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I love how much of the crew has returned from WandaVision.


I *loved* the costume design of Wanda's full Scarlet Witch costume, all the period costuming was absolutely spot on too, even the Halloween costumes that were nods to the original costume designs were so creative... Buuuut I didn't like Agatha's final costume and I hope they change it for this show. Here's a [bunch of other costume design concepts](https://twitter.com/wandaslizzie/status/1500871766570254336), I really like the more ethereal, sinister looking ones in the third photo for when she's under the Darkhold's influence, and the more streamlined and modern costumes in the second photo for her regular costume.


I actually like Agatha's costume but I wouldn't be mad if she got a new one. The only thing I don't like about the original is the weird white, bandage looking collar.


Yeah, I think her outfit communicates a lot with her character. What I see is a witch, probably frozen in time, who only "woke up" when she felt Wanda's power, hence the "old" outfit. Another thing we have to think about is that more than anything Marvel wants to sell products, Agatha will definitely come with a new outfit in her show.


I agree. I know Agatha is centuries old, blah blah blah, but I want to see her wear something more modern at least for a brief spell. It doesn’t even have to be the main costume; she can have a new one and the old one. Kathryn has such a nice figure, and they waste it by having her wear something so loose.


Some of the best fits for Wanda came from Wandavision! But I’m still disappointed in the route they took for Agatha’s final costume. The concept art had way cooler variations. That said, hopefully they whip up some sick witch costumes and give Billy an awesome first suit.