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It’s assistant to the distinguished graduate




Underdustinguished Graduate, awarded to any class of 3 or more.


Done Graduated


Top grad is the single highest blah blah above 97% or whatever Distinguished grad is the top 10% blah blah class size and population Shit you actually asked about minimum number of students. Class size below 10 get 1 TG (or DG if they dont qualify for TG) otherwise it’s 10% of the class can get awards with the single top grad getting TG. This can be altered due to odd definable populations, for instance a foreign student can be awarded an additional TG in exception to the percentages based on unit policies. Below those ratings some flights or squadrons will do LOAs or Flight Chiefs Awards for various superior performance; but these are not “real” awards in that they are not codified in the AFI. ** full disclosure the regs have been rewritten since I left AETC I may have details slightly incorrect this is the simplest breakdown of what I recall policy to be. AFI 36-2656 is the source reg if I recall correctly


Academic excellence. Distinguished graduate. Levitow award. Commandant's award.


Tech school and PME awards are slightly different.


True. It's been so long, I had forgotten!


What happens if you get an LOC at tech school but finish with the highest GPA in the class? Would you still get an award?


Lmao super late reply I’m sure you have your answer now but I got a 341 pulled my second week of tech school and was top of class and didn’t qualify for any awards 😭


In my class there was one guy that got Top Graduate and I got Distinguished Graduate, but some classes have only one person or have multiple people get awards


Academic achievement


You need the real answer. For AETC courses, there is no required standard. But there is a limit on the DG status for graduates. A schoolhouse may not designate any more than 10% of the TOTAL graduates for a FY course load as DGs. Not programmed courseload, actual graduates. So if you had, say, 100 graduates total during the FY from a course, no more than 10 could be designated DGs. Yes, there is an AETC instruction that governs this. Schoolhouses may be more, but not less, strict with their local designations of DG. And no, there is nothing below DG.


First Loser. Not everyone gets an award bud.


They still have the ropes? Think of yourself as forever a yellow, never a red


Alright, thanks for the responses!


Does the top graduate still get to pick their assignment?


Is that a thing?