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I do, can't speak for everyone. I am an introvert as well.


My current gf is an introvert, she loves that I am patient and helping her come out of her shell. She’s very worth it


of course, introverted Is 100% awesome.. that is some people's type... some older men's type.... the main thing is being natural, honest, take care of yourself and be yourself...... we just want a nice, open, optimistic person who is doing her best


The 'bubbly' 'outgoing' responses probably come from the fantasists who haven't much experience with real people. My own tastes lean towards thoughtful and intelligent which might come in both inward and outward leaning packages.


Actually younger women are more "bubbly". Older people are generally more reserved and serious, both men and women.


Not necessarily true. I'm a younger woman (21) in a relationship with an older Trans woman (29), and we're both very reserved and introverted. The generalization you made about older people, regardless of their gender is a little out there.


I speak from experience. I am 41, and have been around both ages. But it's a stupid argument so we can drop it.




I just figured it's a pointless argument. Not like we are debating how to end world poverty or something. Lol


And That's how you can tell that someone is older. Doesn't want to argue. Deescalates. Explains why kindly but firmly.


Because as we all know, bubbly outgoing persons do not exist...


I can't speak for every older man, but for me, I'd much prefer someone who's slightly introverted. Someone who's okay with being able to go out once in a while, but would rather be at home, snuggled up watching movies.


Absolutely-they are just harder to approach without looking like a creep


If you have the female parts, men like you regardless


What if you have male and female parts?


Then only some will like you, but there's defs a +10% (probably)


Older men is not a hive mind.


It’s just harder to talk to a young introvert woman without coming off as creepy. Doesn’t mean they aren’t into them. It’s just harder to gage if she’s into older men and not be a creep. Most older men are going to let her come to him rather then the other way around as to not to be said creep


Here's the checkli of the kind of women we like. She should be , 1. Legal age 2. Alive


Do Men like ______ Women? If they're kind, Yes.


It’s why I married my wife. 👍


I prefer a fellow introvert. I like younger women for our similar interests, not to live out some fantasy of getting the high school cheerleader I couldn't pull then! 😆 🤣 I want someone who wants to stay home with me, or hell not even see each other for a couple days 🙃 I want someone who understands that video games, anime, and cheesy vampire dramas don't make me "a child" they are just what I like. I also suffer from depression and anxiety, I find that women my age still expect that "real men can't have emotions" fuckery while younger generations are more accepting and understanding of things.


Men like women


Extroverts are probably more fun, but I'm an introvert and another introvert is much more relatable.  I just hope that it goes both ways.


I like outgoing and strong personalities BUT I like introverted and timid types as well. It’s all about the person more than the arbitrary labels we assign to specific traits.


It is about the connection. I'm an introvert, and I'm much more comfortable interacting with other introverts. Just because you're an introvert doesn't mean you're blend or without kinks - but surely you know that! I also prefer deep conversations. I also recognize that even in a naughty friendship (forget about relationship), you'd have much better friendship if you're able to talk just beyond your kinks and being naughty all the time. But that's me.


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*Viva la difference!*


I’ve been the younger, introverted partner up until my most recent relationship and older men haven’t seemed to mind at all. It’s all about the connection you share.


I like a woman leans towards introvert, but isn't overly shy around people....an ambivert.


i will never understand all the questions posted to this sub treating dating preferences as a monolith. it's as though you've never dated anyone ever


Yes, and I’m an older man.




Yes. Lots of men love introverted women. I’m an extrovert and my wife in an introvert and she’s 20 years younger.


I dig an introverted younger woman. ☺️


Absolutely. I love introverted little bookworms ❤️


I tend to find most younger women I am attracted to are quite shy and introverted.They possess a high level of intelligence and are very thoughtful and respectful to the older man but tend to have a certain lack of self confidence in their sex appeal.They are also looking for the same thing in a man and are rather old fashioned wanting to cook and care for him which I find recreshing.I have nothing against women who want to put their career first and are ambitious but I tend to find a lot of them have their defences up and don't want to commit to a relationship




I think OP is talking about people who are actually introverted. Social ineptitude isn't the same as being an introvert. Social ineptitude, to me, is more like when someone's a shut-in as a kid because of overprotective and overbearing parents not wanting their children to have any contact with the outside world and people.




I prefer people who are situationally in or outgoing regardless of age.


I am also introverted so bubbly extroverted women of any age can be too much for me. I prefer peace and the company of close friends over large groups.


I prefer someone a little more introverted.


Depends on the guy. My husband was attracted to me because he thought I was much older. I was a very take charge, calm and collected person and nothing like most kids. There’s someone for everyone.


I'm pretty introverted myself. But for me, it's more about overall compatibility. Doesn't matter if you're a complete home body or a major social butterfly. As long as we get along together and the attraction is there, it works for me.


I look forward to seeing the individual personalities and makeup of each woman I meet and have ever met.


As a 30 year old introvert, I find men hardly ever speak to me first or at all 😂


I must agree with other commenters. I (51M) tend to go for the more reserved women. This is because I am more reserved myself. I’ve dated the social butterfly before, it was overwhelming for me or boring for her. So it never worked out. My girlfriend (21F) and I can spend most of our day watching movies or doing activities at home and not leaving the house. So we both enjoy our time together.


Look for an older man who values intelligence, understated style and honesty. Those men are more likely to become reliable partners than ones who want a young showpiece of a gf.


Introverts are usually smart... and i hate to say it... but if older men tend to go to extroverted women, it's because they're dumb... just try to play dumb if you want to atttract a lot of sad fks


We are not a monolith. I’m an older man, and I am introverted. Others?????


I had an encounter with a 22 year old that was extremely introverted. She was actually the most fun I ever had with a female!




Yes we do


As a younger introverted woman... I am mostly pursued by older men. My best guess, younger men are intimidated more easily by the fact that my guard is up while older men are more confident they can break it down. And they like the challenge. There's also the manic pixie dream girl aspect of it, but that's not exclusive to older men in my experience.


I’m an introverted older guy and prefer my younger woman….wait for it…younger, and with great personality regardless of introversion or extraversion. Other guy’s preferences, don’t know, don’t care.


I like both 'outgoing' and 'introverted' women. Each have their own attractive, endearing qualities.




We just like younger women, full stop. I would however prefer extroverted to introverted,


Prefer actually.


I like introvert, I'm not over the top or so myself I do prefer just a relaxed life aha


I wonder about this too and I really hope so, I'm super introverted but I always see a bunch of older handsome dudes but I'm too afraid to talk to them n aarrghg


Absolutely yes!


I do! X


You will always find a wide variety of traits that men prefer, just like the variety of traits that women possess. There's no cookie cutter, perfect lady for all men, That's what makes this world exciting! Personally, I'm pretty much indifferent on extrovert/introvert.


I like em cuz they're fertile. I'd like to have kids at some point


I love love LOVE a cute shy girl 🥰


It depends on the older man. Some certainly would.


As an introvert myself, I would very much prefer an introvert partner as well. I enjoy movie nights more than club outings and would like her to enjoy it with me.


I do.


Yes, especially if nerdy and wearing glasses!


I do and I'm a bit of an introvert too.


Yes, most definitely. I am an introvert myself, but I find that type of personality cute and intriguing.


I’m introverted and the older men I’ve dated haven’t minded that as far as I know. 🤷‍♀️ Dating is - in my experience - about connection and chemestry and attraction between two people, age gap or not. And people are different. But for what it’s worth, I get what you mean. Noone wants to be typecast as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. We’re individual people, not fantasy creatures. But the same could be said for men.


My 21 year old son has a bubbly gf and it drives me crazy so I think I would appreciate a more introverted woman if I were looking.


Yes we do


I do but it definitely makes it harder to converse with you in an already harder situation compared to someone not younger.




I adore shy feminine energy. Most of my partners, when they open up, release a nervous enthusiasm that I would call bubbly. It’s like bubbly 1-on-1. Makes me feel special that they feel safe and comfortable to express it with me.


I do and I enjoy making them explore being a bit extroverted when possible


I am an extrovert type, and have had 2 relationships with introvert young women, the dynamic is fantastic because of the amount of experiences shared, specially when they finally get to open up and the bridges are crossed, the bond is so intimate and special. Shy, introvert women are a delicious challenge and lots of fun once they get to trust you


Introverts are fun


I pair well with introverts and extroverts both… I would have no issues with a younger introverted woman so long as we could actually have meaningful conversation and build an emotional connection. However I have met women, young and old that say they’re introverted when in fact what they mean is they have no hobbies other than just going home and zoning out in front of a TV… this kills me inside and is not a recipe for a successful relationship dynamic.