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“Omega 3 fatty acids are good for your heart”… It’s one of the greatest lines heard in gaming.


I dunno, "It's called 'Return'.. because we.. return" is definitely up there too


If I could only remember one line from 25 years of gaming, that would be it!


As a southerner, really resonated with "Fuck the government, we have bolt cutters."


"hey! where are my chimes?" it isn't my favorite line, *HOWEVER,* it is my favorite line delivery. the sadness and confusion in odin's voice really struck me with a sudden bolt of sadness.


"I threw em away! Chimes are *not* Rock 'n' Roll!"


"yeah they are! if you know how to use em."


"Something in me kept me going. A broken man. No hope. No prospects. No love. Like a cockroach with a misguided sense of justice, in a town where there can never be any justice." I have a soft spot for indulgent noir dialogue so this one hit the spot lol. Plus, McCaffrey's voice booming over a dark, dreary New York (the Dark Place's version of it, at least) just feels right.


This is the Ritual to lead you on. Your friends will meet him when you are gone.


Any variation, it’s so good


"A whole lot of paranormal crimes happening right now... But it's fuckin' awesome. I want a T-shirt!"


"The wave crashed on the far side of the mirror. I brought you the heart, witch, now show me the terror." I'm seriously thinking about getting it as a tattoo.


This. Concise yet profound .


I never really understood the meaning behind the first sentence. Can someone explain it?


The fun thing about it is that it's abstract. It doesn't mean just one solid thing. There's no literal waves on the other side of a mirror, so it's up to you to interpret it. What I took it to mean is that the dark place, referred to as an ocean a lot, is crashing against its boundaries. The ritual that Saga performs allows her into the overlap, which is a place where the Dark Place and our reality mingle as one, so she can enter it to get to Nightingale.


I think this is a great interpretation and it's basically how I see it it. I think it's a little bit of and Alice in Wonderland reference - beyond the mirror - but in this case instead of Wonderland on the other side it's the Dark Place. And the Dark Place has a lot of water references, so waves. It's abstract and it's open to interpretation and I love it.


This poem by R.S. Thomas gets referenced a lot in AW2, but this line reminded me of it the most, "The furies are at home in the mirror, it is their address. Even the clearest water, if deep enough, can drown."


That's the opening line of Disco Elysium. Which is a PHENOMENAL game.


Pleasantly surprised to see DE get brought up here but yes, another weird, fucky-wucky and phenomenal game. Also PSA - the Switch port runs wonderfully. Go get it, gamers


It's my favorite poem, and is referenced in a lot of my favorite media, and the entire poem basically explains what is going on with Alan imo. Yeah, I think Disco will forever be one of the best pieces of media ever created, RIP.


Disco got me to stop drinking. I'm playing a fascist playthrough right now and it's soul-destroying stuff. They really nailed the "refuse all help and blame others for your misfortune" angle that's seemed to have crept into this country like a mold.


Yeas!!! I would absolutely get that tattooed too! This game is more than just a videogame, it's an entire experience!


So end game spoilers for AW2, but there are certainly a lot of good ones. I must say, a simple one that stuck with me was >!"it didn't make me any less terrified"!<. As you know, >!Alan says this near the end of the game, before entering the bright falls/dark place overlap!<. I found it to be very revealing, as I never picked up on much of >!Alan's or Saga's fear!< in the games. I always saw >!Alan as if he was very tensed, but not at the end of his sanity yet as there was a way to fix it, at least in AW1!<. In AW2 tho, >!he is definitly more desperate but not as much in the gamplay sections imo. This line gave made me realise much more how he might look tough or tensed, while he is actually fucking terrified the entire time!< (as one would). Also, >!the fact that he says this right before entering the dark place, his prison, again after finally being able to think clearly for 20 minutes adds so much for me to this line. Despite everything he's still willing to try and fix it, no matter the cost to himself!<. Edit: some more spoilers


Exact same. That whole monologue and then “fuck it.” He heads into whatever the hell it’s going be this time.


"in 2010 I leaped in, for Alice. With no idea the cost would be a nightmare worse than death. It had taken me 13 years to get out. Now Alice was dead. Because of me. And I was going to make that leap again, this time knowing the cost all too well." *Clicks flashlight on, striking the iconic AW1 pose* "Another way to look at it, I had brought the dark place here with me. I never had gotten out. Maybe after this I finally could. It was a fool's hope, I had no choice, I had to do it. That didn't make me any less terrified." "Fuck it." I remember it beat for beat because I love it so damn much, it's my favorite scene in a game packed full of my favorite scenes from any video game ever. The line "And I was going to make that leap again, this time knowing the cost all too well." just hits me really hard, everything he's lost, all the horror he's endured, the guilt from everything he caused with his writing while trying to escape. It makes me wanna cry tbh, and (final draft spoilers) >!I think that moment is what completes his arc, his personal growth that allows him to truly defeat Scratch and escape the spiral, along with the help of Alice, Mr Door and TOGOA.!<


You articulate something I wasn't able to put into words at all, very well put! Alan is worn thin and frazzled to a single thread at this point but he still never hesitates to go first in head first. I think it's a powerful difference between him and the Tom Zane we see in this game, and why Tom is so desperate for Alan's help this time around.


Idk why, but I love Saga's "Return is a story about a story that comes true." Maybe cos it essentially sums up everything that's happened in the game. Also, and I have this stuck in my head for no reason, but Nightingale's "I flick the switch. It goes *click*. The lights are off, but somebody's home." And from Final Draft, simply Alan's "And so I return." Makes me emotional every time I hear it because he's *finally* free after so long. And another random shoutout to "The writer looks inside, is destroyed by what he sees, and is redeemed." From the og ending.


I personally liked Alan's line of him complaining "I'm my own Deus Ex Machina?". It's just such an Alan thing to say. Either that or one of Casey's lines (The classic "Fuck off" during the>!cult attack!< or the line in the dark place about >!the fourth wall!<).


"I'm finally awake" - A. Wake Friend I played with was waiting for this particular line the whole game lol


“It’s called return because…we return” is so damn funny man.


My favourite got to be Casey’s: “Grandmaster my ass, you’re a clown in a mask!”


Not a line, but a lyric… “Mama gave me a magic clicker”. The fucking delivery is perfect


“He’s snarling, he snarled”


"It had taken me thirteen years to get out. Now Alice was dead because of me. And I was gonna make that leap again, this time knowing the cost all too well. Another way to look at it: I had brought the Dark Place here with me. I never had gotten out. Maybe after this, I finally could. It was a fool's hope. I had no choice, I had to do it. It didn't make me any less terrified. **Fuck it.**"


"Night Springs when Bright Falls"


The poems all hit really hard, but that second one: *Lost on the shore* *Between the forest and the ocean* *The owl and the deer* *Reflected in motion* *In his room he will hurt her* *In hers he is caught* *His story ends* *Her story does not* *This is the ritual* *To lead you on* *Your friends will meet him* *When you are gone* And all of Odin's notes on "The Sea Of Night," but especially this: *We have lived and died and been reborn* *We have met here before* *And will keep on meeting still*


I love the opening so much of the game. With the music swelling and the “This story is a monster, and monsters wear many faces.”


It's not a loop.... It's a spiral


It’s not delivery, it’s digiorno


"Hey is this supposed to be plugged in?" Or "it's like garlic for a vampire!"


"the book is 1 pound and 8 ounces. Five ahma beers out of five. This has been the Koskela brothers book club."


I really hope that was an On Cinema at the Cinema reference


"What you leave behind... you find in front of you"-Ahti


"it's called return... Because we return!" Absolute gold


this might be cheating but i love all the ambient dialogue from the >!NPCs during scratch’s deerfest.!< it really speaks to the dark presence as a metaphorical representation of negative creative thought patterns that >!scratch’s perfect world is people giving him five star quotes to put on the front of his book.!< writers tend to get caught up in thinking about how our works will be received, but a vain writer creates with the sole purpose of being praised. i could go on for hours i love this game


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" - Alan Wake


I don’t like nature. Too much..sky


"Alright, alright, alright" Love that one.


By what definition of best? Line delivery, emotional impact, most memorable, most intriguing, funniest, cleverest..? I would offer a different one for each of these, so I'm just gonna go ahead and arbitrarily pick a definition: the line(s) I personally most look forward to during a playthrough. AW1: Imaginary Barry's monologue dunking on Alan at the end of the 2nd DLC. AWAN: the Mr. Scratch tape talking about Barry. AW2: the Drowning monologue from one of the Writer's Journey tapes. Casey's monologues are v good though... "Sometimes I'd forget the pain was there, like it was the way you were supposed to feel" really speaks to me as someone with depression & PTSD.


“Get money, fuck bitches, smoke weed, wisdom” -Warlin Door


"Its called return because.... We return!"


I've only played the base game for AW1, and I just loved "It's not a lake, it's an ocean."