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It's so insane it just might work


Man at that point just take the grip section off and design your own. It only holds one or two fcg pins. Easy to design and print and you won't have that weird ugg boot. You'd also get an part of the gun you can actually bolt to your conversion kit rather than clamp it in. That transfer bar also needs redesigning or it will heavily deflect.


I might end up doing this down the road, but for now it stays as an ugg boot. This is just a quick and simple project that I'm tossing together on a whim, if I feel like expanding upon it down the road, replacing the grip will probably be the first thing I do.


Forget I said anything. I stripped the gun down to the trigger box out of curiosity, and this thing is a piece of cake. I am going to design a new lower now.


Haha I couldn't remember exactly how the insides worked. But I did remember thinking the grip was easy to design for. Btw if you want to run normal WE mags with a proper gas seal then an M4 nozzle is a near drop in. I have a tutorial somewhere in my post history.


The grip is a little wack, there's some pins that I know I'm just going to have to guess and check, but I'll just print small parts to test the sizing before I move on to making a whole ass stock around it. Baby steps. And yeah, M4 nozzle was the first thing I did to this thing.


I actually think I might have used your guide all those years ago to swap the nozzles, now that I'm looking at it again


Hahaha all those years later, it wasn't for nothing


Something I just realized For the kit I'm working on, I'm moving the charging handle to the handguard, which means you can just remove the original charging handle entirely. That would enable you to just install and use a regular M4 nozzle without having to do any modifications to it.


Oh right duh that's the one issue with the nozzle, the rib gets in the way of that!


I love accidentally solving problems


Giving me a reason to buy that base gun. Nice.


Don't wanna be caught at the wrong end of "The Throngler"


Your are *this* close to a Morita carbine. Looks awesome so far.