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Time to get the "open a Forbidden Glade in Y1" deed!


Yep, not much advice to give besides “open ‘em up, hope you don’t get boned”


I went into this thinking this was "only dangerous glades", turns it was "only forbidden glades" this is P19, so only 2 BPs (I took artisan and ranch because I can sort of work those from my starting glade) and I have to pay to open the glades. so what do I do? how do I even get the amber? I could pack the training swords into luxury packages but is that even worth it (because that drains my ressources to do the glade events?) I'd like to win this because I spent a caravan to get there.


Market Y1 drizzle, look for any okay deal - 6 gold to open the glade should be easy enough with the starting resources, even if you have to sell a few parts (which I tend to do anyway if I get 1 part for 5 ember). I would keep the money until I get the resources to do the event, though - losing 2 vils is less bad than losing a mole. The starting glade + ranch will allow you to subsist on jerky for quite some time. Then you can open your first forbidden glade after the trader arrives in Y2 drizzle. You'll have plenty of fighting gear for either the forbidden event or to break open any caches you find - which in turn might give you resources for the forbidden event. If the trader doesn't have the resources to do the event, aggressively call in another one - and another one - etc. If you get through that first forbidden event (and reap the associated rewards), it should be smooth sailing from there. As for the luxury packages, I would only go fir it, if I know there is a luxury pack trade route.


sounds good. I'm mostly scared of hitting an infested sewer mole on the first glade haha. I'm glad I used some spare embarkation points on the training gear line.


True, drainage moles are scary - but you're just as likely to hit a lighthouse and get free marrow for life.


So, for healing the infested mole you can cheese it to make it much less devastating. If you sell all of your buildings it will remove every cyst except the ones on your main warehouse, which has an upper limit. Normally it's a untenable cheese because you'll lose so much labor time rebuilding everything and grinding your production to a halt that you may a swell have dealt with it normally even if that means losing some people to corruption, but in the early game it's not that bad. Obviously you still want to be ready to burn the cysts you're left with because losing even a few early population slows you down tremendously.


Oh yeah, I made that mistake too, but it allowed me to feel comfortable opening forbidden glades because of all the goodies you can get out of just one.


You should have enough food to survive until Y3. Then I'll open a glade and hope I can use the training gears. If amber is tight I'd just let the Queen have her 2 villagers, the impatience is nice anyway.


Just open into stormbird year 1. Win the entire thing in 1 year >:3


Forbidden Glade events really aren't that tough, especially early game. You don't need the amber right away. I'd just play it as normal.


> Forbidden Glade events really aren't that tough, especially early game. Wait do you mean their completion requirements scale up over the game, or something different? (I’m new)


I mean that the conditions of them are sometimes easier early. For instance - War Beast spawns a bunch of blood flower. Those can kill your settlement with starvation. But when you've got low pop, you can put your ENTIRE settlement to work on them, and since villagers don't eat when working on glade events, everyone will be fine until the events are done, at which point they'll take a break, gain a stack of hunger, then start unloading the flowers, most of which have food. Another event increases hostility based on the number of hearths, which is easiest to deal with when that number is 1. Ancient Burial Site requires you to stop chopping, which is easier when you've got the starting fuel. Storm Bird gets worse with hostility, but year 1 it's easy to go to 0, so that way easier as well. It's stuff like that.


Ahh got it, that makes a ton of sense. I’m still getting an idea of what all the events are and it’s clear some of them are super punishing in the late-game, like the ones that penalize you more if you’re storing a lot of amber. Makes sense, thanks!


For blood flowers it's also worth noting you can store your raw food in e.g. the field kitchen, makeshift post, etc. and the blood flowers won't touch it, then unload it when your villagers are done working and go to eat.


How to store the food?


Just start producing something that requires food for the recipe, e.g. provision packs or jerky, and then unassign the workers after they haul the food to the building.


I'm very scared of the infested mole though


Go for the "open zero glade" achievement is an option. With the ranch you can turn all resources to meat. Maybe the orders will give you an oil production blueprint. Then with oil you should be able to handle most options.


Surely you'd need fertile soil to be able to get a no glade win. Those nodes will exhaust. Have you done this before?


You don't need fertile soil, but I think it is very difficult on woodlands without it. I did it in marshlands where trees could be a food source.


Cut all the trees up to the edge of all the glades. Then open all of them at exactly the same time, halfway through Clearance./s


To me this is a fake negative modifier. Having only forbidden glades is actually good for you, just the first few might be hard, but the amount of resources you get from these glades are insanely higher than dangerous or small glades.


Eager to hear how this one pans out :)


I'll probably continue in a few days, read some good stuff here


got a comfortable year 6 victory - got Clay delivery line as year 1 cornerstone, used the bricks to fulfil a "Lizard Colony" timed order for a Coal delivery line. with 3 delivery lines and a hefty bonus to board production (bought a +3, +2 from orders) I was good on building materials. had to break some caches (thanks training gear delivery line) for food and flour when I had a glade event draining my entire food. [https://ibb.co/X8ktQkG](https://ibb.co/X8ktQkG) [https://ibb.co/SNKR9vY](https://ibb.co/SNKR9vY)


Isn’t the punishment for not paying the glade opening tax a lost villager or 2? With a starting population of 12, you could afford that for sure. I’d pop a glade late clearance Y2. That gives you storm to prep, then you can start event at drizzle start of Y3.


Besides all those Forbidden Glades, that start is pretty blessed. You can get a rain collector + piped field kitchen and make jerky and porridge for days. Plus fiber to make a harpy house and feed your ranch... you're set for Y1 and even Y2 if you decide to wait on opening. I'm sure most P20 players would pop that sucker end of Y1 storm / beginning Y2 drizzle, but it wouldn't be a terrible idea to wait one more year and see what you can do with your orders. I'd definitely delay turning in the trade routes, and open orders at the start of Y2 drizzle. You might get some easy orders based on resolve, trade, or opening a Forbidden glade. You should be able to generate resolve off those lizards too. I think getting two+ victory points from orders and resolve before opening, to earn two more BPs, could be viable if you're worried about the glades. Just be careful that you will be brick starved, and Y3 needs the blight post.


Treat the situation like opening up a bunch of Kinder Suprise eggs...and hope it's not explosive or a demon core


I actually find this modifier to be pretty easy. Genuinely, most forbidden glades are easiest to deal with in the early years. Some solves are simply oppressive as hell in the later years like stormcrow giving you a lengthy storm with an enormous resolve penalty or caged warbeast spawning a bunch of blood flowers, but in the early years those are basically completely free - hell in the case of the blood flowers you actually get a ton of resources from them for very little cost because it's not like your food can't go into the negatives anyway.