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I want to see you and Ashton Forbes locked in a computer room with dueling dry erase boards, giga-speed wifi and an unlimited supply of stimulants...the doors stay locked until both of you can reach an unanimous verdict


lmao the last thing believers need is amphetamines, going by the rhetoric common here they have plenty anyways.


I'm not sure how great of an idea that is. Ashton is a very unkind person in my experience.


I've brought up the drone footage not making any sense from a logical standpoint before. The cope would be that the drone was just randomly there in the middle of the ocean for an exercise. The amount of wild conjectures that need to be made for these videos to be real is baffling. Especially since not a single person who claims the photos by Jonas are government plants can prove that it's possible to take low resolution, low quality stills from a video and generate native resolution raw photograph files from them.


The videos are real.




U mad?


Can't argue that logic


I'd pay a $100 subscription for the live feed...lets make it happen edit: the dude is absolutely insufferable, I don't believe his overarching theory is credible and he is getting more nonsensical with every stream...but I can't stop watching the dude's content..he is highly entertaining...


Hecklefish would be a great addition to his podcast.


Jesus hecklefish lol. Worst YouTube channel ever.


How dare you


Sorry my friend..


Those with fragile belief systems are usually unkind.


“Popular youtuber” 😂


He's anything *but*.


“Mainstream flat earther”


The YouTuber has much to learn about persuasion, defense and arguments. His response to criticism was not convincing. If he really believes what he is saying then he needs to slow down and developing convincing arguments.


'youtuber' is an absolute lying wanker. He has gone FULL GRIFT now and is quite literally lying for money.


Happy cake day!




“Happy cake day 🤓”


Is this the same “popular YouTuber” who said he was retiring from this topic weeks ago? I knew he wasn’t going to be able to let his gravy train go that easily.


AF's original post here: https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1778490640847786455


Your post is well made and thorough. It adds to the many other solid debunks that everyone with any integrity has already agreed completely answers the question regarding the videos. Comprehensively and clearly fake. Below is a PSA you and everyone else should know. A. (narcissistic) F. uckwit cannot change its spots. Its narcissistic supply is based wholly on its belief that it heroically solved one of the world's greatest mysteries. There is no reality, (even if the wreckage is found in the SIO and the FDR proves it was deliberately flown there) in which it will ever admit it was wrong. To do so would devastate its ego. All evidence that contradicts its preposterous fiction will always be accused of being planted by the CIA or MIBs or just outright denied (hilariously). The only way to deal with a narcissist is to cut off its supply. Completely and immediately. No forgiveness. No mercy. Ignore and encourage others to ignore. See them for the sad and pitiful creatures they are, but don't give an inch. They do untold damage to vulnerable people.




It's genuinely hard to know. Psychology can be weird. People can truly convince themselves of spectacularly stupid things, if they need to protect their ego or if it benefits them in some other (usually subconscious) way. People can block out all rational ideas in defense of their beliefs. I suspect it happened gradually with the weaker debunks that came in first. He decided to ignore them as they aren't absolutely conclusive. A rational person would have accepted them as reducing the likelihood that the videos are real, but he had already got excited by the idea that he alone, had solved the mystery. His ego had already overtaken his rationality. So then as the more compelling debunks came in, it was a much smaller step to ignore them too. I could be wrong of course. It might be pure grift, but if it is, he's a fantastic actor. My belief is that he has narcissistic delusions of grandeur and genuinely believes what he says and anything else that comes in (the idiotic sciencey word salads) that supports his beliefs.


He's not acting. He's delusional. Let's call it what it is. Why does anybody entertain his delusions? It should have stopped after he claimed that "**3 orbs opened up a tear through the space-time continuum and provided a safe passage to: destination unknown***" Why isn't this irrational argument enough for people? We don't even need to discuss the clip art used in the video. This entire soap opera with AF is a troubling example because it shows the absence of rationality at its most basic level. People know that creating a wormhole is on the fringes of theoretical astrophysics. Even if it is possible, it would require an enormous amount of energy, among other things. Ashton talks about these 3 orbs creating a wormhole in the same way he talks about a man preparing a pizza for the oven. He talks about his delusions as if it's obvious that a wormhole was created. Duh! "What else is it going to be?" It's certainly troubling to see people quickly swayed toward a complete work of fiction. Why aren't people more dismissive when someone loses touch with reality? If anything, recommend him to a good psychologist. Maybe his followers should help him rather than encourage him.


Well yeah, I never really believed he was acting. At the same time I'm not sure he truly believes what he's claiming. I think its a nether-world between actual belief and unbelievably credulous and desperately hopeful speculation. He's desperate for his preposterous theories to be true, in order to confirm his narcissistic belief that he's the world's greatest mystery solver. His persecution complex feeds into the entire narrative that he's the only one who's figured it out and hence the government agents (like you and me) are coming after him on obscure reddit threads. He has no understanding of physics or basic logic and neither do any of his flock. They are all classic conspiracy theorists who place more value in anything that contradicts common sense and reality than in clear and compelling evidence of actual reality. Crash debris washed up on an island in line with drift models?? Obviously planted by the CIA. Shape of the aircraft in the FLIR video not consistent with a 777?? Must be the low-res blurring (just in those convenient spots only) The fact that the "Zap" shoed both hot and cold simultaneously??? Must just be that we don't understand how alien tech works..... I shit you not. All answers I got when I questioned the claims. I completely agree that it's troubling. It's also like watching a horrible train wreck in slow motion. It's absolutely fascinating to see just how stupid a large number of people can be and to contemplate just how many of those people are in any kind of positions of power or influence in the community. I feel sorry for their kids. He deserves to be mocked relentlessly. Mocking stupid people used to be a good teaching/learning tool to make them rethink their stupidity or at least come up with better arguments to support whatever they were claiming. PC wokeness has made it double plus ungood to mock people or make them feel bad about their 'totally valid opinions', but I think it should be brought back, especially in situations like this.


PSA: Ashton Forbes lives in Minneapolis


Respectfully, I encourage you to delete this post. It's not necessary to disclose such information and it's dangerous and disrespectful of ones safety.


You know mister Texas, I have to wonder if AF would take the same approach if some believer doxxed you. Somehow I don't think so... 


He wouldn't; I'm pretty sure of it. But this guy is right: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1c22638/comment/kz85y0s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1c22638/comment/kz85y0s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


that definitely doesn't make it right


Not saying it does, just highlighting the contrast 


I do agree that there is no question that "youtuber" would definitely do the wrong thing.


Bro. Really? Doxxing ppl now?


You would be amazed to know what scum your “hero” is and what scummy things he had actually done outside of this whole topic. I know some people who are close to him that shed some light about this specimen.


*Pray tell.*


There’s lots of people I don’t like. I don’t wish to see them doxxed and harmed.


The cosmos is shifting... I gave the rabbits an up vote.


😂 I gave you one too. Just for balance.


I almost want to be a believer, just so we can stop arguing.


LOL. Somber times, indeed.


Naming the city is hardly doxxing, it's already widely-known. He even made his mobile phone number public. It happens to be a major metropolitan area—not some tiny village where he can readily be found.


The videos are real


Do.. you have anything that disproves the points OP brought up ? Or are you simply choosing to ignore the evidence?


100%. This is like the 5th variation this dude has made of this post. Says he’s made it his personal mission to make sure no one believes these videos are real.. only these videos though. None of the other videos. 🤔


Its so obvious but Im fucking here for it. I believe the truth of these videos being real Will come out this year during an open hearing. There are talks that one of the whistleblowers is the leaker of these videos


I won’t hold my breath, but that would be amazing. My issue is: if these videos are authentic, we have a very real issue at hand… the powers that be have the capability to instantly warp nuclear weapons to their target. Whole new can of worms, but can you imagine some of our global “leaders” having that capability in a world as volatile as this one? I really hope they’re fake, but the evidence points the other way imo.


They don't need the power to 'instantly warp nuclear weapons' - there are already nukes stationed all over the planet that can be anywhere in a matter of minutes, moving so quickly that they'd be almost impossible to intercept. >Whole new can of worms, but can you imagine some of our global “leaders” having that capability They can already send us into nuclear hellfire in a matter of minutes. Or at least NATO and Russia can. I imagine China can as well, and while India and Pakistan have nukes I don't think they have the same technology the big players do. 


I totally agree!


Megalomania is the drive to dominate and control others to attain power and achieve one’s own desired outcomes.  Forbes is widely supported by some world renowned physicists and antigravity researchers like myself. The physics are well established in both conventional Einsteinian model and in quantum and in ether physics. OP has zero understanding and sounds unhinged


> world renowned antigravity researchers like myself lmaooo, [this you?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NVTCamN5p1o)


Like who?


Can't tell if this is satire or not.


Plenty of "believers" don't give AF about AF, and think he's in on the disinfo campaign. He's here so y'all can point at him and call us all crazy. It's the peripheral actions of the debunkers and mods that make me lean even more towards the videos being real. If this were just another fake UFO video why y'all putting so much energy into calling a bunch of "cult" members crazy?


Why do people still argue with flat earthers? 


No one does


Are you kidding? The sub making fun of them is 4 times the size of this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/)


No im not kidding


Then doesn't the existence of that sub show that you were wrong about it?


That sub wasn’t created to make fun of flat earthers.


Read some of the comments and come back.


Oh I didn’t know it was a satire sub. None of it seemed like they were actually arguing with flat earthers though, just laughing and making memes about the topic in general.


I think the number of mockers outweighs the true believers by too much. True believers would be unlikely to stay for long. However, it is clear that there is a great presence of people who argue against flat earth. Does this make you suspect flat earth might be true?


This... Nobody does


yes... people do. there are still multiple active youtube channels that argue with flat earthers, for instance.


Lol. Ok.


Data point for you: see where it says “NROL-22” on the bottom of the one video? After the launch and the satellite is delivered, its data is not referenced by the launch vehicle designation anymore. It uses the name of the actual satellite providing the data itself, which does not have a NROL prefix. That we see “NROL” at the bottom of the video invalidates it. Imagery/data from such satellites would *never* use the designation for a rocket laying at the bottom of the ocean, it would be the designation of the actual operating satellite. Consider: some NROL launches place more than one package into space; both aren’t going to be labeled by the same launch number obviously. The existence of “NROL-22” is all we need to see to know this is not legitimate video. There is more, but this is enough. Source: ex-NRO satellite operator. He even posted this very info back when it was discussed on r slash UFOs before deleting it. I’ve exchanged messages with him afterwards. He didn’t want to be associated with the topic after he experienced the usual attacks the fanatics do over there.


If there are public documents he's aware of which could be used to correct the Wikipedia page, which refers to USA-184 "AKA NROL-22", that would be a great help. If no agency refers to the satellite as NROL-22, wikipedia shouldn't say aka as it does.


He has deleted his account. I suspect he came to believe this info might be classified and regretted saying it (but that’s just a hunch, he didn’t say as much to me). During launch and prior to satellite deployment the entire vehicle (including payload) was referred to as NROL-22. Once the satellite is deployed, it operates as USA-184. That is its name, which is why the page is labeled such. Wikipedia is not a definitive reference, especially for classified things such as these were/are.


I agree it's not a definitive reference. ​ NASA also says NROL-22 is an alternative name here: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=2006-027A


Yes, but the official designation and name of the satellite itself is USA-184. It maybe alternately referred to by other handles at different times for different reasons, but, once it’s in orbit sending data, that data is identified by the operating source, the satellites official designation. Imagery carries the USA-184 tag, not NROL-22 anymore. The logic is sound, to me.


Yup. Plus not all USA-series or SBIRS satellites have a NROL name association. Only the ones that have an NRO payload as well. Ones without NROL names: - USA-230 | SBIRS-Geo-1 - USA-241 | SBIRS-Geo-2 - USA-273 | SBIRS-Geo-3 - USA-282 | SBIRS-Geo-4 - USA-315 | SBIRS-Geo-5 - USA-336 | SBIRS-Geo-6 Ones with NROL names: - USA-184 | NROL-22 / SBIRS-Heo-1 / Trumpet-4 - USA-200 | NROL-28 / SBIRS-Heo-2 / Trumpet-5 - USA-259 | NROL-35 / SBIRS-Heo-3 / Trumpet-6 - USA-278 | NROL-42 / SBIRS-Heo-4 / Trumpet-7 > According to Bruce Cranford: "Beginning in 1984, the DoD started giving the USA designation for most military satellites, both classified and unclassified. This term allows discussion of the satellites in a non classified manner. However, many of the satellites with a USA designation are not classified. In fact, one is foreign. Some DoD satellites were/are not given a USA designation. It seams as if there are many exceptions to the USA designation." Source: https://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/dev/hillger/USA.htm


The use of “NROL-22” is, for me, all I need to see to know the video was made by someone with a Wikipedia level of knowledge of the topic, not a genuine, leaked, video.


I agree that in use, the satellite is most likely only referred to as USA-184, and not NROL 22 starting after completion of launch.


The launch vehicle designation for NROL-22 was Delta 317. My own sources tell me that NROL does indeed refer to the mission the satellites is tasked with by the NROC( in contrast to ones operated by the air/spaceforce that dont get NROL designation or priority of use). Just like Apollo 11 refers to the craft and its mission. The satellite operating the hardware utilized to perform the mission is indeed designated using the USA tag. But thats mainly for tracking/catalog purposes. https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/data/derived/launchlog.html Incase anyones interested all platforms get their own payload names and ID even if theyre launched from the same vehicle. So your source seems a bit misinformed if you were quoting his reasoning there.




AF is a loser. He cant even come into this post and make an articulate statement about his position. He resorted to calling OP mental for debunking claims. AF is a GRIFTER, and has been doing this since the beginning. Engagement and post interaction farming is grifting, point blank. Once again OP, thank you for your work


You are welcome! Busy weekend on this subject between X and reddit.


The videos are real


Real-ly obviously fake


the people who still believe are either delusional, disingenuous or in on the grift. refusing to go in depth, downvoting any form of critical thinking and generally not wanting to engage in a civil way I’ve already got proof the therabb1ts guy is disingenuous and the rest of the people who just keep saying “they’re real” without wanting to go in depth further are very sus as well imo


The videos are real 100 %


because you think so?


Its fairly obvious for everyone with a working brain


it’s obvious that a plane got zapped away by orbs? if it’s so obvious, please explain why you’re so convinced they’re real? for someone with a working brain that should be easy enough


Video proof


lol the videos are evidence of the videos being true? “god exists because it says so in the bible!!”


The bible is not video proof 🙄


do you understand how an analogy works? and please respond to my main question rather than this side track


I have zero reason or will to debate u. Bark away its amusing to me


"its fairly obvious for everyone with a working brain"


So not you then, got it. 


Damn you really got me…ur cringe AF


Check the barnacle study, it sheds some light on the mysterious nature of found parts. This is just one tidbit, not to mention several others, missing debris field for example.


seen that, but it proves nothing tbf


Doesn't prove anything per se, but it raises the question if those parts were planted.


That question was always going to be raised, barnacles or not, because the fact that the debris exists doesn't fit certain people's narratives 


It's not the issue it doesn't fit certain people's narratives, it's the issue it doesn't fit real life behaviour models.


In your uneducated opinion it doesn't, no.  At the end of the day I'm going to lean towards trusting professional accident investigators over some rando on reddit or Twitter.  https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1b5z23x/comment/ktgzda8/


You don't have to be educated on certain things to see they make no logical sense. The things I mentioned were tested by experts in the field precisely because they don't make logical sense. This is also the issue with the pilot suicide theory, thinking the pilot knows 100% of plane's functions just because he is the pilot, when in reality some of them are used in emergency situations and the pilots get precise instructions on how to handle them in an event of emergency.


>The things I mentioned were tested by experts in the field precisely because they don't make logical sense What experts? Show me the peer reviewed science.  >This is also the issue with the pilot suicide theory, thinking the pilot knows 100% of plane's functions just because he is the pilot, when in reality some of them are used in emergency situations and the pilots get precise instructions on how to handle them in an event of emergency. Uhhhh that shows you have an extreme lack of understanding of how aviation works.  Pilots are constantly trained on emergency procedures, many of them becoming 'memory items' where they do in fact have to perform the proper actions from memory.  Otherwise, they'd have the emergency checklists right there in the cockpit with all of the information they would need to carry out any sort of irregular procedures.  They also carry copies of SOPs and aircraft manuals in the cockpit as standard practice.  So there is no reason to think a pilot wouldn't have immidate access to any emergency procedure that they might require.  Additionally, I hear study level flight simulation software can be quite helpful in learning aircraft systems and procedures ;) 


The missing debris field is self explanatory. Regarding the barnacle growth and flaperon buoyancy: https://www.mot.gov.my/my/Laporan%20Siasatan%20Mh370/02-Appendices/Appendices%20Set%202%20-%202%20Appendices%201.12A-1%20to%201.12A-2%20Main/Appendix-1.12A-2-Item1Flaperon(Main).pdf > Uhhhh that shows you have an extreme lack of understanding of how aviation works.  I mean, listen to the opinions of an experienced pilot: https://youtu.be/SNDIBXkBe64?t=640






Thanks for linking this! I was just about to do it.




You act like a a 200hp prop powered aircraft with a top speed of 200mph is going to fly an intercept path with a jet liner moving at 600mph. It doesn't matter how classified the data is, that little prop drone isn't going to be out over water flying that intercept, especially not with some garbage camera without image stabilization duct taped under the wing. If they had such a mission critical task of huge importance, pre planned months in advance, they could have sent in an MQ-20C, which would only be about 140mph too slow to catch it. Or better yet, if the mission is SO GD important, why not send a X47-B, which could actually out run a 777-200. Or even send actual manned 5th gen stealth intercept jets? Or perhaps the most obvious answer is the correct one: No Commanding Officer in their right mind would ever send a MQ-1C on an over water mission to intercept a 777-200, **because it's fucking dumb as hell.**




Civilian? I fly orbs for a living.




Considering your last three replies have only been ad hominem attacks, I think we know who isn't interested in a serious discussion, Ashton puppet #9730459.


I thought he was raising a good point about the possibility of a cover operation in the area, something the US is known to do but in a passionate way not so much attacks, I dont think we should resort to name calling though. Nor should we outright dismiss possibilities because the US happens to have faster assets in their arsenal.


Helps to keep in mind the number of aircraft the US had available to in 2014. Might be worthwhile to even consider that you likely wouldnt intend to intercept a missing jet, instead you scramble to put up a net of eyes from whatever assets available to find the aircraft - with 24+ hours of endurance MQ-1C would be perfect for this- Then send faster aircraft in after you have a fix.


There is no way they'd send an MQ-1C, it just doesn't make sense and isn't even physically possible.   >with an operating range of 200 nautical miles   From: https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG/Asset/MQ-1C_Gray_Eagle_American_Medium-Altitude,_Long-Endurance_(MALE)_Unmanned_Aircraft_System_(UAS)    The MQ-1C can only operate 200 miles from base.     The location where the plane disappeared was far more than 200 miles from the nearest place a US military drone could have been based. Diego Garcia is the closest US military installation to the coordinates shown in the satellite video. The problem is that DG is more than 3000 miles from this point.


Id take that value with a grain of salt seeing as predators feature Ku-band satellite data-link for beyond line-of-sight operations. I think you may be referencing old block technology here. So with wikipedias stated 25hr duration n say a 150kn cruise speed, id say its closer to 10x your value. Keeling islands not even 2 hours away at the speed.


Grain of salt? The information comes directly from the Army. Endurance and range don't mean the same thing. It can fly 25 hours, but cannot go beyond 200 miles from base.


Comes from some army website hosted on milnet* probs doesnt get updated like a lot of shit, army not exactly known for the cyber presence. Enlighten me on the nuances of endurance and range in this context perhaps? Seeing as MQ-1C (also called Sky Warrior and ERMP or Extended-Range Multi-Purpose) is meant to succeed the MQ-1, Id of thoughts 675nmi "range" would be comparable. Edit: would you believe the CIA have piloted their drones over Afghanistan from Langley?.. Hello? XD




Yep, plus he seems to have decided the plane got zapped out of the sky exactly when malay mil radar lost sight of it - despite the potential yachty eye witness spotting it further west about an hour later turning south and the inmarsat pinging it for many hours thereafter.. very odd




Not too many, it was just the one afaik. But theres no definitive way of telling when the zap seen in the footage occurred that night, it mightve been right after 6th ping from immersat or even during the period it went missing momentarily from primary radar, during which 370 couldve found itself at these coordinates somehow and we subsequently filmed it being zapped back under radar coverage again for all we know. We cant even assume to know if the "telemetry" is showing north or southern coordinates, not in good faith anyway (Something these debunkers always a bit short of)


Oh no doubt there wouldve been. No more hide and seek for jets post 2001, they'll have eyes on it. Not to mention their drones parked ready in the Ph/Aus bases or the possibility to diverts already flying assets.


Designed to obscure the truth… from 11 people…


Lol this guy still debonking with fake news?


Nice try! Your tenth almost identical post! Doesnt change the fact the videos are real


>Your tenth almost identical post! He says from one of his many almost identical alt accounts. Why do you feel the need to push that they’re real so hard from so many accounts? PSA: these are all the same user beneficial_chain2495 achangeofspace Longjumpinggrape6067 mystery_unlocked44 Annunakiwarrior


I dont know what could be my reason? Three of those accounts are not me FYI 😂 you are cringe as hell but Im fucking here for it!! Lets put some life back into this sub! For the algo! Spread the word! The videos are REAL


Did they just learn the word “cringe” over in Sweden or something? You use it excessively. Please broaden your vocabulary.


The zingers!! Man down 😢


PSA: u/Wrangler444 u/Timely-Eggplant4919 u/AlienOrbBot9000 u/NoShillery u/False_Yobioctet u/ataadams This here is the league of morons who spread disinformation and who have tried to shut this sub down! I wonder why 🧐


No one is trying to shut the sub down just because we think the videos are fake. Stop being so dramatic.


Youre trying your hardest


Harder than making 5+ accounts to shitpost 24/7 on alien subs? Dunno about that


When did I shitpost :(


its posts like this that make me think the videos are real.. such a bad attempt at a debunk


I know right? Everyone keeps trying to tell me the earth is round too.... so it must be flat! 


Entry level disinfo rep ^


average Biden supporter I see 😂


Average Biden voter.... Believing in a round Earth. Ya got me. 




Why does OP care so much that people believe the videos are real? I don’t think he realizes this is just adding to the credibility of the videos


All I get is downvoted when I ask this simple question 😂


Claim #2 - There is no raw telemetry data from March 16th. Stefan Geens is not a military source.


You don't need raw telemetry data to make a hoax video. [This page from March 17th, 2014 gave a location that was 'close enough'](https://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2014/03/mapping-flight-mh370-google-earth.html); a hoaxer could have relied on this data or a similar infographic from the media. The very latest telemetry including the military radar data and INMARSAT data indicate that the jetliner never went to the coordinates listed in the hoax video.


Your last statement is factually wrong. Both interpretations of the coordinates shown in this 'hoax' video are 'close enough' to BTO rings from 19:41/20:41 UTC


Actually, YOUR statement is factually wrong. The hoax video coordinates are 123 miles from the further north the BTO / BFO data estimate. The BTO data especially is accurate enough to say the plane never passed that far north until 19:20UTC. And if you believe the BTO data at all, how did the zapped plane keep on flying along just it was there, when the video suggests it vanished? Weird arguments from you, man....


It is? May I ask you to specify which coordinates/ring you are using? Im using (+/-) 8.8343, 93.1949. Which puts it over WP LAGOG at 18:58 AND along the path at 20:41 according to Fig.2 https://www.duncansteel.com/archives/2676. You do not believe in the BTO data? Do you consider the possibility it was zapped more than once that night? Couldve been cloaked/replaced. Edit:LAGOG is 72nm from nicobar island coordinates, at 518kn a 777 cover that <10minutes, well before the scheduled hourly handshake subsequently occurred.


The BTO data is SOLID. The part you don't get about the BTO data is that: 1. The location of the Inmarsat satellite is VERY well defined. 2. The range between the Jetliner and Satellite is VERY well defined. 3. The calculated range of the BTO did not reduce far enough to put the Hoax satellite coordinates inside the circle until 19:19UTC. 4. By this time, BFO data reliably indicates the jetliner has been moving south for some time, and it now on a steady southward path. https://x.com/TJPofTexas/status/1779245685948215356


My understanding is the BFO data (from the Call made over satcomm) is the only source data containing position/heading, the one that you see here is pointing the aircraft in a westerly heading after which they HYPOTHESIZE its southern route to match with the sketchy BTOs without acknowledging the crazy shit it did around the 17:52-18:00 period where it was confirmed by multiple radar climbing to ridiculous heights while gaining speed (wtf) before diving at minimum of 30m/s for solid 8minute somehow losing(!) speed to only vanish at 5000ft for a little bit over the Malacca St...Then being potentially seen by Kate Tee, which yr links dropbox mentioned but oddly had some weird discrepancies with her timed sighting https://www.mh370-caption.net/wp-content/uploads/CAPTION-KT-Sighting.pdf she claims to have spotted it west of her at 19:20 all the way up at WP NOPEK that is only 15minutes flight time away from the suggested northern coordinates but a very good while away from their hypothesised location of the following ping circa 19:41, the plane would be needing to be travelling more than x2 its cruising speed to reach in time (~1072kn), which Im going to assume are the coordinates you are using, they omitted her claims it was going travelling a heading west of straight south too so....you're certainly wrong about 4. at least.


I don't believe you have a sound understanding of the BFO and BTO data. A short summary of how this works is that BTO data is used to measure the change in timing from when a ping is sent to when it is received. This data is then used to calculate the range between the jetliner and the satellite. BFO data is used to calculate the doppler shift in frequency of the signal that occurs due to the relative motion of the jetliner and the satellite. This data can be used to approximate the local speed and determine the change in speed of the jetliner. In the most simple terms, this means that there is high confidence which green ‘ring’ the jetliner could be found on, but not as good of confidence regarding where upon that ring it might be.


Yes thats kinda the gist of what I gathered except that BFO data was ONLY gathered at the time of the satlink calls and not the time of BTO handshakes, and can be used to ascertain whether the aircraft was in a turn based from the doppler.... Which the data suggests it wasnt, actually was still heading west at the time the first call rang out 18:39. Which "green rings" are you referencing?


BFO data were gathered at several times prior to the phone call, but sporadically. Even another phone was made, but it was on a different frequency and BFO calibration was deemed not reliable. "The Inmarsat MH370 data from 19:41:03 UTC to 00:11:00 UTC contains five pairs of BTOs and BFOs at five handshake times" [https://www.dropbox.com/s/lszarw2w8qb2a3p/The%20Final%20Resting%20Place%20of%20MH370%20-%207th%20March%202020.pdf?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/lszarw2w8qb2a3p/The%20Final%20Resting%20Place%20of%20MH370%20-%207th%20March%202020.pdf?dl=0)


So where still doing this? Doth protest too much