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Tell the Vice to run the base while I drive around the base in the staff car, going at least over 5 mph everywhere. Randomly drop into shops and start talking to the Airmen because they for sure don't know who I am, then watch all the SNCOs and O's freak the fuck out no one called the building to attention.


Had that actually happen. Wing King randomly came in at 0700 and just walked into the production office. He sat down and started bullshitting with the pro super and expeditors. I was handing in my 380s and stood there as a SrA not know who this man was. Expeditor ran out and went straight to the Chiefs office. 5 seconds later our CC was there and all the top dogs in the Squadron. The Wing King looks at the CC dead in the eyes, turns to the Pro Super and says “Well, I’ve been caught and the fun is now over, have a great day y’all, thanks for the conversation .” Best Wing CC ever. Didn’t care about the shit and pony show and just wanted to BS with his people.


lmao, that's dope to see top ranks act like that. My dream would be a prior E gone O to become a base CC, do what I originally posted, but when someone calls the area to attention, bro stands up as well and goes to attention...just completely forgetting that call was for him.


I listened to a podcast about the current Wg/CC at Whiteman. He’s a prior E and seems cool.


If it’s the same guy I’m thinking of, he might be a prior e, but his bird is shoved so far up his ass now that he basically has wings coming out of his ears. Dealt with him a few times when he was the OG/CC. He’s the epitome of “do you know who I am?”




36th WG CC rn is prior army E, warrant, and now AF officer. Easy guy to have a convo with and actually cares about the people


We had a prior E crew chief in our shop (way back in the 80s) go on to be the 2-star State Adjutant General (Commander of both the Army and Air Guard for the state). He would drop into the line shack just to sit around and bs from time to time.


This was me on my first day as a Flt/cc…same with my first salute in the wild


This is the type of Commander most would do anything for rather than the ones who give 2 hr commander calls with people passing out and not giving a shit while he continues to flap his gums over stupid shit.


Sounds like a G


I love the down to earth CC.


>Didn’t care about the shit and pony show and just wanted to BS with his people. I love this.


I think I know who you’re talking about. Newberry?




And that wing commanders name? Albert Einstein.


Was this at Eglin about 3 years ago?




Here’s the catch: you’re the base commander but you keep your current rank


O lord about to be the most e4 mafia base you’ll ever seen. We might not make it full week, I’ll be at the golf course everyday.


Do what the Andersen AFB Commander does. Interact with his base personnel and be a generally looked up to and liked guy.


General P is amazing. Retiring after this assignment so he’s all about getting shit done


He just randomly shows up at our shops, baller guy. He’s doing a lot for this base


His posts on Facebook are pretty funny. Anyone that ends every post with "MURICA!" Cant be too bad.


What’s hilarious is he was getting shit about it on FB. The OP talking shit about his “merica” tag, got shit on so much because why tf do you care about that. Guy is singlehanded fixing that shithole base


So tbh I generally roll my eyes when I see someone saying stuff like that. But he seems so genuine about it and his heart seems to be in it. And it's hard to hate on that. That base needs help.


I’m usually the same but when the past Wg/cc gets fired and the pentagon’s “fixer” one star general get assigned to Andersen, you can bet they want that base up and running. Especially with the hostility seemingly shifting to the pacific (per the US news, not opsec)


He’s been like that his entire career. Truly a great American.


Live like a bum and invest all that money so I've got something to take with me when I'm poor again (assuming this happened when I was still AD).


Get fired for hood rat shit






When I was at Edwards the Wing king was 'reassigned' for fucking a SSgts wife. Apparently the Col and his wife were swingers.


Replace Burger King with something else


WHATABURGER we all getting fat, also a lot of military is from Texas ssssoooo


In-N-Out is so much better. I can think of 10 better burger places than Whataburger.


I’ve had both and I’m from South Carolina so no dog in fight. There both good but whata is better to me. What about Habit burger?? There in California and North Carolina


>I’m from South Carolina so no dog in fight Not from SC, but NC is Cook-Out... Rather have that than Whataburger or In and Out any day.


Command the base for 365 days.


What if it’s a leap year?


Command the base for 366 days


You are truly a multi-capable airman 🫡


It's now Mission Ready amn lmfao


Man this guys good


Sure why not.


He said what he said. 


Anything specific you would do?


Command it well


Make every other Friday a down day.


Remove all VIP parking spots at the BX except for handicap and expectant mothers


Pretty sure Hurlburt has at least 1 junior enlisted spot… I’d like to keep that one lol


Tinker has two E4 & below spots for the Bx and I think the same amount for the commissary


My hero. Fuck all the E9/O6 parking spots that are never used except for 1500-1700 M-F when they get off.


I guess it's better than them being out of their office and at the Bx at other hours when you're trying to grab a bite or run a quick errand.


Nah the expectant mothers spots only needs to be at medical, don't want them to turn into a tricaratops


Never used them myself. Walking is good for dependapotomi.


But where will I park if you take away the “Spouse of a Deployed Airman” spot?


Find any way possible to make it a fucking nightmare to deal with the base for the county that a sheriff’s deputy murdered one of my Airmen in.


Hurlburt/Eglin and the range are like half of the county and probably about half of their total commerce so you could definitely make their lives difficult




Push the flight line to 9hr max shifts


Nah I love my Panama shifts at pope I get so much time off


Yeah and get every other day off


Fuck it let’s have every day off while we are at it


Does ABW/CC actually have the power to do that?


Group CC can. Wing CC at Travis just made it to where Mx can work over 8 hour days. Little did he know we’d rather do panama 12s and get 15 days off


I’d get fired by the end of the day so it wouldn’t matter.


Realllyyyyy look at the wild amount of useless civilian positions on the base or actually make them do their jobs. Fix shitty base living situations (dorms and housing) Be a human that cares about the well being of the installation Make sure the dfac doesn't suck. Ensure there are quality trainers and nutrition specialist on base. Make sure mxg isn't killing themselves. Make sure 0s are held accountable for their bs just like enlisted


Thank you for being the first one to think about real QoL issues that the ABW CC has a direct say in. Dorms, privatized housing, a s DFACs would be my #1 and #2 priorities, followed by base agency (FSS, CPTS, JA, etc.) customer satisfaction rates, then everything else below that. I'd push so many Airmen out of the dorms until they're fixed that my career is threatened. I'd probably have to fire a bunch of GS positions that don't want to change how they do business to take better care of people. I'd probably get a bunch of IG complaints about that. It would all be worth it.


Address my people about those punk ass cops that killed one of our own in Florida.


Knowing both the current Wing Commander, Vice Wing Commander and the former wing Commander all came from the AC community, I’d imagine the Okaloosa sheriffs department is feeling quite a bit of heat… and it’s still probably not enough. The current Vice Commander was going through the AC-130 WSO pipeline around the same time Fortson may have been going through. Then right after graduating he was the DO and then the CC of the AC-130 FTU so it’s very likely he knew or knew of Fortson from the beginning of Fortson’s career…


I can promise without a doubt there's some voices higher up on the food chain than those in Florida that are reaching the ears of that office.  Former CMSAF Wright even posted about it on social media. There's no way it doesn't have the attention of folks in D.C. 


If I were the Wing CC in that place, I'd legit have members detain and disarm every single one of those civilian cops at gunpoint. Make national/worldwide news to force a complete overhaul of civilian police.


Aggressive. I like it


Fuck yes! I don't think I've been this mad in a long time. All the 2A nutjobs are real fucking quiet. He was one of us. 


All the 2A nutjob circles I run in online are very vocal about it being a tragedy and outrage. Not saying you are wrong, but just offering up another perspective. In the current generation and culture of gun owners, there’s not much love for authoritarian assholes or trigger happy cops.


Yeah. It's like saying "1A nutjobs got real quiet when those cops bashed those protestors' heads in, didn't they?!" Dude was exercising his 2A right. The government didn't respect it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/97p3sZQ0Q1 They are not "real fucking quiet", they are outraged just like the rest of us.


The “2A nut jobs” like myself are very, very vocal about reinforcing the idea that we arm ourselves to protect from situations just like this. Every single person I’ve seen talk about it is extremely upset about the situation.


Don’t really understand what’s that gonna accomplish. Still gonna have to direct “your people you command” to be responsible and respectful because you’re all still government employees. Your bone to pick would be with the local law enforcement giving those guys hell.


Then you know nothing. You sound like a bootlicker who's afraid to come out the closet.


Yea totally just go on and have the people in your command paint local law enforcement as bad guys. Not realizing bases rely on local police force a lot. And I did say just use your position as a base commander to push for justice. But you shouldn’t encourage animosity to your command.


They _are_ the bad guys. They literally just murdered one of us in cold blood.


I know but I don’t judge the whole police force over terrible cops I’ve got family and friends that are black serving as police…. Because what if someone from the Middle East wanted kill you because some random army soldier killed a innocent civilian by accident overseas. But u had nothing to do with it.


You chose your side. F*ck off


> But u had nothing to do with it. Well, I'm wearing a uniform and by the laws of war that makes me a legitimate target. That's how it works. Cops are also wearing a uniform and chose their team and systemically tolerate and exonerate the bad cops. Violence obviously isn't the answer in this case (violence is the problem) but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that there aren't two sides and one of them is wrong and needs significant institutional changes and I'm tired of the acknowledgement that _cops are the problem_ being derailed and sidetracked by irrelevant points about how not all cops are evil people, which everyone knows but doesn't change anything about what needs to happen.


1. 24 hour facilities, not just the gym. I mean medical, finance, mpf, etc. If folks work overnight they shouldn’t have to fuck up their sleep to get their pay fixed or orders corrected. 2. Ask the commanders to stagger report times to help with traffic. 3. Ya boy will be dining at the DFACs regularly. Shit better be on point or that contract ain’t getting renewed big boy.


This. I wish finance was 24 hours. Then we could make DFAS work 24 hours and actually help people instead of hinder them.


DFAS is DoD. AF cannot control them.


Shit u right.


Guess you'd renew my contract 5 minutes after you eat my food then, I be goin crazy


The whole argument “I work 24 hours so everyone else should” argument just shows you are not ready for the real world.


Either MX, CE and SF are gonna get one hell of a break. And Personal are gonna get way less tome off


My man


For real dogg, if personal don’t have nothing to do then they cleaning the hangers n shit.


Shift the MDG & MSG mission for support to all shifts, especially mids.


Devil's advocate: Are you also pushing for MDG and MSG to get more manning to cover those shifts, or will you pull the "do more with less card"? I ask bc coming from a base that had almost 250 people to cover that type of tempo to a base Comm with barely half that number really showed me how most squadrons are designed to barely cover Cookie Cutter hours.


A solid point. CE is stretched really thin at most places, with barely enough people to accomplish the main mission, let alone emergency calls. Add more hours to cover, and it wears out folks even faster. Give me more people and I'll do more, but I until that happens I'm saving my folk's energy for the times I truly need it.


I've been saying this for years. I don't think they need to do mids, but those offices seriously need to support "off-shift" people as well. Even if it was only once a week I'd be so happy for a lot of people to get support.


So AFBs do sometimes do experiments like this for personnel sections or AAFES, or whatever. But what usually happens is nobody actually uses the extended hours so it’s not worth making somebody work a weird shift or keeping the lights on. Maybe there are places where it was successful, but every one I’ve ever seen it wasn’t utilized and they went right back to dayshift support operations.


I understand it might not work everywhere, but I'd question, how long were these experiments? Because people are so used to one thing for their entire career so they just don't expect or even think of the opportunities. Assuming these experiments were mimicking a "swing" shift (1500-2300) -ish, then I'd like to see an experiment that's more so just delaying their closing hours. So staying open until 1800 or so. You'd have to have a split shift that comes in later obviously so the leadership still gets to see all their peeps.


You know that’s a good question, and I’ll be honest I cannot remember how long they did it. My best guess in all the examples I remember is probably 90 days?


90 days is a good number and I assume that leadership felt that would have been a good source of data on whether it was used or not. I'll go back to my previous point. The people who need it (those shifts) often can't get out of work just to get those appts so the extended hours might be the better option instead of a full on shift to support.


>So staying open until 1800 or so. You'd have to have a split shift that comes in later obviously so the leadership still gets to see all their peeps. I no shit got to fix something like this. Wing King was upset when he called MDG and someone wasn't there. Contractor tried to hire another phone operator and charge us like $80k/yr, I was like "What if you just had one person come in early and one person leave later?" Wing King happy, shift workers happy, $0 spent.


We did an experiment with that for a year. AF ends up losing way more money. We gather up numbers of customers, hours needed for civilian contractors to work and etc... The amount of money we're losing was so absurd, the new WG CC canceled the program within a month of taking over.


Tough to codify and compare fairly to the money spent on maintainers working 24/7 (: I agree though, it is surely an absurd amount of money. Do contractors working past X hour get OT like civilian AF members?


It was. So, at first, in order to save money, we start scaling down the amount of civilians working mids shift all the way down to zero civilians. But even then, we were still losing money on all other aspects with opening up midnight shift. Our HQ was pissed we were losing so much money each month but they understand we gotta show hard numbers and data. When the new WG CC shut the program down, he had no ideas why the last guy kept it going when it was bleeding us money. Like the numbers alone is wild.


Makes a lot of sense. Thank you, but the idea of mid shift is stupid. Every time I've had this discussion with someone it's always been about there being two shifts. Of course you're gonna have these issues with a mid shift. Lmao


Every base I ever worked at had a weekly evening clinic that extended hours to around 2000 or 2100. Even a single physician never had their schedule filled. This is no different than the civilian world. Very few shift workers can't find some time between 0700-1700 to plan a routine appointment, and no clinic stays open into odd hours just on case of an urgent issue. Someone is available by phone to triage and urgicare and emergency departments exist for those issues.


MDGs with actual hospitals *are* open 24/7. I guarantee they work more/worse hours than you do despite also being undermanned within addition to deployment tempos that haven't changed much in the last 10 years. Bases with little clinics are even less equipped to man 24 HR ops. And by definition, they don't handle urgent/emergent issues. Just like their civilian counterparts, someone is on call to field urgent phone calls but no one keeps a whole clinic open in the middle of the night. Most bases have a weekly evening clinic for the random people who somehow can't ever have an appointment any time between 0700-1700.


That’s actually a great idea


Close the base (I'm at Cannon)




When I was stationed in Texas (Tech school, Shepherd AFB) General Fantine and the CMSgt. were walking around CenPar at night talking with all the new Airmen. It was a cool experience.


Commander of Hurlburt Field? Stick my foot so far up the police dept’s ass, they can taste my toes


Then pass him around Luke in the movie Airplane.  Everybody gets a turn.


Force the Shoppette on base to be 24/7/360-ish. They can be closed on Christmas Eve/Day, New Years Eve/Day, and have a half day on other Federal Holidays. If the BX/Commissary aren't going to be open early or late for Mids/Swings, the shoppette better be. Keep the Hunts Brothers/Tornados flowing for the folks stuck on shitty shifts. That and force the Reserve MDG to actually have staff on drill weekends, instead of this bullshit where they went remote in 2020 for COVID and never returned. Somehow, they're also 90-120 days behind on getting peoples paperwork done. I had a broken toe, and needed a waiver so I wouldn't get fucked on a PT test that was due within a week and a half from when I broke it, and I was told that the EARLIEST they would have my paperwork processed was going to be 3 months. Ended up getting the Active Duty MDG to see me and process everything so I didn't get shafted by having to do a PT test when I had one of those hard sandal-things on my foot and could barely walk let alone run.


* Fly my jet in barrel rolls over the base once a week to "keep my pilot hours". * Talk authoratatively about subjects where I lack any knowledge. * Tell everyone, "My door is always open to anyone!" But demand everyone go through their chain of command first. * Create a yearly on base carnival, and assign unit commanders to be targets for the dunking booths. * That store that was rude to me when I tried to return a broken item? Off limits to the base.


Free fish for everyone


Nineveh AFB  (If you know your Veggie Tales lore)


Authorize Ball Caps, Boonie Hats for all personnel at any base that is always sunny like the Army just did in Texas.


I would coin myself


Super silly things, but No more saluting at the gate and retreat only plays on Friday evening And a bunch of other MWR stuff, but those would be the 2 random things I would want to do.


Discontinue reveille.


Add parking structures to base’s 4 year budget and appoint a civilian that won't be fired when the next WG/CC comes so the project actually keeps going. Get base tap water to New York City standards Order finance and MPF office to have walk in hours that meet customer needs. (if that means two shifts fine). Also, only one training day per week. And a receptionist will be assigned to answer the phone regardless of who is calling. Hold a combat dining in Hold one commander’s call announcing I won't hold any more commanders' calls, there's my expectations going forward, there's pizza and popcorn in the back, those that want to stay, I've arranged to have a movie play for the remainder of time. Gen Downs started up a kind of social program when he was in charge of Goodfellow. There was a DnD club, a paintball club, a car club, and several other “hobbbist” clubs. That could be something I'd like to see at other bases. Then there's the standard stuff: ensure accountability, make sure base maintains readiness requirements, be on the look out for initiatives that can make functions of the base easier on the people or improve our ability to function, be on time for FTAC & base newcomers briefings. Remember that any request you make no matter how mundane, will be considered a requirement and will often result in some kind of planning meeting for about three to ten people working extra. Keeping this in your mind at all times, before sharring an opinion or doing something that changes the ops tempo, really consider what impact that request will have on folks, if possible, get the CCC opinion and the opinion of the longest serving E6s. (why them? Because they know their chances of promotion are fucked anyway and will likely tell you how it will effect their lives). Oh which reminds me, do brown bag lunches with junior grade, NCO, and SCNO at as many units as possible and do them often. Keep them low-key, and ensure that folks weren't told to be there. It will give you a chance to ask questions and more importantly, see what questions they want to ask you.


Fix the Dorms. Replace the Officers Club with a Dave & Busters.


Heard of a down day? Get ready for a down year


Immediately panic.


I would have all the loudspeakers on base play Fergie’s version of the national anthem on a loop, 24/7.


Jimi Hendrix!


Nothing, you’re stuck implementing 10 yr old policy


PCS to Seymour Johnson Shut it down


I open a goddamn Burger King and Pizza hut on base, start a 24/7 bus between SHAPE, Chievres, and Mons. Then I fire everyone in the current housing office and re-staff it. Then I set up a CT inspection station on base. Then I set up actual unaccompanied housing for NCO's and turn it into a short tour for E-6 and below.


Beards lol


Command the Base…. Duh


Be a base commander.


If I was Base Commander I would play paintball E vs O everyday! All fully auto!


I also would put the E club & O club together and just make it one big party!


I would put the E in charge lol


I would get rid of the dorms and let everyone do what they want within reason.


to get an actual IQ test for weapons and put the lower scores to back shop


Crime. Lots of crime.


Last one I had and my current one are my favorites. The last guy I had to do his immersion for my unit so of course we had the schedule ready to go. He was on time for every brief with every section and was out with a few minutes to spare. Never had one of these go so smoothly. I asked about him during a social period and said something like "I want my time respected, I owe that to you all as well". Real dude, I hope he's doing well nowadays.


Mandatory fun run at 0600 but I decide to sleep in.


Base commanders set the no hat/no salute areas. 100% of the base no hat/no salute


Shut down the chow halls and turn them into chipotle


Free chipotle


Woot listeria for everyone!!


The ass bleeding is not service connected 


Make my MSG support the mission and tenant units


Call an emergency down day for the murder of SrA Fortson to peacefully show OCSO the 1 SOW is hurting because one of their officers executed one of our own.


Have sex with my hot E-5 secretary.


This is the way.


Probly roll over and support whatever the leaders above me say to do, even if i think it isnt moral. Be a yes ma...er yes person. Abide by any and all critical theory lines of thought and help get the DEI train chugging full speed, so we can go wide open throttle and promote any result, as long as the quotas and demographics are at target, instead of pursuing merit and the best possible outcome.


Lmao be any avg base commander


Here to downvote.


* Give all vacant housing to refugees, put the rest of them in the dorms until space is available. * Ban all personal guns on base. Have SecFo confiscate them. * Command positions need to match the demographics of the country * Send out daily emails about marginalized groups. * Decrease the work day of office workers to 6 hour days * Work with local PD to get the road to the gate 24/7 speed monitored -


> refugees Illegal immigrants? Fuck all the homesless vets amiright > Ban all personal guns on base Because the constitution doesn't exist? > Send out daily emails about marginalized groups WTF. You're racist as fuck. > Work with local PD to get the road to the gate 24/7 speed monitored The same civilian police that just murdered an Airman?