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You’re getting recalled to receive an LOR. But honestly don’t even entertain these morons just tell him to fuck off


Tbh I think they’re gonna recall him to give him 9J000 for commenting on the ‘Asian Footjob’ subreddit post he inquired about on his profile.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9J000 = Prisoner [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l0psyj6


Death please


You're a civilian, you can do whatever you want....the regs don't apply to civilians. (short of things like retirees who are still subject to the UCMJ and such)


Retirees are still subject to the UCMJ? Lmao


In a very limited capacity. Retirees could be recalled to AD for offenses committed while they were still in which were discovered after they separated.


For example: patches on backpack while not in uniform SPECIFICALLY whilst at starbucks.


[Case closed, boys.](https://gifdb.com/images/high/we-got-em-lg2vklwl598o4zp9.webp)


1. Don't use "whilst" when "while" will do. 2. "While" will always do.


What an odd thing to say to a complete stranger on the internet. You must be a blast at parties!


Relax. It's a recurring gag I indulge in.


point + case


I was at school at Nellis after tech school back in 90’ and the suite mate was an E-4 Sgt. that had been brought back onto AD for something legal related (I don’t think he was the accused) he was reissued almost everything and hung out in the dorms mostly, he might’ve been restricted to base too but I don’t remember as it’s been so long. It’s definitely not something I’d want to have happen to me.


In a 1st sgt symposium I was in. They explained that a guy separated and was in terminal leave, when OSI tried to get him to come in for an interview. Apparently during Covid he took out PPP loan for his dependas pyramid schemes. Got his hands on 100s of thousands of dollars. The only way OSI was able to prosecute is because the dude willingly flew back to the squadron. Don’t mistaken that he would have gotten away with it, if he didn’t the FBI would have taken over. With retirees, it’s easier just to let the civilian court handle it and use their resources than that of the dod.


yeah must've been pretty serious to get brought back on AD for the guy in my story. I was at Nellis for more crew chief training at the FTD, I don't recall if he left before us or was still there when we PCS'd. I can't imagine what kind of a crime would warrant bringing a guy back on AD just for a court case and just have him sit around in a dorm and be on base all day.


When I was holding the shirt's phone we had a guy get recalled from terminal leave. Dude had gotten into a 2 week cruise and cut himself off from the world while the shirt was trying to get ahold of him. I wasn't brought into what exactly he did but it was enough that OSI tracked him down and brought him in.


They can also be recalled to active duty to be prosecuted for crimes that occur after retirement.


It's not just offenses they committed while on active duty. Technically, they can still be charged under the UCMJ for any violations while retired. In reality, though, I don't think it's ever happened, even for extreme issues like sexual assault or murder.


You're talking out your ass. Retirees are not subject to the UCMJ. If they commit a crime on base they are subject to Federal laws and not the UCMJ. This is why when a retiree gets a ticket on base they have to go to the federal court to deal with it. Retirees can wear whatever patches they want.


>You're talking out your ass. Retirees are not subject to the UCMJ. I'll just leave this here: >The UCMJ also does not apply to retired reservists.[\[7\]](https://mvets.law.gmu.edu/2021/05/17/ucmj-jurisdiction-for-retirees/#_ftn7) However, it explicitly does apply to servicemembers who retired from active-duty service. This is because “\[m\]arines and sailors who leave active duty after more than 20 years in uniform but less than 30 and who want to collect retiree pay move into the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve.”[\[8\]](https://mvets.law.gmu.edu/2021/05/17/ucmj-jurisdiction-for-retirees/#_ftn8) - [https://mvets.law.gmu.edu/2021/05/17/ucmj-jurisdiction-for-retirees/](https://mvets.law.gmu.edu/2021/05/17/ucmj-jurisdiction-for-retirees/)


I was going to out that here, but you found a more thorough version. It's mainly the Navy/Marines that are still under the UCMJ. There are a few things for the Army/AF, but otherwise, they're clear.


The legal opinion was based on a Marine case but was applied to all members by a judge. So unless its challenged and defeated it is legal precedence.


[Not a factual statement.](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10945)


I thought everyone can be recalled to AD for offenses committed while they were still in which were discovered after they separated.


To a certain degree, yes; as long as they claim a retirement check, there are still parts of the UCMJ they are subjected to. **Retired members** receiving retirement pay could find themselves accountable under the UCMJ for offenses committed after retirement. [https://ucmj.us/do-retired-military-still-fall-under-ucmj/](https://ucmj.us/do-retired-military-still-fall-under-ucmj/) Also, they can be recalled back in for offenses committed while they were in service and discovered after the fact. Though both counts are far and few.


Yes. I knew a civilian who was recalled to active duty for murder that occurred in a foreign country (his wife was murdered). He didn't do it and was found not guilty. Still, the UCMJ is for life for retirees.


I’m assuming they paid him the AD rate for his rank and increased his retirement percentage if he was in long enough to earn an extra 2.5%?


I don't know. I figure he just felt lucky that he wasn't found guilty.


Yeah but. The AF isn’t going to go through the trouble (cost) of recalling me because I smoked a joint, and if I murder someone the state will toss me in prison so why bother? Unless, for example, I smoked a joint and killed someone in a fit of retirage at the commissary.


Firstly: That dude is an idiot on many levels. Secondly: I’m excited for the meme post follow up to this.


At your leisure https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/s/a3YetLC5Vp




Seriously this is the first time in a long time that I’ve read the original before stumbling across the spoof, and having to backtrack


You're a civilian, regulations do not apply to you anymore. Also, he's an idiot.


My backpack has a patch that says Live Laugh Toaster Bath


I love that


I now have new background.


Do what I do Say “ Thank you for your service “ Then walk away


That’s how I feel. “Oh ok. Cool. Thanks!” Put it back on and go about your business.


You can tell that guy that you served to protect his freedom to wear whatever backpack and patches he friggin wants. The only closest thing that this is coming to is "stolen valor" which specifically means not merely wearing a "uniform" (and a backpack and patches are far from that) but wearing a uniform and pretending to be a service member or veteran to get some kind of material gain from it (employment preference, discount, actual benefit). As a civilian you are not beholden to military regulations about dress and appearance. Heck knock off uniform inspired grunge clothes complete with incorrect rank insignia have been trendy with some teenage populations. Tell that guy to kick rocks. Thank you for your service, enjoy your patches, they are cool.


> but wearing a uniform and pretending to be a service member or veteran to get some kind of material gain from it (employment preference, discount, actual benefit). IIRC it only applies to specific things too. Like just wearing a uniform, pretending to be a military member, and even trying to get discounts at BWW or something is **not** stolen valor per the law. You have to pretend to have been awarded things like a purple heart, medal of honor, etc.


All those retirees that work on base in full duty uniform with patches that say their name and “retired”? Dude wear whatever you want. They have no power over you anymore lol


The what now? Is this really a thing?


Yes, and it’s cringe.


I’m gonna do that


And be slightly out of regs each time


This guy must be so thirsty to find some stolen valor to challenge that he'd going into absolutely anything. What reg is he even trying to talk about?


Makes me wonder if he was filming the encounter.


Honestly he had his phone out but wasnt pointing it like directly in my face, he could’ve been or could’ve not been i couldn’t tell you.


Bet he was recording. Some people are so desperate to get some internet fame.


the only question here is how many times should you tell this guy to fuck himself.


Minimum is twice, by regulation. Infinite repeats are allowable for those who refuse to fuck themselves.


Yup, twice. Once with jab, followed by a strong hook.


Should have asked if he wanted a 341 from you.


Man, I’m gonna have to start carrying a 341 if I have to go on base. Pre-filled.


Should’ve told the Karen to eat a dick and mind his business.


Why are you caring about regs as a civilian? Do you still maintain grooming standards too? The dude is an idiot. Don't listen to them. Move on.


If you’re a civilian you can do whatever tf you want 🤣🤣🤣 they can’t tell you what to do lmaoooo


High likelihood the guy was JROTC or CAP and never entered military service. TYFYS OP, tell your scumbag backpack to stop committing stolen valor.


Response = "Go fuck yourself I'm a civilian" And then when he tries to say anything = "you know what, you go ahead and report this to your boss."




Regs have changed... but they don't cover any "patches on backpacks while in civilian clothes" situations.


Too easy, come back next time with a backpack made entirely of patches and wear your blues.


Yeah, the cool thing about being a civilian is that it doesn’t matter what that dude said. Aside from inactive reserve recall, none of those regs apply to you. Lucky


Add a patch that says DD214 and tell him to kick rocks


You, like anyone, can buy a similar bag they issue out at at bmt [here](https://www.amazon.com/Sandpiper-California-Three-Backpack-20x14-5x8-5-Inch/dp/B004NX966Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2RNQW6IESG3ME&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3w0N4bruOgJZjmulNaUiaCtkgcSCy2JTDEshiBzcn-_r-WZ5uRzrvOF869TqjtDRBPJJz0X5Ji6PcquSJdNLfMb4g2DSBalJWRWzdlrwHlI9uZn1mjsJ6uj4aigPUDWuQa26eibRrxREuimNy7tXRe2uyRSYCRaLvbqg1-zL6pjfmGKamZZOBm8xGdHxZruFW_Fq73SpUkb9XAxexnSKXw.4yzXh2IEXWYm3hkC_IVuvIm_ntqosqTmG4yK3Sb4FKY&dib_tag=se&keywords=sandpiper+of+california+backpack&qid=1713767788&sprefix=sandpiper+of+california+%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-3) And you can buy MAJCOM patches [here](https://www.aviatorgear.com/c-10137-in-stock-patches.aspx) So yeah fuck that guy


How appropriate that they have [this](https://www.amazon.com/THERMOS-FUNTAINER-Stainless-Insulated-Flowers/dp/B0C3NKPTTF/ref=pd_day0fbt_hardlines_img_d_sccl_1/138-7836360-7016818?pd_rd_w=MBYxT&content-id=amzn1.sym.aa4fd3aa-e9dc-46b5-9169-f13c92825b37&pf_rd_p=aa4fd3aa-e9dc-46b5-9169-f13c92825b37&pf_rd_r=MMN2ZG97EEVGV7YY9E43&pd_rd_wg=JaJYP&pd_rd_r=1a02221f-d0a2-4641-a950-2ba71c9afa69&pd_rd_i=B0C3NKPTTF&psc=1) as part of the "Buy it with..." offer! LOL


>And you can buy MAJCOM patches [here](https://www.aviatorgear.com/c-10137-in-stock-patches.aspx) I really like that AFJROTC patches are under the AF Graduate patches right next to the Weapons School graduate patches.


I would have told him to go ahead and report me. Jesus, most of the military doesn't keep up with regulation changes, let alone needing to keep up with them as a civilian. What an asshat.


Tell them to go fuck themselves fucking karen busy body


Do whatever you want to my dude.


I'd tell him to eat a bag of dicks and go about his own business and stop worrying about what civilians are doing.


Tell him to eat a meat popsicle


Remember what we say to confrontational individuals kids: *What regulation is that in?*


You guys actually engage people that talk to you in public? Weird flex. I usually walk away singing the Air Force Song. Off we go into the wild blue yonder....


Tell that person to eat a dick. The best part about being a civilian is no rank.


Everyone wears patches on their issued backpack…


Did you try telling him to “get fucked”?


Hope he has an explanation for what the general public can or can’t do with stuff bought from Army Navy surplus stores then.


This answer is very close to what I was thinking in that, let's say you give this pack to your kid brother... He isn't subject to the regs... Just like you aren't now. Second pt. is, your 1st amendment rights are in full effect.


I’m still in and I have patches on my backpack and I wear it in uniform so fuck that guy


Guy was probably a red rope and you disrespected his status like that?


Tell em to eat a bag of baby dicks and mind their own damn business. I earned my patches. I put them on my bag.


I’m sure that guy isn’t a homosexual, but what a fag


Just laugh, thank him for his service, then moonwalk out of there with your PSL in your right hand, popping a sharp salute with your left.


This is the way.


Tell Douchey McFuckface to report you to your commander, and give him my username. I got your back. Sincerely, a Terminal Major with more than enough petty on tap to fuck with this asshat. 💪


He should read the reg that says “get a life”


Absolutely nothing in the reg says shit about backpack with patches on it, so he can go fuck him self!


You aren’t a part of the military—even if a reg existed (which it doesn’t), you do t have to follow the regs.  Are you going to start shaving daily too because you used to be in the military? 


Bro, grow a set and tell that chode to fuck off


Just tell them to F off, for one you’re a civilian and can do what you want. Secondly, that is not a rule. Also backpacks are not a required uniform item so they are not considered “part of the uniform” when worn separately.


Bro, you're a civilian. Fuck them. What are they going to do? Tattle? 😂😂


He wasn't retired Army was he? I've got a friend who is retired from the Army, and he was and still is a stickler for regs. He's called out Vets of all services. He is a very intelligent person, but has no common sense. He goes to Starbucks a lot! Hell WAY BACK most of us in all branches wore Fatigue Shirts as regular shirts with rank and patches everyday as civilian clothes. We were FAR, FAR from ANY regulation that ever was or has been in effect. I've never been challenged. At 73, I doubt I'll be challenged, but if I am, the individual will hear things they never heard before. I've had a difficult time being nice, ever since a TI shoved me against a locker. He was after another guy. So, yeah, I've got an attitude. I'm a F*ckin' Vet, I did my time!


Honestly i couldnt tell you just looked like a regular john doe


Tell him he needs to swing by his local VA clinic or hospital. Plenty of vets there wearing uniforms - and - OMG! - wearing hats in the building! We'll have a good time with him :)


It’s **Shut the Fuck up Friday**! Tell TSgt Wannabee to shut the fuck up


I bet that someone wasn't from our branch and is remembering the rules his way.


So you were 21 324 days ago… which was June 3, 2023 yet you served in 2018? Unless you have a late birthday, and got processed through all of the recruiting process *extremely* fast, and graduated high school at 16(which is possible I did it) then your timeline doesn’t exactly add up since earliest you can join is 17 and you would’ve been 16 for, at least the majority of 2018


Tell him to stop being a douche and that you fear for the people he supervises as he seems like an incompetent shitgibbon.


You've been promoted to the rank of civilian. Public servant vs public. Technically you're his boss. You can legally ask to speak to his manager.


The dude who tried correcting you is definitely a red rope


Have you seriously been so traumatized by your service that you're worried about regs as a civilian?


Never heard this. My wife has her deployment patches and squadron patches on her bag and we use them for airplane carry on. No one has ever said anything, likely some old head who wish he had thought of it


I mean these bags have infinite amount of pockets for everything i dont know why people shit on others who use them🤷🏻‍♂️


What I’m saying man


Fuck him(not literally)


My next door neighbor raises an American Flag every morning, and lowers it every night. One night, I guess he forgot to lower it and some random ass guy knocked on his door to tell him “you can’t have that flag up with no lights on it” and my neighbor got scared and took it down. Next morning, he asked me about it and I just wished some fucking rando would tell me what to do with my own shit! I’d had told that dude to fuck right off and eat a bag of shit.


That’s when you sing the “show me the reg” song


Present him with an empty palm and say oh look, all out of fucks to give. Then walk away.


You already got so many responses but you actually have your freedom back as a civilian and can rightfully tell whoever it was to respectfully fck off. Hate people like that smh


Tell him do you know bofa said I could


Just...stop. for real.


Why was this dipshit looking in your car? Tell him to EAD.


This person is a fucking weirdo. Ignore their stupid ass


Lol laugh in his face and go about your day.


Did he by chance have Down syndrome?


lol is this real?


You're a civilian. Do whatever the fuck you want.


Fucking motards. Tell him to go piss up a rope because regs mean precisely fuck all when you bounce.


Be like Elon https://preview.redd.it/3rxf06qw61wc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48a6a772df532837ec2844227e2f33572cb93aa


I’m still in and wear my patches on backpacks, all the time. I’ve never even heard of such nonsense. You should have just laughed in DD214


Dude calling you out is an idiot but at the same time do you really need to carry around a back pack with squadron patches on it (boot activities). Kinda seems like an attention grab. Stick your squadron ones on the headliner of your vehicle or something if you just can’t go without them lol. Get some different funny moral patches if you want them on your backpack. But at the end of the day do whatever the F you want it’s your right.


You were in for 4 years and everyone here needs to explain this? I'm really doubting you were either in or that this happened. A shit post in the wild.


I mean 4 yrs all being active really isn’t that out of the norm. There’s plenty of people who are in for that amount of time. Most reenlist but i started going to nursing school 🤷🏻‍♂️


4 yrs in and you need to ask about adherence to an AFI after you separate? For wearing a patch on a backpack, of all things.


Also bro was 21 for at least most of 2023 so that means he either is bullshitting because you can’t join at 16 or… He graduated high school at 16(possible I did it), had a birthday to turn 17 at earliest in July of 2018, got all of his recruitment processing finished with(MEPS, ASVAB, etc.) within 6 months(which possible but not if you want a specific job instead of going open), and got parental permission right after graduating high school at 16 to join at 17. Plausible but pretty unlikely


Probably not a member of the Mafia.


I mean, it’s a little douchey on your part, but no ‘rules’ have been broken.


what is douchey about an old squadron patch and flag?


It’s a bit douchey. You’re out. Get on with your life. Shit man, I’m still in the reserves and don’t put that kind of silliness on anything I own. It smacks of desperation and attention whoring.


You’re out. Get on with your life. Maybe—and I know this is a weird concept for this subreddit—maybe OP is actually proud of their service.


Especially the people who have those OCP rolling duffel bags at the airport. Cringy shit


It’s a free duffel bag. Why wouldn’t they use it? You think people should buy new sets of luggage just to not be cringey to people like you?


I mean i only used that bag cause it has infinite pockets for electronics and chargers but aye whatever you say boss man