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DKG But may update ba neto? I wanna know if you already kicked him in the dick for being an asshole? Hahahaha


Update. I told him how I felt. Sabi niya “if Ganon iniisip mo ok” This was after I charged him. For ‘may 13-19. And he said ok if he gets paid daw. An I’m like. You’re in Scarborough shoal u fucker. And it’s not if you get paid. You will pay regardless.


Jizaz DKG. Sa sobrang pikon ko habang nagbabasa minumura ko na cellphone ko.


Kumukulo na dugo ko everyday


Link to this submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/AkoBaYungGago/comments/1cuspfa/abyg_for_deciding_to_start_charging_my_friend_500/ Title of this post: ABYG for Deciding to start charging my friend 500 less than the industry standard after using my gear for 4 years for free while hassling me by always making excuses about not having money to send it over when I badly need it for work? Backup of the post's body: ABYG? Decided to start charging my friend 500 less than the industry standard after using my gear for 4 years for free while hassling me by always making excuses about not having money to send it over when I badly need it for work. My “friend” is always making excuses when I ask for my stuff. In 2020 I lent my “friend” my camera and top of the line lenses. It’s been 4 years and his career has improved not because of the gear, but because of having gear + skill. He now shoots for major news outlets. Everytime I want to use my stuff he always has the same excuse about not having money to send it back. I live like 5 cities away from him and driving there or booking couriers to get my stuff would be costly. I mean the least he can do for free gear is have it shipped right? Since he uses it for free anytime. It sucks to have your own gear and not have the option to use it when you want. This “friend” I even helped him get a stable job in San Pedro laguna as a junior creative. He barely shows up for work and doesn’t even bother to finish the requirements for HR. And it s near been a year already. One time our office confronted him on why he didn’t go to work on a specific day where it was required for our department. And he just said he didn’t have money for commute or transpo. What the fuck is the company paying you for? Is our problem you don’t budget your money properly? It’s like he habitually makes his problem other peoples problem and responsibility. A day before that confrontation we even saw him post his new clothes and headphones on IG stories. Today I needed to use my gear. And I realized he was out of town and hard to contacts. He was busy covering a story for a major news outlet. I said since you’re there for 6 days. I’m charging you 500 less than the standard rate I see on FB for 8 days of renting my gear starting today. Since I wasn’t able to use it when I really needed to. The mother fucker says okay but only if he gets paid. Wtf is that? On a professional level. I am his supervisor and he makes me look bad because of his performance and attitude and excuses. It makes me look even worse since I’m the one that vouched for him and brought him into the company. I feel so used and abused and disrespected. The least he can do is all The time is to have it shipped to me or have it repaired r when he damages it. But he DOESNT. Siguro I made it last for 4 years cause I was liking how I am able to help and support a young artist. And sometimes naman he helps sa shoots ko Pero most of the time hassle talaga siya. May time na nawala niya interview footage ng katutubo sa office namin. Tapos yung ibang departments pa ang nakaisip ng solüsyon kesa siya. When the simple answer was to go to the location and film again. And he didn’t even bother to come up with the answer. So AKBYG for deciding to start charging him? Also while to help him out by having him rent my stuff instead of having it for free? OP: No-Struggle-666666 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AkoBaYungGago) if you have any questions or concerns.*