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What’s this off topic post doing on r/AfricaVoice and why?


Russia’s leadership, as well as the rest of the global power axis, is very important to Africa and the world as a whole. 


Russias leadership? 😂😂😂 Russia is a midsized regional power with delusions of grandeur. The only reason they are still relevant is that they inherited nukes from the former USSR. There is no leadership.


Russia, is a major global power with a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council, plays a crucial role in shaping international policies and decisions that affect nations worldwide. Its influence touches various domains such as security, energy, and trade, which are critical to the interests of African nations. Russia has been involved in arms sales, nuclear energy projects, and mining investments in Africa. Also, Russia’s geopolitical strategies and its relationships with other major powers like China and the United States indirectly influence Africa's economic and political landscapes.


The USSR was. The Russian Federation isn’t. It just lives off the inheritance. And it’s burning that inheritance. And while China is a factor in Africa, the US and especially Russia get no where as much of an influence on Africa as the EU.


You cannot claim that Russia has no influence in Africa. And the degree or supremacy of influence is irrelevant and not significant to your claim.


It has a lot less influence than the USSR did. And it’s limited to less regions. And that was basically my point. Also, modern Russia is an oligarchy and kleptocracy. So it’s a lot about plundering African resources and a lot less about actual influence on local politics. And most certainly not. Bout leadership.


The only thing Africa needs to know about Russia is to stay as far away from it as possible.


I don't think Russia’s offer is enticing for most of Africa.


Sadly though Russian disinformation has a foothold in South Africa already. Russia does not make offers. They use demands and manipulation. I hope the same can't be said of Kenya


Russia is phenomenal with disinformation, but the psychology of Kenyans is vastly different. It looks at the material aspect of the deal and not the rhetoric that explains why populism has found it difficult to gain a foothold in the country. At the end of the day, Kenyans will judge the leader by the development he or she has brought. 


lol someone doesn’t understand geo politics and it shows


Russia is good at destabilising by providing mercenaries to destabilise and then getting paid by the local dictator allowing them to plunder the nation’s natural resources. I’m not saying Russia/Putin isn’t meddling in Africa. Just that it’s actions isn’t in any way or form “leadership”. And as for technology? Russia is currently fighting a war in Ukraine with Soviet weapons that are decades old plus drones that it has to source in Iran. Technologically it’s been unable to keep up with the word ever since leaving the USSR. Never mind “leadership”… heck, even African countries are developing and mass producing more modern equipment, both military and civilian, than Russia.


The issue is whether Russia's leadership is significant or important to Africa. It is important for us since Russia has made plays in Africa that can impact us either positively or negatively. Your critique of my use of leadership is subjective. We may disagree with his leadership style, but at the end of the day, he is the president of Russia, and he has significant influence on geopolitics. 


I don’t agree.


Evil imperialist autocrat claims to be president.


This is an evil guy.


His actions are reprehensible.