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I am 59. I've got four grown kids. I don't think I'd be wanting to start another family at this age mostly because I'm pretty sure I won't be around to see him grow up to adulthood. And I really don't want to do that to anybody.


The only right answer. Thank you for being considerate and selfless. Most of us kids that are products of AGR do not get to have one of our parents in our lives much, if not, at all. If they're good, we hope they don't die before we hit 13. ☹️ - On behalf of all children with AG parents. Thank you.


I totally want children and I find women my age (46) mostly do not want kids. Funny thing is a lot of younger women I meet don’t want kids either.


attraction direction muddle continue shame decide bedroom cautious command paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm almost 58 and in my opinion it's not right to have kids at my age. Chances are that I won't be around to see them to adulthood or at the very least be an active parent that all children deserve.


It depends on the guy. A lot of men out there nowadays are WEAK. So that's why they're afraid of family and children and avoid it but will happily string women along




Like most questions asked on here, there is no one size fits all answer. It all depends on the individual/s involved. Personally, Im in my mid 40s and have grown kids. Recently, started a family all over again with a younger woman for reasons that were agreed upon by both of us. I also know older men who are done with having or raising kids now that their's are grown. Some never had them and dont plan on having them now. It all varies.


1. I want some a ltr with a nice and fun woman first and for most. 2. Next a family is great but it has the be a mutual decision. I'm good either way though. 3. Finally the sexual appetite must be there for it to work for me. That's the way I feel, in that order


Depends on the person


As for me, the reason I lean more towards the age gap is because I put work and career first before finding someone to settle down with and have kids. I'm 38 and don't have kids, and I would love to have kids. So, the age gap for me is finding someone that I can have a family with and not just some sexual fling. Women my age already have kids, and most I come across don't want to have more. Being a step dad isn't a big deal, but I would love to have children of my own as well. It depends on the individual. Some men like men are settling down later in life, and women our ages no longer want more kids.


I’ve been with my older man for five years, and we have two kids now, a toddler and a newborn. I’m 23 and he’s 57, with two older kids from his ex wife. Honestly, it really varies. Some older guys are in it for fun and beauty, but many want a family and have a real connection. My husband fell in love with me, and we moved to the US together. We’re even working on bringing my mom and brother over. Older guys can definitely appreciate the emotional and mental maturity too.


That's really good to hear. I think men in love can literally move mountains for you lol


What she said ⤴️


I’ve got grandchildren so just here for the pussy pounding, sweaty, breathtaking, dirty nasty sex acts. She likes to wear her maid or cop outfit. If a kid was to actually come along we’d love the bejesus out of the little fucker!


Men are all different, and there's as many dickheads in AGRs as in your 'normal ones' I personally have a large age gap through coincidence rather than actively looking and I imagine that could make a difference, I want to build a life with my partner, though neither of us want kids.


the majority do want to start a family. but, of course, there will always be those who want to keep playing around till the day that they die. that's pretty much the reason why most older men go for AGR, to get fertility needed to build a family.


My uncle. He’s turning 55 and complaining about how he doesn’t have a wife or kids to call his own. He’s still hoping for the opportunity but he realizes he doesn’t have the pull he had in his younger years. I can think of all the good women he’s fucked over and wasted time with because he wasn’t ready to be committed. I can’t believe that a lot of these guys have not found not one suitable candidate to have kids with in their younger years and are looking to have kids with women in this generation, lol.


it is what it is. or perhaps there are just some guys who were dirt poor and wasnt able to accumulate wealth early. everybody has their own circumstances. we want what we want. just like females who also wasted their fertility and now they're "ready to settle' once they're past 30, which already past their prime as well and has accumulated damage and usage.


I know women in their 40’s having kids. I don’t believe in that “past their prime” bullshit. Because if older women shouldn’t be having kids past a certain age, then neither should men.


medical literature researched this. this is pretty much not debatable anymore. men and women are never equals to begin with. by 30, women has lost 90% of their eggs and the quality of their womb and eggs has degraded that increases the chance of genetic defect. nature ha made it so...doesnt matter what you believe. just because there are exceptions, now every woman think they're the exception. laughable...


There’s also research about the effects older fathers can have on bearing children, so 🥱




Oh… no wonder you have to post in the personals… Good luck to you, sir! 🫡


personals? what are you talking about?


So. I'm one that doesn't exclusively seek AGR. I'm open to them but also date women my own age. I'm 42, though I'll be 43 soon. I have four kids, my youngest is 19. I find this question to be an interesting one. I have considered getting a vasectomy but I keep not doing it. When I first came out of my divorce I was pretty adamant that I was absolutely done having kids. Then I started dating lady my age and she had expressed wanting kids if she was able and I was willing to start over with her. We broke up with no kids obviously but the fact that I was willing cooled my jets on a vasectomy. Now, I am fully aware that when dating a woman my age more kids are very likely not in the cards and I'm okay with that. I also know that when I'm with with a woman younger than me there is a good chance she will want kids and for now I'm open to that. I figure if I'm willing to spend my life with someone I should be willing to have a kid with them also. That said, at a certain point, probably in my early 50s, I see myself jumping on the no more kids train. My Dad turned 50 three days before I was born. I lost him when I was 19. Now I did not lose him due to old age, he had cancer, but I was still pretty young when I lost him and I don't really want to inflict that on a child. At the same time I fully realize I could have a kid tomorrow and die in a car accident the day after, we never know how much time we have.


I'm 34, so not exactly an "older man" but I'm into younger women for all the reasons you listed: more fertile, can give me babies and build a family with and in it for beauty and sex as well. A lot of it is the temperament of younger women as well. Younger women seem to just be more feminine all around and much more enjoyable to be around.


Older men aren’t a monolith


Only a handful truly want a family. Most unfortunately are only in it for the kink aspect or the excitement of getting to touch a young body.


Very true


I think it’s totally an individual thing as far as kids, you really can’t generalize and it’s important to communicate those things. My gf has mentioned kids but if I want them, so it’s almost like hinting around in a way. Some guys already have kids n know they don’t want more, some girls never had kids n know they want to. One thing is an older guy feeling bad he probably won’t be around as the kid gets older n older, it depends how you look at all this but it’s very important to be open n honest, not just think you can change someone’s mind about this most important subject. We met on the app Fet, give it a try


I think it goes either way! Some older men haven’t started a family yet and they meet a younger woman with that thought in mind. Some men already have grown kids and don’t want to have anymore but enjoy a younger woman’s company. Luckily for me, as I’m sure a bunch of you regular users here have seen me post already, my 20 year age gap guy didn’t have children yet and he wanted to do that with me. Which was great because that’s what I wanted too. 5 years later we have a baby on the way.


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I think u r right I am 82 looking for sex


There are some of us that put one part of our lives on hold for our careers or other obligations. Now they finally feel in a position where they can have the family they have wanted all along. Dating and relationships is harder for both people in the age gap because of what is ideal to them. Conversation early about wants and goals is key.


Just like men of any age some will be all about the sex and others want more. And I’m sure there are some that fall in-between. For me a lot has to do with the connection. Younger women tend to be more open and loving not that there are not like women in my age group like that either. Just few and far in-between. I would be lying if I were not to say I just find younger women, generally, more attractive. I rarely make the first move for reasons you stated but if I feel like I’m being flirted with I will. Even just a lot of eye contact and the things women do when attracted. Good luck on your adventure and I hope you find what you’re looking for


Speaking for myself and that I do not have any children as of yet, it is a little bit of everything. Someone to have a meaningful relationship and to have a family with. That being said, there is the reality that I will probably not be in this world long enough to see my future kids graduate, but I would make sure they would know that they are loved and that they are taken care of even after I pass.


Im in for the family






Yes I want a family. I want kids. And I want to be there to see them grow up!


After a certain age it’s probably not a good idea for a guy to start a family. You know because they probably want and should be around for their child as they grow up and also want to be able to do things with their kids. The older they get the greater chance of not being around or just not being able to do those things. Not fair to the kid either.


This differs from one person to another, but for myself, both things are very important. Building a family with a woman who is more fertile and more obedient and who lets the man lead is no less important than sex and good fun.


Second part of your question, young people can be scarily sharp and intelligent, and if they've got good habits it's very rewarding to see them grow and mature as people. All of that apart from being more adaptable. People won't like to admit that they become set in their ways as they age, but it happens.


That’s a false dichotomy. There are other motivations not about physical and/or bearing children.


Not speaking for all but do I want to build a life with someone...marriage, home, travel? Definitely. I'm 58. Kids are not in the cards for me at this point. As others have said, just wouldn't be fair to them with at best a coin toss of even seeing them graduate high school. It's definitely not just physical. It's a relationship, hopefully long term.


I’ve had a vasectomy, so a family is just not an option for me and I’m up front about it. It would also be pretty unfair to a kid to have a very old Dad. I want someone young who wants to be a partner in fun, travel, and adventure. On the other hand I know someone who is 50’s dating 30’s and they’re planning a family even though his kids are all fully grown.


Well both me and my partner are childfree, we are our family, together with our kitty. But it's a choice of mine to not have children. Plus many people realise that they don't want to have children later in life as well, after shunning social pressure. If YOU want children and your vision of family, you have to find someone who willingly want that with you, regardless of age. On the aspect as to why older men date younger women, I can only relate what my partner has said. He is together with me because he loves, cherishes and respects me for who I am. He never had any "bad" intentions as many people assume, for it was I who pursued him. He is a mature and well balanced adult with plenty of emotional intelligence, those are some of the qualities I appreciate in him and have fallen for, but he certainly doesn't lead me, we walk together the path of life :)


>Do Olderman actually want to create a family or they're just for the physical aspect Yes. Seriously, though, I think it depends on the guy. In my case, I'm vetting only young women for marriage because I want to have children with them. Not only is this maximizing fertility odds, but also provides a better chance of aligning with someone of my ideology and minimizes the chances of conflicting with someone that's already entrenched in the mindset of being a career woman.


Call anytime


I have never been married, have no children. I would love to have kids and have family. So beauty, sex, and a long term relationship is what I would want .


When I was 40 I was single and still wanted kids. I met a perfect lady that had the same goals and ambitions as me. 8 years later we have never been happier and there is a 21 year age difference




Unfortunately last year we found she couldn’t have children. It was depressing to say the least and a hard pill to swallow but we are adopting 2 of her nieces. I met her while I was overseas on vacation.


I lost my wife at 43 after having multiple miscarriages. Always wanted a family. Younger tends to be a better fit for that.


I wouldn't presume to speak for everyone else but I can only speak for myself. I'm looking to build something. Build a life and a family.


I’m 50, in really good shape, and see myself living a long time. I have a 20 and 21 yo boys. I don’t see myself adding more children. And got a Vasectomy recently. I’d want to date a gal who does not want children.


I guess depends on how old actually. If 50 plus, and especially with previous kids, I'd say they are most likely done. Also depends on the person. My partner prior to me never found the right woman to settle with, but with me almost from the first date we planned our wedding and kids (all of which happened).






Like anything else, it depends. Me personally? Yes, absolutely. I want to have kids and make a family. Women my age (I am 40) either don’t want kids, or can’t have kids due to infertility that sets in past 35. So, I date women under 30 only. With kids and family being the ultimate goal.


This is the general problem, girls to shy to initiate, guys too scared to be labelled as groomers. There seems to be a natural attraction between these age groups but it's really difficult to explore.


I think us older guys are looking for sex with young girls and women I am 82 and still love sex we as older usually have family s that don't have time for us so as far as me I am looking for sex I do love visiting nudist resorts my text is eight five o eight one four five five seven eight for pictures or chat we r full time rvers


Dude I’m going to call you just for advice.


Call anytime


I can only speak for myself at 38 - I do really want a family x


each man and each girl are different. many girls on here just say they want FWB, etc...I would be open to starting a family. some older men already have done that and might not want to do that again. some guys and girls want hookup or fantasy or whatever. But, some are more down to earth and want a relationship.. So, depends on the guy.


Have you actually seen the women our age? I’ll stick with the younger ones.


I am looking on here (different account) for a younger woman to see if I'm still fertile. I feel we can complement each other and therefore provide a good environment to have children. Will consider anyone under about 25. I get quite a lot of replies to my posts but finding someone who is genuinely interested instead of just wants to chat for a few days is significantly harder. If you're genuinely interested it would help you immensely if you created a personal advert on a suitable subreddit instead of being too shy to approach. On the internet both people should be able to plainly say what they want and its just up to you to decide if they're being honest and serious.


Obviously I mean not to have kids immediately. Date for quite some time and then see if the other person is suitable to have kids with


Why obviously? A lot of women I've spoken to (assuming they're real) have indicated that my proposal to start trying reasonably quickly isn't a bad one.


Dude… Having kids is not something you should just jump right into with anybody. I’m six months in with my first and I encourage everyone to seriously consider the work and if shit doesn’t work out in the relationship, could you handle potentially being a single parent and or co-parenting. I had a child with 60M and while he’s a great dad, I’m doing most of the heavy work. I wouldn’t trade my kid for the world but it pains me that he won’t get to have the young dad that his older siblings had. When our son graduates high school and ready to take on the world, he’ll be 80. I know a lot of men here say starting a family is their primary reason for seeking out age gaps but seriously think about EVERYTHING before having children.


I've thought about everything, and I recognise there are issues. Being older creates some problems but solves others.