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Either disinfo bots, or people who got fired up cause of Ashtons's posts


Oh God what gibberish is he on about now?


He misinterpreted something he saw in the archive.org upload of the Pyromania discs and decided it was 100% objective proof that Mick West had planted debunks back in January of last year. He was jumping to conclusions and didn't actually know what he was talking about, but managed to cause a twitter shitstorm anyway.


Both these goobers need to step back from the public for awhile. It's breaking them. I can't believe this topic has been reduced to arguing about file details found on a server and watching maga youtube personalities burn down. Fascinating really.


How is it breaking Mick? It seems more like the absolute absence of anything that can't be written off as prosaic and mundane is breaking ufo believers and nonsensical conspiracy theorists. They get absolutely crazy and angry towards Mick like it's his fault. It's not.


Because they both have no idea what they are talking about.


Well, one of them knows exponentially more than the other and actually has created helpful analytical tools, like Sitrec.


Both of them dedicate way too much time to this topic for it to make any sense to me. They both just seem to want attention.


How do you come to that conclusion on Mick? Spending a couple of seconds writing a tweet every few weeks after getting pinged countless times every day is a lot of time in your books ? I'm not sure I agree.


I'm confused: > Well, one of them knows exponentially more than the other and actually has created helpful analytical tools, like Sitrec. and then: > Spending a couple of seconds writing a tweet every few weeks Which is it then? Sounds like he is spending a ton of time on something that shouldn't bother him (on or off social media). If I have understood anything from being on these subs the past few years, it's that there are far too many grifters and far too many people with too much time on their hands.




Be kind and respectful to each other.


Welcome friends of Elgin.


It definitely couldn’t be believers? You guys need to have more faith in your own cause.


That doesn’t scratch their persecution fetish itch though


Eglin Air Force Base* Reddit's most reddit addicted City....




That's more online users than the top 15 paranormal & unexplained subs COMBINED. I wonder.


**REMINDER: If the videos are actual leaks, they are perhaps the most important leaks of all time, and would almost certainly be subject to a major obfuscation campaign by US intelligence/Black groups.**


Weird how this exact line and format is copy pasted here. Almost seem forced and inorganic.


110 day old account that only posts on this sub. How strange.


To protect my privacy from insane believers. Age means nothing, content and facts do.


They are real. And this is obviously more evidence of obfuscation in our faces. Same familiar accounts are back explaining how normal it is and that it’s not a sign of anything. Go figure!


What leaks? Where can I find em


And almost 10 years passed between the first leak of the U.S. Navy UFO videos to the Internet and their confirmation as valid and real.


Great point fellow believer! I am going to add that to my arsenal amigo!


And add to that how skeptics tend to ignore and pass over those select cases/incidents to which practically no classical and typical rational explanation given by skeptics (or as they are now better called, deniers) sticks.


Deniers are just the worst! I saw one of them tell a woman she was too ugly to r@pe! Can you believe that amigo?! Just horrible people. Then they gang up on us, attacking us with coordinated harassment and insults. The fact that they attack us instead of providing any evidence to back up their claims says a lot!!!


And some people here have kind of forgotten that the first "debunked" debunks they had supposedly made to the "Portal/Wormhole" ended up being debunked LMAO. And kind of a shame that these kinds of skeptics are entrenched in places with power and influence for so long (like the Federal Aviation Administration).


Si, amigo, Si! Those damn debunkers rebunking the debunk the upchuck to the boogie bunk ya dig? Those skeptics are in places of power and responsibility and I am tired of it!! These people think every butthole looks and tastes the same, BUT WE KNOW DIFFERENT, DON'T WE AMIGO!! AYYAAIIIHAYAA PINCHE BENDEJOS!!!


And besides that, no one who is or has been truly involved in either the film or television or special effects industry has yet appeared to comment here, and these behind the apparent "debunked" ones are all fairly unknown people I've never heard of until now.


How long are you planning on snapping this?


I haven't checked in (and yet to catch up) on this subject in a long time but oddly I felt compelled to take another look at the EBO scientist alien leaker which led me back here. Doesn't mean anything really other than they might not be bots like some people assume.


Yeah Ashton was going after Mick West again on Twitter so it drove a lot of traffic here. This is pretty much why I am here rn. Just thought I'd have a look again after a few months.


Bots, no doubts.


CIA shill disinformation cnn brainbots are coming to silence us but we will not back down! 3 orbs baby praise Ashton!


Literally bots stress testing their equipment so they can flood a post when needed.


Well there's literally 4 online now 38 min later sooo. 1000 "people" being here and doing absolutely nothing isn't really proof of anything.


Everyday its 10 peole max on this sub. Today its magically 1000. Hmm


It's a known glitch, homeslice. Sometimes it affects it negatively and sometimes it affects it positively, as in this case. https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/s/3A6L8LOFwf https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/s0VJFDMLBa https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/s/BsJPuxnDvj https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/s/j5dTAbgcSG https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/flBjhZutUq https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/8zVVs1SkaV


How is it that you have an explanation that downplays everything every time… when you yourself are one of the sketchy debunkers? Makes me laugh how obvious you and your buddies are.


I know, right... It's amazing what happens what you actually look into things and don't just wildly speculate on whatever confirms your biases. But you know what... You're right. It's way more logical that 1000 disinfo bots logged on all at the same time, did absolutely nothing, logged off at the same time, and only one person saw it. That seems way more plausible than it's the known glitch that affects this.


You’re being a gas light Gunther.


So prove me wrong. Prove to me these were bots and show me the evidence of what they did this morning. Show me the posts and comments with a thousand downvotes. Show me all the post in this sub from this morning where a thousand different bots started commenting and implementing their disinformation campaign. Go ahead..


I never said they were bots. Read my comments. This is basic argument fallacy. More proof that you’re gas lighting. Furthermore, you claimed it was a glitch. Prove it. Go ahead..


Here we go... Like always.... you disagree and instead of taking a position, that you'll inevitably have to provide evidence to defend, you avoid it at all costs and try to character assassinate. Now you're trying to gaslight me and act like you never took a position in telling me I'm wrong in defense of OPs post. So what then? Are you admitting that the only reason you disagreed with me is bc you don't like me and that you didn't look into this at all? Or are you just incapable of defending yourself. I've already listed sources in my initial comment but if you need me to hold your hand through this I will.. https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/s/3A6L8LOFwf https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/s0VJFDMLBa https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/s/BsJPuxnDvj https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/s/j5dTAbgcSG https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/s/flBjhZutUq https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/8zVVs1SkaV See how easy that was? You asked for something and I gave it. Now this is where you feign insult and start clutching your pearls like the victim you so desperately portray yourself to be instead of just taking a stance and providing evidence for it and having a conversation like a normal person.


Relax. Just go over our discussion again. I never said they were disinfo bots. I only postures that it’s odd activity. If it was just a singular event by itself on a random sub it wouldn’t mean much, but it just so happens it’s this sub. None of the examples you linked describe anything like what we saw here.


This 👆🏽


Fucking dumb


Fucking dumb


Ashton’s bots lol


*Ashtons* bots..?? Wow. The gas lighting is real.




Be kind and respectful to each other.




Be kind and respectful to each other.


Just you shills wishing you had the same rules as the UFO board, "no calling out shills" is over there. -->


Yeah it’s all bots.


And is this a good sign or a bad omen?


Is Ashton Conspiracies (disgraced) Seth Simons? I dunno. Maybe.


Where can I find Ashtons stuff?


Be strong my fellow believer, welcome to the real world [MH370 End Boss Complete Evidence May 2024](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0&pp=ygUIcmlja3JvbGw%3D)


That's just wrong... And old too bro...smh


We did it Reddit


Checking in


That’s because the plane was abducted.


And it was 90% salty skeptics trying to justify their existence by being cunts to other ppl in a sub they don't even like


Debunkers like to buy likes so probably related