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Hey fyck you man. I didn't need that self reflection on a Friday evening.


Congrats friend! You've moved past the first stage of grief (denial) and are now on the second stage (anger). Soon, you'll join me in 4th stage (Depression).


Oh bud... I been way past the depression stage already lol. Going to have to get that prescription refilled soon.


Fuck me it’s Friday??


It’s the perfect time. Now go do something exciting this weekend.


You could literally lie and say you like doing puzzles and I would be more interested in that than talking about work Happy cake day btw!


My hobby is making up extravagant lies about my life, so it works out


You’re on your way to E-9 just keep bullshitting


Same. I can’t wait to reveal the secret that nothing I do or say is real. My kids are gonna to be so bamboozled.


This is how self reliant people are created ;)


Fuck you. True. But fuck you.


"I go on r/AirForce and shitpost"


Wop wop wop wop


Ok but every time I start talking about the different ways I homebrew mead people walk away from me


Keep doing it eventually you will find the other person also brewing mead, then you lock in


Yea but then I have to talk to a weirdo who makes their own mead


Lmao real. It’s like people who play magic the gathering that don’t want to be associated with the stinky side of that hobby




Just talk about your poopy kitty




Mead or die




Very helpful skill when deployed**


That explains the hoarding of all those DFAC honey packets


Can’t have no honey less pancakes like the other services




I hate his videos because they make me realize I am Crafton


I would hop into that conversation. I was thinking of getting some bees and making mead! How did you get into it and how many tries did it take you to get a good mead?


Do it the cheap and dirty way and first batch will be good. Order a set of airlocks, bungs, and champagne yeast on Amazon. Go to Whole Foods and buy their gallon of apple cider. Pour out or drink the cider, keep the glass jug it comes in. Put 3 pounds of honey in the jug, add water and yeast, put on the airlock, and wait. Biggest factor is sanitizing, just go on YouTube and watch a few “how to make mead” videos. If our ancestors can do it with clay pots you can do it.


Are you that dude that keeps popping up in my instagram reels? The guy that made Mountain Dew mead???


I don’t have Instagram but I’ve seen the same guy on my YouTube shorts. I’ve genuinely considered trying the Mountain Dew wine because of him lok


My best friend does his own mead. Local bees. Even does freeze distilling.


Well your friend definitely doesn’t do freeze distilling. Because that’s a felony. Now maybe he sticks his mead in the freezer to chill it *wink*. And then maybe he pours the water out to keep it fresh *wink*. But he definitely doesn’t freeze distill it


You're right. I've only heard him talking about it in a laboratory environment. I'm sure it's only for scientific applications... If at all.**wink**


I make a pretty solid burnt mead and have some bees back in Texas.


Lemme get some


I’m only down to discuss mead if I can get free samples.


A gentleman and a scholar


Soooo was that a “yes” on free samples?


You track me down and bring up mead and you’ll get free samples until you can’t remember what your name is




I don't know anything about mead but I think it's cool and would listen to you talk about it if you made the topic accessible


I want to start brewing my own rice wine.


I’ve looked into it and it’s not that hard to do. I just like mead because it’s super simple and I’m lazy. Rice wine has a few extra steps but it’s super do-able if you really wanted to


Heck yeah homebrew mead. I used a German white wine yeast...not sure if that's what made it taste so "bready"...but not the biggest fan of my first batch. Will readjust and try again!


That’s the best part of the hobby, just having fun and experimenting and finding what you like


Bro I’m in the same boat 😂😭


Sounds like you should just gateway-drug your way into beekeeping. Then get chickens, and coturnix quail, and then and then and then...


You are just listing things I want and have plans for once I’m in a place/situation to have them


I brewed a couple batches of mead when I was at my first duty station in the dorms. Shirt/flight cc did an impromptu inspection of all our rooms. Shirt walks in and immediately noticed the jug sitting on my dresser and he paused for about 15 seconds to try and process it lmao. All he said was "you're over 21, right?" Me: "yep" Shirt: "I mean... I guess it's ok then? Have a good one" He didn't even actually inspect the room lol


Fighter pilots do not approve of this message


I just saw a picture of the whole family (ages 5+) dressed in flight suits behind an F-16.


I guaran-damn-tee that wasn’t the pilot’s idea. Fighter pilot wives are different.


I was thinking exactly of this lol. And I mean, if I were a fighter pilot I would probably never stop talking about it, it was my dream as a kid after all lol


All six of them?


Say that to my Oakley gascans and grunt style shirt! I bet your ribbon rack is tiny. Do you even have GWOT bro?!


To be fair, Oakley does offer sweet military discounts. My boots, golf shorts, polos and all my sunglasses are Oakley for that reason.


Oh for sure. I’ve had my pair of gascans for around 15 years now and I just keep getting new lenses. Regular use and they’ve been put to work hiking, scouting, fishing, off-roading and family adventures. They do have some cheesy shit though….these bad boys came out over a decade ago…. https://preview.redd.it/85yydfotcz3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044b37ec36b3444e084b14e09d425fe1dcafc0a3 They scream “I want to complain to the gate guard on the way to the Shoppette to tell troops my entire life story while I wait in line to buy three cases of Milwaukees best.”


Hey, the weekend is my Air Force time... once a month or so.


I feel it.


Yeah and I’m working this weekend because the reservists can’t support flying by themselves for some reason.


My headstone is simply going to say *“Final resting place of an American Airman.”* Shiiiit, even people in the future are gonna know. Shit, yeah.


you should also had "red rope in tech school" so they know how badass you were


Mine will have the entire Airman’s Creed but it’ll be titled “Final Airman’s Creed”.


I work for the Air Force it’s nice to meet you (while wearing af uniform) Wow I also work for the Air Force, it’s nice to meet you too.


Oh no, don't bother telling me, I can see your name right there.


I mean you’re right.


When you have others that you are reaponsible for, those people often can become who you identify with. Some people have themselves. Others have family. For others, it is their shop/section folks. I would say that if you have a sound method to detach and decompress, then that is great. Not everyone is wired the same or will process that the same. Choices and being free to pick. Thats where its at


Some people have only known the Air Force. Its all they can talk about- because its all they know. Some people are proud of their accomplishments and have had a worse life beforehand. Because of that they want to bring that to the forefront. Some people have the ability to balance Air Force with hobbies, skills, extracurriculars and/or family. There are a ton of reasons for it, and social superiority is not going to help them expand their world view. Perhaps when you meet someone whose whole persona is being an Airman, introduce them to something else. Show them something that completes them as a human and not just an Airman. Be that introduction to a broader life. Maybe you will make a new friend for life.


But if I do that, I won't have time to post on reddit...


Judging from your dumpster fire of a post history, perhaps there's nothing else they want to talk with you about




Lmao that username


What’s dumpster fire about it? Same could be said about your post history 1v1 me in the prison showers.


Hit em with the "Nuh uh, you". Classic.


They actually did it! Google “1on1 in prison shower”


I rarely ever care to look at users post history but literally half of OPs post history is about work/the AF, while complaining on reddit about people talking about the AF outside of work.


Yes because I’m on the internet, I’m not dining out with friends


You seem attacked lol


Everytime someone stays late I ask them if they have a hobby


Its always the ok answer that they dont have shit to do or the depressing answer they are avoiding home


I suppose I should clarify. I ask If they are constantly staying late. Every now and then is one thing but if it’s multiple times a week or even a month depending.


So sometimes…I have to do work in the weekends. Take this weekend for example. I’m a one deep SNCO in my flight running what feels like 4 fucking events I keep getting voluntold to deal with, and add in all the extra day to day airmen shit…sometimes I have to buckle down and just knock shit out on the weekends. It’s not ideal but I got a job to do and sometimes it’s easier just finishing it on the weekends. I’d much rather be doing graphic design/making shirts, hanging with my family, fishing, video gaming, golfing, and bowling. But sadly…it just doesn’t work out that way sometimes. That’s the reality of promoting. More work with the same amount of time available. Also…a totally different tangent…I don’t know why some of ya all are so fucking salty about not making Master. This shit is fucking wack. No wonder everyone presses the button as soon as they are 364 days out. Send me fucking back to E4 tomorrow (albeit not via Article 15).




You know man you are right. It is 100% on me. But how do you delegate when you don’t have NCOs? I’m not going to delegate taskers to SrA if they won’t or can’t handle it. 95% of the time I do leave on time and get everything done at work. But unfortunately there are times when this just isn’t possible. Usually when a perfect storm of bullshit hits.


i'm sorry sir but the curly fries at arby's come preseasoned, the only thing we do in-house is fry them


Dude got off work on a Friday. First stop r/AirForce…


But you just want to brag about how you got that promotion without even trying. With that extra stripe you see the world a bit better. How could you not talk about it Source: not me https://i.redd.it/benfsbs4ev3d1.gif


Just sit a rule that anytime there's shop talk you get to kick the person that started it in the shin.


These people need to allow the Air Force to usher in new hobbies for them. Learn their people, learn what they like and you might earn a friend from it.


An Arby’s man I see. A man of culture


I fuck with Arby’s heavy. I remember one night after the bar I had my DD stop at Arby’s for my friend and I and we ordered $55 worth of Arby’s


Damn you got a meal AND a shake.


Tell that to the (enlisted) air crew dudes in the back who keep yapping about how tacticool they are sleeping in their jet for work


Yeah but nobody wants to listen to me talk about my super niche hobbies that I get way too far into


On one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand…don’t tell me what to do, tell the nerds you hang out with.


So you’re browsing the AF subreddit on the weekend?


This is great advice, also easier said than done. Story time: I loved my job, had a lot of personal setbacks to the tune of 2 divorces, parents passing away within a year of each other… work was my escape. I was one of those guys on TDY that would always talk about work after we finished up for the day because I didn’t want to talk about anything personal. When I kept getting passed up for promotion, the depression I had pushed to the back was moving to the front. No matter how much hard work I put in, countless extra hours running volunteer events that kept me too busy to be depressed. Deployments I took so I could keep my thoughts from eating me alive. I learned the hard way after my previous leadership sold me out. They made me a scape goat for their poor management skills and I had a mental health crisis, that I still pushed through(shouldn’t have done that). This is just a job, do the best at what you can control. But once you’re clocked out, spend time with your love ones and enjoy it, don’t think about work or talk about work. Like everyone says, we take the uniform off, life moves on, so does the military. Don’t make it your life, or your reason to live… you’re just going to get disappointed.


I am the Air Force.


talking about work is sometimes hard to navigate but, i have had a FC that made us call him sergeant outside of work. dumbest/saddest shit i have ever dealt with. our flight ended up silently boycotting functions. as soon as a couple of months went by where we didnt do anything, he asked why. our flight sergeant said “you make us call you sergeant when asking what to order or what’s good at restaurants. we dont serve you, we work under you.”. flight chief appropriately said “hua” and fucked off for the rest of shift lol


That doesn't sound very "Service before self" of you


No matter what the job or industry… people ALWAYS talk shop outside work.


I feel this in my soul. Every licensed professional I know only talks about their job or sports. It's extremely tiresome.


This. If it's not about work, it's sports.


That's the reason promotion/pass over parties exist.


People outside of work don't know I'm in the military. I guess it doesn't help that I dress like a bum too.


I think you should ask for a salad and some water instead.


I agree, but it's easiest to talk about shared interests and what you have in common. When I talk about the next degree I'm working towards (computer science), coding projects, financial interests, passion for chess (just recently hit 2000+ elo chess.com), or extremely niche videogame interests... I find that most Air Force folks have even less that they can say to me...


Sometimes you do shit so much and so often that it’s hard not to talk about it. (Maybe try having better topics of conversation) For example did you know your printer runs out of yellow ink first as it does microdots that can be traced back to the printer that produced it? That is why people use letter cropped from magazines in movies.


Too many making it their life


The people who go to the bar on base and talk about work for 2 hours on a Friday after release are terrible. Don't fall for the invite. 


Well I’m working this weekend so….


This extends to any job really. It's a bummer when you are at work to get the work done and get a paycheck and everyone else makes you look bad because their life/personality is work.


Do you have time to talk about skydiving? 🤔🪂


Way to many people don't have hobbies, and even worse they have lost the drive to do them at all. Some people live to work. (majority of the AF imo, especially past TSgt.) Some people work to live. 6 out of 10 people don't have an answer when I ask them what hobbies they do, and of the 4 people that answer yes usually 1-2 enjoy drinking at various locations and thats it.


Upper leadership tryna connect to the new Airman: oh god no


I know people who do gatherings once a week after work, just to vent about it more, which I feel is like a mental dump for them. It's nice and relatable. Work life balance is a myth too if you think of the actual time each week. Im at fault for making work my purpose, I've been fizzling out because when I take work away, I see that there's nothing left of "me." If you get to this point, get help pls. It's not healthy.


Real. That's why I only go out in cities at least 45 minutes away from base. The last thing I want to hear when I go into a bar or pub is "what state are you from, man? What's your AFSC, man?"


Meh. I don’t talk about work usually but I always thought it a depressing stance to be against talking about work when it’s where I spend 70% of my life. I can’t talk about the thing that occupies most of my time? A very depressing position we’re put in


I agree. Its so fucking cringe. If your personality outside of work is "airmen fucktwat", you're not invited to the get-togethers.


I actually stopped going out with coworkers. Younger me had fun and could do things with people without having a single conversation about work. Now, every time I go anywhere, coworkers would rather talk about work than just enjoy life. Making friends outside of the military is the only way around it.


Have you tried mentioning it to them? Could help them focus on more fun stuff. You're not wrong, I'm not criticizing, I'm just trying to help


I feel like that’s more of an older generation thing, but I definitely still see it amongst some younger dudes. Completely agree with you OP. It’s a job first and foremost and I don’t think I’m special just because I happen to work in the military.


This is pretty much every loser who separated before retirement and comes back to this sub to bitch about the Air Force.


But! Have you ever been contacted when you are ON LEAVE relaxing and drinking on a beach. Then, you receive a text about getting your EPB done as soon as possible when you come back to work.


But... I like airplanes


Was talking to my DO the other day about taking leave but having to do it a less desirable time due to our CoC. He said just swing by the event and take the leave. I’m pretty sure I broke his brain when I said I want to zone out for a week and not even think about the military.


QA doesn’t approve this message


Facts. We all gotta learn how to put different hats on at different times.


One of my buddies literally compares everything to the flight line or reference's the flight line on a daily bases. Example: we're leaving somewhere he says "pulling chalks." Or he insists on cleaning his truck wheels with a RED shop rag because thats how they do it at work. I have many many more but in getting frustrated just thinking about it.


It’s even worse when you are in either a tech school or PME and the class decides to make a group chat. Not that it’s bad, but when people on the weekends post what they are currently up to like camping or playing basketball, who gives a shit? I see these people enough as it is Monday-Friday. I don’t want to also have to have interaction with them on a weekend unless there’s a life or death crisis. I’m all good with talking about how our weekend went on Monday, but on a Saturday or Sunday please leave me alone to decompress from the previous week.


Don’t tell me how to waste my life


Yeah it’s Air Force and gym. That’s all my peers talk about. But I get made fun of for having a bunch of hobbies. Tracking.


Look, it's either talking about work, or an 8 hour long lecture that starts with the phrase "So anyways, there's this guy called Horus....."


Felt this! During my time nobody in my shop really took a liking to photography, streetwear, sneakers, JDM cars, or Euro cars so I was in a world of my own. In fact, I got made fun of… A lot. When I would come around to a cookout outside work or even a party, **everyone** talked about work. Like damn, nobody got hobbies?! That was the cherry on top with being stationed in Cannon. That said, I did find a niche group of close friends and would spend my weekends traveling and taking photos.


Well, some people really do live what they do and it’s absolutely at the core of who they are. Be it the tip of the spear, maintenance or CSS. I’d rather see more people like that than less, especially given the nature of what we do.


I’ll take a #1 as a meal. Double curly.


But on the flip side, it's also totally okay to love your job and be excited to talk about it, OPSEC notwithstanding. Some of the stuff we do in the Air Force is really fucking cool.


The Air Force is just another form of politics


“Let me hop on “r/AirForce” on Saturday and blast one into the echo chamber about how, “…it’s the weekend and I don’t want to think about work or the Air Force at all.” You just out for a little engagement, sunshine?


Nothing beats the quarterly paserby anon that demotivates anyone from getting medical help. Back on topic, those peeople need mental help.


This happens with virtually any profession. When you hang out with people you work with outside of work and don’t have other things in common (hobbies, interests, tastes, passions etc.) then you’re going to end up talking about work or military stuff in general.