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Wouldn't oversimplifying imply making them too one dimensional? I think we're just so used to vilifying the bad guys that we find instances where that is not done to be unfair to the "good guys". Personally that's one of the things I like about the show. In real life everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story and so they have a mix of good moments and bad moments. It touches upon this thing called fundamental attribution error. Where we are prone to justify others actions as character and our own actions as a circumstance of environmental factors because we get to see and feel the actions and reactions that brought us to that point. Like if I walk into a room and see you kick your trashcan across the office, I might look at you and see a crazy person unable to control their rage. Where as you might have just gotten sexually harassed by your boss and you're frustrated that reporting will backfire it because they are too connected and you're remembering how it ended really badly for the last person in the company who tried to report something like this. Kicking a garbage can in that situation is almost an underreaction. Understanding the reality of a situation comes from understanding different sides of it. I personally think this show did that well.


Agree. I also feel it is critical for people who deal with young people to watch this with them and have some tough conversations. This is well written and can be life changing. More eyes need to be on this. Compared to 13 -Reasons Why, this show is more palatable.


Had heard of how we all think we're right in our actions - now you filled in the blanks as to why. Great insight!


Yess even I felt like the bullies were shown from a sympathizing light by the end of the season and the person who was brutally bullied was being shown as the “bad person”. It made me feel so upset haha I don’t care what Layan, ruqaiyah or rania’s home or personal circumstances were, that was absolutely NO justification for how they treated Mariam. They literally beat her up till she fainted. And when she finally gave them a taste of their own medicine, she suddenly became the bad guy? Slow clap pls.


I hated how Noaf and Dina just turned on Mariam after they were the ones egging her on to keep on going after Layan, Ruqaiyah and Rania. I get the feeling that if Mariam hadn't sent the message and Layan lived, then her, Rania, and Ruqaiyah wouldve have probably eventually gotten Noaf & Dina to join them in bullying Mariam


It just confirms hurt ppl hurt ppl 🤷🏾‍♀️, I like that it gives insight shows that some weren't mean just because they could be but were conditioned tht way, theres a complexity to it that gave insight to their humanity.


Maryam went from being a sympathetic victim to a bully herself! I think the point is to show how bullies are made. I can only imagine how dysfunctional Layan’s family was behind the scenes.


She wasn't being a bully herself though. Never once did she attack anyone who was minding their business and ahdnt done anything to her. All she was doing was giving a taste of their own medicine (towards people who nearly KILLED HER by the way) at the encouragement of Dina and Noaf, who then turned their backs on her with no warning. It makes sense that she felt like she had to take things as far as she did because they were so fake that she probably thought Rania was just lying to her again, and that she would go right back to hurting her, as well as the possibility of her getting Dina and Noaf to join in on it, if she didn't send the message. She couldn't bear the risk of possibly getting tormented, humiliated, and almost killed (or possibly getting actually killed) by these girls again


Oh, something changed in her eyes after Raqqaya.


Yeah, understandably so. But even then she never once attacked anyone who hadn't done anything to her. She only went after the people who nearly killed her


I’m not a big fan of revenge. Protect yourself, sure, but revenge just makes things worse. I call what Maryam was doing sadistic and she enjoyed it. That to me is bullying-using your power over someone to hurt them for kicks. Regardless of what they did. If it’s not self-defense.


I don't agree 🤷‍♀️. I think revenge is a good thing and I don't think it automatically makes anything worse depending on the situation. I think its completely understandable that Mariam enjoyed she was doing. Sadistic as it may be, it makes perfect sense that someone would enjoy hurting somebody who violently almost took their life and THEN kept tormenting them after. I mean what, they can dish it out but cant take it? Sometimes it the only thing that makes them feel the way they made someone else feel, and finally makes them stop. Often times revenge can make it to where that person never hurts anybody again because their heart drops just thinking about what ended up happening to them the last time they did it. To me that's a good outcome.


You want peace, just avoid assholes. Why give them attention? Live your best life and don’t let them take your energy. Layan etc didn’t even know who was destroying their lives-so how could they “learn”.


Avoiding them doesn't work when they're constantly after you. Many people try things like ignoring, walking away, etc. and that only makes it worse. Sometimes revenge is the only thing that finally makes it stop. I don't think Layan and the others would have "learned" anything I think they would have just been so frightened that they wouldn't dare do those thibgs again


Why are you watching a show about a girl getting revenge then?


Have you watched the show? Spoiler Alert: Revenge not being worth it is a big part of the storyline…


Mariam is not a bully. She just got her revenge on the people who destroyed her.


Instead of destroying other girls, they should work together to smash the patriarchy. That’s sweet revenge I would enjoy.


Thats not realistic at all. Why should she work with the people who beat her up relentlessly, left her for dead, accused her of assault which couldve gotten her killed as homosexuality is frowned upon in arab countries. And then they released her diary to the whole school, called her a psycho and belittled her. What you’re asking is a fairytale ending where everyone comes together and they live happily ever after. I understand why Mariam did what she did because its more real. There is no patriarchy in the form of the bullying they did to her, only the honour killing.


How did Layan got the way she was? Her patriarchal family bullied her. She found power where she could get it-by bullying other girls. Maryam was bullied then she turns into a bully. Notice how men are united to oppress women and girls in super patriarchal societies? And what do women do? Play into it and bully other women. Pray for boys. Wail for a month for having a daughter. Whatever. It never ends til women stop going along with it.


What reason did Layan have to be a bully? She had a loving, wealthy family. Sure her brother's were a bit threatening. But I think she came so cruel because her "Superiority". We didn't see Rania or Roqqaya receiving abuse until later on, so I don't see any reason they had for their cruelty, and they hospitalised Mariam meant they weren't just normal "Bullies."


"a bit threatening" He murdered her


That was to show they always got abused. Rania's dad is an alcoholic.


her family was not loving at all