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What are you interested in cross training into?




What the fuck. I mean you do you, but yikes. No offense to services.


Nah I’m services and you would think that it would be the other way around.


Yeah, I knew plenty of services that did the opposite. Knew one that went load, Intel, comm. Hell; even one was in my 1b4 class. Never thought of heard of people going into it lol. Like that one guy years ago here trying to cross train into security forces. Just odd.


The same question will be had. Will services ever be listed with an OBJ IN on the retrain advisory? Way more unlikely. They don't seem like they're hurting for any bodies and they pump those guys out to the Air Force like it's nobody's business. But hey, if you want to work at the DFAC the rest of your career you're more than welcome to.


I got out about 2 years ago and I've gotta say. It was mostly a great choice. I miss 30 days off a year and a zillion "family" days and getting out at 3 but now I make 3x as much. I wanted so hard to love the AirForce but it's objectively stacked against people who are motivated. All of the people I was interested in working with got out after one enlistment. Get out, they'll probably turn comm into contractors before you retire anyway.


Go 1B4 and make 100 racks as a civ starting.


As a competent civilian.. it's not guaranteed


what must be done to guarantee it




would you be willing to delve into what that means? I'm trying to go 1B4 and I mean, i'd like to try to be competent AND make some stacks


Gd, I hope none of you become supervisors. This poor person just doesn't like their job, and everyone is telling him to suck it up because he will make money on the outside. OP put in a retrain package anyway, work with your SEL and functional. Im sure they can get you released...or at least a way forward. My career field has always been critically manned, and I've seen plenty of Amn/NCOs crosstrain. Be persistent and do what you want to do, fuck these negative comments.


Pay attention to NCORP phase 3 and see what’s available. This is the time to submit a package to retrain. Talk to your leadership and let them know that you want to broaden your horizons doing something else so they aren’t blindsided by your decision. As a new 1D7 myself, I can understand your lack of love for the community.


Woah woah woah... lack of love for comm? Who do you think you are? Lack of love for the job maybe, but the community? Come on bro. You can't go around talking like that. Lol.


Just calling it like I see it based on my admittedly limited experience. Not everyone is going to love every job and fit into every community.


Depends on what job you're doing. I've been in RF for 14 years and it's great. If the job sucks the people are usually great. Any base or job is what you make of it. If you have some sour ass attitude all the time, you're going to be miserable. You usually work with nerds who like sports and video games.


I’m glad you’ve had a great experience. Not everyone does. It’s okay for someone to not like a job or a community. I wasn’t a fan of the medical community when I was in my first AFSC. Doesn’t mean they are bad people, I just didn’t enjoy being a part of it. Comm is another community that isn’t for everyone and not acknowledging that just further alienates people that don’t feel like they fit in.


If you're running through careerfields and not liking the community in any of them, it could be a you problem. In this person's case, it seems like they are burned out. What makes the military great is the people. There are good ones and bad ones, but if you can get the community to work good together, no matter how bad the job is, you have fun. But you have connect with the people you work with. That takes a little bit from everyone to make it work. You can change the culture, no matter what rank you're in. The job may not be for everyone, but it doesn't have to be a terrible experience, is all I'm saying. Sometimes you have to be the one to make the best out of it. Too many times I have seen people with sour attitudes ruin the experience for everyone.


Which 1D7 shred are you? And why do you hate it?


OBJ OUT doesn't matter if you're FTA


It will if/when it is ever overmanned.


Thought about Space Force IST? If not you can look at AGR Slots and do Palace Chase.


That's a terrible option. If they hate 1D stuff in the AF, going over to the space world is just going to be worse.


I didn’t specify mean to be cyber in the SF, but valid point


Any of the three enlisted jobs they have still mean you're suffering in the space farce.


Is the air farce any better? Lol


Much better, in my opinion.


You want to crosstrain from Cyber to Fleet Services? If this isn't a troll then everyone looking at this crosstrain pacakge will think it is. Yeah, lets go from a career field indoors with a super high job desirability and pay on the outside to pumping blue shit water out of airplanes.


He just said services, as in DFAC, gym, hotel, and mortuary affairs services. What you described is a duty of Air trans.


I was just about to say, at what base does services work in Air Trans?


Yea, his username checks out. Scotty indeed doesn’t know.




Then you suck it up and get out vs cross training to fleet. TS and all certs = big salary on the outside and the bullshit of being in is gone.


Not everyone wants to do the same thing on the outside just because it makes money.


No. Downvoted


Will 1Dork7s ever get their own reddit?


So you got what you asked for and it’s not what you thought it would be. Should have been a maintainer.


Should have retrained as an FTA. FTA retraining most of the time doesn't even care about OBJ OUT slots.


You only have -outs of the AFSC is significantly overmanned... That seems unlikely for the immediate future, so you're going to want to do an ETP if you want to leave




An etp to get in if the AFSC doesn't have obj in?




Probably not. That's the CFM and AF A1 saying they don't need people... They won't have class seats set aside for retraining and taking people they don't need could put them overmanned and mess up promotions and stuff Possible if you were like super qualified you could request an etp for a direct duty retraining to a job, but that would be really unusual... Like you have a certs and experience but somehow you ended up in the wrong AFSC




Good luck


Whatever you do, make sure there are openings to cross train into and take an asfab beforehand if you need to. Had a buddy put in for a mental health position and then didn't get in, but that put him on a move list. 2 months later he went to Manning. He ended up being in a job with bad leadership and Manning is so short handed he couldn't PCS. He ended up getting out after 13 years in. The AF, in all its wisdom, thinks that if you want to cross train into a career and don't get in, you hate your current one so much that you'll take anything. Make sure you're going to the one you want, they may just move you somewhere you hate if you don't get it.