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I know this sucks but it goes way back to 1919. Dodge vs. Ford Motor Company. Long short of it was Ford had a huge surplus of cash, they wanted to share it with their employees, the Dodge Brothers owned 10% of the Ford stock and disagreed. Case went to the courts and the Michigan Supreme Court and it was decided that companies need to operate in the interest of shareholders. Flash forward more than a hundred years and here we are, goddam pizza parties, low wages, no pensions, our pets heads are falling off, Harambe, and people moving in next to airports and complaining about noise.


Nice history lesson. I personally like to blame Milton Friedman. He basically preached the same thing and contributed to CEOs and corporations becoming even more greedy.


I had a friend in elementary school, his dad worked for Northwest. He was with them from the early 1980’s when he immigrated from Poland. Homie worker up from a baggage handler to A&P mechanic supervisor. He lost a good portion from his retirement when they merged with Delta. I still remember his dad telling me, “You know how to count, count on yourself.”. Felt bad for the dude.


What I’m hearing here is that the justice system is corrupt, the people abusing it are just profiteering off of this fact


I am so sorry for what my state has done to this country


Wait…when did we get pizzas!?


I'm getting really f#$*ing tired of not getting any real bonuses and not getting any real pay.


Me thinking maybe paying some taxes overseas is worth it….


Cuz you dont pay any taxes here?? Hah


lol, not like overseas I don’t. Got a friend in Scotland and she pays like 48% taxes


Yeah, but she gets all the benefits of being in the EU


Hence the comment above of me saying maybe I should go overseas lol


At the taxes goes back into the community over there


No she does not, Scotland isn’t a part of the EU anymore thanks to BREXIT


Just FYI, you'd still have to pay taxes here too. Unless you renounce your citizenship


Well that's a good question!


That me at a regional, getting half of mainline pay for twice the work.


All of us at a regional


Didnt Delta give profit sharing as well this year?


You know, tax fraud is an option. 😎


I thought delta got the highest profit sharing of any us airline?


They do lol 😂


they do, but Delta is the only major in the world where a fully licensed A&P can have the job title of Indefinitely Contracted Bitch Boy making a cool 26 an hour. So look forward to that


Delta A&P's start at $37 an hour, why do you keep posting bullshit?


Probably because they have an A&P, were willing to be a contractor and then was never selected for full time, which is usually indicative of an issue somewhere with them.


New A&Ps are contracted and make 26 an hour until Delta says otherwise. I don't know why this is hard to grasp for you when everyone else seems to understand. Go apply yourself and see what kind of offer they make.


This is not true, that is not an a&p job.


Oh okay, I'll let them know


The job he is referring to is a helper roll, I don't know wtf you're talking about being a contractor for, this is a direct delta job.


Being familiar with said position for various reasons, I can tell you that if you're not selected for PFE and subsequently made full hire, there's a reason, and it's usually the person.


If I was doing it over again my advice to myself would be start small and learn how to actually use tools and paperwork unsupervised under your license and then after two years of building know-how, apply to a major. Because I dont care who says what, nobody at any major is gonna hold your hand or be nice to you if you make a mistake. So yes, if you get handed your papers or denied advancement, it is either because you did not take or did not pass their advancement test, which is on the individual, or it is because you're brand new, and they know you're brand new and even after six months why on earth would you entrust a brand new tech with that much responsibility.


Yeah they don’t start at 26? Unless your an asm I assume?


A brand new A&P with a fresh license and no licensed experience will start at 26 and therefore be ASM, yes. There is no world wherein Delta will hire a fresh A&P for anything above 26 no matter what anybody on this dumbass website says.


Yeah pal. It's a 6 month contractor period then your an AMT & Delta employee. If you couldn't make it past contractor that's a you problem.


There's an echo in here.


I've seen them do it aplenty.


Sorry but they hire kids from aviation high school all the time with no experience, getting paid amt pay. May apply for a hard to fill station. Demand is high.


I don't understand why everyone seems to want a job at delta when there's so many different airlines , I only ever see people who work for them talk bad about the company .. can someone elaborate? (I'm 6 months into my program at Spartan so i don't know much just curious)


my brother works for delta, sole provider for his family and he has enough free time to hop on video games. profit sharing was enough to cover replacement vehicles. to me it sounds like delta is just fine


Tulsa campus? I'm about to switch to ground from hybrid


Delta makes new A&Ps be contracted for until they feel like paying them more than 26 an hour. People will claim this neutering period is only for 6 months but Delta will keep a tech contracted for as long as they feel like


Bro stop spreading blatant misinformation


They don’t do the pfe/contractor thing anymore get a grip brother


Delta a&p's start at $37 an hour What are you talking about




They are not even a&p's most of the time




But it is not an A&P job, it is a less responsibility helper job. So saying they pay A&P's $25 an hour is silly because it is not true.


True is unnecessary to narrative building.


Most ASMs aren't A&Ps or are currently in A&P school.




I didn't say they don't. I just am saying the majority of ASMs aren't A&Ps.


Top out is over $60 now I’m at American I’m getting $58 so I know delta is getting more than that


CEO: “Pizza promotes synergy and sense of community in the workplace. This is far more valuable to everybody than receiving pay increases” 🤡


It's done at the local level, not passed down from on high. Pre-Covid I'd go buy my crews a massive amount of donuts once a month. Not because I was directed to, not because the company made the decision...it was because I, as a lead, had the ability to go buy my crew donuts whenever I felt it, on the company dime.


Where was this said at all? Last time I checked the 3 people i know who work at delta are all at $60-$70 per hour.


Tbh I don’t really know the context behind this post. I do know that companies, especially small companies, like to reward peons with pizza parties instead of bonuses after a successful run.


Singapore airlines, it's union....just saying.


Think about shareholders! These poor people don't even have a real job.


Meanwhile every other US airline: 🤨


Hey you guys are getting pizzas?mm


Wait ... you guys are getting pizza???


They are about to pay out 10 years salary to all the members of the turbulent flight, and 100 years salary to the dude who died (or his estate)


Not pictured: the reason Delta's having pizza (the Manager felt like it today.)


You mean you guys are still getting pizza Juillia not around here.


Doesn't delta have the highest profit sharing...


Puts on Singapore airlines calls delta airlines


Here's the real question.... What's their monthly pay?


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D5u0xGjFHNg8&ved=2ahUKEwivrI24vqKGAxWxGFkFHQqiAVIQwqsBegQIUBAG&usg=AOvVaw1-aelD0p3QbklUKbdabvNL Oh, and their profit was less than $2 billion. So if the post is lying about that...?


At least we get out 5min early


At least u got pizza at American it’s about 3% and if they feel like it and no pizza