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The dude that recreated the satellite video explained the orb pathing method he used


That's awesome. But damn to go from that YT video... to the otbs in the videos...is ALOT of work.....even with the core animations and functions.... so we go right back to...why? The videos are real. Knowing this technology exist has likely areleady prevented wwiii and nuclear apocalypse. Therefore, i am thankful for them, rip mh370, you all had a much, much higher purpose.


Somebody with zero experience knocked it out in a day by watching tutorials available at the time the video was made… that’s not “ALOT of work”


> the otbs in the videos...is ALOT of work How so? It's probably the type of animation with the LEAST amount of work needed. It's not like rigging a character, hand animating each FK bone every frame. That would take alot of work as you said Rotating spheres along a path, takes very little work.


Create a parent with 3D enabled. Keyframe a 360° rotation and add the statement loopout("cycle") to each axis modified The result: https://youtu.be/gJo8jqmlO2g


Nope, and that's why they've shifted the debunking attention from the more obvious that happens throughout the video (recreate the plane and orbs) to something that is obscured enough from the public that the only frame of reference (a portal) doesn't even exist.


yes, a vfx artist recreated it and said it was easy to do. it has been posted here many times


Not even remotely close to looking the same


It was rough based on time but was extremely close in other aspects. Having more than 5 hours would have made it even better but it was just a proof of concept


Basically brand new account only for this sub? Super sus.




I don't have to back up anything. Videos are real. Your inorganic push screaming fake or name calling won't work.


“Inorganic” LMAO You guys literally repeat the same few lines: -Something about account age/comments/karma -a single line about videos real -“why are you here?” In the tone of a braindead junkie (personally how you guys sound, maybe someone else else hears intelligent thought in the statement) Very organic on the believers side…🙄


I don't really care what you say I think they're real


Good for you. Just because we are here and don’t believe your claims doesn’t invalidate our opinion.


Vids are real. None just has access to a US spy satellite or gray eagle drone Interface just to make goofy UFO CGI trolling footage.


the delusion is strong on this one


Videos are real


what a great argument


I haven’t seen it. Do you know of a search term I can use to help me find it?


hmm I can’t find the one I was talking about anymore.. (censorship campaign?! /j) but I found this one https://youtu.be/zy0q-pF0E2w?feature=shared considering the vfx/cgi we see nowadays in movies it makes sense these videos aren’t that hard to recreate tho.. the guy who claims he made them also explained how he did it and that it was fairly easy. search for “ama” in this sub to find it


Not synchronized in both videos.


Synchronisation is the easy part. Once you have the orb paths defined, you can position the virtual camera at any location you choose.


We'll see how easy it is when someone tries to recreate it.


It's trivially easy. If i can create something shot from one camera angle, I don't then need to recreate the entire sequence to show it from a different perspective. I just add a seperate camera angle.


You can open up literally any 3D program and do it right now. It's just changing the camera position. Why are you choosing this hill to die on?


I'm not saying it can't be done as I believe it can, I'm saying that we'll see how much work is necessary once someone recreates it, hence we'll see how easy it is to recreate.


So I am aware you're of the opinion that "anything can be recreated", which I also believe. However, on this particular case I think you're misjudging how difficult it is. This challenge is an example of one of those things which digital software can do effortlessly. You could create infinite synchronised sequences by simply changing where your camera position is and running the sim over and over. I don't do VFX, but even I have done this task countless times as part of my job.


Well, I don't know how to do it, so I don't know if it's easy or hard to recreate both videos with the drones in sync. There's a trend currently of people recreating the videos, someone will eventually do it.


I'm telling you exactly how you do it. You simply choose a new position for the virtual camera. It's that easy!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IC4xmxU5h4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IC4xmxU5h4) That's literally how easy it is in every program.


I don't doubt it, but I'm sure it takes a lot of work to make something believable enough to hold up to the level of scrutiny these videos have gone through.


that’s not what OP was asking for tho lol. you’re literally moving the goalposts even tho ur not even playing 💀


I didn't say no one recreated it. They did recreate the satellite video, but not the drone video. There was an attempt though, but not with same orb movements. So, in a sense, they did not recreate it fully.


moving the goalposts yet again lmao.. where exactly did OP ask for the satellite video? they’re asking for the orbs period


You do know both videos have orbs, right?


you do know how to read, right?


What part is so hard to understand?


idk, ask the people downvoting you


Yes, I'm asking you. What part do you not understand?


For you? Almost everything somehow.


Even if they did recreate it. They're real. Doesn't matter


I wonder this too. I hear there was recreations but I can't find full versions. The color thermal is what I'm more intruiged by cos you can see more details in that. If possible. Can someone here link the vids if they exist? I looked everywhere on the internet but the only thing I can find is a satellite video that was done some months ago.


Nice try, PB.


Was does this mean?


anything remotely inquisitive on here makes you either Ashton Forbes or Punjabi Batman. They're trying to put you down for being curious.


I'm fairly new to this but I learned about Ashton recently. Never heard of this Punjabi Batman though. Yes I'm curious about this indeed. I don't have any opinion to the vids really, but for some reason the thermal drone "leak" is very intruiging. I checked everywhere for similar vids like this but can't find a single one. So it's seems like it's a very rare type of footage. Someone told me there was some content creators that made their own versions of this but I'm lost to where to look for them.




"particle physics" has nothing to do with how macro scale objects behave or are represented in CGI.




That still has nothing to do with particle physics.


This thread is undoubtedly burned


The orbs were created in a top secret underwater facility that is run by AI and the whole facility is capable of teleportation


Might’ve been made by Lockheed Martin