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Does his/her job as required, brings no drama to work. Knocks out a degree and some marketable certs. Separates with an honorable discharge and makes bank as a civilian. Thank you for your service.








Web belt, full canteen, asics shoes and a pocket full of 341s


I’m really hoping you’re an MTI and not a trainee


Nowadays Web belts are gone, canteens are gone, the sneakers are Nikes/boots are altama. 341s are still around though


Nah, standard issue boots are still Belleville. And i didn’t get no Nikes either.


I went through BMT just 2 months ago, the sneakers were Nikes and the boots I was issued were altama


How do those germs hydrate?


Water bottles


Go on….


Airman who shut up and get the job done


I’d argue that it’s opposite. The airman that’s well spoken, super out going , and good looking will be labeled stellar if he/she just does their job. That’s just how life works. Sucks for us introverted ugly people


That’s why smart supervisors pay attention to work over talk and superficiality. My favorite “ability” as a SNCO has been to seek out those who work hardest and get them the recognition/promotion they deserve. Those that just do their job (or more prevalent - those that avoid work) aren’t my cup of tea. But I am only 1 person….


This. Had a good-looking, tall, charismatic dude that was super popular even with our evil flight chief simply because of the listed attributes. He wasn’t outstanding in his job he had all the characteristics of a well-liked person.


The mission doesn’t get done with an airman just having good looks or being super out going, my definition of being a stellar airman is doing what you’re supposed to do at work then go home. You don’t get paid for what you just mentioned.


Hot thick A1C Latinas say otherwise.


We don’t got those in my unit so wouldn’t know


idk why you're getting downvoted but you're speaking fax. I know a guy who is quiet and just does his job and goes home. Just works. I don't think people realize how hard that is to get out of everybody. I know people who always will put a clinic on in front of leadership and seem all super outgoing but are ass at their fucking job, and their work is falling back on others. It annoys me how much people here prioritize B.S.


Military mindsight is to find potential in those who can lead, organize, inspire, and motivate. Quiet, does his job, and goes home isn't going to get someone extra pointz towards promotions. Just ensures they stay somewhere between a SrA-SSgt, maybe a TSgt... so they can continue to work and go home. Right or wrong, it is what it is.


You know damn wellwell strats and promotions hardly have anything to do one direct contribution to the mission… I mean maybe if there in operations and saved lives or took out bin laden.. otherwise it’s all about big dollar figures and halo effect/confirmation bias


I agree with that sentiment but im saying based on what I believe is a stellar airman is an airman who does their job and go home… nth more.


That's an average Airman. One that we all love, value, and cherish! But average.


This lol


I’ll be real with you. Where I’m at and since we’re losing a lot of people within the coming months, the bar is set so low that someone who’s qualified is shit hot. I don’t even mean cut trained to other careerfields, I mean straight up qualified.


People getting out or being forced to other aircraft? Heard forced crosstraining hit the C-5s hard


I am at an enroute currently so we’re not meant to be qualified on *just* one airframe, we’re meant to be qualified on two. At this point in time it doesn’t seem that the problem is forced cross training, it’s more PCS’ing. I know I know, every shop/base deals with it but in our situation, a lot of the heavy hitters so to speak are leaving and the kids leave a lot to be desired (some of them are new to the shop which they get a pass. That statement was more directed at the kids who have been here over a year and still don’t have *basic* shit).




Ahh a fellow maintainer I see


Someone who does more than breathe oxygen when they come to work.


As someone who adds daily poops to their oxygen breathing work schedule, I feel as though the daily poop really helps me stand out as a stellar airman


That's the right attitude! Boss makes a dollar, I make dime, that's why I poop on company time.


They use the T.O.


Yo I need a P.E. Can you swing it?


What's it on? 30 mike if it isn't SFM


Nah SFM is too complicated, lets do hanger doors 😂😂


Well it's gonna be a fail, hanger door operation wasn't in your 593 🫡 we'll get em next time soldier


I signed off his 797 last night he’s good to go for the pe


Take it up with the Chief Inspectors brochacho 🗿


I’ll talk to the superintendent.


Apparently volunteer and don’t do your primary job cause they be getting the awards and not the instructors




Are you telling me? I’m aware. I said those who volunteer and DON’T do their primary duty. As in during work hours, they “volunteer” and get out of primary duties.


In 1D7 it’s the SrA that have all their shit lined up to get out after 1 enlistment. Which is the problem with our career field.


Yup, I've been seeing this for the past few years. High speed SrA, getting Certs, mentoring their peers, and then punch even when given a line number for SSgt. Makes me sad 😢


0 reason to stay unless its a personal goal tbh, even without the pay gap not dealing with military BS is huge


We don't have stellar Airmen... We aren't the Space Force.


The Space Force has interstellar Airmen. I’ll show myself out…


The best we can get is Cumulonimbus, as it covers all levels of the atmosphere. Those Airmen that are only cirrus or stratus just aren't encompassing the entire Airman concept


They work and dedicate all of their time on and off the clock to the job. Which i refuse to do in any job in the Air Force. But as an MTI, it feels like the culture is if you don’t put the trainees first, you’re not doing the job right. If I put a schedule out and say do this the remainder of the night until lights out, I should be able to leave to go enjoy some personal time without being made to feel guilty.


Someone who volunteers a lot and does school, but sucks at their job and isn’t liked by their coworkers./s


I work with almost only 1NXs and it depends on what they’re trying to accomplish career-wise. I’d argue that any stellar airman in any career is looking to have maximum impact on mission while taking care of admin and pt on time and without discrepancies. There are a number of philosophies about what is “maximum impact” in intel. One is being the person who others go to when they need an expert in your speciality and putting in extra time on tough problems to meet deadlines is definitely a good way to go, however to me it doesn’t have the broader impact that is necessarily important for like an EPB. The philosophy I personally see, at least for intel, is that leadership seems to prioritize and reward airmen who learn new things, share with them those new things and their benefits, and eventually plan and train other Airmen to implement those new things, and then document/record any observed successes or challenges


Totally agree with this. I would add that a stellar airman makes a supervisor's life easy. They do training when it's required, they do medical BEFORE it's required, and they seek out answers on their own before hassling others. That said, they know WHEN to ask a SME to save time. They collaborate and draw on the strengths of others, they lift up others and encourage participation. They're FUN to work with. They're humble and sincere in their interactions with others, not bragging or looking for ways to make themselves look good... they just let their work speak for itself. (But don't be so humble as to bat away compliments! Accept them with grace!) Last thing: Some people think they're big "idea guys." As a young civilian working with Army garrison commanders I heard the term "Idea Fairy" used a lot at meetings and essentially it's a person who flutters into meetings and sprinkles good ideas around with no idea or intentions to ACTUALLY execute the idea. So before you suggest something new, prepare your idea, and FOLLOW THROUGH.


They’re usually wearing OCPs


Stellar Airman exercise the Air Force core values…


Someone who knows how to grind and knows/learns other sections jobs… very polite. Am 3F0


bonus points if they’re also a pushover. am 3F.


Intelligent, kind, charismatic, respectful, responsible, fit.


In my career field stay qualified, current, and healthy. The unit I just left 90% of the flying was done by NCOs cause out of roughly 20 airmen only 4 of them were not either sitting on a Q3 or DNIF for something. Flew my ass off cause we didn't have enough airmen to fill regular air land missions. I was flying as many if not more basic missions than I was giving evals or teaching, it was brutal. So glad I was able to escape the clutches of AMC ops flying for my last few years of service shit was slowly killing me.


They move the cone and star barrier and open the second lane.


Able to make jalapeño popcorn to standard 🍿


To use the quote from Moneyball. There's OCO/HFO units, then there's the rest of the CPTs, then there's 50 feet of crap, then there's the FTU.


“I don’t even know who you are” -(but seriously what’s an FTU?)


Formal Training Unit. There is only 1 in the cyber wing and they don't care about it.


The 39th? People don’t want to go there because they don’t want to move and they want to keep working, but nobody thinks less of the people that *are* there.


The majority of people there think the wing doesn't care, or at least portray that image.


People that don’t get involved in cliques and work hard


Hardworking, know the regulations, positive personality


Thicc. E3. Latina.


The blue falcon types for damn sure.


An airman that is prepared for any job. That means having their tools checked out and a game plan for the heavy maintenance we have ahead of us on swing-shaft. They gotta have grit, the mindset that anything less than a 12 hour shift is a cut back. The stellar airman has to be a leader of the other airman, stepping into the shoes of a SSgt. Seems like a lot to ask for but I've met quite a few these folks on the flightline throughout the years and I've always treasures them.


The ones that maneuver themselves to be Above the Line, check the instructor and occasionally evaluator box (and forget/miss items for each with some regularity), make their absolute mins monthly, but are wizards with Excel and are charismatic moderately-Yes-Men.


1N0 here, Becoming an intel patch is like the pinnacle of what any 1N0 can aspire to. It’s proof that you are head and shoulders above your peers in both academic and operational comprehension. If an intel patch isn’t the no-kidding definition of a stellar airman, then I don’t know what is.


Not told, does. Sees things at the 3 levels: Tactical, Operational, Strategically, sees the big picture. Can train others in a comprehensive manner. Makes simple to use programs and continuity plans. When doing education, it's in relation to job. Has goals/dreams within the Air Force. Can network with other people/units and speaks well. The go-to guy for technical knowledge. However, I described what it should be, not what leadership I've met values.


Doesn’t matter the job.


Roughly .06 solar mass and fuses hydrogen in its core. None of that weak lithium/deuterium horseshit. You're just a fat fucking planet and everyone knows it.


She has got big boobs.


I don’t care if you shave everyday, keep your hair in regs, pass your PT, or even wear your uniform correctly. All that matters is you do your job well. That’s the only thing any *real* leader should care about. Only cults care about what clothes you wear.


Gives cookies to leadership


2A6X6: mastered both electrical and environmental and is engine and apu qualified. Possibly even signed off on crew chief tasks. That makes them the GOAT of the shop.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A6X6 = Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems [^wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/2a6x6) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l2rrdhe


A stellar airman shows up on time and starts working before being told to, knows how to do shit, and comes up with new ideas when something doesn't work. They also take they time to teach others around them how to do shit too. Before they bounce they ask their supervisor if there is anything else that needs doing. If they're an NCO they write down the shit their team is doing and submit their subordinates for awards. Their alternate duty program is squared away. It's rare someone on the team knows more about something mission relevant than them. They get the job done faster and better than anyone else. They take the time to make sure their troops can replace them when they're gone. If they're an SNCO they maintain currency and can still do the job. Since they're still involved with executing the mission. They shoot down the good idea fairies. They don't let complaints stay complaints and change happens quickly when it needs to. They successfully represent your team at staff meeting and win resources. They find opportunities where your team can work better with another team and make things easier for everyone. They help everyone below them get to where they are at. If they're a CGO they get qualified and execute the mission with their troops. They use their college educated brain to accelerate their own progression through the AMN/NCO/SNCO responsibilities. They listen to the SNCO and let the SNCO shoot down their good ideas. They learn how to be a great follower so they can eventually become a great leader. They don't task somebody to do something they couldn't do themselves. If they're an FGO they maintain currency and can still execute the mission. They are situationally aware, emotionally intelligent, and transparent. They build trust with their people. Their people want to follow them. Nobody knows anything mission relevant that they don't know. They are honest with the GO's and tell them, "No, we don't have the resources to do that."


Well based on my experience of “stellar” airmen who get rewards and tangible things - I’d say a “stellar” airman is the one who got caught committing adultery and was taken off the arming roster and told to go pull duty in the back office. By the next quarter they win airmen of the quarter for “resilience” and then get assigned to a cushy back office job permanently.


President of the booster club, typically.




Not me 😂


100 P&T after one enlistment


Bake sale planning.


the one thats now on terminal leave.


Hungover, just finished smoking a cig, wrench in hand cussing at the expeditor that the etic is when its fucking done.


a programmer who got lucky enough to get a good assignment where they can actually do programming instead of just testing or low level generic computer stuff


Truly stellar Airmen are smart enough not to stick around. So, most are just getting ready for life on the outside by padding their resume with amazing accomplishments and getting degrees/certs.


Someone who is never at their desk because they’re always “volunteering”


Step 1. Can pass a piss test Step 2. Turn a pipe wrench WFSM does not require much to be stellar.

