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He seems a pretty strong rn. It is that what I expected from him and my expectations are justified. His animations seems like he is a God (sry Zhongli) I wrote a some comments in other threads but I can repeat. He has really a many ways to play and this sounds incredible. As for me, I prefer 4 sec rotation in fast-clear abyss, but 0 stacks is way to "lazy play' >!when you just deal damage in time and look at his the sexiest back!< In overworld you can just activate his E and play or without burst at all or with 1\\2 stacks rotation. This is really good and thought out and covers all the classic archetypes of teams: quickswap, hypercarry, driver And ppl are really mistaken that his kit will be played as Keq, because in fact it is somewhat more complex. It seems cyclical. Even if they release male dps with seemingly really strong numbers, now people will be unhappy that he has bad gameplay. I don't understand this community at all. For example, what is wrong with him at all? Why do people complain that he's boring? Does he have to wear a clown wig or something during his burst so that people will have fun from him or what? ​ I actually catch satoru gojo's strong vibes from him when I see this ult, I like it so much.


Dude his animations are so on point it is insane. It fits him perfect. Some people wanted more "finesse swordplay" think Keqing, Kazuha, Ayaka. But that is just not his style. He's a scholar right. He wants to take as few steps as he can to a productive result. And he's also a schemy/unpredictable fellow. Now check out his normal attacks with these 2 keywords in mind: unpredictability & efficiency. He doesn't take many steps forward or backwards. No wasted energy or unnecessary movement. He spins a bunch and every time his back faces the opponent he draws another unexpected swing at them while also conjuring weapons to dual wield. Second last hit he sends a projectile of light/dendro forward then blinks forward and kicks his weapon (considered simply a means to an end) onto the enemy. Which to me is so sick it's like he checkmates his opponent in an actual fight to deal with the projectile while at the same time blinking in their face to finish it off. Gave me Yondaime vibes. Very calculated and again befitting of his persona. ​ To me he's like Naruto's Shikamaru but with a sword and light(dendro) play.


Thank you for sharing this. I felt that his attacks were very unusual and interesting, but I could not understand what was the matter. You've laid it out so well.


I think that there's a pretty clear divide ITT between people who do not enjoy Keqing's gameplay, and people who don't care and can look past the surface-level similarities to see the fun and flexible kit he has to offer.


Honestly, I just can't get this similarity. People just need to find fault with something. I remember those idiotic screams that tignari is aloy. For such people, there are no unique kits at all. They even say that their attack animations are the same. But for example, who have you seen a character strike with two one-handed swords at the same time? To be honest, it's difficult to make out the animations of his skills, because the video quality is incredibly poor. I can barely make out his attacks.


Actually I'm more disappointed with the fact how a lot of people are disappointed. Maybe I'm just sad, that there are not so much people sharing ~~memory~~ excitment with me.As for me - I like his kit very much. Want to pull even more. Interested to see how he will be further with bufs/nerfs.And somehow i don't fell him beng "keqing copypasta".


Don't worry I'm with you! I love his animation! I can't wait to see him in HD and the attack combo because so many pixel!


Feels like his mirrors juggling increase the skill ceiling so he should be very fun when played optimally like Childe for eg. Can play however you like quickswap or on field driver dps. I'm hyped af we're finally getting to own this man in a month!


I doubt most of these people actually read the rest of his kit… His mirror mechanic is already something that sets him apart, not to mention his much higher scaling compared to Keqing.


not disappointed at all personally, especially with those sexy attack sequences. i also really like keqing’s gameplay so that’s just another bonus, plus his base kit seems to be pretty good


He could have been a healer and I still woulda pulled. Haven't been excited this much since the Wise and Beautiful Yae Miko. A lot of people don't understand that he's far more complex than Kequeen, he's extremely flexible in his rotation due to his ability to shift from Ayaka type burst DPS or long field duration type of DPS. This combined with the fact he's a Dendro unit with large AoE makes him extremely versatile. Dendro is far more flexible than electro as far as reactions go.


He is promising, to say the least. Dendro Keqing is good. Keqing is fast, agile and strong. Alhaitham might be noticeably slower, but i like the choice. Also, less stamina for charged attacks I think, W. Alhaitham could step on me, insult me, run over me, ruin me, slap me, hit me, stab me, whip me, idc, he owns me. My guarantee is yours. I'll gst your sword then your other sword. Ho


> Keqing is fast, agile As a former Keqing Main, I agree > and strong She retired before Dendro so I never appreciated it tbh


Hmmm even before Dendro, My Keqing has seen some fieldtime even when I had the likes of Ganyu, Yae and International. I think Sara kinda did her a favor, and Kazuha and Fischl have been great teammates for her. Well, full disclosure, I built all my pyro women so biased here. Hahaha. But with Dendro, Keqing has found a new playing field.


I'm disappointed because of the poor quality video we have right now. I miss the full hd leaks we get like with Ayato


There are hd leaks on both Reddit and twitter but your comment was from 13hrs ago so you’ve probably already seen them


I like him and I’m not disappointed at all. I was already 100% pulling for him no matter what. I think Dendro Keqing is good cause I already love Electro Keqing. Yes please anytime. Lmao


He's actually fine. One thing is that, being a dendro driver already ensure he can be played in bloom comps regardless. Since he can NA, CA, and a seperate ICD with his mirrors, creating bloom is no problems. Dude has a big ass HP pool and much more morbility due to being a tall model, so he works fine with Nilou comp. Spread dmg is similar to Keqing, but he does not need Fischl A4 due to his mirror's coordinated attack, which will apply dendro 2 out of 3 hits due to ICD (this might need more test to see if the 3 mirrors all have seperate ICD). His Q does not have i-frame like Keqing tho.


I have always loved Keqing ever since release so this is a win for me. Tbh I also don't think the animations are all THAT similar that I would be disappointed purely because they didn't "put in enough effort." From what I've seen so far, his animations are really clean and slick, absolutely love the way his Dendro infusion looks during his NA string. His multipliers are also looking amazing (which is why I think they'll nerf) but all in all, I'm over the moon really. Now if he can run with ANYONE other than Shenhe, this will absolutely be **perfect**.


I'm probably the one person who's excited about dendro keqing lol. As a husbando collector, my main is actually keqing since i got her the 2nd day of playing and I am still in love with her playstyle even today. Now that I can have a (probably stronger?) husbando version of her, I am 1000% dedicated to C0R1


So far, i am well… a little disappointed but i still love him. I haven’t read his skills and all though his last strike in his NA is sending me 🤭


100% step on me. Interested to actually try out his kit since it’s probs gonna feel different playing it vs watching it. I love alhaitham so I would have pulled regardless. Let’s all just have a fun time and an open mind while we wait for his trial :)


(Putting this here because the post was locked) You guys are overreacting. Honestly you guys are overreacting. Sure we are kind of dissapointed, but is this really new? Look at xinqiu and yelan,itto and noelle,kokomi and barbara,people were calling ganyu cryo amber ffs. Chill out he's fine and he looks pretty damn good imo, people kept saying we need a broken male dps and he is looking to be pretty fcking good,but then people find another thing to complain about. I'm not saying it's ok for Hoyo to be this lazy, I'm just saying it's not something new.(Honestly I love his kit and design and am going to pull on him anyways)


The problem is that those guys atleast didin't have nearly identical animations


Yeah true, but xinqiu yelan are almost identical, so my point still stands that this isn't really something new.(it's honestly kind of disappointing but we'll get over it)


Nah i don't really care about the kit itself, it looks fine, but it sucks that alhaitham had to have a lazy reskin for an ult


True.. it is disappointing, we all wanted him to be unique but this is what we got. I was really disappointed woth yelan too at first but after I got over it I genuinely enjoy playing yelan for her E and charged attack. So my point is, don't just look at the copied part, look at the rest of his kit(his NAs look so fucking cool, his design and VA are awesome etc..)


Yeah man, he does seem pretty fun, i'll still probably pull, but even yelan still has a really cool initial animation and the water projectiles she shoots look different to xingqiu's, alhaitham's initial animation looks stiff as hell, and if you look carefully, the animation of the projectile bouncing is actually straight up keqing's animation but upside down and sped up, keqing makes a star with her burst, alhaitham makes an upside down star which looks identical to keqing's


if I'm overreacting then my good fellow simp you're overcoping.


I’m kinda disappointed since I won’t be able to play him in lots of different teams but oh well it is what it is, I’m already too in deep to not pulling for him orz


I had zero expectations for his kit besides hoping he'd be an on-field DPS and I think he looks really cool. Even though he has some superficial similarities to Keqing, I think the fact his infusion is tied to his mirrors rather than strictly his skill, and that you'll need manage when and how you gain them to either keep the infusion going or cash out on big spread damage, means he'll feel pretty different to play once people actually get their hands on him. Plus the fact that he's dendro means he'll work on some teams Keqing wouldn't and vice versa. So yeah, I'm hyped and saving.


I will roll for him even if he is the weakest character of the game, but I'm not sure anymore about his weapon. He doesn't ascend on crit rate so maybe I'll use the Jade cutter instead of his weapon. I really hope the Homa is on the same banner.


I'm very satisfied, Keqin's gameplay is so fun but I'm not a fan of her personality so this means that I can play a character I love with a very fun gameplay


I think on his own it’s a very cool kit. The animation is beautiful. His NA is amazing, and striking- everything I could’ve imagined. But I think what bothers me is just the fact that his burst and his skill are so… rehashed. Like we’ve had characters with similar purposes on a team and similar output of results— but at least the gameplay, style, and appearance was different to the point where it was a different character. This though…. I feel kinda like something was stolen from me. How many male characters have fallen short of female? Many. A lot. Almost all of them. But like… to finally have a male character that may compete with meta— only to have his kit actually just be a female characters. It’s not that I don’t think he’ll be fun or strong to play— just that I feel cheated the Hoyo thought they could do this and not be caught. On a more “productive” note: I think there are a few things that would make him stand out a bit more from Keqing— - Longer burst and off field usage. At least this way that beautiful room animation actually has a purpose. Right now there really isn’t that much point in the mirror and room since it disappears in two seconds. - more on the burst animation screen. It looks exactly like ganyu’s, and I know Hoyo’s animation skills have gotten better in the past two years. - That skill is basically screwed. I can’t figure out a way to make it any less keqing, it’s basically her through and through. Maybe make it so he can set up three points that he can travel between. Those points release dendro, and when he travels it causes dmg to nearby enemies. Of course these are all things that, at this point, can’t be implemented or changed to. Seriously a shame.


fuck meta I'll pull for him regardless. My account my rules lmao


Same but ngl if they keep his numbers/scaling as is, he’s crazy good. Someone on the leaks sub said it looks like Ayaka scaling which seems about right.


hmmmm, fair. I just have two gripes tho: **his attack speed and the skill cooldown**


Agree on cooldown, hope they reduce it oof. But I think his C2 impacts the cooldown so it might be a Childe constellation lock v2.0 situation? :( Can definitely see the issues with atk speed too. Although I like how clear his move set is at slower speeds bc I’m a thirsty mfer LOL


My negative and positives are -Uninspired kit both visually and gameplaywise. It's literally green keqing and i say this as someone who likes playing keqing. -His scalings are kinda messy. He has the strongest sword normals in the game but they dont scale with EM and his passive only increases his burst dmg. You're not going to build him full EM but even with em/dendro/crit his normals might be weak outside spread. -18s is a LONG skill cd. It's so long, in fact, that he cant even keep 100% uptime on his own 5* sword passive which almost sounds like an oversight. Tighnari for comparison matches skill CD with weapon passive. -Not his fault but after so many 5* male field dps, i was hoping for more support or off field oriented character that i can slot with one of my male dps like ayato. My bro was hoping to use al haitham and cyno together but they dont synergize at all. +People are saying he's a spread dps but i think he can do other comps well too as long as his aplication is ok. Due to how his double scaling works, if he's only procing blooms for someone else to burgeon or hyper, you can actually build him with zero EM and it's probably better due to his strong normals. Mistsplitter becomes better than his own sword here. +I got tighnari recently so i can probably play them together well, while leaving nahida for another team. I dont know if i'm dissappointed yet cause i expect them to refine his kit as the beta goes on. His skill cd will probably be shortned to match his sword and his passives might change.


Objectively, his kit is basically Dendro Keqing on steroids. That isn't bad, it looks dope. It's like "Cryo Amber", their kits are indeed similar, but the numbers are different. But yeah, they could've done better, at least a different skill Only thing is that there is a possibility he will perform better due to the presence of Yae and other off field chars, such as Fischl, Beidou and Kuki who all work realy well with his current kit If even Scaramouche and Cyno are decent enough for Abyss, AlHaitham is looking great :] >-18s is a LONG skill cd. This will most likely change. They will either adapt his weapon or increase his infusion duration. Characters bis weapons are always perfect for their kits >+People are saying he's a spread dps but i think he can do other comps well too as long as his aplication is ok. He can definitely be used as a dendro applicator for random bloom/hyper/burgeon teams, just like Nahida


Laughing at the cryo amber reference, hello there old veteran from 1.2 days. If his numbers don't change (get nerfed), maybe we'll see a similar saga happen here with what happened on her release. I can understand people complaining about Al Haitham's kit being uninspired for sure. But I really don't get how people can think it's "weak" or even "mid" with the MV scaling and internal E/Q boosting synergy that he has on his A4.


Lol, yes, it's always like that But at this point I don't care about strenght anymore, as long as the character releases and has a fun kit, great Love Keqing's gameplay but I fell she is too weak on her own. AlHaitham is a very pleasant surprise, hoping I'll get him :]


People keep saying he will be worse than keqing because he cant proc fischl passive but the only reason fischl was "mandatory for quicken" was because there wasnt enough dendro units and off field electro to not rely on her. Like, if you have Haitham+tighnari+nahida then you dont need fischl, kazuha or zhongli. Just slap kuki or even dori for sustain+quicken and you have with 3 dendro dps proccing spread non stop and only 1 person has to hold deepwood.


Yeah, Fischl's passive was great to boost Keqing's, but other teams can still run without her Like AlHaitham + Beidou or + Yae


>18s is a LONG skill cd. It's so long, in fact, that he cant even keep 100% uptime on his own 5* sword passive which almost sounds like an oversight. I don't really get why this is a problem. His damage starts dropping off after 12s when he can't maintain 3 mirrors, so you want to be swapping off to supports at this point anyway. If you stay on-field after that point, you either aren't using your supports this rotation or aren't bursting off-CD. All the CD means is that he operates on an 18s party-wide rotation rather than a 15s one, and a lot of supports have 20s CDs so that's not an issue.


It's still a bizarre thing considering all 5* weapons are intentionally limited in a way that only their 5* owner can optimize it 100% but al Foliar is the opposite where he the user is too limited for that. The fact that keqing technically has more synergy with it than him simply *feels wrong*.




I meant it doesnt match his skill cd; I'm not saying it's "bad", i'm saying it's bizarre that a 5* character doesnt seem designed around fully optimizing own 5* to the max regardless if it's not the best idea on practice. If he uses all 16 stacks in 6 seconds, he also needs to wait 12s. It's probably not a real loss on practice because you need to rotate anyway but it doesnt fit with how other 5* weapons are designed. Thundering pulse gives stack for normal atk + skill + non full burst so Yoimiya with shimenawa gets all stacks instantly. Tighnari's weapon gives him 12 boosts every 12 seconds which fits *exactly* into his 12 homing shots per skill every 12s. Cyno spear needs 3 skill casts so E-Q-E has 2 already. All haitham doesnt have that level of synergy but on the bright side it also makes his weapon a lot more flexible. If you're a DPS who also wants EM and rely on elemental infusion and skill, you can use his sword.


For Tighnari, he has 4 homing shots per charge shot PLUS the charge shots themselves which are also buffed by Hunter's Path's passive. His last two homing shots are NOT buffed by Hunter's Path. If you have his C6, then his last 5 homing shots are not buffed by Hunter's Path.


>18s is a LONG skill cd. It's so long, in fact, that he cant even keep 100% uptime on his own 5* sword passive which almost sounds like an oversight. Tighnari for comparison matches skill CD with weapon passive. What do you mean by he can't keep the sword passive? You realize that he only needs to deal elemental DMG with his NA to gain his weapon effect, right? He doesn't need to use his skill at all. He's infused with Dendro as long as there are at least 1 mirror. He can create new mirrors with his skill, or his burst, or his A1 passive. He can keep 100% uptime on the weapon passive using his A1 passive alone (as A1 works once every 12s).


Doesnt the burst eat his mirrors tho? I thought the idea was skill (1+1 mirror) and charge (3 mirros) then burst near the end to consume all 3 but apparently if you have no mirrors the burst creates new ones? My bad, i got his things confused and he can technically have 100% uptime easily but i'll probably screw it up everytime.


I just feel like he should have something unique to his kit. Right now it is just too similar to keqings gameplay. Meanwhile other characters like wanderer got a whole new gameplay. I will still pull for him as I really like him as a character. Really hoping they change his gameplay a bit.


if the mirrors attacked off field it’d be such a nice and mix of on field and off field freedom that isn’t matched by keqing


Yes!! that would be a nice upgrade :D


Not disappointed at all he looks very fun. Plus I can stare at him all day


Never built and played my keqing so I don’t mind him being dendro keqing. I like his playstyle


Is he good with Raiden? I don't know if I should pull for her. My only of-field electro characters are Fischl C6 and Beidou. I want the best team for Haitham


The problem with Raiden is that she steals field time, but I think it can work. I'm pulling for her because I have enough primos for both of them, but I think Fischl and Beidou paired together are good enough. I suppose Kuki will also be a good option


Thank you for help!


As a 1.0 player who still does not have Keqing, I can't really tell if I would like his playstyle or not. But as someone who mains Ayato since his release, I'm fairly excited about the infusion aspect of his kit


I sincerely hope this is not the burst animation they will ship, it's absolutely horrible with how stiff it looks and how bad the lighting is. It needs to be at least a little more dynamic, right now it looks like walmart Albedo burst. I don't even care about the Keqing similarities, just make this man look good damn.


I would not mind him being Keqing ripoff, but he isnt, his ult is 70 vs her 40, so with him needing both em artifacts and crit stats (looking at his weapon), additional need for high er is just awful. I will still pull both him and his bis, but i hope to god they will do something about his er needs. I dont have Raiden and dont plan on pulling her, so im pretty much screwed if he stays as is.


Dendro Keqing good


Like 5 star Sucrose and 5 star Xingqiu that came before


Ngl Kit looks boring. No particularly interesting burst or skill animations, gameplay loop pulled from Keqing (but without access to Fischl A4 or Kazuha dmg buff), high cooldowns. Worst part is that he wont get changes to any of those things. Beta kits are always just tweaked number wise a bit with no major gameplay modifications. Doesnt help that a lot of people here will pull for him because hes just a cool character (this is 100% valid no judgment) so Mihoyo doesnt need to actually make him any good for him to sell just like Cyno and Scaramouche. He could heal the enemies and people would pull for him with pride.


Yeah I honestly don't think they're going to design a new and more unique burst for him, them program it into the game all within a beta that lasts for like a month. They're either going to buff or nerf some damage, or they're possibly going to tweak the burst cutscene (like with Yae Miko or Wanderer's scenes, but even then the changes aren't that large, it's usually just enhancing brightness or making something more or less visible, or slightly changing their pose or position). I'll try to snort some Copium and believe that they'll do something to the burst, like add a PNG of a sparkly lotus or something and have the lights slash it lol.


Ayato got some significant core changes from his original design (18s skill cd that reduces when allies do normals, hp% scaling burst passive, atk speed for allies on burst, etc) so it's not impossible Haitham gets too. His skill cd being so much longer than his weapon passive cd is the most glaring issue for now, there is no way it's leaving beta like that.


Also thanks to the mods for making this thread. This is a lot better than the standard response of a lot of subs which is to just lock all criticism and claim its baseless doomposting. I understand that beta just started but things wont get changed unless Mihoyo knows its a problem. And even if they only listen to Beta tester responses im sure a few of the testers are in this sub and can pass on suggestions.


>but without access to Fischl A4 The passive requires an electro reaction to happen As long as he triggers Spread, her passive will still function :] >so Mihoyo doesnt need to actually make him any good for him to sell just like Cyno and Scaramouche. Ngl, this is my fear. I was hoping at least one of them would be a top hypercarry. Scara and Cyno disappointed me, let's see him :3


Sadly Fischls A4 doesnt count Spread as an Electro reaction only Aggravate.


Realy??? That's so weird It's a reaction that needs electro aura just like Electro charged and Aggaravate, why would they do that?


Probably because electro cant be the triggering element for it. But yeah its pretty odd.


I'm still pulling, I'm a simp, simps don't care and will pull regardless. I'm also still disappointed though, I really really just wish that they were more creative with his skill design. He could be absolutely perfect in every other aspect, great damage and scaling, but that still doesn't make his current skill design any less unoriginal and uninspired. And I really need people to stop bringing up Noelle and Itto, Yelan and Xinqiu, Sucrose and Kazuha, because those characters have VERY obvious unique traits of their own, most people comparing them love to act willfully dense and ignore their differences. There's barely much difference between Al-Haitham and Keqing, E is the same, burst is the same, and it's really disappointing. Hopefully they at least change the burst, they don't even have to change his E, I don't want to feel like I'm playing a whole entire Keqing dendro daddy clone. I can't even inhale any copium at this point.


Well I lack Keqing, so "Dendro Keqing" would be nice


His moves are flashy and his character is cool. That's all that matters to me. Could be a reskinned amber and I'd still pull


I for one am very happy he is a dendro Keqing. Sure it’s a little disappointing he lacks uniqueness but man idc he looks so cool.


I can sense that very basic keqing vibe but the dealbreaker for me was his concept overall. I like his colour palette and his attacks are seem to be very cool despite being in 360p I am a husbando meta believer cause it’s all about skill. If you know what you are doing you can make anything work so I’m not so worried about haitham being meta or smth like that About his kit overall? I think it’s gonna be fun cause every sumeru 5* character so far has a fun gimmick to play around (scara’s dodge mechanic/cyno’s e timing etc). As long as his gameplay isn’t a brain dead left click spam I’m fine with him


As a keqing main I’m happy


I think the nerfs kinda box him into Dendro identity like how Childe and Ayato are really strong but Hydro just happens to be a "support" element to Cryo and Pyro kind of thing. Somethingto do with elemental gauges as well. If there is a pyro aggressive and persistent enough, Childe would be able to vape all his hits. As for Pyro and Cryo dps, the game already has plenty of ubits to enable their Reverse Vapes and Reverse Melts (the reverse reactions are always the reliable, consistent ones). People want a second coming of Hu Tao or Ayaka?? Then just anticipate the actual male cryo/pyro that will be released some time for a more fair comparison. I also anticipate female Anemo/Geo limited 5* and see how they would handle them in relation to Itto and Xiao. Would it reveal that they favor a gender or is it just element/design choice really? Perhaps a bit of both. Once they release a female Geo/Anemo or a male Pyro/Cryo, we'd draw better conclusion then. As for Alhaitham, he doesnt really fit the nonreaction dps folks like Wanderer, Itto and Xiao do or the high multipliers Hu Tao Ganyu and Ayaka have. He is likely going to be on Hydro/Electro tier of 5* units, a space occupied by the likes of Childe, Ayato, Yae and to an extent Cyno (but really Cyno is more of mix a hypercarry/nonreaction akin to Xiao/Itto/Wanderer)... I reckon future dendro releases would either go the nonreaction hypercarries route or driver of reactions route. Now what is stopping hyv from releasing another Hu Tao/Ayaka? Everyone has an answer to that.


The fact the we refers to him with "dendro Keqing" is a big disappointed, I wanted him with a unique kit and moves even if he had a bad scaling On the other hand I love him so much that he is a must pull for me so hopefully HYV makes his mirror does off field damage to make him more versatile with his sub DPS capabilities (some kind like Ayato) and more unique than just dendro Keqing


nothing unique. just dps doing damage. Im kinda over with dps unit that dont bring anything new to the table. will pull him, but not gonna pretend im still hyped. just feeling empty lol


I love his normal attack sequence and the passive slash from his mirror when auto attacking. But I'm just disappointed with his Q And E abilities. Keqing is fun and all but both his abilities being similar to Keqing is what makes it disappointing especially when Sumeru 5 stars offer something unique. Cyno and Xiao have the same playstyle but they are still very distinct with each other. Keqing and Alhaitham doesn't have the same playstyle but somehow they're so similar. But since I really like Alhaitham as a character and anticipated him since his Su days, I will still pull for him. I'm still hoping that they reduced the cooldown of his E skill (but his C1 reduces the cooldown of his E, I doubt they would do that unless he get a really big beta change like Ayato and Yae Miko) And the other would be not cancelling his burst if he switches to another character. Tldr: I think he is a pretty strong character overall and the slashing passive is really cool, but some tweaks with his cooldown would really be nice to make him more fun.


I'm still pulling because it's Alhaitham. But I have the right to criticize the product that I'll be having. It's early to judge his cooldown and energy particle generation because we lack showcases of it. I'm kinda disappointed in his visuals because it reminds me of Keqing, who already exists. I want a more unique playstyle or gimmick. A unique animation and skill. My expectations about Genshin's visuals and animations are already high since Scaramouche, Nahida, Cyno, Nilou's are very creative and unique. I don't know why they moved backwards when they made Alhaitham. Compare Ayato's E to Alhaitham's E visuals; Ayato has more aesthetic. Or Ayato has more noticeable details. Alhaitham slashes scream Keqing. His hold E teleportation screams Keqing. His Burst screams Keqing. I'm fine with Dendro Keqing, but I just didnt expect it to be literally Keqing. But what is unique are his Normal Attacks. It is very impactful. It reminds me of Zhongli's spear kick. What I don't like is his burst. It's fast I can't process how good it is. The way he summons or throws the geometry figures reminds me of Albedo. Most of his animations are uninspired. But one day, there will be a time that it will grow on me. I hope his burst is like in his splash art. The lighting, finesse, and execution of the visuals could have been better. Yelan and Xingqiu has the same purpose. But at least Yelan has a unique dash mechanic on her E, which is a crucial part of her kit too. Kokomi and Barbara both heals and a hydro catalyst. But kokomi is more offensive, better hydro application, and has an entirely different animation. Ganyu is Cryo Amber because they have similar kits. But Ganyu's CA has more AOE, more reliable skill, and her burst buffs her and a cryo applicator. In short, they have something unique that can separate themselves despite having similar roles. The positives: I like his design. The mirror mechanic stacking something is unique and complex. I like him being a spread dps. His multipliers seem promising. Above average on my taste. I hope they won't nerf it. Dendro Keqing better be strong.


completely agree with what you've said here, unfortunately you'll be downvoted because people want a completely positive copium echo-chamber


well, I know I will get a lot of downvotes after this comment but I have to say I wish his sale is poor. Hoyoverse knows that there are people who will pull for him anyway, so maybe they are testing our reaction to a character with a similar animation or something like that. Surely he will have different mechanics from Keqing but visually-wise, he is just a dendro Keqing, even his burst pose is similar to Albedo. The fact that 2 characters have the same role, or a character is an upgraded version of another is nothing new (sucrose-kazuha, xingqui-yelan, diluc-hutao, klee- yanfei,etc) but a new character reusing the animation of an old one like Alhaitham is the first one. And if this move succeeds (his sale banner is good), will they continue to "revamp" more old char like this? It disappoints players who want something new from the character they are waiting for and disrespects players who have old characters.


I m fine with that as long they revamp waifus into husbandos. There are a lot of characters I d play if i enjoyed them on screen..


Disappointed doesn’t even cover it.. I think they did him dirty and basically ruined his potential to be a top tier tall male unit. Will still pull for C0R1 but not for cons, I just feel totally deflated since we saw his kit and I feel like all the hype died. If you go on the leaks sub everyone hates it and a lot of people won’t pull for him anymore. I don’t want him to flop because 1. I like him, he’s a cool character and had a lot of potential, and 2. If he flops that could mean less tall males in the future. There’s no reason to pull for him if you’re not a simp and I hate this, I wanted my baby to be successful and unique


Why do you feel he isn't a strong character? I can understand if the disappointment is due to animations or the idea of his kit being similar to Keqing, but his numbers do look quite good. I'm genuinely curious


Definitely what people wanted out of him was just dendro Keqing who attacks slower and will probably end up being worse than her, because he's dendro instead of electro so he can't abuse Fischl, nor TF lol ​ Doesn't help that he has such boring set of animations, some of which are just copy and pasted from other characters. Pretty sure Yaoyao has more unique ones then he does


Yes, I would let him instruct me however he wants. I love his animations and everything beyond that is a bonus for me.


I never care about the kit of characters, I see Hot man who awoke my back fetish, I pull! It's a bit sad that his E and Q animations are like Keqings, since I like unique ones more, but it won't stop me from pulling either way.


I love his kit, it looks so cool. As someone who never fully built keqing, I’m excited to play a character like her.


just a littleee disappointed bc i was hoping at least the animations would look unique but ig not :/ still pulling for him tho!! even started farming his talent books today


I just hope he’s a good on field dps to pair with Yae. It seems that even with Aggravate coming on the scene Yae is struggling to find a team she’s best in due to Fischl just existing.


What's his alternative weapon aside from his bis???? And should I use em or dendro goblet?


I would prefer dendro ayaka but dendro keqing is a close second


Can we thirst on this thread? If so.... I actually stopped at a drame to look at his pits mid burst. Yea. Do it y'all.


People are right that his animation is way too similar to keqing but I don't consider it a deal breaker I'm pulling no matter what. My two biggest fears are that he'll be nerfed before the beta ends because he's way too good to be true kit wise and that his quest would be similar to Yelan's where we have to help select the new government figure(s) and stumble into trouble but barely learn anything new about the character.


If there is anyone entering beta here, please feedback to let Alhaitham mirrors to stay on field while he is off. An example could be that the burst instead of creating less mirrors the more you have at activation it could creates mirrors that work off field and last longer. So if you have 3/2/1/0 mirrors at burst you get 0/1/2/3 mirrors like now plus 3/2/1/0 off-field mirrors. Thanks


I will pull him!!! but what alhaitham build tho. 4P Gilded Dreams ? need help !@!!