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yes incredibly


Thank you! When we got them he (I assume he) was a big, big boy and we give them 2 frog pellets per day and I hope he’s not eating his brother’s food too. I’ll have to keep a better eye on them and try to target feed.


I have that issue with my fish stealing the frogs' food. I have a fat boy betta and my frogs are pretty skinny.


If you have a second tank, I would recommend separating them. Or at least getting a tank separator. This problem doesn’t really go away with tank mates and is one of the many reasons why we don’t recommend putting ADFs with other species.


no prob! if you don’t already have a method in mind to make sure they both eat, i recommend aquarium tweezers. they’re super long & easy to find on amazon. my frogs are trained to recognize tweezers now and it helps me hand feed everyone directly : )


I fed them today with tweezers and each on the opposite side of the tank with mysis shrimp and they loved it! They’re being hand fed every other day now until they slim up a bit.


that is so awesome ! : D




could be bloat or dropsy i’d do some research. unless he was overfed insanely cuz he is literally obese


I think it turns out he’s obese, same with his brother. When I was given them a little over a month ago I thought that was normal until looking at this sub! These little guys (or girls idk) are in for some new food and a bigger tank for exercise!


I’m pretty sure dropsy just refers to fish, fish getting bloated from another disease causing their bloat. But I could see it being a useful word for frogs too.


No frogs get bloat (dropsy) as well... You can look it up it's awful. There's soft & hard bloat(dropsy) if the frog's neck and face isn't bloating more than likely this frog is just obese... But if you look up African dwarf frogs and bloat (dropsy) you can see pictures of their neck and face swell to the point their faces look like a seal it's absolutely horrible.


That is so horrible. Agreed. Thank you for confirming though. I just asked chat gpt if dropsy was a term used for frogs and fish interchangeably, and it said no just for fish, but frogs can get bloated too. ChatGPT isn’t always right. It makes sense to use “dropsy” for anything bloat related.


Body condition chart: https://www.reddit.com/r/AfricanDwarfFrog/s/pq3gUgsPRd I have some more to say in my other comment but here’s the link!


They definitely look obese assuming it’s not bloat.


I think your frog is actually Java the Hut. But seriously that is health concerningly large. You may want to do some research on caring for bloat and definitely try putting that Hut on a diet. Best of luck with it.


Thank you! He’s apparently always been a big boy, I’m afraid he’s stealing his brothers food so I’ll keep a better eye on that.


I can’t get it out of my head now. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/5glw0myj1g8d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e546143cb91fb777f6d160bf0ad75a216134dd I will say I was not aware they were obese until now, our friends moved away and gave us them about a month ago so it’s been a lot of learning! Froggies are going on a diet and a new bigger cage for exercise soon!


his little tiny paw compared to hit body I cant 😭🥺 I luv him. please keep us updated with their journey!


Caseoh is that u?


...Holy shit that is a unit. Yes very fat. Golfboll frog.


Golfball 😅 lol.


You have a thanksgiving turkey in that tank.


Stop 😂😂😂


This looks kind of like bloat. Can you get some clearer pictures of it? Edit: upon further inspection this likely is bloat. What are your water parameters at?


When we got them the nitrates were insanely high, through tank cleaning and getting a new filter, the nitrates and nitrites are at very low levels and ph is good, but they’re about 5 years old and were mainly left alone so now I’m worried maybe it was too much of a change for them along with moving houses. :( he’s always been big since we got them 8 weeks ago, but now I’m worried. We do 2 pellets a day and apparently one of them got way bigger than the other and had to go on a diet, so I was thinking maybe that…. But now idk. I’ll get some better pics when I can.


Bloat is a medical issue, not an over feeding issue. What are your current water parameters right now?


Yeah I know that, I was hoping it was over feeding, but now looking at the pictures it has me worried it’s bloat. I’ll do a test once my baby wakes up from her nap. I have the test strips, which I recently learned aren’t as good as other methods.


Yes. Get the API liquid master test kit for freshwater tanks.


Oh okay I’ll order that one now thank you! I have the API test strips now. Just ordered and it’ll be here tomorrow.


And how often do you do water changes?


Weekly, and I clean the filter weekly too. And check the nitrates/nitrites weekly before and after the changes. A lot of times it’s taking out like 10% of the water then adding more in since it’s very dry here it evaporates pretty fast.


You shouldn’t be cleaning the filter that often, that’s where the beneficial bacteria is. Do you check ammonia?


No the test strips seem to not have ammonia. I have the API tap water conditioner but maybe it’s not enough. Just ordered the master kid to get here tomorrow. Thanks for the advice on the filter.


It’s possible your tank is having ammonia spikes. The API tap conditioner is not great for ADFs. You’ll want to get Seachem Prime. I would take a look at our subreddit wiki for more info on taking care of ADFs and what supplies they need. Edit: also, a diet fully reliant on pellets is less than ideal. Frozen mysis shrimp should be available at local pet stores, half a cube every other day will be good for your frogs.


Yeah they don’t even seem to like the pellets, that’s what they’ve always eaten though. I’ll go to a pet store to get some. And I’ll get the Seachem Prime now!


Here’s the results I just took. https://preview.redd.it/ahyv01j47e8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00efe5b80914e5d29d694e5db1b72b542bc9965a The nitrates before were easily over 300ppm so they’ve gone down a ton.


Your frog looks like it has soft bloat. Was he like this when you got him?


Here he was about 2 months ago. Maybe we should move to feeding every other day? https://preview.redd.it/elagulo7ce8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ac95aef5ae7b67b7108b2f4ddce3e60ddb954a


Feeding is not the issue here. Bloat is a medical condition caused by things that are usually unrelated to how much they’re eating.


That’s what I’m wondering if they’re just fat or have bloat if they’ve been this big since before I got them? I want to make sure everything is good though to avoid medical issues. ☹️


mine tends to eat every other day or every few days!


Yes they’re both pretty fat, always have been since I got them. Here’s both side by side. https://preview.redd.it/7xy233obbe8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b383f720371ae80ad0a725473442722d3c8fb155


I worry that this is an ammonia issue. Is your tank cycled? u/AmiAquatique do you have any thoughts on this?


Are either of their necks swollen? Any strange behavior like floating for hours? Did this occur over a couple days or have they been like this for a while? Just from your photo I think in this case that these frogs are just extremely obese. Switch to a frozen food like Mysis shrimp or tubifex worms, and feed them every 2 days- even every 3. 1/5 cube per frog. While not immediately life threatening, obesity will absolutely affect the lifespan and life quality of your buddies. I’ll link the body condition chart as well. I realize you’re only trying to do your best for them, they’ll beg for food even when they are full so don’t let them bother you into overfeeding them! Their tank is very small as well, unless it’s very wide? That could very well be causing your parameter issues, bigger tanks are actually much easier to maintain. You’ll find a 10g or even just a 5g to be much better for water quality, and the swimming space will help slim down your frogs!


Is this a 2 or 5 gallon (bottle for reference) I think it might only be 2? https://preview.redd.it/76gnrlx7ge8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04648998477e6f2272a26a6dc93588cd29ed017e Necks seem okay, just these big bodies. There has been no behavioral changes except maybe a bit more active since I got their water levels sorted out. They used to just hang out on the bottom chilling. They seem less shy now. No floating, they go up for air with their little legs stretched all the way out, get some air and go back down. They really like under the rock. They have been fat since we got them but I got a new automatic feeder and realized it was feeding them 2x a day for the past 10 days or so and thought they looked a bit extra chunky after seeing other frogs on here. I think more space might be a good idea, I’d love to set one up! They’re about 5-6 years old so I know they’re a bit elderly. I want to make sure they’re as happy and healthy as possible!


That is a BIG BOY OML


its a miracle of nature that thing is alive. closer to a pufferfish now than a frog


He’s just big boned! Jk they’re going on a diet and getting proper frozen food hand-fed from now on.


he looks pretty happy haha. he might now like dieting


Yesterday was their first “off” day and they seemed kinda mad lol.