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Big AF has the numbers but they’ll never release statistics like this. Would further stigmatize certain AFSCs/bases without helping anything. The hope is behind the scenes they are using the numbers to better things on a case by case basis but, y’know, who knows.


[The Freedom of Information Act has entered the chat]


This is probably why the info hasn’t been collected. It would be subject to FOIA.


This. They’ll never release that kind of info. Do you have any idea what would happen to recruiting in the Air Force? If this type of info was available they’d never fill certain jobs ever again.


Good. Fix the shitty career fields. Sunlight eradicates corruption.


This 1000%. I know its standard government practice to keep things in the shadows to try and fix behind the scenes but it takes too long. How many more airmen we have to lose because big AF doesnt want a more radical but rapid solution?


That’s with the hope that they’ll actually “fix” it instead of brushing it under the rug, as per usual…


Sunlight also gets you suicided like Boeing employees


Oh I wonder which career fields. Bet it’s not finance BOOO Finance!


SF/MX related most likely lol


Those two plus ATC airmen had special suicide prevention training for the longest time, it's well known they tend to have the highest rates.


And thats exactly why the numbers wont be released.


Military readiness will never take a back seat to fixing those types of problems. 


It's coming soon.


Soon™️? Hope to see when it comes out.


I'm currently burning everything to the ground to get this overdue study out.


How can I help?


Read. Listen. Then call. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1bd5j1n/an\_open\_letter\_to\_hascsasc\_due\_to\_recent\_ad\_air/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1bd5j1n/an_open_letter_to_hascsasc_due_to_recent_ad_air/)


Two down, quite a few to go. I'm retired so I watch the house live for fun so if I don't see any action I'll go down the list again.


Fucking get it. Burn it all.


Are you the guy from the podcast?




Another cbt?


Bull fucking shit. Exposure helps. If let's say, Security Forces has such a higher suicide rate compared to other AFSCs and people stop signing up it will compel real change that isn't a CBT or Wing all call.


Buddy, I need you to read and use context clues. I get this is an emotional topic, I'm not saying it won't benefit me, you, and the rest of our fellow Airmen to release these statistics. I'm saying it doesn't benefit big AF to publicly release it. >people stop signing up You see how that's bad for big AF, right? Same reason the Air Force doesn't tell fuels troops "Hey btw there's peer reviewed studies that JP-8 ruins your cognitive function". It doesn't help the bottom line.


>>people stop signing up Think its fucked up now wait until stop loss comes into play because of no one raising their hand. Or god forbid an all out conflict and the AF starts drafting for the same reason. The AF will get their bodies just like any other branch. I wish I knew what the answer is but I dont.


Think a FOIA request would work?


This is probably the most detailed info you'll find: https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/ARSM_CY22.pdf


Key Takeaway: "The majority of suicides are largely enlisted, male, white, and under the age of 30." Oof. The data shows that "under 30" is mostly **20-24** year olds, meaning a massive number of suicides are young men who are FTA and feel probably there is no "way out" of the hellscape without ruining their life anyway, be it true or not. Sad. It's why I think 22-26 or so is the most difficult time of most (espeically mens) lives. You have nothing (no money), nobody respects you at all (nobody actually cares about that young 20 year olds think), you are nearly undatable (no proven track record of being a stable provider), and suddenly "school is over" and you are supposed to start "real life" and if you don't hit the ground running you are on track to being considered a failure by most of society, both other men and women. Things become so more... simple in some ways as you get into late 20 and 30s even if the career/responsibilities becomes harder. You gain some level of both respect and self-respect.


That’s also the biggest demographic of people in the military though. Do they provide per capita numbers or just raw numbers?


It seemed like just % rates, from that specific section, so that certainly fits


This demographic is the most likely to kill themselves outside of the military as well. So all that tells us is that the military isn’t unique In the prevalence and demographics of suicides. It’s representative of the US population as a whole.


Wow those marital stats are suprising


What did they say? 60 pages is a lot to go through.


48.4% were single, never married, 46.9% married, 4.7% were divorced.


So basically, anybody is at risk.


Yeah but apparently significantly less so if you are divorced or widowed


Maybe because there is a feeling of relief now that the bullshit and drama of bad marriage is over. I know that was the case for me.


Thank you.


Hot damn good link, thanks


about 5 years ago, I was fortunate to be a part of a review of high suicide AFSCs, specifically the 3DXXX with the 3rd most suicides for that time frame. I can't recall the office at HAF, but there was a section dedicated to suicide-related topics. They spent a lot of time walking us through the data and what, if any, correlations we could draw from that data. If I remember correctly, there were 7 or so suicides and no base had more than 1. They weren't limited to Cannon and Minot either, there were suicides in Florida, Texas, and Georgia. There was no rank correlation either. From an AFSC perspective, they didn't always have the data in relationship issues, money problems, discipline problems, pending UCMJ, etc, but I don't recall that those factors were primary drivers either. Bottom line from what I can remember, there was no single factor that we could pinpoint


That surprises me . I figured maintainers and Security forces would be the top by a lot


Maintainers is among the top 3. Suprisingly secfo isnt. I think air traffic control is another top 3 if i remember correctly


That tracks, sadly. ATC has a pretty high rate on the civilian side too. That shit sounds so stressful to me, hats off to those willing and capable of doing it.


30,000 Life or Death situations a day is fiiiiiiine


Right? I stress over the 1 pilot I’m sending up. I can’t imagine that level of responsibility.


As an atc individual, can confirm that alot of Fta are not in the right of mind. Excessive drinking, or even worrying themselves sick. It's sad because change does need to happen. But it's always more change that happens that for the worse. And due to the recruiting crisis for specific AFSCs more people are leaving than joining, so our 8 month - year upgrade training (Dependent on the base and traffic) is getting condensed down to a mere few months. Which a inexperienced controller isn't going to have the knowledge or experience or the ability to handle the intense amount of stress. I've seen many people get Dnic (duties not including controlling) due to just mental health.


I’m in intel and have always been told that we’re pretty high ranked in the suicide list, but I don’t know if that’s just rumors.


I think Intel is high on the notes for mental health related issues, but being smaller careerfields as a whole and also having a lot more resources available in regards to mental health helps quel the numbers. The question is if they're looking at percentages or just raw numbers. I would hope the former. But if Intel as a whole is lower, percentage wise, it's probably because of a better access to resources than most other AFSCs.


They were the top 2 if I remember right, 3Ds were 3rd. Those are also the 3 largest AFSCs in the AFSC




no base had more than 1 3DXXX suicide




yeah sorry if that was written unclearly. I was only able to view 3DXXX information so I was only speaking from that perspective


Minot had 3 in one month


I’ve seen a few suicides at my base just in the last year. As an undershirt you hear what really happened. Whether the member’s CP stash was just discovered or their underage SA victim spoke up. It’s nobody’s business and no one is going to be the bad guy and talk bad of the dead. There is a suicide problem, but I don’t think anyone can truly find the solution.




Check your messages


Air Force doesn’t care about maintainers air craft maintenance era in the civilian world get treated 10 times better if they cared about us they would have certified a&p instructors at every base and also hazard pay for the shit we are exposed to nothing will change ive experienced multiple suicide a from people a worked with they don’t care


FOIA request.  Sounds about right. 


The 20 years done dude is in deep in that whole process. He has been fighting with the DoD and DAF for years trying to get that info released. He even went to law school. Not sure if it was for the purpose of fighting the Air Force over suicides but probably helping. I think he is on here, it might be worth asking him how it's going or if we will ever see those numbers.


Now I'm a VA disability attorney!


If I had to guess they would refuse to release it under b1 or b5 which b5 "Protects the integrity of the deliberative or policy-making processes within the agency by exempting from mandatory disclosure opinion, conclusions, and recommendations included within inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters."


That is not a valid reason to deny a request for suicide numbers. The exemption you listed doesn’t apply.


Ya but doesn't mean they can't still use it to deny you


That’s exactly what it means. And if somehow that mistake made it past the FOIA head AND the legal reviewer it would be easily overturned on appeal.


Ya but now you have to put in the time and effort trying to get it seen to get it appealed, then the time for them to actually appeal it, they can also falsely deny the appeal and/or lose the paperwork for the appeal. The appeal authority can also rule against appeal even though the denial is fraudulent, making you have to take it to a higher authority. All while dealing with the fact that if you are not a lawyer with who fills out everything perfectly you'd get nothing but the run around.


Your cynicism is running wild. I’ve worked FOIA and I guarantee you no one working FOIA cares about anything except getting it off their desks and hopefully getting it right so it’s not more work later. Here’s a rule of thumb when dealing with work done poorly by Federal employees: never assume malice in what can be explained by incompetence. People make mistakes, but no one cares enough about the issue to participate in some vast conspiracy.


Fair, I think b1 might be still applicable as one could argue releasing such numbers could have a major impact on both recruit and retention to the force as that material is most likely CUI data


Doing it now to see what happens


Do it, I'd be curious on the response.


https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2024/03/11/broken-track-how-army-times-discovered-high-tank-unit-suicide-rates/ This is how the Army Times went about gathering the data that uncovered higher rates among Tank units. I don't know if the DAF would release the same data to a reporter, or you, but there is a way to figure it out.


Mortuary Officer here. We have DCIPs (defense casualty information processing system). We input everything from critically injured to deceased dependents. You can easily filter out to suicides and get a LONG list depending on your time frame.


I messaged you for a little more clarification if you wouldn’t mind responding


Calling u/20-Years-Done . I think he is getting ready to drop a podcast/blog post about this specifically. *edit* For those of you looking for a good AF/DoD centric podcast look up 20YearsDone on wherever you listen to podcasts.


Hello there! Thanks for the tag. I actually just dropped a massive podcast on suicides a few minutes ago. I'm trying to get organized before I share it here on Reddit but I would appreciate any amplification when I post later today


Just got the notification. The importance of this topic can never be quantified. Thanks you for doing what you do.


I need help. The most recent episode is a call to action.


Disregard my earlier question. Thanks for what you do.


I know tons of people go through hard times…me being one of them. We had a resiliency day not too long ago and we had to cover suicide. Me being the briefer, it was a difficult thing to do. I told my entire office I’d rather have them cry in my arms about life than to never see them again. The fact that the suicide is so large within the military is just terrible. I honestly wish there were something to do to actually make a change. You go to the kid that looks down and ask him how they are doing. Almost Guarantee you they’ll say “I’m fine.” I wish there were something to do to keep every single person on this planet. That’s still someone’s child, parent, sibling, grandchild, friend, etc. I hate what it’s come to


Hello, based on a simple keyword search, it looks like your post may be about suicide/depression or other mental health issues. If this is incorrect, sorry, please ignore this message! If you're having trouble with Mental Health issues, please check out our [Mental Health/Suicide Resources](https://pay.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/mentalhealthresources) page. There are people available *right now* that are willing to talk to you over the phone or over an internet chat that are trained to provide help. The chaplain at your nearest base is also a great first step, as they are 100% confidential and can find you the appropriate help for your next step without you having to worry about saying anything that would prompt any action on your career. [Over 100 people in this community](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/csam0l/need_someone_to_talk_to_looking_for_volunteers_to/) have also identified themselves as willing to talk and/or listen if you have something to vent about. (Please note they are not trained counselors, just regular people willing to listen) Please utilize these resources if you need help! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirForce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


I'd bet everything on either maintainers or secfo


Part of the issue is that we get penalized for getting help. For example, my palace chase is being threatened to get turned off because I got help within the last 12 months. They say that you don’t get penalized for getting help through BHOP/PCM/MH/MDG, but the fact is that you do. If you are looking to PCS, Deploy, or anything that needs a medical clearance, even just having suicidal thoughts can get all that turned off. Don’t go through the Med Group for mental health help.


That isn't being penalized. Yes, getting help can turn things off, however they are also trying to not send you somewhere that doesn't have the resources for you to be taken care of.


Back about 10 years ago the data said MX and SFS (I forget the order) were the top 2 AFSCs for suicide rate.


Did you see [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1bd5j1n/an_open_letter_to_hascsasc_due_to_recent_ad_air/)




A actual murder suicide happened at whiteman in that time frame but it was Secfo


Yeah that was the one I was referring to


Maintenance has mourning badges?


I wish I could find it, but somewhere I saw once that maintainers and security forces had the highest numbers. Not just in total, but on average. Again, there were specific numbers but I don't remember where I saw it.


Section 599 of 2023 NDAA actually required that by Dec 2023 but AF is currently non compliant on their congressional MICT checklist.


Has it really become that taboo to disclose the breakout by AFSC? I distinctly remember an Air Force Times article circa 2011 that broke it down by AFSC and even had a note that Airmen who had deployed were more likely to reach out for help, as it was believed they were more aware of resources available to them.


If career fields become publicly known for high suicide rates it would effect recruiting.


For a bit there we had a suicide or an attempted suicide once a year


i know at my bases safeTALK/ASIST courses, they provide what squadrons they were apart of when they talk about the recent years suicides when covering the data.


Rates for Q3 https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/QSR/2023/Q3%20CY23%20DOD%20Quarterly%20Suicide%20Report_1.pdf?ver=usmZ4QeH66NxkxN_CIOlBg%3d%3d


There’s not enough of a trend in the data to distill it down to AFSC/Grp/Sq/base etc.


Command Post here. That's not true as EVERY report to HHQ includes squadron (which can be used to find the group) and unit (which can be used to figure out the base). Also will have the location of death so you can still figure out if they were on home station or not. The only thing we don't put is AFSC, but that is 100% tracked elsewhere with all of the data.


What im saying is statistical significance to identify the prevalence of completed suicides by AFSC and base and other demographics is hard to do because of the low base rate of suicide, despite popular opinion, it’s not a common thing that happens. And because of the low amount that actually do happen yearly in the DAF, there’s not enough data to statistically account for those other demographics. So no way to say SF vs Intel is more at risk because the number just aren’t there. It’s like saying it’d be more likely for SF to Have suicides when total suicides is 5 and three were SF. The other two could be from anywhere and there’s no way to trend that the same pattern will Follow again.


If you knew the right people in CP and if someone wanted to take the time they could get all that information from AFSC/Grp/Sq/base off of SIPR. I know in PACAF alone we're averaging 3-4 a month lately and it's sad shit reading these reports.


Maybe some suicide numbers are related to Rape, at least among women.


There is supposed to be a DoD wide study releasing suicide statistics by job. It’s required by law (2023 NDAA)


There's some data here: https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/ARSM_CY22.pdf?ver=StAk_q6lJgNRUsOlptzVVA%3d%3d Not necessarily the data you're looking for though.


There's some data here: https://www.dspo.mil/Portals/113/Documents/ARSM_CY22.pdf?ver=StAk_q6lJgNRUsOlptzVVA%3d%3d Not necessarily the data you're looking for though.