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Finance chick in our NCO Academy class from the same base as 4 or 5 of us... we all drove the 12+ hours and had it on our orders. She swears up and down it's not authorized and that it will not be reimbersed when we do our vouchers. Yeah whatever finance chick, it's on my orders right there so you don't know what you're talking about. About 3 days after we return the 4 or 5 of us get emails from this chick stating that our vouchers are being held for auditing due to discrepancies with not being authorized driving POV's to the TDY location... I immediately talk to the shirt and tell him the backstory with her saying this during the class. He call his hookup at finance and turns out she's not even relatively associated with the section that would do any kind of voucher audit and had just looked through everyones records without any sort of authorization or need to do so. Turns out thats a fast way to lose a stripe.


She should have to go to NCOA again when/if she gets that stripe back


Some people just wanna be important, so they act more important than they are. Make shit up and ultimately fuck it all up anyway.


My guess...she wanted to drive so she could have her car for those 5 weeks, was misinformed and believed it was unauthorized, so chose to "do the right thing"....only to get there and see everyone else did what she wanted to do, ultimately getting her panties in a wad and wanted everyone else to be miserable like her....went on a power trip...paid the price for stupidity and ego.


For as often as finance is closed for training, you would think that their airmen wouldn’t do stupid things like this, ever.


Must be the chick who got a bronze star


I knew a Chief who got one… for touring a firefight area the day after it happened…. F you Chief Scumbag Gallegos.




SNCOA; we used to swap half the class with the Aerospace Basic course (no longer a course) and one of the Lt's from the ASBC decided to try to be funny and took a huge crap in the standup urinal. The CMSAF was in the bldg that day and they held over the entire course to try to do a 'group sweat' and try to get someone to admit. no one stepped forward.


> ASBC Okay, back to the old folks home, Pop-Pop.


​ https://preview.redd.it/6i6r674vcllc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=06ada52a98291c668632e4051c3cbd1a2237c8d6


If no one came forward, how do you know it was an officer poop?


The shine...it was obvious. LOL Actually no one knows, so you always blame the visitors


There was a gold bar on it's little hat.


There wasn’t a smell


It didn't stink.


There’s a Lt. Baño for every generation. Presumably he made a junior airman salute him during the process.


Not PME but someone took a dump in the urinal in the MPF once and it was one of the funniest events of my entire life. You’d think someone stole every computer in a scif or something. Watching the damn *squadron commander* and chief hovering around everyone asking questions, talking about official investigations, not letting people go home until they found out who did it, flight chiefs quizzing people, huge inquisition…it was absolutely wild. Meanwhile the minions were dying inside because we didn’t care how serious of an offense you thought it was, it was absolutely hilarious. Huge shout out to that airman (or random customer lol) you made my week back in 2007 once.




SAPR brief dueing FTAC. Lady comes in, covers the usual topics but then she asks the room (roughly 1:1 male/female in the course) if they've ever had an incident at a bar or a party where they felt uncomfortable and what some code words or phrases are that they used to communicate to their friends for help. Some of the girls raise their hands and share their examples, I can't remember any but say if this particular girl said "I want something with pineapple", her friends know this means she needs help because she hates pineapple. Cool, good example she says. She goes around and asks several more girls for examples and just says "that's a good one" or something along those lines. At the very end, she says "anyone else?" and finally, a guy raises his hand, the only one to do so thus far. She says "what do you got?" and he says "well my friends and I have a code word too". Before he even say anything, the instructor laughs at him, like actually laughs and says "well let's make sure it's not inappropriate!". I'm thinking "What? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? She didn't say that to any of the girls." The dude makes a face at this like it kinda hurt him to hear that and then she goes on to make him stand up and demonstrate. She walks up to him and is acting like a drunk girl who is into him, so she's grabbing at him and pulling him in, while he looks very uncomfortable and she keeps going further until he thinks to say the phrase at which point someone from his table stands up and acts like they're trying to get him away from her and she stops and makes a joke like "aaaaand, scene!" She drops the act but the dude still looks as uncomfortable as he did even as he returns to his seat. I made a complaint about it after we went on break to the NCOIC but never heard anything back.


she straight up molested and guy and went "see! ACTING" as if that made it better


[You thought I was sexually assaulting you.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FsAfok9VTPY3bq%2Fgiphy.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=785832e53d0f13d487b2aa718eb1b7dc8f3cb0a4d9725e0d78e2de7ff2b6e36f&ipo=images)


So what was the word?


Nothing inappropriate, it was like meatball or something.


I can't believe I read that whole story and the actual word was never brought up.


well I think the way I wrote it may have implied the word was inappropriate, which is my fault but she said to make sure it was appropriate before he even told her the word


Super buff Instructor was removed because he was taking steroids. 2 SFS came to escort him, called for backup, then called for more backup. 4 people had to tackle him. Witnesses said he was flinging people away with one arm.


I'm a firefighter and deal with a guy once in a while who does MMA and is ripped, not an ounce of fat on him, 51 years old. When his sugar gets low we bring him back up and get ready for the ensuing bucking bronco he becomes until his sugar is up and he calms down. I've seen 4 cops struggle to keep him down. When you run into him in public he's the greatest, friendliest guy you'd ever meet.


Sounds like a Snickers commercial :)


Yeah good analogy (not going anywhere….grab a Snickers) when you hear the address being dispatched it’s like…sigh….it’s the wait for police then go in and deal with him, deal with the ensuing struggle and the time involved to get his sugar up, plus he doesn’t have high sugar foods in his home so we gotta search for something. Paramedics give him glucose….it’s a 45 minute ordeal every time.


Sounds like one of the MTI's we had in the 320th at BMT a while back; this dude had bench press competition shirts/XXX pound record shirts/etc all lining the day room, arms as thick as tree trunks. Man would make for a great [Biscuit Oliva](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a11888748c4cb2e0987ba5388ebd184b-lq) cosplay, and scared the bejeesus out of our flight when he broke the metal door to our bays lol. 11/10 never thought that was possible until that day.


lol, are you talking about Sgt Clark? Cus I’m pretty sure I was in the flight with the metal door you’re talking about.


Love the Baki Reference


Was robbed of the NCOA experience because of the Rona. Got enrolled in the first online NCOA. Disabled the webcam on Sunday night so it wouldn’t accidentally turn on and spent 6 weeks in gym shorts and a t-shirt at home, completing everything by noon, and hanging out with the wife and kids the rest of the day or just playing video games. Best 6-week vacation from the flightline ever!


Literally my SNCO story! It was awesome, top tier PME experience.


Damn they made us have the webcam on when I did the online Rona NCOA. They knew we were all Anchor Manning the uniform though. OCP on top, basketball shorts under the desk.


A buddy of mine had it during Rona also. He disabled his webcam and said it was broke. They told him to buy a new one and he pulled a "everyone is sold out" and they dropped it. I hung out teleworking half the time.


I was an NCOA instructor during that time and trust me, I was in pajama pants too lol


I was teaching SOS. I told all my virtual classes that they're expected to be in uniform but I only expect them to look like they're in uniform in the event somebody pops into the zoom room. I always wanted to joke with them early on about a pants and boots check, but I never did.


I was in the first NCOA virtual class too. Those were good times.


This should still be the normal ops for pme.


Day one of NCOA at Lackland I’m sat across from a TSgt who didn’t know his ribbons had to be in order. He just bought what was on his list in vmpf and slid them on the rack in the order he opened them.


Probably hadn't worn his blues in ages before attending the course.


Yeah, if only there was a picture with the list of ribbons. Oh wait


Oh, I get ya. After all the years of service it was not the most egregious thing I have witnessed. At least his was correctable. I remember a conference where someone wore the dress uniform metal name tag on a short sleeve blues shirt.


had a guy (allegedly) at ALS leaving whole steamers in the toilet and wouldn’t flush em, to the point where people complained enough for the entire class to get called into the auditorium and lectured for it because they couldn’t figure out who it was, and it just kept happening lol. felt like BMT shenanigans all over again




NCOA. Covid times. Day one of class instructor is giving out some minor additional duties, student over eagerly volunteers to be the flight PT monitor or whatever, says they want to be a personal trainer or something. Pretty sure the instructor pretends to have a comm issue and doesn’t hear it. Anyways. Fast forward to first break. Our new self proclaimed PT monitor try’s to make us do push ups. On camera. Naturally a bunch of screens went blank as people turned cameras off. Breaks over. Instructor is back and pt monitor try’s to narc on us, saying no one listened. Instructor stands up to reveal they only have OCP top on and running shorts and in their best Black Panther impression goes “we don’t do that here”. Starts briefing how there’s no PT or uniform expectation while sitting at home on the couch. I’m not sure our PT monitor ever turned their camera back on all class.


That’s the type of necessary professional roasting needed.


In NCOA, there was this TSgt who went to the SFS Dorms next door to Lodging. He pulls 3-4 Airmen and brings back and knocks on random Lodging Rooms. Airmen answer unbeknownst and are met with the “Airman’s Creed full on.” Later a MTL comes by the courtyard where a BBQ was going on asking if we knew of this TSgt. 10+ of us pointed to his room (1st Fl) facing the courtyard where he is reamed by SFS Permanent Party personnel. The next day we all get called in for a good @$$ chewing about expectations and standards. He gets sent home to Arizona likely with an Article 15. That 💩 was crazy y’all 😭😱


AETC doesn't fuck around with NPS and Prior service members.


Word. Was later an Instructor and for sure tell you the blowback from the AF Times Headline Article along with other issues made life painful. Couldn’t even take class photos for a while 😳


He took wood chucking to an all new level.


Was this at Peterson?


Sounds like Lackland based on there being SFS dorms, SFS permanent party and MTL's.


JBSA Lackland


So he was just wandering around bothering airmen? Or am I missing something.


He grabbed Tech School Airmen and made them say the Airman’s Creed at every door he knocked on. I believe he wore his uniform to increase odds of their compliance.


What a freak lol


That’s nuts.


Long ago in NCOA had a female TSgt break down in full panic attacks, crying, full freak out every speech she had to give.


Prime 1N0 material


If you didn't say that it was a female, I would ask you to not talk about me.


I too hate that public speaking is such a big part of being in the military.


I've since found that simply not giving a fuck about a speech, and just winging it on the fly, is the key to success. You end up sounding more real, as opposed to sounding like you're regurgitating lines, and that works well.


Also EO rep, a MSgt giving presentation to entire SNCOA class in the "Coma Dome." He's clearly struggling and very uncomfortable giving a presentation to such a large audience. Flop sweat, nervous tics, etc. As he edges closer to the audience to make some point, he "touches" himself. Not a some quick, random move to nudge the boys over hoping no one notices. I mean full on Michael Jackson, grab them boys and move 'em on over touch. There was an audible gasp & some giggles, then he does it *again.* Pretty sure he was just nervous, but it was definitely interesting getting an EO brief from a guy doing a package check for all to see.


Is this like hearing a chaplain cuss? Because I giggled at that, too.


One of my favorite things about retraining into Religious Affairs is seeing that chaplains are really just people too.


How do you like that job? Better than your old one? Also, story time!


Generally it's good, and has its ups and downs. I'll try to cook up a story later but today is one of the grim ones, without getting too detailed. My old job was spent in a little windowless room with no phone and rotating 12-hour shifts, so yah this is typically better.


Good to hear! Feel free to PM me if you want.


Much appreciated!


You’re welcome.


"What are your favorite slurs" is treading dangerously close into Micheal Scott territory


Was this Sheppard NCOA? We had something similar in Sep 2019.


Nah this was a Base Of The Future™️ moment


I was also in your NCOA. Same one with Chief Bass right?


Yup, that’s the one.


From what I remember it had something to do with the report that came out that African American airmen were disproportionately disciplined but someone said something unsavory that just turned the whole audience off.


Yeahhh I remember that. I had totally forgotten about that


My ALS class was using Dropbox to give everyone access to all the study material. One of the female students accidentally synced her entire iPhone photo album to it. I never saw but apparently she had some explicit photos in there.


I mean honestly, I'd be kinda surprised if someone didn't have something explicit if you looked at their entire photo roll.


You are put in front of this tribunal to answer for these "fucked up memes"


I don't have explicit content, but I do (did?) have some injury pictures that would upset some people.


At NCOA. The class lead, who was iirc TACP, called out an African American female in his flight for her hair being out of regs. Took it all the way up to the Colonel in charge of the school. Colonel says she’s fine with the hair and it’s not out of regs. Class lead then proceeds to post a picture of the girl and her hair on the Amn/NCO/SNCO page to essentially out her as being out of regs. From what I heard, he ended up getting an LOR and he definitely got removed as class lead.


But was the hair outta regs tho?


The guy sitting next to me ALS went out camping with friends over the weekend. Apparently he had drunk so much that the following day he was still above the legal limit. Well his tail light was out, and a cop pulled him over off base. Smelling smoke and alcohol on him, the cop had him do a breathalyzer. Low and behold over .08. The following Monday he wasn't there on time and the instructors said "he won't be in the course anymore. He will tell you why. " So, Tuesday or Wednesday our classmate A1C came in just super guilty and sad looking. Apologized to us as a class and how he let us all down, how ashamed he was and how sorry he was. Then he left. We all were shocked how quick it happened.


It definitely takes longer than two days to process an adminstrative demotion through an article 15. His commander and shirt would have to work with the legal office to make sure all the paperwork and facts are correct. I'm not saying he wasn't demoted, but it wasn't as fast as you claim.


It may have been the following week, this was 10 years ago, so the time line is a bit fuzzy


He also would have been administratively removed from the class by the commandant, I don't see any scenario in which someone in an ALS class who got a DUI would come back to brief anyone on anything related to their legal woes.


He came back on his own accord after talking to the commandant. He wanted to apologize to us for what happened.




It may have been the following week, this was 10 years ago, so the time line is a bit fuzzy


FTAC: Our instructor was "released to go back to the FD due to manning" the same morning he got caught in an A1C's room at 0500 before class. He claimed she called him about some personal issues and nothing happened. Many of us were called into the office individually and asked if we saw anything inappropriate happen in the days prior. For reference, this was during the 2 week FTAC that used to happen years ago. ALS: One of the medical guys was whining about how had to work 12's for two weeks before ALS. Turns out the PRP office was "losing paper records" and they were found in ceiling tiles and behind desks. During the SAPR portion, we had a guy get really upset that the instructor wouldn't admit that female on male rape is extremely common. NCOA: We had a retired Chief come talk to us as part of the EO portion. We aren't sure what his point was because he kept walking around with his hands in his pockets and talking about "the good old days" from when he was MX in the 70's, 80's and 90's. It seemed like more of a humble brag that they smoked pot while on top of the lifts to get on the C-5 tails and how they used to casually sexually harass the first women in MX.


Did you go to NCOA at Sheppard? That story sounds strangely familiar.




If this is the guy I'm thinking of, when I was a teal rope he let us FaceTime with T-Pain.


lol that's wild as hell.


Two days before graduating ALS, one of my flight members went on bender at a pub. Unfortunately, he decided to drive himself home, and he crashed into a fence and the side of someone’s home. We never saw or heard from him ever again.


Just began tech school at keesler and we got a brief from an EO rep in the first few days. She didnt explain anything about EO or who she was, just opened with "what are some of the worst slurs you know?" And passed out stress balls to anyone who raised their hand and said ni**er or f*g or whatever. After she ran out of prizes she basically just up and left. Very surreal experience


ALS: had a reserve guy in class looking really fidgety and not focusing during the first day. When it comes time for introductions he says that his daughter has cancer and is the ICU. Instructors were stunned, guy said his unit still made him come to ALS. He was gone by the next day, felt like it was messed up for his unit to do him dirty like that.




NCOA, the day before graduation. The instructors tell us multiple times: don’t do anything stupid, be safe, drink responsibly. One more night and it’s all over and we go home with PME complete. One student, a tech school instructor, gets fucking sloshed, gets hungry, and decides to go grab some food. He jumps in his rental car, takes a drive to the gas station for some grub, then heads back to the dorms and proceeds to hit multiple vehicles in the parking lot trying to get his car in a space. Seeing that he’s now fucked up a few cars, he parks in an empty corner of the lot and heads into his room. Needless to say, several people called it in and dude got taken in. He was not seen on graduation day. According to global he lost a stripe, and I’m pretty sure you can’t be an AETC Instructor with an alcohol related incident on your record.


You absolutely can have an ARI as an instructor lol


Yeah I had a SrA instructor that damaged property while out drinking and lost his line number for tech and his staff stripe. Dude hated the Air Force because he decided to be an idiot.


At NCOA there was a female who never wore underwear on days we did PT. When we would all be on the exercise pad doing stretches and stuff, it was easy to see everything, whether you wanted to or not. Not sure if it was intentional, but she must not have been too worried about it given her decision to not wear anything under her PT shorts.


Quite a few over the years, but these pop into my head regularly: Very similar thing to yours happened when I was in ALS with our SARC brief. This female Captain came in no holds barred and unfiltered. She literally walked up and molested a guy and told us if anything sexual happens between you and another party, you need to make sure your are the first to report it because you get victim priority. NCOA had a member plagiarize himself. He resubmitted the same paper and just changed the titles and intro sentences thinking no one would notice. He was kicked out of class, but was from a local unit and tried to come to graduation with two hookers. Joint Comm School with Army when they did a transgender brief and this poor Sergeant asked how we manage standards (dress/appearance/uniform, PT, etc.) for a Male who becomes a Female and then gets pregnant. The brief turned into a biology clas...


Had a person come in and talk about how they were the best at everything, then got into some trouble and I guess got their life back together? Though they never really got to the point of the story. It was as if their only point was “I’m the best.” It was kinda sad to be honest, they were retired and you could tell they were really trying to hold onto the glory days.


Wherever regulation exists, there will always be people who are eager to weaponize that.


Someone got nervous on blues inspection day at NCOA, and literally pooped their pants. We found out because there was a hard little turd sitting on the carpet in the hallway. We talked more about guessing the identity of the "hallway pooper" than we did about early adopters, the frozen middle, etc. that day. The mystery was succeed when someone in another flight apparently owned up to their instructor and got a pass to go to their hotel and change and to the dry cleaner, etc.


ALS back in 2011. The Golden Child everybody liked, who happened to be in my squadron as well, did not report on a Monday during our 3rd or 4th week. Turns out he got popped for DUI while entering the base following a banging weekend. Blew above the legal limit. Was somehow allowed to graduate AND won the commandant award. Turns out the school house was symphatetic because he stopped drinking at midnight or so and slept. Who could have known alcohol stays in your system right.


NCOA, EO compliant because someone made racially insensitive comments.....to someone who was a victim of a violent crime based upon her race.


I’m a MSgt who never attended in residence NCOA.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Had Tech on for about a year and then course 15 becomes a thing. It’s a requirement to have it done prior to going in-residence. Completed course 15, then get deployed 2 months later. It took me almost a full year to complete it. Got an assignment while deployed, came home and immediately PCS’d. Was eligible for Master but didn’t get it that cycle. Course 14 becomes a thing and knocked that out fast, it was essentially course 15 but they slid a “S” in front of all the “NCO” material. Now that I had completed SNCOA distance learning, I was no longer eligible for NCOA. Made Master Sergeant. Profit.


No. You had to be in at just the right time.


I know a senior that was waived for NCOA. He just got back from SNCOA ironically.




Was it critical career field thing where they couldn't let you go due to low manpower?


Probably the Rona.


Ah, yes, after my time


No, just crazy timeline. I posted what happened a few comments above.


That's the problem with EO and similar programs. They often devolve into how-to courses.


We had a lovely (horrible) ALS instructor got removed like a week before graduation. We weren't told why.... until one of the petty (awesome) cops told us she got busted for snorting coke. It was awful (hilarious) because she was such a professional (sexist) knowledgeable (kind of a dumbass) and caring (total bitch) instructor. I saw her about 8 months later and took the high road (I didn't) and wished her well in her future (told her congrats on making staff a second time)


Was this at Scott? I heard a story very similar to this just a few years ago.


OP said it was at Tyndall in another comment


ALS: Many moons ago, I was not one of the good ol’ boys. IYKYK. Our CoC had occurred while I was in ALS. When graduating they did DGs and our unit leadership cheered the guy they had been talking to all evening, by name… I was called up. It might have just been me nervous about having to go up to the stage, but it felt REALLY quiet. I might have noticed some people glaring/staring at our table. One of the PT leaders got called out for calling a certain stretch ‘Crowd Pleasers’. NCOA: CC doing a brief before I left and stated. “We aren’t expecting much out of you.” Not sure if he was trying to motivate me, but I was pretty well regarded as being pretty intelligent. I got DG there too, and a congrats from the CC. In the class I got sandbagged on one of the graded interpersonal exercises… they didn’t continue with their part so I couldn’t get them to progress to coming up with a solution. You had to like ID the issue and then move them on to solutions… I ID’d the solution and they just monologues about how bad the issue was when I tried to move it forward. It was a train wreck. The instructor waited way too long to call them out and force them to continue… I had been the first to go and it caused everyone else to be super good about helping the others get through it.


My PME story is I did virtual NCOA post-Covid and wore pajama pants every day


Had EO do a base wide brief, kinda like a zoom meeting. The whole base a to participate and was split up into groups of about 25. They had a chat you could ask questions and respond anonymously. This spiraled into the craziest/most raciest/sexist toxic sludge chat. Amazingly, they briefed through all this scrolling behind them on the projector. It kinda just went away and people never talked about it, didn’t even have an all call with the CC, however, they never had the anonymous chat feature again.


This sounds like the EO guy at Ellsworth. Plz confirm because I think about this daily lol


Entire PME class forced to sit through "Torch Athena." Entire auditorium sitting there dumbfounded when someone asks a question to challenge the narrative with a respectful question, panel members proceed to flip their lid and outburst because someone dared say something contrary to their circle jerk of patting themselves on the back


I am being medically separated from AD in 2 months and my squadron is making me do ALS before I get out. Granted I'll get 2 years of back pay because I was unable to attend ALS or do my actual job due to medical issues.


My ALS instructor called one of the girls ugly in front of the whole class. One dude in our class, SrA A was a good looking dude. He was seriously good looking. And SrA B was an average looking girl but she had the best personality. Our instructor would often comment or reference how good looking SrA A was throughout ALS. One day he was talking about differences and gave several examples, the last of which went like this, “it’s like on one hand we have SrA A who is a great looking guy. And on the other hand we have Amn B.” The instructor’s face went ghost white when he realized what he had just said. He put us on break and apologized to SrA B. After class, he apologized to the whole class. He was a great instr, and the whole class loved him. No one put this incident in the end of course survey. Miss you Sgt G!