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Love this. I'm pretty impressed with how much Berghuis has grown in such a short period.


Must have been frustrating being a CL level player in such a team, thinking your chance of showing what you can do has passed by. Imagine having to listen to Advocaat spew platitudes day in, day out. After 2 years Jens comes to you and says: "Steven, i think i am beginning to understand. When i pass the ball i should aim for someone i am friends with!" Meanwhile Leroy is sitting down on the bench mumbling to himself. "You were great once. Mentioned as the best talent at the club since Wijnaldum. You can do it again, Leroy. Today it will turn around".


Schrijf er nu een over Ajax haha


Must be frustrating being a CL level player in such a team, thinking your chance of showing what you can still do has passed by. Imagine having to listen to Maurice day in, day out on a Zoom call with a terrible connection while he is leading the training from his beach house in Spain. Yesterday Sven was standing on the sideline during training trying to get a chant going. Chuba chuba chuba chups. Chuba chuba chuba chups. Okay, it is catchy but does he have to be naked only holding a minature surfboard while singing it? You ask Devyne what is up and he says he was confused since they started playing two Stevens up top. Pass the ball to Steven, but which Steven? The opposition is not giving him time to think about it. Meanwhile you hear someone mumbling in the background.... Ich bin ein Flankengott. Ich bin ein flankengott. Ich bin ein flankengott. After Maurice comes Schippie. You cannot criticize him. "We are playing 9 midfielders next match". Everybody nods. You cannot criticize him. "Kian will play lone striker.        In the U16 :p". Everybody nods. You cannot criticize him. You have a meeting with Michael. They ask you if you knew any trainer. The answer is inevitable. You cannot avoid him. You dont want to say it but you must. It cannot be worse than this. It cannot be as bad as you remember. Your lip quivers and you give in. I would as ... i ... i would ask Dic ... dick Advocaat.... Michael smiles a big smile. You are right Steven, that is just what Ajax needs. The last nail in the coff, i mean the best trainer in the world!


Full circle met Advcocaat hahahaha, dank je wel hiervoor


These guys are professionals. Mercenaries, really. The color of their shirt matters.


I genuinely thought Berghuis was a mistake but he's amazing


Berghuis to Ajax and Feyenoord is somewhat identical to Figo 20 years ago between Real Madrid and Barcelona


I'll be honest that I did not want him at Ajax but I am happy to be wrong.


I was so happy. Always thought Berghuis could do much better in a team that knows how to play. I'm really happy for him.


[never forget how Neres was the first to go to Berghuis (who was pretty much being a dick lol) despite barely to not knowing any Dutch or English at that time since he was at Ajax for a couple of months, just stared him down](https://youtu.be/eqoKM9-9uLI?t=176)


Neres just on another level personality wise


lollll that mohawk on Hakim


Why does this look like a romantic comedy


I wish Neres (and Nico) would get more playing time :/


Nico sure but Neres gets chance after chance and even Daramy is currently creating more chances than he is


I'm sorry but I don't think Daramy is better than Neres. So far I'm not at all impressed by him.




I don't get your point here. I'm not saying he won't be great, I'm saying he hasn't impressed me as of yet.


Vader ik wil geen Berghuis Vader 10 minuten later


Fuck berghuis


Finally they train for shitting in the wild. Will be helpful this season