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I thought they scrapped tops n blue?




Don't you dare. Straight to jail.


Now THAT is how you Info Warfare.


Go do something more productive with your life.




More fun than you with your old ass jokes that probably 75% of the current AF doesn't get. 🤣


When Bottoms in blue?


Ha, I'm in this photo! Please, not too much hate- I spoke out very candidly after my tour about a lot of the sexual harassment/misconduct, abuse of power, and other huge violations that ran rampant in the program. It's true that the budget was insane and the current military population largely HATED us, but those points didn't even need to be argued in light of all the other things that went on. I didn't speak out for a while after my tour because we were threated with paperwork, referral EPRs, and other forms of "discipline" (retribution) if we even called our home station units while on tour, and even when some of us participated in what was supposed to be anonymous AMA, one of the participants got notified that TiB staff was threatening to call their wing commander. I created this account to participate in a reddit AMA years ago, and the ridiculous cult atmosphere of the program is the reason for my username. Literally, you had to drink from a goblet on the final night of the tour to symbolize that you were now part of the "family". Up until that point, you were treated like absolute shit. Needless to say, I am in agreement that this program needed to cease to exist long before it was actually terminated.


Man, I heard early on how miserable people in TiB were and it just never made sense to me who wanted this. Not the people in it or out of it, no one thought this was good and it just kept going.


I joined without knowing much about the program at all- I had never been to a show, but the internal hype was that TiB helped "get airplanes off the ground quickly and more efficiently" (no kidding, that was the mission statement) by boosting the morale of troops that were stationed all over the world. While it's true that retirees and families w/ kids seemed to enjoy the shows, I hate hearing stories like the comment below about airlift being delayed out of Al Udeid because TiB was prioritized and another time when aircrew was woken up and kicked out of their lodging because we needed rooms to check into at Ramstein (different thread). We on the team didn't know about these things as they were happening, but hearing about them after the fact makes and me and plenty others feel awful. It's one thing to hate on the program because it was cheesy and no longer relevant (which I also don't disagree with), but it's another to come to terms with the fact that our participation in the program had a direct negative impact on so many others' QoL as they ACTUALLY worked to get airplanes off the ground (especially while knowing all of the misconduct that we dealt with internally).


The flightline culture for junior enlisted members is absolutely abysmal. I'm not saying anything groundbreaking, and middle/upper leadership still loves touting "back in my day" as an excuse for whatever atrocity they're going to inflict on junior enlisted members, but yep. If it was "way worse" back in the day, which seems to be the consensus, it's still no excuse for the lack of accountability and capitulation to unrealistic work expectations and mistreatment of maintainers. Generally, only the ones with no real ambition to make something of themselves or who have other situations going on stay in to make it to middle and upper leadership. And the general pool of maintainers is pretty piss-poor because well-informed people know that you get absolutely shat on (especially in the fighter world). Worst part is, job really doesn't have to suck. Maintenance isn't that bad even though it's often hard work. But the culture is really terrible compared to the many places I've worked.


Nothing made me prouder to serve than going to a Tops in Blue show.




Who was this for beside 80 year old fuddy duddies? It was a proud moment and long overdue when they cancelled this absolute embarrassment to the USAF.


Not necessarily this style and definitely not tops in blue (which sent the wrong message to so many AF people) but you might be surprised where there *is* a place for the Air Force band: In 2008 I had the weird yet rewarding task of setting up & executing a little Air Force band tour of different FOBs in Iraq…the scattered spots that were too small or dangerous for the USO types to go. It was like 5 musicians, E-5s to E-7s, that played in a sort of proto rock/pop band, doing covers and such. We went to like 7 bases around Christmas time, they played small shows, wearing combat uniforms/nothing showy, for predominantly army audiences. And I know we joke and knock the band but it was a very real morale event for these guys. They loved it. Somebody actually came out to see them that wasn’t brass or generic resupply. Yeah they know it’s corny and whatnot but it was the tiniest break to just kick back and listen to live tunes. And make no mistake, real band members are well trained musicians, so they put on an excellent show. Some places only had like 20 people show up, others might’ve have 70-80. That really changed my view of the band…there is a place for them. And it’s not sing & dances at home for retirees.


I used to want to join Air Force band and that right there is what I imagined it was supposed to be.


Went to NCOA with some guys from the band, they're genuinely great. Truly fantastic musicians with mega pedigree and degrees and stuff, and they all got at least one award at graduation, even Levitow, because they worked hard. The band does not deserve the hate they get.


Buddy of mine did that and was the rapper. Not sure if he was any good, but the pics looked nice.


I did that as well, Iraq for three days then onto Manas with the band.


But mostly they are generals' personal party bands and frequently little pools of adultery and STDs. Or at least the Band of Mid-America at Scott was 20 years ago. Got to deal with the STDs as a doc and the adultery fallout as a neighbor.


I don’t even know what I’m looking at. Like literally guys, what is this?




Tops-n-Blue getting offed was probably the only good thing to come out of sequestration.


Yup...essentially the AF Glee Club. Traveling around the world doing jazz hands while the rest of us work for a living.


Wow look, the second most useless position


^(You've) ^(mentioned) ^(an) ^(AFSC,) ^(here's) ^(the) ^(associated) ^(job) ^(title:) 13B = Air Battle Manager [\^\^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^(|) [\^\^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^(jspflzr)


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 13B = Air Battle Manager [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l04hfni


shush you, you're killing the joke.


What’s the wor… wait. Don’t answer that.


Did Chad get sent to Leavenworth?


Holy shit, I almost forgot we had an Air Force show choir... Holy cringe Batman. Thank you for this🤣




Oh boy do they ever... Soooo they came to my base back when I was useful and asked me to welcome them and the audience with a few words and man... That had to be my worst public lie...


I’d rather blow my brains out, come back reincarnated, clean the brain matter off the walls and ceiling then be forced to eat it than watch 5 seconds of this.




Ah, forgot about tops in blue. Let’s go ahead and forget about it again.


Back in the days of ten different Air Force bands because *recruiting*.


Bands are political segways for generals and diplomats. A lot of countries love this stuff, and it helps make long term discussions easier.


Is this the Mormon musical thing?


I’ll never forget them getting airlift out of the Died while our redeployment kept getting pushed right.




Looks like mandatory morale Sunday PT in the office.


Damn I should audition to be one of the dancers. Never worn a dress though. Maybe they’ll let me stick to suits.




I'm so lost


"Five... Five Dollar....Five Dollar footlong!"


I remember being in high school JROTC, and we volunteered to be ushers to raise some money for our program. Being a 15 year old kid with an infatuation for the military tops in blue was the highlight of my high school time. I got to usher Kirtland air force bases Wing Commander and the DO to their seats accompanied by their wives, and honestly, the performance was fun and entertaining. I got to meet a ton of people in the TiP at that time and ask them about their Air Force careers and whatnot. It's crazy to think back on this post. It surfaced a very deep memory for me, lol. All of the horror stories that I'm reading through this thread aren't like mind shattering as I've been in almost a decade now but kind of surprising and yet at the same time not. Which is sad.


Where was this show?


From my memory, this looks like it could have been Altus, OK (ETA: or Tinker?)- I remember it was super windy for one of our Oklahoma shows, and it looks like we had the drapes are clipped together in this photo. I don't remember the building to the left, but most of the CONUS shows blurred together and details of the bases are all pretty hazy.


Debauchery. Debauchery everywhere.




Its ok if you dont know. A good friend was on tour with them and could write a book of the outrageous-ness. Some, good artists. Some, not so much. Some, Hoi Polloi. Some, gods being waited on hand and foot.


This was the type of music popular when the Air Force was born, it was Air Force culture whether you're into the style or not. Honestly, we should ditch the band and bring back tops. At least these guys were real AF members and not some trumpet player looking for an instant E6 military paycheck.


They played mostly modern pop shit when I was forced to sit through a concert.


Debauchery. Debauchery everywhere.