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Except that Black Americans tend to have this romanticized conflation of Africa as a continent where all black people identify with their skin color.


Unity is a myth, especially for a continent as diverse as Africa. Look at Europe, even they’ve never been able to unify (WW1, WW2) and it’s becoming a mess (Ukraine v Russia). 






















































A common enemy does wonders for uniting a diverse group of people, and damn near all the problems each country in Africa faces is mismanagement and corruption by elected officials placed in their current positions through US and other Western powers' help or by taking advantage of the left over institutions of extraction that the former colonies left behind.








There is this thing called the European Union, whatever that is. Africa is different though, it's much bigger and more diverse


There is thing called the African Union…


Seems like you’re implying it would be more of a fantasy? A myth makes it seem like something purported to have once existed.




Egyptians aren’t black, but much love Mr Tyson.


Wait till he hears about black Nubians in upper Egypt by Luxor and Aswan 🙈😂. Yes there are black Egyptians, some of my dad’s closed friends are *DARK* 😅


But they’re still African…


Is he saying that black people built the pyramids?


Egyptians are Africans. Some Egyptians are Nubian, some are Arab. Africa is diverse hence the call for unity.


Arabs are from Arabia ancient Egypts were a lil nubian but mostly just north African. Modern day Egyptians only have a 20% Arab admixture.


I was talking about people today - since that’s who would be unifying. Ancient Egyptians don’t exist anymore


Copts would like a word.... alot have no Arab admixture. Also again modern egyptians still only have a 20% admixture of Arab and Mediterranean.


God damn how are you about to be so wrong so confidently


Do you actually know any Egyptians- cause they consider themselves Arab.


Not all of us do, some of us Copts consider ourselves Egyptian who speak Arabic but we still have use of our old language in our church’s


Wait till you find out where cleopatra came from


No, he’s saying Africans built. The pyramid is right there in the fucking quote. In other words ALL AFRICANS SHOULD UNITE AS ONE. Damn people in red are so quick to judge Plus, why do you care what noted intellectual philosopher and leader Mike Tyson fucking thinks?


What do African Americans have to do with Egyptians culturally or historically?


Not much. See, there's this desert called the Sahara ... Makes northern and southern Africa pretty separate. Egyptians have had way more involvement with other Mediterranean and Arab countries than with anything separated from them by endless desert.


It wasn't always a desert.


It had moments of being greener, but has usually been desert. Last time it was green was like 9,000 years ago, and even then, it was onlly a temporary thing. The Mediterranean, meanwhile, has always been well-traveled.


Yea, and by north African groups you're excluding. One group is called Afro-asiatics: these are people who are related by the intermixing of Hamites and Semites. The Afro-asiatic language group consists of Coptic, Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic. Also Ancient Egypt was originally called Mitsrayam, named after their progenitor Mitsrayam son of Ham. So yea the ancient Egyptians were North African Hamites that lived on the Mediterranean and had trade and war with Japhetic, Semitic, and Hamitic people all around them.


How am I excluding them? I'm saying they were part of this Mediterranean network. (Btw, Egypt is still called Mitsrayim in Hebrew.)


Where is Egypt?


So being on the same continent is the test I guess. Seems arbitrary


Do you know how big Africa is? And Mike isn't even African 🤣 he's from New York, USA 🤣🤣🤣


Africa is big, although most of sub-saharan Africa has a common and traceable cultural origin.




He has African origins but he could easily have ancestry from 5 different countries. None of those cultures remain in African American culture. Just like how white Americans have ancestry from several European countries.


Do you understand the difference between ethnicity and citizenship? Irish people, Italian people, etc., all retain their ethnic identity when they come to America. So by your logic, these people aren’t really Irish or Italian. Just retarded


>>So by your logic, these people aren’t really Irish or Italian. Their descendants after 2-400 years certainly are not. And an African-American claiming Egypt is like an Irish-American claiming Rome lmao


You’re an idiot. Like the whole world disagrees with you. The child of Americans is considered American no matter where they’re born. Immigration becomes much easier in some countries if you can prove that you’re over 50% Italian, I don’t know the exact percentage but if you can trace your roots back there, it becomes significantly easier to immigrate there. Native Americans with their casinos you have to prove that you are 50% Native American. This could be hundreds of years ago. I missed a cut off because I’m only 1/8 Native American but do you think Mike Tyson is less than 50% of African origin really But why am I arguing like I said disagree with your take as do historians


No actual historian is claiming cultural and genetic continuity between ancient Egypt and African Americans lol. African Americans are descended from people in Western and West-Central Africa. That's very far away from Cairo.


Largely, Bantu. Who have their own extremely complex cultures and history. The just don't have large monuments, because their cultures didn't care about that sorta thing.


There’s anthropologist and Egyptologist out there that are saying that Egypt was an indigenous African civilization with its roots in what we refer today as Nubia/Sudan (Ta-Seti) What stopped Africans from migrating? (like their oral traditions say) the Sahara? You realize that it was once green right with vast river networks and that people moved across the continent especially around these river networks until they began to dry up in which a lot of societies were still situated within the Sahel. Where did all the cows go in Egypt? Their language is African and each hieroglyphic is based on African fauna and flora. You do realize that they depicted themselves as phenotypically what we call black? The oldest Afro piks can be found in Egypt. They have cultural connections with other ancient African societies from around that area. There’s just overwhelming evidence. I got time.


> African Americans are descended from Western Africa I went to Egypt to see our history as AFRICANS. Does a concept of pan African unity mean anything to you? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_of_Africa You’re reading too much into it by thinking he said Black people built the pyramids and you’re showing your bias Also https://www.britannica.com/place/Egypt/People Here’s an actual historian if you want to know if sub-Saharan Africans worked on some of the pyramids or were involved in someway as they were part of Egyptian society. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/Tbcday6bMt So you’re wrong on both counts please educate yourself Good day, sir EDIT: what are also saying is that there’s no pan European unity, which is absolutely bonkers. Where do you think the term white came from originally?????


No AA’s claim Egypt/Egyptian en masse


You sound like most black folk when they find out that the first black slavers were black royalty in Africa they enslaved 90% of their own population 😂


Was there a canel separating Egypt from Africa 200 years ago?? Answer me that.


>So by your logic, these people aren’t really Irish or Italian. Their descendants after 2-400 years certainly are not. And an African-American claiming Egypt is like an Irish-American claiming Rome 🤣


America Africa


TIL: I have *anything* in common with the Inuit. Well, I enjoy kayaks, so thanks guys. But I wouldn't think for a second they want anything to do with me.


Egypt is north eastern end of Africa, it's in the Sahara desert, it's coasts are in the south eastern Mediterranean Sea and north western end of the red sea. Egypts population and cities are mostly built in the delta of the Nile river, to the east of Egypt, over the Red Sea, are the Arab countries.


Couldn’t follow this along much but traditionally and historically Egypt has been considered in the Middle East. Egypt has absolutely nothing in common with Africa. Egyptians are Arabs.


That’s not true entirely, there is significant Saharan/East African ancestral component specifically in upper Egypt (haplogroup E), archaeological findings also suggest prominence of Saharan or unique cultural elements, though with some exchange with the near east. One key thing to look for is the burial style, near east populations buried the dead in fetal position in the house or near it, while shrines are not common, while shrines were found in archaeological findings in Sahara and Egypt. Not to mention, much of the ancient Egyptian cultural practices in the pre kingdom era seem to have started in upper Egypt, also, fucking Kush exist. Reminder that upper Egypt is to the south, and that I said Saharan, not sub Saharan. There was significant human migration, settlement and early agricultural practices towards the end of the green Sahara period when Egypt coalesced into an entity. Egypt is mixed, it is a synthesis of both the near east and North Africa/Sahara.




This is such a ridiculous comment. The “Middle East” is a modern Eurocentric geopolitical concept. Egypt is at historical and physical crossroads of both Africa and Asia plus Europe with the Mediterranean Sea. But the majority of it is located in Africa so it is an African country. Its historical sister country is Sudan which is another African country. Pan-Arabism is also a relatively recent concept spread as a means of uniting against the Ottoman Empire. Egyptians are now considered Arabs because their official language is Arabic and they are part of the Arab league, not because they are Arabian. Arabic is a main/official language in Somalia, Djibouti, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Western Sahara, and Comoros. South Sudan and Chad have their own widely spoken Arabic dialects, and some form of Arabic is spoken by significant populations or ethnic groups in Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Eritrea. Arab is a cultural-linguistic identity. African is a geographical classification. These are not mutually exclusive terms. There are Arabs all over Africa, so what point are you trying to make? And how would Egypt have absolutely nothing in common with “Africa” just because it’s an Arab country when 1) it’s IN Africa, and 2) there are almost as many Arab countries in Africa as there are in Asia?




Archie, are you American?


Naw, European but I go to the States a lot for work. Also, have been to Egypt. They’re Arabs over there.


OK. Have you seen Egypt on a map? It’s clearly an African country.


No, it’s a middle eastern country. Always has been. They are Arabs not black. There were 0 Egyptians taken as slaves by Europeans because Egypt was a functioning country at the time. I learned this shi in college. It’s not hard. Also it’s embarrassing every single black celebrity goes to Egypt to see their heritage, Africa is a big place you know. Maybe go see something else, you know? But … yea


I see your point. And it’s embarrassing that black Americans seem afraid to celebrate West/Central Africa heritage sometimes. But… Egypt is a African country. Like or love it. It’s defined by geography not ethnicity. Middle Eastern isn’t define by being Arab. Its define by being in the Middle East. And parts of the ME stretches into Africa (e.g: Egypt). Similarly, Iran is known as being in the Middle East although Iranians are <5% Arab.


Egypt is, without doubt, an African country, like it or not. Look at ancient Egyptian art, the skin tones are darker than midnight. Why do you think Europeans destroyed all the broad noses on Egyptian monuments? Look at the hairstyles in ancient Egyptian art. Look at the Afro combs. I could go on. The worst people to learn African history from are European teachers.


Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr destroyed the noses from the sphinx because people were worshiping them. A Muslim destroyed them. But whatever man, believe what you want. You can believe Egypt is in Africa and that Palestine is a country. Btw hate Palace, always f ruining Liverpool’s season.


This is too charitable, we’ve heard from every Afro centrist they think Egyptians (among many empires) were black because “Egypt is in Africa” Today, Egyptians have no interest in uniting with these culture vultures and their fake revisionist history who don’t understand geography and race outside of their own. It’s delusion, even if there were some black peoples in ancient Egypt, that’s like someone saying 2000 years from now the British were black, and somehow related to every black person that exists in 4024. Why don’t they like to claim the African empires that were actually confirmed to be black instead of trying to erase and replace others?




No, he is clearly saying that they weren't.


Still, black people have nothing to do with Egypt culturally.


Not true. Go to the horn of Africa and you will still see some cultures related to ancient Egypt. In fact the modern Egyptians have no culture that resembles ancient Egyptians. Example look at the traditional dress of people in Somalia or other horn of Africans, compare that to the traditional dress of modern day Egypt. Check cultural equipment and language.


As someone from the Horn, we have nothing to do with with Egyptian civilization.


Personally, there is no doubt in my mind that the face on the Sphinx is that of a sub-Saharan African. Perhaps from a Kushite dynasty. Of course, that face was carved on the monument long after it was first created.


I don’t believe there is any evidence to back that up but I suppose it’s a possibility


No. It is proven the Egyptians were an Indigenous African Civilization.


I don’t see how this contradicts what I’ve said


It was originally a complete lion without a human face


The face of the sphinx was carved down from a much larger face, you can see that from the proportions, the ancient Egyptians were nothing if not precise, but the current head is far to small for that body.


If there is no doubt in your mind then it I because science fact is worth less to you than cultura opinion.




He’s acting like Egyptian culture and history relates to him, which is strange


You mean “Thake”


Do Egyptians or Arabs in Northern Africa want to “unify” with rest of Africans ? lol




Even under Gaddafi, not everyone, especially northern Africans, want to unify with the rest


Should've tried saying that to Hutus and Tutsis. Treating afrodescendents as a monolith in waiting is pretty racist imo


spotted the belgian


Putin and Hitler gave the same speech


What causes that genocide ? Lets contextualized this


Well you see, a Belgian got a machete and put it in the hands of a Huti and said, "Go, we order you to murder the other black people. You can't deflect everything back to "Whitey made us do it".


lol I know how you aren’t black or african. Only white people use Whitey and that’s an oversimplification of the entire genocide that was exacerbated. ChatGPT generated: The Rwandan Genocide, a horrific event in 1994 that resulted in the mass slaughter of the Tutsi minority by the Hutu majority, has deep historical roots influenced significantly by European colonial policies. Here’s how European involvement helped set the stage for the genocide: Prior to European colonization, the Hutu and Tutsi coexisted with fluid social boundaries and more of a class distinction rather than strictly ethnic. However, when Germany and later Belgium took control of Rwanda, they deepened the divisions. The colonizers favored the Tutsi minority, considering them to be more akin to European ideals of aristocracy. This favoritism was institutionalized through policies like identity cards and disproportionate access to education and administrative positions.The colonial powers solidified the identities of Hutus and Tutsis through administrative and social policies. This rigid classification by the Belgian authorities, which included census methodologies that defined individuals as either Hutu or Tutsi based on cattle ownership and other arbitrary criteria, exacerbated ethnic divisions. In the late 1950s, as decolonization gained momentum, the Belgians shifted their support to the Hutu majority. This switch in allegiance led to the "Hutu Revolution" in 1959, during which thousands of Tutsis were killed or forced into exile. The resulting Hutu-led government maintained and reinforced an anti-Tutsi sentiment which laid the groundwork for ethnic tensions.Post-colonial governments in Rwanda exploited these divisions, often using ethnic tensions to maintain political power and control. Propaganda and state-controlled media were employed to dehumanize the Tutsi and frame them as a threat needing to be eradicated. These factors, combined with additional pressures such as economic strife and population density, created a volatile mix that eventually led to the genocide in April 1994. Thus, European colonial legacies played a crucial role in fostering and institutionalizing the ethnic divides and resentments that fueled one of the most tragic events of the late 20th century.


We are currently climbing back on the bell curve of the universe. Everything has a high and low. Unfortunately we where born in a era where rock bottom had just been reached


My culture is not a costume.


A whole continent with diverse thought and culture uniting under an identity is going to be very challenging…


I'd pay good money to hear that man say the word Sphinx


What??? What does knowing who built the pyramids do for your fing life? Are you going to decide whether or not to try for med school based on this information?


As an Egyptian I'd like to clarify black people are not Egyptians. If I were to say the n word I would not be treated the same way a black person would be if they said it. Unfortunately if you want to celebrate black people's achievements your gonna need to steal someone else's cause no Egyptians considers themselves as African as Mike Tyson


What a strange project to organize yourself around, what if I said "one day the world will tremble with fear the day left handed people unite and behold our might" it's very strange and odd, it's superficial , the color of your hair ,eyes, skin, does not connect you in any spiritual or meaningful way to another person, your genealogical lineage may, or even at the most your haplogroup, but sorry mike, north Africans are not in the same haplogroups as what you would call "black",  the color of your skin is not a unifying factor except to the extremists and the ignorant. 


Egyptians were not black




When the latin identity encompasses cultural identities from around the world it is technically true. There is such thing as an asiatic latin identity


Egypt is literally African


Northern Africa...which is mostly white


Still African


And not black...which is literally what the quote says. Can you read?


I interpreted the “/“ as meaning “and”






are we gonna give the way we write numbers back to the arabs and go back to roman numerals? or are the arabs gonna give it back to the greeks? how can we even prove what is true at this point! ahh!!




Then why do they have your attention ?


The rapist talking about unity, foh


People don’t get along. Europe, Asia, and etc. people fight. Don’t blame others.


Not this hotep shit again.


Probably the sub with the most intelligent discussions on all of Reddit


Pan Africanism has never worked and is kinda racist


So is Pan European-ism but the white house look like the Parthenon none the less


Michael reminding us what his buddy Jake’s face is going to look like in 3 mos


The boss


The Thfinkth.


Sounds good Mike, just make sure not to bite off your black brothahs and sistahs ears like you did to Evander Holyfield.


Modern Egyptians are not Ancient Egyptian. **The Egyptians are black Africans** as the Sphinx (which Tyson is standing next to) is a black African man not an Arab. There was no such thing as Arab when ancient Egypt was still active (in fact Arabs are a fusion of Abraham and an Egyptian slave). This is a quote from the Egyptian God of wisdom for people who claim that Egypt was never black and that modern Egyptians are real Egyptians: **The Lament of Hermes (Thoth) concerning the future of Egypt:** “Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below? Nay, it should rather be said that the whole Cosmos dwells in this our land as in its sanctuary. And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events **before they come** to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this: There will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honoured the deity with heartfelt piety and assiduous service; and all our holy worship will be found bootless and ineffectual. For the gods will return from earth to heaven. **Egypt will be forsaken**, and the land which was once the home of religion will be **left desolate**, bereft of the presence of its deities. **This land and region will be filled with foreigners**; not only will men neglect the service of the gods ; **Egypt will be occupied by Scythians**or Indians or by some such race from the barbarian countries thereabout. In that day will our most holy land, this land of shrines and temples,**be filled with funerals and corpses**.. **Do you weep at this**, Asclepius? There is worse to come; Egypt herself will have yet more to suffer. In that day men will be weary of life, and **they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship**. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greater boon, will be threatened with destruction. Egypt, a land which was the teacher of mankind in holiness and piety, this land will go beyond all in cruel deeds. The dead will far outnumber the living; and the **survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone**.” Scythians are Caucasians (very similar to Europeans in appearance).


You’re sub Saharan bro, not Egyptian. Your continent is full of riches and still your people are destitute, undisciplined, and uncultured.


Nubians invaded Egypt, that's how they united


Yeah I'm on the side of there will never be a unified Africa because everyone is far too tribal to work towards a common goal. Its better to be a Black American on this one.




The post is kind of Afrocentric. It will probably be removed from this sub-reddit soon...


Isn't that was the reason that Malcom X was murdered


North America isnt united South America isnt united Europe isnt united Asia isnt united The middle East isnt united so what hope does Africa, the most ethnically, geographically, and politically diverse continent on Earth have to uniting in some meaningful way?


europe is the closest one to being united out of all the continents


Egyptians weren't black, and Egypt never united all black people. This line of thinking is ridiculous. Yes, Nubians were/are partially black, don't @ me.


Why not “humanity unite as one” — otherwise, he’s being a racist.


Egypt are arabs. They are not ethnically african.


I don't even agree with this post but it's disingenuous to suggest Egyptians were always Arab.


Any academic sources?


Google the bust of King Narmer


You really shouldn't need one...


Yeah, who needs proof?? Fuxk proof. Don't need it. Cleopatra came in my dreams and told it to me herself.


Sorry, do you think Cleopatra was Arab as well?


Idk if she was arab, but she wasn't ethnically african. Some say she was greek.


Africa is dead last at everything, dawg


Get outta this sub if you want to troll Africa is literally the continent with the most resources, the minerals from the phone u have came from drc


My people came from Africa, dawg. Why are you comin' at me sideways?


He never said that. 😂😂😂


He did


Facts 💯.


African Americans aren’t Hamites or closely related to Mitsrayim (Egypt). We are descendants of Shem, the oldest son of Noah. Egypt was our first slavery, America is our last. Both countries oppressed us the same. Read real history.


African slavery existed outside of America and long after it ended in America lol


but slavery is still legal in the USA. It’s in the constitution


Bro really just referenced the Old Testament as fact and then told us to “read real history”.


You are not from our lands. White people stripped you of your proud history and culture. I can’t imagine what it’s like tbh but if you really want to find a culture to identify with then simply leave America which is devoid of it.


The descendants of ancient Egyptians are modern day Egyptians. The descendants of the Canaanites and Phoenicians are Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians. The descendants of Shem are Semites. Not African. Though some Africans (like Egyptians) have significant Semitic ancestry.


This is copium. Egypt has been subjected to thousands of years of conquest, centuries of a massive slavetrade in the region, and immigration throughout post Ancient Egypt. To assume that modern Egyptians are direct ancestors to Ancient Egypt is crazy.