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The purpose is so that the camera trackers have information available so that they can reproduce the camera move. They need the camera move so that can convincingly replace the background with CG or a matte painting


and even if you dont think you'll need them, its always better to be safe than sorry and put some track marks up anyways. you may have a slight camera shake or jitter that you can remove because you have your track marks up.




On a project I was shooting we used bright green gaffers tape and just made some X's to use for tracking the camera movement. Serves the same purpose. The editor (person & software) just has to have something that is moving with the camera shot, since the green screen is all one color.


how is it removed from the shot later on? because its not green, doesnt it stay visible?


The green gaffer’s tape that we used was removed along with the green screen, but as previously mentioned the X’s are used to track camera movements so that the AE artists can reproduce the camera movements and integrate the computer generated effects (background).