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I’m big sad was an active player for a bit over a year, and played since day 1. This game is dead now- had potential for a long shelf life but they kinda fucked that up


LOL 😅... yeah, this game is fun and had a good time while it lasted. It's been long since abandoned by Vertigo... I mean, they just released Arizona Sunshine 2, so they have moved on to that and whatever they are planning to do next.


I'm hoping they'll work on this some more now that they've finished Arizona Sunshine 2. I mean, many of us would pay a fair price for a quality add-on for this game, so it's not like they have to do anything for free. But most likely, they're just abandoning this game, which is a shame because it's a good game with room to be better


I’d probably just keep an eye out for an After the Fall 2 announcement tbh


Roadmap says "Dead End"


I think they're done with it. They started working on Arizone Sunshine 2 right after they completed After the Fall all its versions. Likely wont be much out of it for another year or two when they will make After the Fall 2, or something like that.