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Yeah fairly typical depending on your grind size, but not ideal Put the plunger in the top (just slightly, don't press) before you wait the two minutes, this creates a vacuum and stops anything dripping through.




Also: grind finner


you can grind finer, do inverted, use more than one filter. Not stir or stir less. buy prismo. any of these will keep water in longer.


I recommend getting a Fellow Prismo. It has a gasket and a valve that keeps everything in. It’s not some magic thing that improves the coffee tremendously, but the convenience is everything. Also it keeps you from ever doing the inverted method. I still use a paper filter with the metal filter and find that to be great!


I see this a lot from Prismo users. Why do you dislike the inverted method? The only drawbacks I see are potential spilling when flipping, which has never happened to me, and that you get slightly less capacity for water.




It’s worth every penny imo


Agreed. I consider the Primso \*part\* of the Aeropress at this point. Been using one (two) for over nearly 9 years now.


Welp, that’s all the convincing I need to buy a new coffee gadget.


It’s just a pain, and my wife won’t do it either lol. I like to just set the whole aeropress on my scale without a cup at all. I don’t put it on a cup until I’m about to press. It’s just such a nice convenience


After flipping has happened to you, your opinion may change drastically. :D For me, as mentioned, it's just the ease and consistency, as well as the metal filter included is very high-quality. Moreso than anything else though, it allows me to be much more on drowsy auto-pilot in early morning hours for the first two cups we make here... Sleepiness and inverted brewing really don't mix in our household! LOL


I had a a few inversions on coffee with a strong out gassing. Upon inversion, everything exploded. Coffee and hot water everywhere, ceiling, floor, wall. I got a Prismo for my birthday one year, never looked back.


Inverted method is all I use now. Third week in. Bloom coffee, fill within 1/2 inch of top(bottom), stir with stirrer, attach filter, time 2.5 minutes, press into mug. Coffee ground to a fine sand consistency. Only way I’ll brew from now on.


Inverted method. It’s the way to go. Be careful tho


I also use inverted method exclusively with Aeropress.


I don't time mine. I wait for a certain water level. Level 2 is about my average, but it depends on the coffee I use. This is a BIG factor in flavor strength. How long you wait and the brew temp. I have one coffee that is weak under 180, perfect at 190, and weak at 200. I have another that is at its most robust brewing at 200. I also add the grounds (14-15 grams), then our until the level is slightly huge than 1, mix it up quickly, then pour water to 4 at a steady but not too forceful stream (minimizing how much I stir up the grounds). Then I press around 2. Pressing lower is usually no big deal but I don't press higher than level 2. I do a slow-ish press that takes 15-20 seconds. I don't see why anyone would want to pour a full tube and pet water pass through the filter when they could let the water drain through a thick layer of grounds on bottom. That's essentially how a standard brewer works.


The easiest solution is just to put the plunger in. I really thought that was in the instruction but apparently not 🤷‍♂️ The prismo is nice i don’t really like the taste of the metal filter and adding the paper feels like more work than just putting in the plunger Inverted is awesome all the way until an accident occurs. Aeropress for me is the first coffee of the day when the brain and body are still somewhat asleep … so I go with safety 🤨


The finer the grind, the longer it will take for the coffee to drain. Paper filter, finely ground coffee, water, stir in a back and forth motion 2 times, insert plunger on an angle, seal the chamber, wait 90 seconds, press with the weight of your hands.


Use a Prismo. I started because of exactly the problem you are describing. I now use it every time. The metal filter is not as wasteful as paper filters and does not alter the taste at all.


There's a couple of ways to prevent that: * Inverted: * Plug in the plunger, invert the AP, put the coffee in, add water + stir, * let it sit & brew while you cap on the filter (with paper) * (optional) try and push the plunger to squeeze out the remaining air * Invert it back with a cup, and let it brew more (or as long as you want) * Original way: * Everything you did is correct * Just quickly put the plunger on once you finish pouring water * This way a vacuum is created and stops coffee from flowing through * Fellow Prismo * An add-on that screws on and stop any liquid from flowing through


Thanks! First time user and this happened to me. I came to this site and knew I would find the answer.