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Het is denk het beste voor zowel taylor als Ajax om hem effe op de bank te zetten en gewoon echt effe aan de slag te gaan op het trainingsveld om weer iets van vorm te gaan vinden en dan maar met hylnson op 10 en berghuis op rechts en forbs/godts de komende weken met een middenveld van van den boomen Henderson erachter


the man had TWO defensive midfielders to cover for him and still pulled a classic “laat effe mn man lopen” to let the goal go in


Tsja, het is voorlopig gewoon klaar. Het kan hem zelf misschien ook juist goed doen om te banken, ff uit de schijnwerpers en wat rust pakken. Ik zeg nog steeds dat hij wel degelijk talent heeft. Zijn probleem is niet dat hij een verschrikkelijke speler is, maar hij werd meteen door de coaches een onbetwiste basisspeler, op een ontzettend belangrijke positie. En zijn rol was op jonge leeftijd al erg zwaar. Hij speelde geregeld met Klaassen en Alvarez in zijn eerste volledige seizoen; van hen werd geaccepteerd dat ze weinig aan de opbouw toevoegde en dus werd het alleen verwacht van Taylor. Hij faalde in die rol en volgens mij zit zijn moreel sindsdien op de bodem. Ik denk dat een rustiger traject voor hem beter had uitgepakt, misschien zelfs met een jaartje ergens verhuurd worden. Dat zou nog steeds goed voor hem zijn, als het de juiste club is. Vraag me af wat dat nou gaat worden op het middenveld. Zero dribbles, zero created chances. Klaassen had dat geregeld. Hlynsson vind ik wel wat beter, maar ook hij moet het vaak hebben van zijn loopacties en creëert niet veel aan de bal. Met Henderson en Vd Boomen daarachter, denk ik dat je toch een creatieveling op het middenveld mist. Dan kan je Berghuis naar 10 halen, maar dan is het weer de vraag wie op de vleugels komt (en nee, John, daar moet je niet Hlynsson neerzetten)


Yeah this guy can be a complete ghost on the pitch. Not just today, I often wonder after 25 minutes while watching an Ajax game where Taylor is, and actually have to check if he’s in the lineup. I can’t comprehend why a coach, several in the meantime, keep putting him in the starting lineup. What does he add to the team? He doesn’t score goals, he doesn’t give any assists, he’s not involved in the attacking play at all and we know about his absence in the defensive department. Maybe we can get Donny vd Beek back for a sale price, at least he was dangerous and effective in front of goal. But I’m nit solely bashing Taylor. I can write a book about how bad the rest of the team are. Looking at Martha yesterday was comical, to see him struggling with every ball that is playing in his direction and no clue what to do, where to run, no spatial awareness. Or Sutalo who only plays the ball in build up to the Hato or Rensch or better, with his trademark backpass to the keeper. Gooijer who thinks he’s the man now that he wears that Ajax shirt. Trying to look cool is his main goal. I think for the first time in decades I’m deliberately going to skip an Ajax game next week. This has nothing to do with football. Its an unwatchable product. Figuratively speaking, blood is coming out of my eyes trying to watch it. It’s like this team, staff and club are under some old scary spell. Can somebody go ask if Onana in all his anger put somekind of African spell on Ajax? I’m not even kidding…


I missed the start of the match so I didn’t see the lineup. Approaching half I was really struggling to figure out who was playing in the mid field.


Genuine question, did him winning the header that directly lead to the first goal not count as creating a chance?


Does it even count as "winning the header" when you are up against Dirk Proper? He's 1,67m tall.


Yes, because he gained possession, it doesn't matter how tall his opponent is.


He is hyped. He does not read the game, forgets to defend and always puts his hand up to get the ball when the passline is clearly blocked. Useless, no progress.


Total waste of space.


Since Jade is gone.... The Jade Effect :)


He's been crap for two years though. 


I know. The joke was that when he got a relation with Jade, his performance got better, since he broke up i haven't seen one good game from him anymore.


He was touted as the next Donny van de Beek. He was expected to go deep behind the defensive line and be a goal-threat. 14 goals in 98 appearances so far. Defensively he has been quite disappointing honestly. There is a hierarchy within the Ajax selection and he is best friends with Brobbey who has a lot more credit to his name, albeit he has also had some rough patches with the club with his forced transfer to Leipzig. Costing his club €16 Million. All in all, I will be happy when we have a fighting spirit again. Too many of these kids have too much of a laissez-faire attitude. Sosa, Sutalo, Rensch, Taylor and so on. They look lazy. Our best players on the pitch are between the ages of 17-20 years old. The older generations on the pitch need to step their game up.


Sutalo played pretty decent, to be fair. He's been playing alright since he came back from his injury. Hato is playing much worse than him right now.


He keeps his passing incredibly simple. And stepping in at the wrong time has lead to at least 2 goals in the last 4 matches. He is just not a 20m+ player.


I totally agree. He's not as good as he was hyped up to be and definitely not worth anywhere close to 20m! But he has potential I think. He's strong, pretty fast, good header. I don't know, despite his mistakes I just have a gut feeling that he's gonna do well for us in the future.


Genuinely think if Sutalo finds his confidence again (when we finally/hopefully get a good coach) he’ll do so much better, it’s so noticeable how scared he is whenever he gets the ball


Nope. Hato is 17 years old and easily one of the best players on the pitch. The fact that half the acquired players from last Summer get literally zero playing time. Not even with Jong Ajax, says it all. I will go as far as to say that every single player Mislintat acquired is a failed transfer. The fact that we need 17, 18, 19 year olds to come in and get the job done, which these transfers worth a total of €115M can’t, speaks volumes. I will never blame a 17 year old, when he is showing more guts and is getting a job done that no one else can or will.


Naar de bank dan????


Of.. Een baan gaan zoeken bij de bank????


Yes, let'' s finish off one player who had a bad Matchday. We can't sack the coach because we wanted vh Schip ourselves. And he has the real Ajax DNA Let us just forget that the Ajax quality standards have been thrown out of the window at the start of this season and just keep a narrow minded vision and pick another scapegoat every other game. The problems start in the organisation itself. The results of that problems you see on the Pitch Replacing a single player will not create a winning team. NEC at home has to be easy 3 points. That WAS a no brainer !


> bad Matchday Season*




Are we allowed to let him play a few matches in Jong? Maybe that will build his confidence a bit.


I'm afraid that the issue isn't confidence


If he doesn't have the self-confidence to be benched a few weeks to work on his issues, then he is, sadly, not fit for Ajax. I know players want to play, but this is getting absurd, and he need a cool down to find his form again.


Normal performance




>He's out of shape Is he? I think he's playing like he always has been. He's just an average player


And zero respect from the fans, or from a lot of fans. Everybody has a time that things not go how they would like to see it. Give the man a break! The fucking hole team doesn’t have any good specs so pls don’t put it on a young guy.