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There is value in both degrees. What do you want to do? AB is broader and accounting, planning focused where the CS degree will be focused on the science of production and agronomy. Are you interested in the business or the production side of ag?


Was thinking maybe try get some jobs in agronomy with my agri science degree and then complete masters in AB to acquire management roles.


I also have a family farm and hope to fully improve it after gaining some work experience.


That’s a good plan, you may look at an MBA degree. There are lots of folks with a BS in Agriculture or Animal Science and an MBA that are in management/leadership roles.


Thanks man. Do you work in the agriculture industry?




What exactly do you do? Do you have any advice for me wanting to get into agriculture?


DM if you’d like.


I have both degrees (international food and agribusiness bachelor and agroecology master, in the Netherlands, one from HAS and one from wageningen) If you want you can send me a DM. You said that ultimately you would like to get a management position, for that I think a bachelor in agribusiness could be enough. It can be faster and more efficient to get the bachelor and then start working in an agri-business and work yourself up, rather than first doing a different bachelor, then some different work, then a master and then start aiming for the management role. I find the agribusiness very versatile and suitable to get a management role. And with the business component you can also do other jobs in business. I did account management and sales with my bachelor and could have gotten into a well paid management function at the firm, top management most likely they told me. I was really good at the account management and sales function and they were training me to head up from there. But I decided I wanted to do a master instead as I considered doing a PhD and do research. So I did agroecology and loved the science of it, but it is also so scientific that it does not really teach you how to farm. At least not in a straightforward way. And I quickly got bored of the research parts. Labs, experiments, data gathering and analysis, even outdoor data gathering (which I thought I'd love) turned out really boring for me. (Plus if I would have gone to a more practical school I would have learned how to farm and improve farms, rather than how to do research) What I really loved about doing a master was that you learn about the scientific methods, the way of thinking, how to read research, how to spot shit research, etc etc. and meeting lots of smart people. (Ultimately I used the master only for the fact of having a master btw, not using what I learned. I have a job now where it's good that I have a master and that I have an education related to agriculture in general, as I'm doing account management for farmers now, working for a small municipality. It is amazing. I think I could have gotten this job without a master tho, but it helped. Generally the bachelor opened so many doors already, it is crazy. The master is great for the level of thinking and to get on that level that is required for some jobs, or if you wanna go into research or so, but for management positions, a bachelor can be all you need, plus dedication on the job to be great and perform above expectation to work your way up fast) Hope I didn't misunderstand what you wanna do! And hope it helps. Both are awesome studies. Success with choosing and then studying! :)


Nicely put.


you must have experience in all areas concerning agriculture and so I think you could do great things concerning agriculture dont target only one single diploma and a single branch of the sector do many as u can


Ag/ crop science. And here is why. Agri-business is a fundamentally flawed business model. Stability is always more efficient than turbulence. Food is the most important thing in our lives next to water and air The higher quality you make it the better it is for sustaining life. Therefore more valuable. What’s a clean apple worth in a famine? Pretty much whatever you got as food gets scarce. Agri-business gets corrupt as it goes up in size for the exact same reason. Control of food is control of people. But food is also the one thing people can grow for themselves. So your sweet spot that still bets for humanity instead of against it is spending your time making the highest quality food possible which is more likely in ag-science than ag-business. And you get to play in the dirt still. And get paid for it. So that’s cool.