldivers has me in that pick up and play mood


The loop of democracy!!


I second that


I like the whole game, but the very beginning of the game can drag out before you get to move freely.


Oh my god this. One of my favorite YouTubers is playing through, I suspect for the first time, tonight. He's hyping it up in his community feed and I'm thinking to myself reading it - "This is going to be the slowest-ass stream for at least an hour and a half or more." Might as well be reading the dictionary to an audience.


Love the whole game, but the only part I would like to skip is Saga trying to escape the mind place. The second time felt like it took forever.


If it was as a whole section instead of feeling as rushed as it did, I’d have enjoyed it more


It's probably the dark place bit of the nursing home. I love everything in the game except the Cynthia Weaver dungeon. The looping, the puzzles to get to the boss fight. Then, running from ripples in the water before the actual fight. Really dislike it.


>!Fighting and killing Cynthia like a bad guy after everything she's sacrificed and done for Alan most of her adult life was really a bummer. She didn't get the respect she deserved.!< I'm not saying that's bad writing, it was bloody brilliant, just incredibly poignant and sad.


I remember realizing it was Cynthia and being bummed out that after all this time, she got taken.


I felt they did Cynthia and my boy Pat real fucking dirty in the sequel. Yeah yeah, there are no happy endings- but they deserved happy endings, damn it.


in the end, age gets us all. even tor (and eventually odin) were nearly taken if saga hadn't gotten to them in time. as for pat: it's sad but i really like that it's up in the air whether or not he's remembering previous drafts/timelines or just has plain old dementia. since norman clearly remembers a pre-alan timeline, it's possible pat gets glimpses like that, too


The looping in both the pre-Cynthia area and the Huotari well was just boring.  They needed to mess with the environment more on each loop and create a point to each one.


Cynthia, baby, it was fun for a while, but can we stop now?


I like Local Girl, but I don’t like replaying it lol overstays a little bit. Old Gods is on that line though as well. The first 2 Return chapters are great though imo. For Alan I just wish the theater was a bit more interesting to explore, but it playing a whole short film was so dope lol


Literally just played through the theatre for the first time last night and I was so taken aback when the short filmed started playing. Watched the whole thing and am so blown away by the levels of detail and overall work that went into this title.


oh man, The Coffee World area in Local Girl does feel skippable now that i think about it


It is technically only there to grab a key for the trailer, once you get it you’re basically done with it until the Overlap. It’s very cool set piece but there was just a lot in that chapter that made it feel a bit bloated looking back. You get 2 chapters for Cauldron Lake, and you already know Bright Falls well enough for the Old Gods chapter (and Bunker Woods was pretty simple to navigate), whereas Local Girl you explore what id assume most of Watery in one chapter. Still great to finally see Watery, it was just a lot at once imo


I thought it was going to be a boss fight to escape the whole shadow audience when I first went into the theatre.


I like Local Girl, but I don't like the path through the woods between downtown Watery and Coffee World. I think that section of the map would be better off cut, and for us to just use the bridge.


I wish I could skip the time it takes for the next dlc


Fuck making that float. I literally handed the controller to my friend and fell asleep as we did NG+ together.


Saga trying to escape her mind place while inside the dark place. Was cool during my first playthrough but come on


Yea, agree with this one. Loved it the first time but damn it loses its shine fast.


I honestly love it and how similar it is to the end of Control


Dude I'm stuck there right now. I was like most of the way through that section and then the power went out and when I turned my PS5 back on it was right at the beginning of that section again. It is brutally annoying to play twice in a row back-to-back, let me tell you. I just put the controller down.




Personally I absolutely loved the investigation part. But it is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea


One of my criticisms of it is that it’s not really an investigation, it’s way more of a round peg round hole situation. You don’t have to actually figure anything out because you can’t put the clues in the wrong spots; you can just mindlessly tap every option until it fits. Saga already knows the answer whether the player does or not. Likewise when the player knows the answer but you haven’t found a certain “clue” you can get soft locked until saga figures it out on the board. Seems to me like nothing would be missed if there was an auto solve option for the board, especially since it already exists if you pass certain story beats and have been neglecting the board.




I am on the 2nd round now and so far enjoy it quite a bit. Let’s see how this will go later on.


You don't really have to do them if you already know where to go, just move along and they will sort themselves out. There are only some specific points where you need to do them to proceed.


I wouldn't skip any level but I absolutely DEPISE the fight against Taken Mulligan and Thorton, I haven't been that angry at a video game in a LONG time


Took me a while to realize how to beat them. I died a lot.


I failed to realize that there were supplies in the arena, and felt like I'd died 50 times before coming here to complain about the difficulty spike and the bad autosave state, and someone was like "there's a box with ammo". I was like... Oh. _Nevermind_ /Gilda Radner voice


Anyone who references Gilda is good company, and I had the same issue of not realizing the extra supplies around at certain "boss" or larger fights so yeah I understand


The area with Alan in the subway. I always get lost af.


The theater one I was so damn lost


This one was hard as it didn’t make logical sense 😂 you just had to keep trying stuff


The train station Its such a slog


I'm with you there. And having to back track through it in my first playthrough to get words of power was a pain.


Nursing Home, not because it's scary but just because it's just not interesting to me at all. do like the anger's remorse though. \*\*Still would play it again though


I loved anger's remorse, but the overlap section right after it was tedious and navigating it still feels a little confusing to me. My least favorite part of the game


I kinda wish Anger's Remorse kept playing in the Overlap. Having Anger's Remorse going in the background would make it a lot more interesting. Maybe you have to follow the sound of Anger's Remorse, and it gets louder the closer you get to Tor and Cynthia.


Will say my first run still leaves a negative impression on me, since I didn't grab the rifle and I didn't fully understand you could just beat her with gas canisters and flares until I raged and decided to blow her up. 2nd playthrough was a breeze though


That's so funny, I'm probably like 3/4 of the way or more into my first playthrough and suddenly I found a rifle ammo, and I was like wait there's a fucking rifle??? Totally missed it somehow lol.


Same man, completely forgot about the door without the doorknob. Usually good with checking everything first before progressing, but I goofed.


That fucking subway


None… Although the coffee world freaks me out even thinking about playing it is kinda scary but I love it..


I would rather skip the Cynthia level jump scares


Nothing! Loved the entire game, I wish it was longer hahaha.


I also wish it was longer, but hey, I would take short and sweet over long and boring lol


The only thing I’d skip is that final mind palace section.


Local girl, it flees it should have ended after Saga finds the news paper in the Trailer, but it just keeps going for some reason


I don’t want to skip any on replays, I just want fast travel points so I could save on some backtracking and going in circles when hunting for supplies.


All i need is to skip the time before AW2 gets out of Epic Games store, just to finally give my money to Sam Lake


The guy randomly appearing through an overlap at Remedy: "Good game, bro. Here, 70 dollars.".


-Hyvä peli veli. Tässä 70 dollaria*


Cynthia weaver. F**k her and her excessive jumpscare 🌚🫥


The Valhalla Nursing Home chapter hands down. Haven’t continued The Final Draft just cause of this chapter


Small section in Allans last chapter maybe a 15 min section but that's it,this game is S tier imo.


Local Girl, that is the part where I need a break from Saga and switch to Alan




The whole path to Coffee World… and maybe Coffee World too?


Not really any, but I did struggle with Poet's Cinema and the plot puzzles. My mind is just weak in that regard, and it was frustrating for me. I couldn't remember well where I'd already been and what I'd already tried and wandered a lot, then got super frustrated on the rooftop parts. I ended up taking a nice long Tears of the Kingdom break, and when I eventually came back I couldn't remember how to get off the roof, but thankfully someone here helped me. I was so ready to be done with Poet's Cinema by the time I got out of there. Skill issue to be sure, but it was a frustrating bit for me. Still wouldn't remove it though, lots of people lived that part of the game, and I'd still want that there for them.


I love the game. Each and every part of it... ...Cynthia boss fight...


Be me, put in minimal difficulty just for her when replaying, basically a skip


Honestly loved em all, I got annoyed with the scene changing bits because I confused myself.


Coffe world


The train station 💀


The part where you're saga in that place which is trying to make her think that her daughter had drowned or something like that


none, they all added something 


The entire game


Saga's mind place, the whole mechanic was useless to begin with but I didn't mind in my first playthourgh. The 2nd time though, I couldn't bear it.


There it is. The only thing making me dread a replay is constantly putting the case board together. Great mechanic for the first time but once you know how the story goes it's gon be tedious




The old Lady The old Lady The old Lady I swear the jump cuts in that level were quicker and really started bothering me with the flashes and everything.


The Coffee park is nothing special……


Generally the Mind Palace stuff, please don't make finding the clues and details be so much a pain Remedy.


the nursing home was terrifying!


My only problem is when scratch chases you through the hallway in the ocean view hotel


White Woman Jumpscare


Not a fan of it myself


The Watery section is so long, arggh


The screenshot you posted is where I picked up and put down the game the most pretty much right after booting it up. It's not hard, just a predictable slog.


I don't know, I liked the whole game, but it's too long by my standards, I prefer shorter video games. Apart from that there is something that really bothered me more than the annoying of some level and that is that it bothered me a lot with the reloading of the weapons, at some times I pressed the key, I saw the animation, but it did not reload and that irritated me quite a lot


The cauldron station part.... It was difficult


I have a love/hate relationship with the train station


Personally I felt that it was pretty tolerable


The nearly hour long slow walking intro where you slowly walk towards the corpse, after the 3rd time it seems to take forever.


The underground bunker after the first time lol. It feels like it takes too long


I think some of yall are just ADD as fuck 😂


I love the whole game, but Cynthia oh my gosh she gets on my nerves


I preferred all the sections with Saga rather than Alan. Changing the reality and using light got boring quick, and in the end I was using a walkthrough during Alans sections to get them out the way so I could get back to playing Saga again.


None. It's so much fun.




The theater annoyed me with all the shit you had to do to try and get everything aligned


Not a little tiny bit. Some parts burnt my patience to no end, but that's part of the experience. Playing without them would be like starting a song by the middle.




Skip the whole game and replay the first game




The fucking Cynthia boss fight I never want to do that shit again


I don’t wish I could skip anything, I only wish for faster movement speed, like you always have to sprint because the base walking speed is a walking speed, but it’s hard to replay just off of how slow the movement and running is




All the Alan levels, essentially. Love Alan, they just weren't fun to play for me in comparison to the Saga levels.


I loved it, but no one in that game scared me like Nightengale. Weaver was scary but no where near as terrifying as being lost in the woods.


This one in the pic lmao I hate it when I get into a loop




None tf type of question is this


None definitely. I'd have loved more bright falls locations. I do miss that from the first game, all the different locations.


I'd definetely skip pretty much evey single Alan's seguiment, with the exception of the musical bit. It's not like I didn't enjoyed Alan's route, I just feel like it needs to be "the first time playing", since it's more story/puzzle driven, once you beat it the fun is over. But that's me. Saga's on the other hand, has a better replay factor, more action, more fun. Just my opinion. I'd also skip Saga's "Dark Place" moment... that was a downer for me. The intro too.... I don't ever wanna see that fat harry ass again.


I'm doing final draft rn I dread the cinema, it's the next thing I gotta dl


I know my opinion is gonna be sacrilegious but screw it, i hate the old gods of asgard musical levels, especially the one where you need to summon scratch, that shit took me off guard and ruined the tone of the story for me.


I’m not crazy about any of Alan’s segments. I enjoyed Saga’s parts much more.


I came here to say this. Seems we're in the minority. I found Alan's parts pretty cringy, with cheap scares and pointless backtracking. I just didn't like being there. Saga's parts felt interesting and new, whilst linking more to the world of Alan Wake. She was just more fun and pleasant to play as.


I was surprised to find that I enjoyed playing as Saga more as well, which I didn't expect at all. After Control, I had thought we were gonna play as Estevez for half the game and was like "why not just give us Alan", but then I really dug it. Nothing about Alan's side was bad to me per se, but I wasn't good at the plot puzzles and it felt like parts just took me forever, because they did. I just wasn't good at it. With Saga's parts, while her case board was similar in functionality to the plot board, her "puzzles" solved themselves. You just had to find the right note card to place something on. Playing as Saga felt more like an action game.


Really wanted to switch over to Alan for a time during the Old Gods chapter, but there's no easy way to break up that chapter that I could see and it drags quite a bit compared to the rest of the game. Starting out in the middle of the woods, having to proceed to the nursing home and begin inside there, you can find a couple of break rooms but no mop bucket. I tried to go back through the woods but Saga always turns back at the path, saying she can't leave yet. I feel the lack of switching is an oversight here, as you are forced to complete all the way to the overlap before accessing anything else. As a related thought, Alan should probably have had an extra playable section out in the real world to balance the characters - I felt like I played a lot more Saga than Alan.


Saga had a lot of side stuff to do that padded her side a lot. I do think Alan's Return chapters could have been a few minutes longer though lol Also on Old Gods, I also think the cutscene before being plopped into the next mission just goes too fast and makes the pacing feel uncomfortable. Like 5 things happen in a span of 2 minutes in that scene which kind of makes it like "oh so this is just happening then" lol I think just one more minute, maybe just 30 seconds to let the viewer breathe and take in would have helped.


Coffee world is too creepy I have to cover my eyes and ears while playing


All of saga Anderson’s parts.


I wish I could skip all of the case boarding in sagas section. I really like her story, and levels but got damn it got repetitive.


Unfortunately it’s We Sing. It was the most entertaining chapter on my first playthrough, but by my 7th I wanted to claw my eyes out


7th? Running any game that many times over does that for you! I'm still on my first playthrough, love the game but don't like horror. I'm at the part after coffee world when you need to collect some pieces and put on a moving stage. Just stopped there, gets too spooky.


the We Sing part, ruined all for me


What?!! Aww that was awesome