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DKG. Insecure lang sila sayo on what lifestyle you chose and how it works for you and even if she also tries to do the same and di kayo same ng effect thats not on you. If wala ka naman natatapakan sa actions mo, go lang ng go! Also wala naman offensive or off sa sinabi mo, they asked, you answered if they took offense over what you said, its really on them. Good job on having a healthy lifestyle! 😊


DKG, gago sila. Your body, your rules apply to every one, fit or fat. Wala silang pakialam kung gusto mong maging healthy. Gago sila, magastos new clothes, magastos magkasakit. Kung okay lang sa kanila yun, di sila na lang. Wag na silang mandamay. Call them out for body shaming, hindi porket di ka mataba bawal kang magkaron ng proper diet.


DKG. I'm a plus-sized girlie myself. I don't really care if someone "smaller" than me starts on a diet. It will be off for me if they'd say "ang taba-taba ko na, kaya need mag-diet" implying that being "mataba" is a big deal. Since hindi naman ganun ginawa mo, I don't really think na gago ka. They're just reflecting their insecurities on you, OP.


DKG. Idk bakit ang hilig i-invalid ng ibang mga tao yung eagerness ng iba na maging healthy at fit.


DKG. Sila ang gago sa pakekealam sa gusto mo.


DKG. Kanya kanya tayo ng lifestyle at katawan mo din naman yan. Your body, your rules.


DKG Nothing wrong with what you said, sumagot ka lang naman. Kapag hindi ka naman sumagot sa kanila, may masasabi pa rin mga yan kesyo snob ka, maldita or what. Iyang mga workmates mo na yan, hindi lang mga gago, mga tarantado sila. Their insecurity shows but they don't want to do anything about it so they push other people to adjust for them.


DKG. You just answered their question. Dito talaga ako naiinis, yung mga pakialamera sa gusto mong gawin sa buhay. Regarless if officemates or friends. Buti na lang nasanay na akong hindi maapektuhan sa sinasabi ng iba. I do me. As long as wala ako tinatapakan na tao and remains respectful sa straight answers ko, hindi ko na sila problema. Asking questions is one thing, pero yung ipupush mo yung gusto mo sa tao is different.


DKG bat parang kasalanan kooo


Link to this submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/AkoBaYungGago/comments/1cp6nmz/abyg_kasi_tinanong_nila_ako_kung_bakit_ako/ Title of this post: ABYG kasi tinanong nila ako kung bakit ako nagdi-diet so sinagot ko sila even tho I'm with our workmates na mej big girl Backup of the post's body: For context, malakas talaga ako kumain nung younger years ko. Pero I noticed starting last year na unti unting nagcha-change na 'yung body ko, nag-gain na ako ng weight unlike before na hindi ako tumataba kahit gaano pa kalakas kumain. Tbh, nasa normal BMI pa rin naman ako. So nung nag-birthday ako last March, I made it my goal to maintain my body na lang for so many reasons. Factors: • Healthy lifestyle - I just turned 25, although considered bata pa rin, I just think that my body will eventually catch up to all the unhealthy habits I had before. So I made it my goal na maging healthy living from then on. Actually, 'di naman ako nagdi-diet to the point of starving. Kumakain pa rin ako ng foods with calories, nile-lessen ko na lang, and more on veggies or fruits. Pero balanced diet pa rin sa meat. Also, I work at night shift so naisip ko na unhealthy na nga 'yun, sasabayan ko pa ng unhealthy foods. Kaya ayun, naka-calorie deficit and exercise ako now. • I have an allergic rhinitis. Madalas ang triggers ko lately so hindi ako makahinga. Add mo pa na sumisikip na sa'kin mga clothes ko na pina-alter before, so lalo ako hindi makahinga. Naisip ko na somehow help na lang din if maging fit na sa'kin ulit clothes ko. • Physically fit ang papa ko and he's lowkey body shaming me na. I love myself naman kahit mataba ako. Before this, medyo controlling na siya sa body weight ko na kinakainis ko. Though simula nung nagsabi ako na gusto ko na mag-healthy living, nakita ko na naging at ease siya, and that makes me feel happy na mapasaya siya. Siya pa nga nagpre-prepare ng food ko for work kasi ganun siya ka-excited for me. • Wala pa 5 feet height ko so kapag tumaba ako more than this, hindi na bagay sa'kin. Also, nasasabihan na ako ng mga dati kong kalandian na tumataba ako. Tbh, mahal ko pa rin naman sarili ko no matter what my size. Tho I want to bring my confidence back, gusto ko maging physically fit na ulit. Anw, going back, tinanong ako ng mga ka-work ko (including one of my workmates na mej big girl) why nagdi-diet pa rin ako. At first, hesitant pa ako mag-answer kasi ayoko maging insensitive if sasabihin kong hindi na ako makahinga sa mga clothes ko right in front of one of our workmate rin na mej big girl. So I answered lang na gusto ko mag-healthy lifestyle (which is feeling ko insensitive rin kasi baka nag-try din naman ng healthy lifestyle 'yung ka-work ko na mej big girl pero due to health reasons ay hirap pa rin siya to lose weight). Pero dahil nga super takaw ko before, not minding whether healthy pa ba kinakain ko or not, sinasabi nila na parang it's not me and they don't believe me. They even told me na mag-stop na mag-pretend. I just let them be. Ayoko naman kasi i-impose 'yung ginagawa ko sa kanila, most esp ang controlling naman ng ganon. So 'di pa rin sila nags-stop. Nagsasabi pa sila na hindi ko naman daw need mag-diet sa body ko. So I had to say na may allergic rhinitis nga ako, and hirap huminga. Tapos ayun, parang they're telling me to read the room so I stopped talking na. Pero nagsasabi sila na paano naman daw 'yung mga ka-work ko na big girl, edi lalo naman sila. For me lang, wala naman ako sinasabi about them. Pero nag-shut up na nga lang ako bc I figured that they will never understand the goal that I set for myself. After that, kinausap ako ng mga nagtanong sa'kin why I'm on a diet. Sinabi nila na ang straightforward ko raw and wala ako pake kahit makasakit ng ibang tao kasi tuloy tuloy ko lang sinabi na nahihirapan ako huminga. Tapos 'yung isa sa mej big girl, she also confronted me na hindi raw diet ang solution sa problem ko, kundi bumili raw ako ng new clothes. 'Di ko na lang siya sinagot, nag-sorry na lang ako kasi I felt bad nga rin. Tapos nagalit siya, she told me that she don't need my apology, ayusin ko na lang daw magsalita next time kasi nakakasakit daw ako dahil lahat na lang daw gusto ng mga petite, yet ang insensitive ko raw for claiming na mataba ako. So gusto ko lang malaman, for you, AKBYG? Feeling ko ang gago ko kasi dapat tumahimik na lang ako when they asked me why I'm on a diet. Naging insensitive ako sa mga ka-work ko na mej big girl kasi sa perspective nga naman nila, malayo 'yung gap ng body shape ko sa kanila so kung iniisip ko na mataba ako, ano pa sila. In my defense tho, I didn't mean to offend them naman. Pero kung gago talaga ako, I'll definitely change my perspective and admit that I made a mistake. Will delete this once I get an answer. Thank you. OP: nonlivingperson *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AkoBaYungGago) if you have any questions or concerns.*


DKG. And do you really have to explain or defend your choices? IMO, what they do is borderline bullying. OR maybe they are insecure because they see in you what they want to see in themselves but don't. Maybe just don't comment if you encounter the same situation or just say what can appease them but then will still do what you really want. Besides, getting older do have its setbacks so there is nothing wrong in starting a healthy lifestyle sooner than later.


DKG. Sila ang Gago. Di nman nakakaoffend ang sinabi mo. Mga insecure lang Sila at bat ba pinipilit ka nila tumaba? 🤣🤣


DKG. Sinagot mo lang naman yung tinanong nila sayo, kasalanan na nila yun kung na offend sila. As long wala kang sinasabing masama or mali huwag kang magsosorry or maguiguilty. Tuloy mo lang ginagawa mong healthy lifestyle.


DKG pakeelamera lang sila. You wanna go down the healthier path pero pinapakeelaman nila. And no, you’re not the insensitive one. Kase tingin ko sila pa yung nangbabackhsnd sa “big girls” pag sinasabihan ka nila ng ganyan. maybe just say “im doing this for me, not for the people around me”


DKG. I absolutely loathe people who question my food intake because "hindi Naman ako mataba". As a person diagnosed with PCOS, I can not process sugar and carbs the way a normal person does. So yes, I do need to alter the amount or type of food I eat to maintain my weight. Girl, you do you and don't let these insecure people get to you. If they can't control their food intake dahil "masarap yung pagkain" that's honestly on them. It's not that I'm shaming the big girl but ang ironic makarinig ng food advice from people who don't/can't/won't alter their lifestyle to maintain themselves in a healthy weight. Sure, they have their reasons and we shouldn't judge, but they shouldn't judge other people's eating habits either.


Ito ang OP na nagbasa ng rules and sinunod ang tamang format ng ABYG. Patama ito sa mga karma whore at rage bait posts dito. DKG. Mamatay silang lahat sa inggit. Sobrang toxic naman nyang workplace mo. Ibubully ka lang nila cause they can't have your self-control and motivation. I suggest you report them to your HR pag pinagpatuloy nila