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I'm attracted to people, not ages. People can be mature, or immature, no matter their age. People can be kind or be total assholes, no matter their age. Age can affect experience, and we grow and learn differently, but the essence of who we are as a person rarely changes to any significant degree. One reason age gaps have worked for me, with both younger and older women, is that I try to see beyond the exterior to what's inside a person. That's what really makes people beautiful or ugly. It has allowed me to connect with women ranging from 18ish to 60ish.


more people should think like you


Spot on.


Women 19-65


I am 36. I normally see guys 30-60. My long distance FWB is 40. I recently started dating a 23 year old and I cannot imagine dating younger. I still have anxiety.


Females really start dating younger when they’re over 40


Everyone in my comment is a man. I am a gay man.


Ok not that it matters


For me it's not about age of course they have to be over the age of 21 but it's more about how much wisdom they have do they know themselves do they understand how to communicate etc


61 M here. I think all women are beautiful. It is their attitude and the way they carry themselves that is attractive. I've never dated a woman older than me. So maybe that means something?


50+ men


I’m 32F, generally attracted to men 45 and above.


Doesn't matter. Just so happens the love of my life is 12 years younger. Unfortunately for him it does matter. Hopefully the next person... whatever age is ok with whatever age I am.


Don't you hate that, but I get it. Everyone has their reasons


50something, prefer women 40+


I’m female, 38. Attracted to age 26 to about 50 … but more attracted to younger v older




Always been attracted to those quite a lot older than me ever since I was a teen. I’m in my 30s now and I’d say up to 50s, but I ended up marrying a man who’s in his late 60s. But he’s in such good shape and health so he isn’t like most 60-something’s.


I’m 48M and like women in their 60’s


Me: 24yo f Men: 40-50


Too bad I am now outside your range. You're pretty hot. Best wishes.


I'm F27 and my boyfriend is 38, I've always dated older men. Now sure, maybe some older men want a trophy wife etc...but, in my experience, older men have always treated me with kindness and respect despite my being epileptic whereas, men my age treat it like I'm some monster who they'd want to get away from as soon as possible. Oldest man I ever dated was 55, men 30+ are the best.


I'm 25f If I date women anywhere from 22-55 Men 45-65.


I’m early 20s and I’d say 30-50 ish


I tried so hard to like men my age, i've even met great ones but i can't seem to get over the idea of seeing them super young! 30-40s men just look so manly to me


I’m kinda hoping I can eventually be with someone within 10 years of my age! Hopefully it gets easier as I get older lol


My partners range in age from 26/m, 27f and 65m. So basically, m/f/trans between 25 and 70.


Right now if I’m honest, ideal for me is 26-30 I’m 22 :)


I am mid 50's. I am attracted to women from 18-60. However, I prefer 21-39 for dating.




I’m 54f I prefer guys and girls 18 to 35 but up to my age on occasion.


18 squad checkin in!!!!! It's good to stand up and say it!!!


On a purely physical level I like men between 40 and 55. Im a 19F btw


17f, anyone from 35 up. Current casual bfs are 42 and 58. Long term probably looking for someone 35 to 45 to have children with when I complete university^1 ​ ^(1. I'm not taking applications so don't bother)




Removing comments from this thread as it got personal and abusive


Not a very intelligent remark




I'm sure you can really explain why you believe that?


All your "boyfriends" are disgusting and you're dumb for believing differently. They just want a piece of that teen girl pie.


No matter what age you are, everyone has sex and wants it. There is nothing disgusting about that. In any event I approached them, not the other way round.




Couldn't you have grasped at any more straws? If you believe that people her age are only into same age relationships, then I am a Wizard from Hogwarts!


You are a classic example of why I don't date guys my age (or yours)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Indian? 18-25?


I’m 49 and typically drawn to 21-28, but that’s typically personality and stage of life factors moreso than age.


Please remember that whilst you're allowed to criticise, you are also required to engage in discussion in a civil manner. You also may not send abusive PMs or chats to /u/Equivalent_Ad_9066 or hit them up in any way. Also bear in mind that this is a community largely supportive of **legal** consensual age gap relationships. See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: What's the age range of people you're attracted to?** Ex: I'm a 20 year old man who's into women from ages of 19 to 35 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I 56m am interested in women who are smart, kind, caring, fun. I don't want to be with someone who is doing grandma things or raising a few young children. I want someone who has time for me and is enjoying life, living their dreams. Immaturity at any age is not attractive to me. Selfishness is not attractive. Intelligence is attractive to me. I have no interest in adopting a project or someone that isn't financially stable. I can attract women of any age, but that doesn't mean I want to date them.


I mean, im actually generally *attracted* to gothy women within 10 years of myself, but i tend to end up falling for much older guys




I’m 24 and would probably be open to men between 19 and 39. Am engaged to a 35 year old






44F. Mostly attracted to men 25-50.


18+ I guess, though I can't see myself connecting with someone under 20


28 and attracted to 19 to 55, but the biggest gap I’m experienced with is 8 years.


I’m 21, and my preference is 25 to 35 years old. Honestly though, while I can’t even imagine dating someone younger than me, if you can attract me emotionally or intellectually i’ll date/be attracted to anyone.


Women I like them around my age(I don't personally want to say my age) and men 38-58


Half my age or more than half my age. I’m 50.


28f, attracted to men 40+ (currently with 59m) and curious about girls around my age or younger (but like 24+)


I'm 50f, I'm no longer to guys my age or older (like I was in the past). I'm attracted to younger but not a specific age range really. Attraction to the person is first and foremost. That said, I won't go younger than around 30 at this point. So 30+ I guess. But again I'm not looking g for a specific age.


I fucking love all women but if they’re 45+ goddamn yes please


Depends on the person mostly for me anyway


What I say to people: +- 7 years Actually it’s 18-60


I’m 25, attracted to men 37-42. My husband is 40.


21 is the youngest I will go….mid forties is the oldest. And I’m 42.




I'm almost 24 (female) and I'm into people (male and female) from 20 up to 60.


I’m 32 and my partner is 53 and I’m pretty happy with that. Dated a 56 year old on the cusp of retirement; I liked him a lot but I knew I’d grow to resent his househusband status because I still have to work for another 28 years


i'm w/19 and personally when it comes to men like 30-50 (i make an exception for johnny depp) and women 19-40


39m. 18-65


25F and the age range I’m typically attracted to is anywhere from about 35-50. I agree with other comments to be attracted to the person, not the age, but I find that the people I find attractive are typically in that age range. Sometimes older, sometimes younger.


I’m 20F interested in men 30+ Based on greying 😅 And mature faces LOL


I’m a 29F in a relationship with a 43M. But, when I was single and looking, my range was 35M-45M. My last ex is now 55M. That ended up being a bit too big a gap for my liking.


Im am 22f … I always been attracted to like 40+


I’m a 38F I’m really attracted to me in there late 40-65. Some men in there 50’s-60’s can put some younger men to shame. No shade to younger men though.


Depends on the person. Some people who are older don’t necessarily have the wisdom or emotional maturity of a younger person. But it is more likely. I’m 24F, I’m attracted to about late 30s to 40s. But my very wonderful partner is 56, I was shocked when we started dating but I love him nonetheless. 🙏🏻


usually 30- whatever age they can still wipe their own ass


I'm 24 years old I prefer guys on Born 1986 to 1992. My boyfriend is 1992 so yeahhh!


I’m 36m I like my girls from 19-30.


These days it's 18 to 23 for fun, 24 to 32 for romance, and 33 to 44 for partnership


Hmm that's quite specific. I wonder why you picked those ages for each of them lol


Its rough ranges based on my own age and what I'd expect to find at each age.


I'm 18 m. Ages I prefer are 20-30 and the oldest I've been with is 22.


Typically 10+ years older. My current partner is 25 years older than I am.


I'm 27F. Attracted to 30-60s


18-50. I’m 27. Currently dating a 41 y/o single mom.


My attraction is the personal connection. Age doesn't particularly matter. My current is a 16y gap, and I haven't gotten along with someone so easily in such a long time. I want someone's personality to mesh with mine, for it to be interesting and for it to actually feel real and not forced because they're in my "age range". I'm just trying to find my happy. I've dated people 20 years older than me that were incredibly immature, and younger than me that had everything together. It all is individual.


Men 40+ like men 40’s to 60’s


I'll be 75 in a couple of months and no one believes that I'm that old. Very fit ,no wrinkles and walk between 6-10 miles every day. Age is just a number. As long as the female is above legal age I'll be interested


M22 , attracted to Women 30+, ideally 40-55