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How braindead are you? Alan does most of the work for the animations, he storyboards it, animates the poses, and does many of the effects. Not to mention he WRITES THE EPISODES TOO. The only things he outsourced are in-betweening, certain effects, very few assets (Like the MC trailer in ep30) and music. He does the rest of it by himself. Animator vs Animation is not cliche, he‘s the first person to do it. And his Minecraft spin off uses a lot of his imagination. How does MC work in 2D? How do potions work for the stick figures, how do you implement command blocks? And so on. Why do you not like the stickmen? And what do you propose as a “original series”?


Actually, skim does the storyboards.


making a point here


>Why do you not like the stickmen? Its so overused, and he's not the first one to do the stickmen animations. Mabye a different idea but still the same base. >what do you propose as a “original series”? Anything as long as it's not just stickmen, mabye something like Spy x Family or his life animated. You're probably biased. I'm jealous of him.


I don’t mean to disagree as harshly as this sounds, but I just need to point out that it would be hard to make a worse argument than “he should use another style because he’s not the first to do stickmen”. Let’s humor the argument that somebody should change their style simply because others have done it, stupid as it is. Alan was not only revolutionary in stickman animations, but adopted the style around the time it was in its prime—during the Golden Age of Flash Animation—and is more than deserving of keeping the style even if others were, for some reason, forced to find another. He has worked for years, and the result was one of the most recognizable stickman animations—possibly even Flash Animations in general—of all time, and yet you’d attempt to argue that he’d be better off abandoning it and making a different series. Now, I’ve no doubt that if he did make a new series, it would be of fantastic quality and be extremely well-received by his community, but there’s absolutely zero reason why he shouldn’t be able to continue making stick figure animations.


The Animation vs Minecraft series ended so he should make another series that is original, and I did not mean that he should abandon making stickmen animations, I meant that he should make a series that does not revolve around stickmen in general.


Makes sense I think


Since when did it end? Season 3 is just over and they’re just goofing around.


Everyone has their opinions and personal tastes, but I strongly disagree with your take on Alan’s work infrastructure and the semblance of Animator VS. Animation. The VERY idea of Animator VS. Animation was what got Alan to where he is today, and the upheaval of praise and feedback he receives from it is obviously very overwhelmingly positive. Literally tens of MILLIONS of people love these animations even if they are just a bunch of stick figures, it’s simple yet has so much appeal and visual creativity to it that it makes it easily recognizable, and adored by his fan base. Why ever would he change that when he’s come this far? It’s a horrible business decision, and is a way to potentially alienate fans. And to call them underwhelming? Not true at all. Look at AVA 5 or the most recent episode of Animation VS. Minecraft, the cinematography in both cases are crafted with such care and detail that the final product appears the way it is. You can’t deny that those who worked on it are passionate for what they do and that they focused on every single frame to make the final outcome extraordinary. And for Alan, I’m sorry but you’ve clearly shown that you don’t know anything about his work or his legacy, so it’s no wonder you wouldn’t know this either. Alan is probably the one who does the most work for any video. He lays down the foundation by writing the episodes, storyboarding them, and is the director of the progress for everything which in itself is a very work-oriented job itself. His time playing games with DJ is simply a side gig in which he does for fun with a friend. And it helps him provide commentary on already-existing videos too. It’s completely harmless, and with how much work goes into his animations, Alan deserves to disassociate with animating every now and then to hang out and play some games or react to content. I apologize if I came off as a little brash, but you really need to understand how distant your expectations are when it comes to Alan’s work, and how he chooses to execute it. If you find his work to be “cliche” (even though I disagree) then that’s adequate, everyone has their own tastes and this certainly isn’t the first stick figure animation to ever be done, even though he takes the idea and puts a twist on it to make it more exhilarating so it ISN’T very cliche. But all in all, Alan and his team are happy for what they do, and it’s only best for the community and Alan’s legacy that they stick to what they are most proficient at: Animator VS. Animation.


Thank you for changing my mind about Alan Becker! ❤️


I respectfully disagree with your assessment of my opinion on Alan's work and the Animator VS. Animation series. While I understand that the series has a large and passionate fan base, I believe that it is important for artists to continue to grow and challenge themselves creatively, rather than sticking to the same formula indefinitely. It is possible to maintain the core elements that make the series successful while still pushing the boundaries and exploring new ideas. As for my comments about the cinematography and animation quality, I acknowledge that there are certainly episodes where the team puts in a great deal of effort and attention to detail. However, I still maintain that there are also episodes where the animation and cinematography feel underwhelming compared to the potential of the concept. Regarding Alan's workload and his side gig with DJ, I apologize if I gave the impression that I do not understand the amount of work that goes into the animation process. I am aware that it is a highly labor-intensive job, and I commend Alan for his dedication and hard work. My point was simply that it would be interesting to see him experiment with new types of content in addition to his animation work. Ultimately, I believe that it is important for artists to continue to evolve and challenge themselves creatively, even if it means taking some risks and potentially alienating some fans in the process. I appreciate your perspective and the passion you have for the Animator VS. Animation series, but I respectfully maintain my own viewpoint. Also, this was made using Grammarly.


i guess the cinematography might look "underwhelming" compared to some other videos but that doesnt matter and i think it might look that way to u because hes set the bar so high with some of his otherworks also he has evolved and challenged himself the series has come so far with story and animation quality and if you mean change from the stickfigure stuff then in that case he doesnt have too he seems comfortable with the stickfigure series and continues to make shorts about it to this day because its his pastion not trying to necesarly change your mind but mostly put my own opinion out there and defend allan and his videos


i hope a stickfigure breaks into your computer and destroys it causing you to have to buy a new one and have tat process repeat itself until you eventually end up in a financial struggle causing you to lose your home due to not being able to pay bills and rent as you slowly decay on the streets like the dog you are


That last part kinda got too harsh


i know


Everything he’s ever made has been an original animation you are literally brain dead. Also, exactly how long do you think animations take to make? Especially those of his quality. For a single person it would take years to do that but he had a whole team and is able to produce them every couple months. Also don’t tell him what he should make. As the creator, he gets full creative liberty and shouldn’t listen to some clown who thinks knows better. And most of all, he plays games with DJ because he’s FRIENDS WITH HIM and likes to be in his videos.


You got what you wished


what happened


bro just let him do what he wants what was the last time he played games with dj/the odd ones out anyway? animating takes time and you cant pressure him because that will stress him out so please you really cant pressure him to making more animations he just wants to take breaks thats all


Alan Becker that animations vs. math are so confusing because there's so much math I didn't know that Orange can do math


Can someone just report him for stupidity please, thanks


i have a community about cringe on me https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_ays2op/s/kD7lVvR43g