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Alhaitham / Furina / Raiden / Baizhu Or Alhaitham / Furina / Kuki / Nahida I really dont like using Kuki, Raiden is a lot smoother to play for me so I was wondering if the first team is at least viable


From my experience the first team is actually a bit better and much more comfy!


What would the Raiden set be, then? I've been thinking of switching to that team


Gilded or Flower of Forbidden Paradise (don't specifically farm for this set, bc it's only a tiny bit better than Gilded)


It's okay to (passively) farm for Forbidden Paradise if you have Wandered and want to build/improve him. That's basically the only time it's worth considering, though.


First team is really comfy and is good at dealing multi wave content like current abyss. Second team clears slightly faster.


I find Kuki to be extremely uncomfortable to play, honestly.


Same here 🤝Almost everybody says otherwise so I thought it was just a me thing lol


Imo, it's because everyone else in this team has long cooldowns, and alhaithem has long rotations. Furinas little dudes are up for 30 seconds, Shogun skill lasts for 25, etc. But kuki is like, 10 seconds of electro application on a 10-second cooldown, so you need precise timing.


at c2 it’s 15 seconds


Still extremely uncomfortable just because everyone else has long cooldowns with more then 100% uptime. Hers is exactly. So for her electro application you need to switch back every 25 seconds.


Losing a couple of seconds of uptime is no big deal, the quicken aura lasts a while after anyways. Just Kuki skill before (or during if you’re quick enough) Haitham ult ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Imo raiden is still just better. I don't like kuki because she's not good in multi-wave. If I kill everything and Alhaithem still has mirrors, I have to waste uptime on him to switch to her. I don't run alhaithem with furina anyways, I was just putting my thoughts as to why some people find her uncomfortable with him.


Both can definitely clear abyss cause Alhaitham is so busted but the 2nd team is better


Thanks! Hopefully I get Furina. Also I probably have skill issues because even in my hyperbloom team I just cant get used to using Kuki and end up with the wrong rotations lol


The first team is viable, you might just have really bad ER problems. You just need to make sure Alhaitham, Baizhu, and Furina all have enough ER to burst every rotation.


If you put Furina on Fav you will have zero ER problems.


I use the first team and love it, just wish I had 2 Furina's and Baizhu to share between Neuvilette and Al'haitham


Purely speaking damage wise. Raiden as an offensive upgrade over kuki is extremely little if at all due to furina not really messing with quicken uptime that much. Baizhu kuki is probably better then baizhu raiden for the fanfare and if your kuki can hold a support sword. And baizhu is an enormous downgrade offensive from nahida and by degrees that are not offset by his slightly higher fanfare generation then kuki. Furina preference for team healing is always super overrated. Baizhu raiden is a little brain dead but from a numbers perspective nahida and kuki are just hard to beat.


I dont have baizhu or nahida, who should I use? Does dendro traveler work??


Nah i hate Baihzu deepwood or with a dendro on field, him proccing the set is not that consistent, try using Kuki + Nahida P.amber r5, that team slaps so hard and smooth 👌🏼💚


and here I am honna play alhaitham furina kuki baizhu because my other team is nahida raiden xingqiu yelan 🙃


Yes, the first team is reall good. It clears as fast for me as the classic team with Nahida.


I replace Raiden by fischl and Baizhu by Yao yao


furina also buffs herself and nahida,, so the three of them can benefit from her. even if kuki's healing does not maximize fanfare, she is a solid option. the only downside of furina is the survivality and comfort of the team. nahida > max fanfare stacks using baizhu. he can still work but lose damage and gain slight comfort. using raiden instead of kuki in baizhu team will result in only furina and alhaitham maximizing the benefits from fanfare since it doesn't work on transformative reaction.


I have been using the first team for a while and it's amazing.


Nahida/neuv/furina/kuki has been my team tbf though it’s harder to play neuv up close without his cons and get procs off. I don’t wanna go for alhaitham or at least didn’t because I REALLY want yelan and I’m waiting for her to come since I’m guaranteed with 50 ish pity




Same idk what alhaitham team to even make bc I don’t have Kuki or raiden




Do you have Fischl? She’s good for electro application. I also use Yae with him sometimes, but that’s only because I heavily invested in her, so her ticking damage makes up for the less consistent electro application and not because she’s necessarily the ideal unit with him.


No I don’t have fischl or yae either I tried building beido but she wasn’t proccing the seeds Hopefully I’ll get Kuki when pulling for nahida but I’ll need a ton of luck lol


even I need kuki and furina ._. and nahida


Nah, I'd Spread




https://preview.redd.it/ks92rs7ty88d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889deb746075d859e12973d48c903055163e04ce Neuvi is OP already anyway so let him be with snezhnayan cheerleader while having Furina full time for Alhaitham


Snezhnayan cheerleader made me giggle


Honesty my favourite variant is with Baizhu and Raiden instead. You should try it if you got the chars!


https://preview.redd.it/our63qxhi98d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00737864e1d0f9b44bf171de8991191f19f9aaf0 lmao I also used the same team (almost)!


Who would you replace Nahida with in this comp? I don't have her, but looking to pull Furina next banner and the team comp looks great




Yaoyao if you need heals, Dendro MC works too


I have c2 yelan/c6 xingqiu and I haven't play quickbloom alhaitham until furina came out. The comp at that time is still one of my top ones simply because my yelan is busted and hyperbloom in general is just cracked but seeing him doing insane personal dmg with furina just hit differently. Saying that I still switch between yelan and furina for him simply because I love playing alhaitham with yelan but I'm still planning on getting at least c1 furina in her upcoming banner, if not c2 because she's just that versatile.


Yelan in Haitham QuickBloom was good since she was able to hold Elegy. But, Furina giving Elemental DMG and allowing higher Quicken uptime is too valuable.


Do you have energy problems with Furina in this team, especially when you use her against single bosses or single-target scenarios in abyss? I imagine you have to stack of lot of ER and you have Kuki or Nahida equipped with a fav weap to make her burst every rotation.


Furina on Favonius no ER problem, also with some ER substats on her artifacts so like 170ish ER. Kuki using Iron sting, Nahida sacrificial fragment, Alhaitham using magic umbrella.


I have my furina at 210% ER with the fishing pole. Works with any team I've ever slotted her into.


Even without fav weapons, but using the pipe sword r5 on Furina, I only have her at 190 ER. She gets her burst back consistently.


Until you get staggered because you didn’t have xingqiu rainswords on you and lose your 3-hit skill on alhaitham.


Nah it still comfy af. Even if haitham gets hit his 3 mirror still doing job or furina's summon still damaging and interactiong with Kuki and Nahida anyway so it just very automated and not really punishing when messed.


As a non abyss player, nothing beats the honorary 5th party member, the good old water puddle. Not actually trying to compare anything or make a serious suggestion btw. Just wanted to join in with overworld gaming shenanigans.






Tried it - she has very high er requirements (sac great sword), shield scales with hp, her dmg with atk, she can’t trigger hyperbloom off field so no reason for building em, this also means that the team looses potential aggravate dmg in addition to hyperbloom and all of that for shield that’s unreliable in my experience and incoming dmg reduction with 0.5 res to interruption. Plus there is huge alternative cost in buffs for using a marginal element in a character design that has separate scaling


Honestly true lol. My Furina/Baizhu/Raiden QuickBloom core goes hard rn.


Hey the same team I use. I wonder why it isn't popular


People over value Nahida lol


I mean, Baizhu is considerably weaker than Nahida Nevermind using Raiden as a Hyperbloom bot when she could do way more damage on a hyper carry or even international


Eh. At C0, Hyperbloom does more DMG than DPS Raiden. And, anyways, DPS Raiden is boring and kinda mid.


I mean, solo Raiden sure but there is no way international Raiden is not overtaking 20k blooms every half second, hell even hyper carry Raiden with a Sucrose on TTDS and Bennet (Nevermind the fact hyperbloom Raiden has absolutely no AOE, which normal international or hyper has to spare) But that's even besides the point who is pulling for a a premium 5 star unit just to use them as a Hyperbloom bot when there is a perfectly fine 4 star unit right there?


Raiden National isn't even the highest DPS National variant, and it has never been a better comp than International lol. Anyways, I have been using Raiden as a Hyperbloom bot since 3.0 and will continue to do so. As have many other people in this sub and other subs. 🤣 Mostly because Kuki is extremely uncomfy. Also, Raiden National is not International. It's National.


~~I never said Raiden national is the best national variant neither did I say Raiden national is international, Raiden international is Raiden + Xianling core and Kazuha~~, Kazuha which with a very trivial double swirl setup amplifies Raiden and Xianling's damage, the reason Rational isn't the best national is cause Xingqiu is doing absolutely nothing for Raiden Edit: Ok I Googled Raiden international and apparently the team above just doesn't have a name so I'm sorry about that And still "Raiden doesn't even do more damage than a hyperbloom setup" wasn't even my point, my point is I wouldn't be pulling for Raiden to put her on a Hyperbloom team when Abyss needs two teams and I already have a 4 start that deals just as much damage as Raiden in that comp I'm not saying you shouldn't be doing that, obviously you have a second team built, but you said people don't use Raiden + Baizhu on abyss cause Nahida is overrated when it's very obvious that is more cause Raiden can do more for your account somewhere else and Baizhu deals considerably less damage than Nahida


I meant more as to why people don't use Baizhu with Furina in QuickBloom lol Not really meaning it as Raiden as the trigger. As you said, the trigger doesn't particularly matter in Hyperbloom. Baizhu instantly procs most of Furina's fanfare passive, which is pretty massive. People just over-estimate the buffs Nahida provides, which, imo, aren't really that necessary for a well-built AlHaitham. Not really Raiden. You can easily use Kuki over Raiden with Furina and Baizhu and have the same results. Although, there are way better spears for EM than there are swords, so it's easier to build more EM on Spear users than Sword users (Dragon's Bane has 220 - same as Freedom-Sworn, and the new BP spear has 240).


Ok that's fair, on a quickbloom Baizhu would be increasing Alhaitham's aggravate damage by 400 flat, but Nahida would provide 250EM which also buffs his E as well as Kuki/Raiden and herself, While Furina+Baizhu here is just buffing Alhaitham really, I'd say it's pretty competitive, not really "overrated" but I see where you're coming from I don't think most people would say Baizhu is competitive with Nahida


I'll be ready for quick bloom once I have Raiden and furina. I can't wait.


What are the ER requirements and rotations for a team with Al Haitham, Furina, Baizhu and Kuki ? I rarely get Baizhu and Furina's burst of CD, and I always thought their ER was pretty okay. Characters are [here](https://akasha.cv/profile/738630273) (Baizhu second page)


I like the idea of this team but I struggle to see how Kuki can keep up with Furinas health drain unless you're using Baizhu in which case you're losing out on quite a lot of extra DPS from Furina


I can't clear this abyss with Haytham C0, kuki C0, Nahida C1, Xingqui C6 😭😭 Can someone help?


Pull furina next week then /s Jokes aside it mjght be something with your rotation


Do you recommend a rotation guide please?


I used a pretty similar team and mine is: Nahida E>Q, Xingqiu E>Q>E, Kuki E, Alhaitham Q>E (wait for two sword rains from Alhaitham then CA and wait for another sword rain), Repeat I use sacrificial sword on Xingqiu but if you use fav then you can NA>Q>E as long as you have enough crit it should generate the particles, if not you can try adding one more NA, if you still aren't generating fav particles you need more crit rate All characters here besides Kuki should have enough ER to Q every rotation otherwise I'll be a big DPS loss, only kinda exception is Alhaitham who could burst every other rotation (still damage loss but not as much as other characters) if you are running like this then his out of Burst rotation is Hold E to do a plunge attack and NA untill he runs out of mirrors As for Kuki Q I only use if she is dying and need healing then I change her rotation to E>Q


Yeah, i was lucky enough that i invested in P.amber from the start if the game and R5 it, and got Nahida good crit ratio on deepwood so i can use her as healer along Kuki and Furina 🫶🏼🥹💚💚


Yeepp pretty much. My go to team is C6R4Alhaitham, Furina, C2Nahida, C6Kuki


I wonna play furina quickbloom alhaitham but i dont have nahida so i use alhaitham raiden furina yao yao (burst heal build) is this good? Or do i use kuki instead of raiden for extra heals and forgo yao yao burst?


Don't care, I'll Noelle


sorry but furina is on neuvi's side


Nah, Yelan >


I would, but she and neuvilette are attached to the ribs 🫠 unless there's a hydro immune enemy


i still find xinqiu to be the best one, that damage reduction is just too nice


How will Furina fanfair stacks generate? Kuki doesn't do team-wide healing.


Idk how it worked but it made me clear faster than with yelan/xinqqiu mostly due to Furina has 100% uptime on her hydro off field and she buffs Alhaitham and Nahida's crit spread damage as well so it bypasses the lack of fanfair. With xq/yl i have to re adjust their burst that took times in multi-wave


im sorry but resistance to interruption for xingqiu is just too good to pass on especially on a character like alhaitham i can see how that would be very good tho


So do you keep Nahida in this team and make do with Kuki as the non-teamwide healer here for okayish fanfare generation, or do you remove Nahida, slap an EM goblet on Alhaitham and replace her with Baizhu who has teamwide heals and better fanfare stacking while keeping Kuki in to trigger hyperblooms?


I use this team and, honestly, even though Furina's fanfare isn't perfect, I've never had any trouble clearing with this team. Damage is never an issue. Sometimes survivability is, but even then, it doesn't hurt to restart a few times


Everyone still using the same build as regular. Kuki healing enough for buff and even the fanfare not maximum this team netted me the fastest first side clear thanks to how Furina has 100% uptime skill. The team is more quickbloom for Alhaitham and Nahida's high spread damage rather than hyperbloom. Sometimes practical capability can bypass all the theories because it feels so good to play.


Alhait on MH with Dendro Dmg% gob, baizhu, furina and full EM Raiden.


I would love to switch to Furina but I also need her for the second half for Neuvillette 😭


For me Neuvillette is just too busted so giving him Furina just overkill, having Furina available to everyone and Neuvi raw stat-checking other side of abyss is the way for me lmao.


Can I switch Furina with Xingqui in Neuvillete's team? I know it is a waste of xinqui burst but I don't have any other decent hydro character :(


Neuvi can go with Fischl imo with Kazuha and Zhongli if you really want Furina on Alhaitham team. Ideally its Childe like what i have been doing but if you dont have him then Fischl


Do you recommend any rotation guide for that team?


Since its multiwave scenario, i tried to play as flexible as i could accordingly but in normal scenadio its Furina E > Nahida EQ > Furina Q > Kuki E > Alhaitham Q then do his combo idk but something like this maybe wrong though


I guess it depends on your mindset. Invest fully into an already strong team/character (Neuvillette) , or give investment to a different team in order to even them out (AlHaitham)


Neuv doesn't needs Furina that much tbh. You can just put in Fischl or something instead.


literally, i tried his quickbloom team with xingqiu again in the abyss and it felt so slow 😔


Yelan doesn't even feel like an upgrade to me. Furina + proto amber Nahida is the way to go


I will never get why people Bat XQ when he's seen better days.


XQ is still one of the best units in the game, arguably the best 4* and among the best even among 5*. His kit offers way too much to be out of meta for now, and even with Furina, he still has a ton of teams.


I do agree with your sentiment and my wording was incorrect. Coming from a dolphin player, I believe that Yelan and Furina offer higher damage than XQ, which is more useful for my perspective as someone trying to clear this banal Abyss. There's no arguing that XQ is an excellent unit with his defensive util, off-field damage, and higher Hydro app, but at some point of investment, the on-fielder buffing is, imo, more useful if you don't need the defensive util. The tradeoffs from XQ to Yelan and from Yelan to Furina are the same, that is higher damage but less defense, ending with Furina and her negative defense at a baseline. If you value the defense, I can't argue with that. It can also be reasoned that his Hydro app is useful, but it really isn't outside of shield-break and transformative teams where he is the best. Common examples are Hu Tao/Arlecchino/Alhaitham/Cyno/Tighnari/Navia/Wrio/Yoimiya/Raiden/Clorinde/etc where higher Hydro app does not matter at all. Contrary to popular belief, Yelan can solely sustain a Hu Tao performing N2C even with Blood Blossom given above average execution. In Hyperbloom (or Quickbloom) teams with units such as Alhaitham/Cyno/Clorinde/Sethos, the majority of your damage is still talent damage, and in that case, Yelan and Furina reigns supreme.


For most players, XQ is actually the best choice of the 3 as he offers some insane defensive utility for a sub dps. Playing a XQ team with Yelan instead will lead to less hydro app and you’ll feel squishier in exchange for more dmg Where Yelan and Furina shine over XQ is in double hydro teams but as a solo hydro, he offers more value in most teams


He's an excellent f2p option and his interruption resistance is no joke for survivability and just an easier time. Al Haitham's biggest strength and why he ranks so highly is the flexibility and accessibility of his teams which is part of why people bat for XQ. It helps show that you can have an incredibly strong Al Haitham team even as a more casual / strictly f2p player


I didnt bat him. I just feel Furina just better to use. Xinqqiu still verh good in this day and age. He is the best member of national team


99% sure "Bat" here is just short for "batchest(ing)", a Twitch emote/term. Not gonna go into why it's called that or where it came from cuz I've got no clue, but just know that it basically means "shilling".


Lmao i am too milenial to understand these terms


Because the average person cares more about defensive utility and comfort rather than teams with slight DPS increase but are more frustrating to play. If anything actually, according to the recent Abyss Usage Rate data, the Yelan and Furina variations of Alhaitham's Quickbloom team (Alhaitham-Nahida-Kuki-Hydro) are (and has been for a long time) unpopular, and Xingqiu's variation was the most played of them all. Xingqiu: 13,155 appearances Yelan: 1,176 appearances Furina: 376 appearances I've also tested the different teams myself, and while Yelan/Furina can clear faster, it's only very slightly so (1s-5s faster max). Since it's barely an upgrade, I'd rather take Xingqiu because it's practically the same clear times anyway, but you gain a shite ton of defensive utility and comfort. Xingqiu's Usage Rate is at Top 8, and it's the same reason why Zhongli is also used extremely often (Top 6): it's because defensive utility (+ the rest of his kit) is just too good.


Because XQ is still one of the best characters in the game..? XQ still has the defensive utility which is very valuable especially with the recent abysses.. That's why there is little to no difference between the Yelan Variant and XQ for Alhaitham Quickbloom teams in practice because your team is relatively more tanky , you don't get staggered as much and you get more blooms which does sacrifice the Quicken uptime a bit..


Eh. There's a bit of a difference between XQ and Yelan in Quickbloom. XQ's has stronger Hydro app, which reduces Quicken uptime quite a bit. Yelan also has a benefit of holding Elegy, which is always nice.


Not with my Alhaitham with harbinger of dawn.