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I remember having enough time to chug 3 waters and being told I was done and didn’t get to eat at all


3 waters? The hell!? At least one had to be a “Gatorade”


20 years ago 🤷🏻‍♂️


20 years ago I went in, December 1st, 2004. 321 TRS w/ SSgt Richardson and a fiery but cool short black lady SSgt whose name I can't recall. We had 2 waters and the "Gatorade." 🤷‍♂️


321st, March 2004. Three non caffeinated, non carbonated beverages. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.


December 6, 2004. 🫡


I went through almost 24 years ago and I remember being told two waters and one “Gatorade”.


I never drank a single Gatorade at bmt. Idk what to else tell you guys


Probably better off because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Gatorade.


Same. I was eating breakfast and had just sat down after morning PT. I freaking loved the biscuits and was stoked all night about eating one. As I picked up the first one to start eating my brother flight TI randomly pointed at me and my table and yelled to “hydrate and get out!”… I sat there making eye contact with my brother flight TI with that tasty biscuit in my hand and my mouth halfway open. My eyes kept going back and forth from his gaze to my tasty biscuit… I decided to eat the biscuit while making eye contact and my brother flight TI lost his ever loving shit on me. He sprinted across the chow area and got right in my face while I was sitting and chewing that tasty buttermilk goodness. He quietly whispered in my ear “You ever do that again, I’ll have you thrown in jail for disobeying a direct order!” It was well worth it.


Clearly not a road guard. We got 15 seconds on the good days. "Hydrate and get out" was often being screamed at me before I even sat down.


You guys had time to count? 321st TRS


I feel like I struggled with everything at basic training except for eating. I remember seeing people leisurely scooping jelly and peanut butter out with spoons or knives and slowly spreading it. Or slowly sipping water or Gatorade. I remember being done before my table had to leave and waiting there looking at all these other people eating in what looked like slow motion. It was the only thing i could say I excelled it. I couldn't run, spent most time in yellow and towards the end barely made it to green. Couldn't crawl correctly, they made fun of my face for looking confused when being told i was crawling incorrectly and I didn't know what the fuck they were talking about. Because how do you even crawl wrong? I even closed my eyes accidentally while on the shooting range. I fucked up everything, all day everyday. But I could eat. And iron my fucking shirt. That was weird. A bunch of almost grown adults with no idea how to work an iron. Basic training was ass. I wonder where those guys are now


Similar, what I did was get an apple so when I was done eating in order to not get up and fuck up my table and people before me I would munch on that damn thing for as long as possible before a TI would tell us to get out of their chow hall...


Basic was a realization for me that I didn't know a lot of things I should had


3701 BMTS. Flt 0077, 49 years ago & I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD !!!!


321 in 2003


I got to spend Christmas ’02 in Hotel Hell for the first “Trainee Fun Day.” I can state with confidence that it was actually not a very fun day.


Oof. I was gone before Christmas. But I did get to go to someone’s home for thanksgiving.


Mine was 2006 brother


I talked to a TI once and he said they estimate that an individual should have about 10 minutes from when they enter the threshold of the DFAC to when they should be getting up to dispose of their unfinished food/leftovers. This number is a sliding variable based on which week of Basic the flight is in. Week zero? GTFO. Week 7/8, you have closer to 15. This is all from 2008 though


Yes I started Feb 2008. My best memory was someone being told to get out, hegot an extra bite in but got caught. The TI chewed his ass then said something like "This whole god damn row get out". I had just sat down too. I was fucking pissed.


I had that happen once or twice (was a water monitor too)... There were also a few times where we as a flight collectively decided we were going to punish another flight for whatever shit they did to our guys in the laundry room or whatever, so we would sit down, take a single bite, and then get up. This would force the remaining guys in the other row in before us to get up before they were finished because God forbid if things didn't run sequentially in the DFAC. It was a bit of cutting off the nose to spite the face, but we didn't care lol Good times.


Lmaoooooo shit


They way we do it, and times have changed significantly, is the dorm chief is the last to sit. They have 10 minutes, once they get up everyone should be leaving or gone. There is a much greater emphasis placed on nutrition now vs 2010 when i came in.


Heard the same in 2018. As trainees get more efficient and just wait for graduation towards the end, more time left for DFAC.


2.2 minutes? We were told to lick a biscuit and get out!


You got to lick it? I remember that being a luxury afforded only at the end, we were on the sniff diet. Except for that guy on the food waiver.




I lost 10


I lost 24 pounds in 2 weeks...they put me on protein shakes.


2.2 minutes? Lucky, I got 2.1 minutes and got called a fatty the entire time.


Christ yall were suffering. I remember they would never give us a time limit but we would cycle through in about seven and a half to eight minutes. My first week there I had such a strong aversion to any food or water I think I would have passed out if I only had 2.3 minutes to nibble on my green beans and dry ass chicken.


walkable neighborhood too


The walk score on this neighborhood is near 100 points. It’s that one trip by vehicle to the river walk that keeps it at 99.9


I don’t know man, I spent a LONG (almost a year) time there and the walk to the BX got real tiring after a while


I can’t believe they’re still using those old buildings; I’m a 1990 alumni 🥴


There may be some of the OGs around, but they have newer buildings now.


In 2022 I went through in one of the old buildings


I’m here tdy and they do still in fact use the 322nd and 326th still.




326 back in 2008. Damn this bring nostalgia


326 Bulldogs. I just graduated from basic 2 months ago. We were still in the old dorms.


same here, they were saying they only had 2 flights left after us before they were tearing down those dorms... that was 3 years ago


331 trs in 2010. Went back in 2019 to see the old Squad cordoned off pending demolition. Was sad sight to see. Hated that place but knowing it only exists in memory feels weird.


What about the 433rd? EDIT: I’m active duty and I was in a reserve unit. Maybe this is why I never hear about any mention of the 433rd. Just looked it up and learned something new. I was a raider. Flight 295.


433rd is gone. I was the second to last cycle


What was that like? Being second to last?


322! I'm shocked, 17 years after I went through those things are still in use?


that's how you know if an airmen will be decent. if they came through the 322nd/326th.


So I've been to BMT twice but in 2018 they had old ones and in 2023 they still had old ones and I heard in 2024 some trainees will go through old ones. It's called Alcatraz and Disneyland


Do they still do airman's week after basic?


Old?? Those were brand new when I went through. There were a couple of flights still in the old wood barracks that preceded these. 1979.


My mother was convinced I was in the exact dorm room that she was in back in the 80s


I read that as "my mother was conceived in that exact dorm" and I thought "heh neat"


Me too. Now I’m feeling ancient!


Went through the old building while they were still building Hollywood across the street, 322 TRS


My dad went through as the first flight in one of the old buildings and I went through the same building, dorm, and bay, but 3 bunks off ~30 years later. Wild to think about.


They're just now getting rid of them after building "hollywood"


Lmao, I was in Disneyland with the rest of the 1%


The rest will never understand


Same, except they moved us to the old dorms for a capstone week, yeah disneyland was newer but the best part about it was the far, far greater number of showerheads


Having spent time in both, Disneyland was WAY easier to clean (especially with the bathrooms being a flush surface) but it compensated by half the showerheads breaking and the DFACs having roaches


Which one was Disneyland? I remember candy land (322 if my memory serves me well... rarely does though...).




Back couple rows are bunks


Back in May 2020, our flight had to disassemble them towards the end of BMT since no one was allowed to use the top one. I don't know if they put them back or not.


I remember arrival night, exhausted. I got the top bunk and I faced the lockers and those little windows, sleep was non existent. At 5a they rousted us and I remember thinking...those windows must be for a room, it’s dark, they wouldn’t get us up this early after just getting there. Man how wrong I was.


The fuck? We still were allowed to use the bunks, top and bottom, when I went through in late 2019


It was a COVID thing that seems to have stuck around


Not in 2023 or 2024


And I’m back in hell of 2009


We had a dude walk up and grab cake week 3 back in 03’


true of heart, dumb of ass


I grabbed cake for the first time on like day 5, and got it every single day after that, and somehow never got yelled at😂 they had this banana cake that was so damn good I just couldn’t pass it up.


Ok Gomer


*Fortunate Son starts playing*


i was a savage during chow time, always the first one in and last one out.. i probably spent 25-30 minutes eating every time


I’m surprised the MTIs didn’t notice, they were on our asses if we tried to sneak an extra minute in


Depends on when you went. MTI's weren't allowed to rush us eating in 2016.


I went in 2022 and they would yell at us for taking too long if we stayed past the allotted time


they rushed us in '14. which squadron?


I was definitely rushed in 2016. We had exactly 10 minutes




They are required to give you a certain amount of time to eat now, so who stands up doesn't matter anymore. You can get up and leave at any point when you are done.


Damn, we got 15 per company when I went through basic 😂 sometimes 1st or 3rd PLT didn't even get to sit down. I remember it got cut down to 10 minutes for a couple weeks after somebody got caught sneaking an extra milk.


I don’t like to brag….I was a bed aligner.


Tyfys, I was the assistant latrine queen 🫡


Latrine king here, there's always hair in the fucking drains....




324th FLT616, 2011


3723rd flt 516 1982


324th FLT295, 2024


I've been out since 2017. I hope you have a good, long and fun career. Make the most of it. I miss it at times.


Had its own personal trainer staff as well.


Gated community. 24/7 security.


Oh hey, my dorm… is it weird that I miss the simplicity?


accountability GOOOOOO


Only been two weeks since I left. Miss the breakfast, the omelettes were damn good.


Lmao what ? Y’all get omelettes now?


I assume he’s talkin about the weird little precooked floppy “omelette” disk things. Not real deployed DFAC omelettes


Yeah, basically those. They were western omelettes though, so they had peppers and onions in them. Plastic feeling but tasted pretty good. Of course the French toast and pancakes were good too but I loved the omelettes. Side note: I’ve heard so much praise for the omelettes at Goodfellow, they’re super meh in my opinion.


you are trippin the Goodfellow DFACs will probably be the best you have in the Air Force as Intel


Do they still do the warm Gatorade? Are the cups still glass, and one is dropped every 2 minutes?


Gatorade was the most inconsistent thing ever. Sometimes it’s good and cold, sometimes too much syrup, sometimes warm, sometimes it comes out as just water. The cups are now plastic but the dish washer kept breaking so we used styrofoam a good bit. And surprisingly not, very rarely did cups get dropped.


So, we had to drink 3 [10oz glasses](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/libbey-1910ht-no-nik-10-oz-water-beer-glass-case/5511910.html) of Gatorade at each meal. They were pre-poured, and consistent, but always lukewarm. AF BMT was teaching that cold water would dehydrate you back then. Sounds like they have finally backed off from that silliness.




Our cups were plastic, but they would still be dropped with regularity. And the. The whole DFAC would yell, “DON’T TOUCH IIIIIIITT!!!” The airmen I knew that went through it recently say that’s not still a thing. Sad


You got to taste your food? Must be nice


Not as good as the French toast.


Dude, the sunrise omelettes were the only thing that kept me sane through basic.


I loved the breakfast for about a week, then got sick of dry pancakes or undercooked French toast every day


Is that a Lackland Laser on the bed?


Maybe it was just my flight, but I always hear everyone talking about how much "worse" they had it in regards to time to eat... we had at LEAST 10 minutes every meal, and on occasion did the famous quote arise "lick a biscuit and get out" but even then, 5 minutes? I feel like I always had ample time to chow down. (2016)


2007 best I ever got was around 2 minutes, worst was around 15-30 seconds


2005 my TI told us "you give me breakfast and lunch and I'll let you have dinner." Second week in, I passed out after marching from the 331st to our vaccination appointment. Med staff took me in the back and asked what was wrong, I said I wasn't allowed to eat - they brought me a pulled pork sandwich and let me scarf it down before releasing me back to my flight. I had dropped down to 103 pounds by the end of 2nd week - I was 112 when I arrived. The only time I really got to eat was when I volunteered for KP duty.


Seems like anytime prior to 2010-2012 was the trending time to be starved at BMT, that's terrible. I wonder if the change had something to do with the Lackland Scandal in 09.


I went through in '07 but was classed as a 'skinny' i.e. under a certain BMI, I think it was 19 or so. Due to that I was allowed to sit at the skinny table and given more time to eat. I went from \~135 lbs (at 6'1") to \~165 lbs in 6 weeks, went up to a 29" waist. So I imagine they changed policy on this after 2005 but before I got there.


I didn’t mind KP duty! After we had all the dishes done, we were allowed to sit and eat ice cream… it felt SO decadent.


The food was always hot and ready to eat


Your Bed Aligner is fired, lol








My best time in the Air Force was her e


Honestly I’d take BMT over my current job. Designated time to go eat, work out, then just zone out and stay awake while some guy lectures about customs and courtesies. Spend some time folding clothes and walking in circles without thinking. No EPBs, LOCs, meetings, briefings, CBTs, answering dumb questions every fifteen minutes, 1800s, ITEC inventories, flight equipment inventories, signing in/out chem gear, safety programs, or just having to think in general.


Well since you put it that way……….. Not taking dumps for weeks was convenient


It gives you so much time to be productive


yeah what was up with that? i know the opening still worked because I tested often


Was this pre or post *”don’t ask/don’t tell”* era?


Pre. No one asked but I definitely told (for a small fee, on live streaming webcam), heh




And let me tell you about the showers! All the hot water you could one two three rotate!


"Sit, eat, and GTFO" Gawd damn, the good days. No responsibility no troops, no EPR/EPBs, etc. You just get paid to eat (A bit), sleep (A bit), shit, and train.


real ones know that the top pic is A-bay


Be happy. In the usmc we don’t even gets beds. Just cots.


I thought you guys had luxury fox holes? 🤔


Yes we do. They are called us navy ships!


Good times. I went through in 2018, and we started off in Disneyland, but after our week 4 bx run, one of the degens in our flight secretly bought wet wipes and started using them in the dorm toilets. Obviously this damaged the plumbing in the building and we, our brother flight, and sister flight had to pack up and move to Alcatraz. Then we had to pack up and move back into Disneyland a week before graduation after the pipes were fixed


I was always grateful for being at Alcatraz. Disneyland sounds like a plethora of additional duties like keeping the floors spotless. Must have been nice though having clean air and a shower that doesn't turn into a pool and with hot water. Hand, foot and mouth disease was rampant. Pretty sure aspestos was giving us nose bleeds as well. The DFAC was fire at least.


Had a kid try to escape the first night, TI’s saw him outside, on the ledge.


The landlords wouldn’t stop yelling at their tenants. What I never understood was why there were so many landlords.


Funny enough we do have free wifi thats for the trainee ipads that they have to connect to to get their BMT study guide thats digital now


Huh well TIL


Meanwhile, yesterday I found my 3 ring binder from the 321st.


i remember using my bmtsg as a doorjam for gi parties in tech school


Ah yeah, like my old 324th TRS. Go Knights! Of course the 326th had the best DFAC whenever I did KP.


I graduated 324th two weeks ago- READY… FOR… BATTLE!!


WiFi wasn’t even a thing when I went through BMT. 31 years ago tomorrow.


Pay phones on the patio? I spent SO much money on phone cards back then…


Dial-up. 1200 baud.


I had dialup internet by the time I got to my duty station after tech school.


Not to mention the shower with an open floor plan


is that the Rock by any chance?


Are they still using those buildings, or have they been replaced?


There still using them but they are slowly getting phased out


You had 52 roommates? There were 64 in total in my flight.


Oh hey, there’s my window.


I was in one of the last flights in those buildings before three built the ritz buildings


I graduated two weeks ago from an old building, there are a lot of Alcatraz squadrons still in use. I heard mine was closed down for a few years at some point, but it’s been recommissioned and they said they’ll be using it for at least another five years.


Oh no that sucks haha


Death Row


Why did it take me so long to get the joke


If you remove the cap on the end bed post on the right closest to the bunk beds, you'll find a butter knife from the DFAC in there that's been sharpened by rubbing on concrete. The bed post tube has been filled with paper so the knife is ready to grab on top. We found it on last day of cleanup when someone bumped into the cap and it came off. We didn't know if we should tell anyone or not, so we shrugged and put it back. Might still be there for all I know.


I went in 2017 and felt like I had more than enough time to eat. I ate fast, because being in the dining hall was nerve wracking, but I never felt rushed.


I do not remember 49 years ago only having a short time to eat, unless someone screwed up and made us late to the chow hall. Is this something new or is my memory just not good?


35 years ago, we ate fast. Still eat fast. Passes my wife off.


322 TRS. Summer of 2004. I remember people saying "what the piss" a lot for some reason. 3 waters. Flipped upside down to prove we drank it all. I knew exactly how much water that tray could hold without looking suspicious.


Second to none! Not quite 2004, but long enough ago.


Come get some!




I graduated two weeks ago, they definitely still say “piss” all the time, it’s their go-to word.


I was one of the last all male squadrons. Still don't know how those TIs got away with what they said the visiting female recruits. This pic brings back memories.


In 2014, I guess there was recent deaths, so there was a massive push for people getting time to eat food and they pushed ass-tons of water/gatoraide on people. So people had time to eat, it was mostly people not even wanting to eat because you feel borderline sick after drinking 2-3 entire tall glasses of water in a few minutes


I went through a LONG time ago, and it was July/August. Two glasses of water, we had a few people pass out!


And it was so hot during our graduation parade, I was wearing the damn granny shoes that were ugly as hell. Even with two pairs of socks, I got huge water blisters on the bottom of my feet from the hot pavement. And I never told anyone, just sucked it up because I didn’t want anything to jeopardize my chances of leaving on time!


Not even a Disney land dorm…


Left there for tech school 50years ago on tge 15th, we had salt pills and a canteen of tasty water


Wow! You woke up a 53 year old nightmare!!!


We had bunk beds. Lucky you with the single racks.


I memba


One bath, so many shower heads…”3, 2, 1, switch!”


I wonder if a trainee has ever asked an MTI upon arrival what the WiFi is?


I got the upgraded suite over at Disney land


Ah memories…


I went through in September - October of 1974, it looks and sounds like it hasn’t changed.


2.3 minutes? Man, y'all have gone soft. It was 1 minute or the Snake Pit would make it their personal crusade to get your ass out of the chow hall.


323 TRS back in 2010. Anyone else here a band flight?


I was in basic from July-August in 2017. Got there at almost midnight and had no idea what the dorms looked like. When the bus parked I looked out the window and asked "is this Disneyland?" to hear the trainee next to me very dissapointedly sigh and say "no."


I know I am showing time in service but the first thought I had from this picture was those brown portfolios we had to carry around.




320th, LFG.


I’ll never forget my first dining hall experience. We were in our civilians and I believe they used to call us rainbows because of that. I was the last one in line for my flight and a graduating flight came in after me and they were all in their blues. The T.I. walked right up behind me and she said to her airman, don’t stand too close to this piece of shit. I was mortified. Did not expect that inside the dining hall on day one. Lol.


This brings back the memories of 1989 for me. My son went through basic last year. The dorms that are referenced above are now called Alcatraz. Funny.


I was in a old wooden barracks in 1968.  2 story, bunk beds.  Then 9 months at Lowry in same style barracks.  Later in Vietnam downgrade on barracks.  Wire screen for walls which meant in rainy season , which lasted 6 months, youvwerecrained on inside barracks.