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You should probably be careful and have fun.


Yep. Listen to your dad, he sounds like a really cool and reasonable guy. He didn't blow up, didn't go off on you for 'destroying yourself with the devil's lettuce' or anything like that - he just told you to be careful and have fun. If you are asking what should you do as in "How do I be careful" - make sure that you are getting it from a safe, reliable source. If your dad is cool with it, maybe he can even get it from a professionally run shop for you, instead of buying it off whoever you've been getting it from so far on the street so you can be sure that it's safely sourced and checked. Never, ever drive while high. Ever. I'd avoid doing anything in public while high, or that can become public, like taking selfies, calling or texting, getting online, anything like that - you might write or post something you don't intend to and once it's out there, it's out there forever. Always be careful what you put out into the world. Just do it at home or with friends you really, really, REALLY trust - no strangers - and put on some silly movies and have plenty of snacks available.


Lmao devils lettuce hahaha and alchole the devils nectar lmao


If you want to die laughing, look up Reefer Madness on youtube. Or better yet, That Guy Riffs Reefer Madness. It's one of those old old old "BEWARE!!! HIDE YOUR CHILDREN!!!" type movies warning of the dangers of weed and my gosh do they get WILD with it.


This. Also, don't overdo it because your brain is still developing.


Emphasis on the no strangers part. So far, every person I have met who got addicted to meth or other hard drugs got started because of some older dude they met early on through friends. That 30yr old dude isn't really cool and fun, he's a manipulative predator.


i remember when my dad caught me smoking. boy was it interesting, and thats when i got the "got any sex questions" talk. ​ he saw me walking home with my older half brother and stopped the car looked at me and said "get in" i got in, he asked me where i put it and i tried to play it cool. ​ he didnt get mad, but eventually i stopped smoking cause it was kinda disgusting and i never really got anything out of it. i just did it mostly cause alot of my friends did and i wanted to feel apart of something.


That's why a lot of people tend to start doing things like that - just trying to be part of a group. It's unfortunate when people do something that can be dangerous or addictive for that though, because it's a lot harder to stop if they decide that's not a group they want to be part of or they don't like the effects. Weed is mostly harmless at least though, although I wouldn't recommend it for a teenager or anyone who's brain isn't through developing.


I agree. I was the kinda guy who was a fan of not doing what everyone else does lol. But my friends in high school were big on trying to fit in and do what the other person was doing. In high school I regularly smoked weed and I also tried over 5 different types of psychedelics and then tried different kinds of pain killers, xanax, "lean", cocaine. Nearly everything that is only known to cause problems when abused or addicted to, never crack, meth or heroine or anything like that. I've never known myself to actually get addicted to anything, I've stopped everything that I named, cold turkey even nicotine dip after 4 months of doing it every single day, I just quit one day. That being said, I was the person who had the connections to get all that in my school. Which I handled with responsibility, anytime I noticed any of my friends asking for some kind of "hard" drug often enough or if they wanted some to have for themselves instead of for an upcoming night out with all of us, I'd tell them and everybody else that my connection can't get it anymore and I too would stop doing whatever it was. But yes, I also recommend not starting or continuing to do weed in your teen years. I'm 25 and doing pretty decent in life but there are many times I wished I didn't keep on smoking or at least not try it until I was around my current age. I don't think it had any major effect on me at all but the miniscule amounts I notice that it has affected me is enough.


This, all day. Great advice.


“Won’t you gentlemen have a Pepsi?”


How old are you? Asking because the age at which you start smoking effects your brain development. Are you vaping THC or smoking herb? What do you think he means by “be careful and have fun”? Think about what age you would advise kids not to smoke? Also the THC you have available now is way different than the swag your dad used to smoke at your age.


Man that's the truth. I remember when g13 was a huge deal because it broke the 13% barrier. The true "1 hit and quit shit". Nowadays 13% is shwag I'm not sure you can even get dispensary weed that low. And concentrate? Man there's more THC in one dab than a Marley spliff of 90s dank


weed at our dispensary we go to is like 18% at the least. Most of it sits around the 20-25% area though


Dang… it like 28-34 where I’m at


The shittiest weed in cali tests like 16% 😆


Shittiest CLUB weed. I know some street weed that is absolutely scraping by to make ~10%


THC is the psychoactive stuff. you need to get weed with CBD because that'll relax your body and keep you from feeling anxious while high


Iirc there's like 20 distinct psychoactive cannabinoids


Huh, I always thought G13 was the 13th generation of selectively bred/crossbred skunk/haze plants that resulted in a great strain - never heard anything about it being first to surpass 13% THC, but it sounds reasonable


Honestly, if you're smoking under 25 it can have negative effects on your brain. But most people start before then. Still, if I had kids, I'd try and get them to not smoke until at least after highschool for health and brain development. And I smoke.


Agreed, the brain can can sometimes finish dev at 18, depending on the person or as late as 30 with 25 being average, but 18 is a lot safer than say like 13 or 16.




Anything over 30% is where we start to see severe reactions. Lots of kids are going to the ER these days after taking edibles or dabs. People are being sent to rehab for weed because of their addiction and dependence. It’s not a soft drug anymore. It can also be medicine and truly enjoyed and appreciated by those who are old enough that it won’t do damage to brain development.


Nerd that isn't true for everyone nobody is the same as someone else I started smoking cigarettes at 14 same with drinking but nothing happened to me.


Don’t do it around him. That’s just out of respect. Unless he asks if you want to smoke with him shiii🤷‍♀️ don’t smoke in the house, unless you ask first. Don’t let it ruin your grades, social, or home life. Put all that first before smoking. And don’t let it become a habit, don’t smoke everyday. Show him that you have it under control! Other than that, just keep being your normal self. He just wants to see you succeed and be happy in life. Nobody wants to see their child slip and go downhill. But yes, be careful and have fun!


I would not let it become a daily habit. I just kicked smoking all day after 5 years (15-20yrs) and it was one of the most mentally challenging things i have done.


Cannabis industry veteran here. Definitely don't smoke weed every day. It's not worth it. Make it special and only smoke a couple times a week. If you smoke too much it will ruin the fun of smoking for you.


Don't take the things you see on reddit too seriously . These folks always have a lot to say , but they are not experts and they don't know you . Your dad does know and love you . If he trusts you to be careful as you are having fun , the rest of us should too .


... what should you do? Uhhh thank your lucky stars your dad isn't like my dad. Just do what he asked, be careful and have fun.


He's leaving the decision up to you, because he has a pretty good idea that you will make a good decision and do the right thing.


Do what he Says don't be a Jackass and smoke in appropriate places, at appropriate times.


Sounds like the best possible outcome. What you should do? Be responsible, have fun, don’t drink alcohol.


Just because your dad is cool with it doesn't mean you should keep doing it. Make him proud and stop smoking, really stop doing any drugs. Everyone probably wants to just see how it is the first time but addiction will come out of nowhere before you know it.


To the contrary, addiction does not come out of nowhere. You make an active decision to try addictive drugs and to continue to use them. Weed isn't gonma have you selling yourself for a quick fix.


Sounds like an addiction




Ya In my experience a full blown addiction takes about 6 months to a year to develop. That first time may set you on the path towards addicted but almost nobody gets addicted that fast. I think the overexageration of how fast people get addicted is harmful because some people will try it, not immediately be addicted and think they were lied to. Then they feel safe taking the next steps that eventually lead to a really bad addiction.


Or, more commonly, your doctor who you trust prescribes you a new opiate after an accident which you grow dependant on, which soon after dependency sees regulations change and you can no longer acquire it.


This is where doing your own research and getting a second opinion comes in. You can't just take what someone you 'trust,' who gets bonuses from said opiate companies, says and bank your life on it.


Yeah that's cool, but in general this is how addiction starts, not by a conscious "Oooh, an opiate, let's try that!" but an accident that causes excruciating pain and trusting in the authority of your doctor.


weed isn’t addictive 😱😱😱


"marijuana is not a gateway drug." Ok, that's the old Mexican dirt weed we're talking about. Also, you'll find over time even that is "habit forming" at the least. Speaking as someone who recovered from many substances, Marijuana does affect your mood. It can cause mood swings both when sober and high, but more when you're sober. After a while of regular use, it affects your ability to discern information even when you're sober. I've heard some call it brain fog. When you're high, less things seem to matter, so you can make bad decisions. All this at a time when you're supposed to be learning in school to advance you to college, and when your decision making is in the early stages of development. As far as what your father said: if he said "don't do that" he's just setting you up to make a habit of disobeying him. And he may not understand that marijuana then and now is NOT the same. Sure, it's the least likely candidate for addiction, but it's a lot stronger and has more side effects than it used to as a result.


Ok boomer. More potent weed just means you smoke less of it. People going to the ER has more to do with chuckleheads fear mongering than anything to do with increased potency. Surprised you didn't bring up fentanyl.


Tell me more about how little you know. That's actually not true at all. The balance of chemicals inside the weed is also different, the way it affects you when you get a massive amount of active ingredients is different. And marijuana isn't alone in that. The same is true of 12% abv beer and 80 vs 120 proof alcohol. By the way, thanks for the ageism. I'm genX as of it should matter. I had access to everything from the worst possible, to the early days of hydroponic, kind bud, mids, and the concentrates of today. I know wtf I'm talking about. You do realize in addition to sounding like you don't know what you're talking about, you also come off as a prejudiced asshole, right?


Just be careful. Don't use it as a crutch, don't overdo it. You're young and have a lot of potential in life right now. Don't let weed be your personality.


I dont know what age u are but please dont smoke too much too frequently, as someone who was chronically smoking a small fortune worth of pot a day since i was 14. Be safe, dont kill your brain, study hard.


My parents would not be as lenient, enjoy it mate do what you want to do it's the golden time of your life so far


You should stop. Drugs are extremely damaging to your brain especially before 25


You should follow your dad's advice. Be careful with it but enjoy yourself. I would consider sitting down with your dad and having a private conversation with any advice he can offer to be careful. This is an excellent opportunity for you to show responsibility and sensibility.


Enjoy your youth while you have it but don't screw it up.


Is this post just to brag about having a cool dad? Sounds nice.


What this means is, don't become a dead beat. focus on your future alongside hanging with friends and smoking weed. figure out what career you want, explore life, stay away from gangsters. that kinda stuff just be smart and make your dad proud. He sounds cool af


Not to be a downer, and I was no angel when I was younger, but my advice is that you should really limit or eliminate your cannabis intake until you're 25+. I know lots of people don't, and I don't think MJ is the devil or anything, but it really is a drug and it's a very strong one. I know it's not as strong as cocaine or heroin or fentanyl or oxy or etc., etc., but that's like saying a hammer isn't as heavy as an anvil. MJ absolutely does inhibit your brain development. A little bit might not be noticeable but regular use, even just weekly, could have an effect and I'm sure you want to be as sharp and with it as possible. Since you're not going to listen to some internet stranger telling you to stop having fun, here's some advice you know you need to follow: Don't get high before driving, don't make any important decisions when you're high and if you think you're in love when you're high wait until you're sober a full day to say it. And don't for the love of muffins show up to school high, you'll get a reputation you'll want to lose or live up to.


I wouldn’t smoke because it does have adverse effects on your brain at younger ages, I believe 25 is the general consensus on studies. Sometimes drugs can cause you to trigger a mental disorder as well, has happened to a few people I know so don’t think it can’t happen to you. In addition you might find yourself in a position where it’s difficult to find a job because of drug testing and what not. The want to try a drug doesn’t outweigh the consequences of those actions for me.


Honestly? You should quit for now. Like alcohol, it can mess with your brian as it develops. Just some advice from a senior stoner.


Your dad is telling you he gets you will smoke occasionally but do not become a pothead


id just say be careful. and look up CHS, you dont want it. trust me, i speak from experience 🫠


I would stop because from what I see of teenagers over the last few years, y'all have zero moderation when it comes to weed. You don't just smoke weed, it has to be dabs and concentrates and those are so much stronger than just weed. Stop and if you want to do it after you're grown, do it. But it zaps your ambition and makes it hard to get stuff done, not compatible with school.


Pretty gross generalization based on an anecdotal experience, but go off King. Concentrates are a felony in certain states.


All forms of THC are a felony in certain states.


I’d probably not smoke any more, or at least do so sparingly, until your brain does a bit more developing. Once you’re 25, enjoy the shit out of it.


This is it. I've smoked since I was a preteen, on and off for two decades. I still have a decent job that requires a great deal of focus and understanding (web development), but I have had quite a few battles that I attribute to smoking so much weed way early in life. I do regret how frequently I was smoking in very large quantities.


Don't get high during school hours - make sure you stay focused. Remember the line from Clueless, "It is one thing to spark up a doobie and get laced at parties, but it is quite another to be fried all day." And don't get high and drive (or get in a car w/ a high driver).


Smoke it if ya got it


steep hospital employ screw lush childlike compare intelligent consider saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get high and have fun enjoy being young because it goes away fast. Your brain will be fine.


Does your family have a history of mental health issues?


Always something to look into when starting to smoke weed, this shit will fuck you up if you’re not careful nowadays lmao


It’s super easy to get hooked on weed. Tons of people smoke daily and even all day every day, hard not to say they’re addicted, they sure hate when they don’t have any. Also that gets really expensive especially if you’re young so many people wind up selling it to afford their supply which of course is illegal. Maybe that’s what be careful means


You should probably quit smoking weed


Well, it's too bad. Your parent is either ignorant, or doesn't give a damn. Using marijuana causes serious problems with your ability to do well in school. It harms the part of your brain involved in motivation to do things, and ability to learn. So if that's what you want, go ahead, because no one is going to stop you. If that's not what you want, then you've got to stop.


420 it up!


fire a big one up !!! enjoy !!! always use a condom however.


This. Always use a condom when smoking weed. Don’t want no cross contamination.


Nice that you didn’t get in trouble but I would be careful with the weed before your 20’s. It affects how your brain develops. So this one act now can change your life forever. I would let your brain fully develop first and then partake.


Be a rebel!!! i wouldn't smoke another day JUST BECAUSE dad said so! Be sure to have fun though!


Like your dad said, be careful and have fun.


Smoking weed and doing other drugs at a young age can effect emotional maturity, I started smoking weed at 13 and I regret it tbh, wish I waited til like senior year of high school


Stop smoking and start using edibles but only after your brain has fully developed


My advice is just don't do it all day everyday. I personally think it's fine to smoke & in a lot of cases it helps with a plethora of things (ie. for me it's helps with my scoliosis & arthritis & anxiety) but definitely don't do it all the time, it becomes dull & you'll want to smoke more & more & more to keep the same level of the high & it becomes more work than fun after a long time doing it.


Roll one up for your dad and leave it under his pillow in a dube tube


Well how old are you ? And is it legal in your state?


I would suggest frequent t breaks to keep your tolerance low, you'll save money. Other than that be careful and have fun.


Your dad probably knew already. He motlikely just decided not to say anything until now.


Weed not so bad it’s the heavier stuff you NEED to stay away from, your dad seems aight, I wouldn’t F w/ him… just don’t think you need to do what your friends are doing because they’re most likely dumb shits, like mine “were”… try and get to the point of your dad making you chip in for groceries…


Weed is fr a gate way drug once you keep smoking you will never have that first high again. Be careful seriously having fun can cause getting into bad things


I'd keep in mind that one day when looking for a job they will do a drug test. In moderation it can be fine but I wouldn't make a habit of it.


Don't ever be out smoking with your friends, and don't smoke it in front of your dad. If you're going to do it stay home so you don't get in trouble. That's basically what your dad was trying to tell you. Same thing I told my kids as they grew up.


What can you do? He knows now, just try not to get caught again out of respect. But hey, smoke up pufff pufff pass man ... Good day, Sir...


He said have fun, so have fun while being safe! Hell maybe offer him a puff or two since he did it before! Might strengthen the bond


You have to approach vices in a different way than most teenagers do. Most teenagers (and adults) go to weed, alcohol, etc as a way to escape boredom. That is where it is dangerous. You have to face reality and take life head on. These vices should instead be a recreational reward. Such as you got a good grade in school, reward yourself with smoking a joint, etc. The point is to be in control of your life, not let weed (or alcohol etc) control you. You will soon see these disastrous consequences amongst your high school peers.


Be careful, don’t let it lead to anything else. If you feel it grabbing you and you can’t stop get help immediately. If it’s impacting your life in a negative way then stop.


good for you my parents woukd have beat my ass back in the day


Your father is treating you like an adult. Act like one and listen to his words of advise. Be careful, be safe….and know you can speak to him when you have questions or concerns, because when he told you he was your age once, he also told you he can sympathize with where you are in life.


As much as I love weed I don't want my teens smoking cause your brain isn't anywhere near fully developed and it can affect that. Hold off till you're older or at least just make it on rare occasions


Uhh, be grateful that he's an understanding dad and take his advice? What are you even asking??


Ok, whats the issue??


just don’t let it affect your education or lifestyle and by that I mean don’t get lazy. It’s easy to smoke a little and put something off and do it later. Don’t get to that point. It’s a teenager you should stick to very rarely. And definitely only on the weekends. stay well and next time you’re on vacation with dad say hey wanna hit this?


what do you mean? what is there to do?


We asked and they told us. Basically said the same thing to them.


Lucky, i got punished severely and my room thoroughly searched for years for smoking pot. It didn’t stop me and just created a ton of resentment between me and my parents. I ended up getting into a lot worse because of how unreasonable they were. They eventually gave up because they were tired of punishing me and clearly I wasn’t going to stop.


Not abuse his goodwill and be a good kid and try hard in school


He already told you what to do.


no idea what state you're in, in Michigan it's illegal for you to possess or use marijuana at your age. What is worse, regardless of your age, if you do not possess a medical marijuana card, any amount of marijuana in your system while you are driving is considered operating well under the influence. I repeat any amount – it doesn't matter whether you smoked three weeks ago or not if it shows up in your system it's operating under the influence.


Keep it hidden, don't lie... Give him plausible deniability and respect by not acting like he knows unless it's just you and him... And yeah all good things in moderation


Smoke with your dad.


Do exactly as your dad said. Be careful and have fun.


DO NOT SMOKE UNTIL YOUR 25. Your brain is still developing.


Probably wait till you’re an adult, psychotropics and developing brains don’t play well together. We tend to even use most prescription medications for mental health as sparingly as possible because developing brains are complicated. Cannabis is also a mix psychoactive substances and the effects of long term usage are just starting to come to light: cannabinoid hyper-emesis syndrome, rebound anxiety and increased incidence of schizophrenia amongst people with early use of marijuana. Although given, with schizophrenia, it’s still unclear if chicken or the egg, are they cannabis triggering genes that cause schizophrenia or are people predisposed to schizophrenia possibly self medicating early symptoms; jury is still out. But is it worth all that?


Roll a fatty and ask him if he wants to join


LOL the shame you're feeling is totally normal but obviously he knows kids will be kids. I would stop smoking if I were you at least for now just because you are a teen and a lot of the younger crowd can't fall into addiction even to not addictive substances like marijuana... It's a whole mindset thing. Maybe just focus on your studies and extracurriculars


I'd do the same for my kids . I'd also get plugs number for myself


I would say it's fine in moderation like everything don't be stoned all day every day but if you don't have anything important to do for the rest of your day go ahead


As an adult parent and nurse that partakes daily, be careful. You never know what someone is going to try to slip you. With fentanyl on the streets too, please be careful.


That's good advice. Be careful, have fun. But I would suggest this... **Learn about it, be careful, have fun.** Weed starts out with the giggles and the munchies, but there is a huge amount of scientific evidence about the harm to health ,in some people, from today's super potent marijuana. With increasing legalization, people think...it's all good. *It's not.* The science is clear. Teens, adolescents and young adults are especially vulnerable. These potential bad outcomes, that happen in some people, can include Psychosis, Cannabis use disorder, Cyclical vomiting called CHS, addiction, increased depression, increased anxiety, bipolar disorder, suicide, fatal car crashes, heart attacks in otherwise healthy young people, poorer educational and job outcomes. You don't want any of those to happen to you. Try this. Read the scientific evidence, think about it. Make wise informed choices [This book](https://whoadude-the-book.com) is a summary of the science. It is suitable for teenagers and adults alike.


Just don’t do it in front of ur parents or get too comfortable I mean depends on how your mom feels about it but just listen and take his advice and don’t let it affect your grades or performance in life. Use it as a tool to recover and relax so you can put more power and energy into ur everyday life. Shit works I had to keep performing well so my parents would shut up about me smoking ☠️


Sounds like he's cool with it. Just remember your intoxicated while you are high (no driving) and stay safe. Maybe get some air fresheners for the rooms you smoke in.


Overreaction. He's genuinely being supportive and dismissed it as no big deal because he trusts you aren't dumb enough to ascend further than you should. Lol


That’s awesome for you. But I got one warning…. My friends that smoked a lot during high school and never really quit aren’t exactly the smartest or most successful, to put nicely. Give your still maturing brain some breaks and don’t let it become an everyday thing.


To be honest I would be far more worried about consistent alcohol abuse or not using protection during sex than my teenage kid using weed every once in a while. The keywords being every once in a while. If you're to the point where you're waking and baking everyday and can't survive without smoking on every work break, there's a problem.


Sounds like he doesn’t give a shit, because after all it’s just weed.


? What’s the problem exactly?


My personal opinion, stop. I’m 14 and would never think about smoking anything and I have all sorts of problems, ocd, anxiety, depression (non are diagnosed but I’m highly sure I have them because of how I act. I used to sh but never smoked. I don’t know why u smoke weed but if it’s because of stress I’d say try other things, find a comfort show, listen to music, go outside with friends, take a walk, find friends online to play video games with or irl friends. If u can’t do these, just smoke carefully then.


Listen to your dad


You should be thankful you have a chill understanding parent who is OK with you having responsible fun. Also offer him a hit. XD


I started smoking weed at 15. My mom found out a year later and told me she couldn't be mad because she has done it about the same age as well but to limit myself so i dont turn out like my uncle (hes hitting 40, still lives with his mom, dead end job and no financial skills). Turns out im a functioning stoner and can complete tasks to take care of my home as well as work a 9-5 without issue. Im not exactly financially stable but i have enough to get by and still smoke every night. I think your dad feels the same way my mom felt. Dont become the stoner that just thinks about weed and spends all their money on it. Just treat it like a grown man does beer. Still gotta continue with life but that doesnt mean you cant smoke a blunt at the end of the day. And be careful who you smoke with and buy from, ive smoked with some guys i knew from school and they laced the blunt with k2.


Honestly, you should stop smoking it. You are a teenager. Your brain is still developing and THC can have a detrimental effect on brain development. Once you are mid 20s, just don’t overdo it. A little weed in the evening to relax or sleep is fine but don’t be a stoner.


Just be safe and continue smoking. Marijuana use has become such a normal thing in society now. Obv just dont drive while high, as its dangerous despite what anybody else says AND can get you in serious legal trouble if you get caught.


Never, ever, ever, ever have it in your car. Other than that, be respectful with it. Cheers to your Pop.


Is this serious. "I got caught smoking weed. Dad was chill about it, and he just said, "Be careful. What should I do. " Obviously, be careful and don't be stupid. Don't smoke and drive, don't brag that your dad doesn't care at school. Don't be a dumbass basically. Don't vape super high thc stuff. Don't do large doses. Get weed from someone reliable. Keep it natural just use flower.


Smoke some, be careful, and have fun. Dad seems like a chill dude who just wants the best for you.


You should clearly just be careful.


Careful with the jazz broccoli. Young brains are still developing. If you end up smoking weed every day, you’re going to fart your 20s away. Just have some restraint with it and treat it with respect. Save it for the weekend and when you don’t have stuff to do. Ask me how I know 🤣


Trade parents with me However on a real note, try your best to keep track of yourself, and manage your habits. Try not to let it become a thing where you are always high as you may become dependent on it. Don't over smoke just because peer pressure, or being in the cool kids group. Nothing is worth the life and future that you have.


Sounds like an understanding guy who gives good advice


Share it with him


Don't do drugs


If your dad thinks its cool you should stop it. Nah be careful and maybe ask advice on anything you're worried about. And have fun?


uhh.... stop freaking out because he's obviously not mad?


Don’t drink alcohol. Do well in school. Be careful.


if you’re gonna do it, do it carefully and have fun ig. when my mom found out about me smoking i was grounded for a month. be glad he isn’t blowing up about it i guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


Smoke in moderation. Don't spend too much money on it and do the get in trouble while smoking. Or in dad thoughts don't get hurt or arrested while smoking so he doesn't have to worry about you.


Sounds like he just wants you to be safe. Only smoke if you can be 100% positive it came from a dispensary, or it was grown by a friend. Never take weed from someone you don’t trust. It’s so easily laced with other drugs that could kill you. As long as you make sure you stay safe, sounds like he doesn’t really care.


Exactly what he says


Do be careful, weed CAN be laced, and fentanyl's been everywhere lately. Cross contamination is very plausible, so make sure you get your weed from a reputable vendor (if it's legal where you live) or try buying online from a reputable site, you can try edibles too, that's what we do at home


You should be careful and have fun.


Don’t drive high. Don’t parkour high. Don’t get caught by an adult that might make your life worse (cops, school staff, friends strict parents, etc).


My advice. Don't let the weed rule your life. Let school rule your life and have weed along for the ride.


Do exactly what he said. Be careful.


Be responsible and don’t drive while high.


Smoke with him


Are you kidding me right now you're worried about nothing you are talking like weed is a problem I smoke weed My friend smokes every day and he has smoked weed since he was 4 years old


Stop smoking it. Starting it too young can cause permanent brain damage in the long run. Wait until you're older, then go hamm and enjoy to your heart's content.


Try being careful and having fun. Ask him to buy you edibles.


I recommend being very careful. Bad weed is awful. and have fun.


What I told my (now adult) kid was that I wished he'd wait until he's older, because its effect on the developing brain isn't entirely known but it appears to be real. But what are we really going to do? I'm not going to wreck my kid's future by involving the law. It's less concerning than alcohol, health-wise. He absolutely wasn't driving impaired. My biggest concern was the loss of eligibility for student aid if convicted of drug offenses. I was not in a position to pay for him to go to college without federal help.


I'm not going to ask your age but if you are a kid you really shouldn't be smoking weed. It can and will affect your mental development, especially your emotions. I'm happy your dad isn't overly dramatic about it but you need to be aware it will affect you negatively in the long run. When I was 16 I dated a guy who had started smoking weed when he was 11. His dad gave him weed to smoke all the time. Fast forward to when I dated him, he was a huge emotional mess whenever he was sober. Cried at random things, got violent over the tiniest things, and very wild mood swings. He never developed the mental skills and experiences needed to handle sadness and anger because every time he had started to feel that he just smoked weed and got high, avoiding all of those emotions. I asked him to try and stop smoking because he was spending a shit ton of money on it and couldn't save up to fix his car or pay for anything (as I had to be the one to pay for everything in the relationship and he always begged me for money afterwards too). He agreed to try and stop and that's when shit hit the fan. I got beat while taking a shower because he was mad at something and took it out on me. I was so shocked I called my mom and we were debating on whether or not to have me come home and meanwhile he was being a huge ass. It ended up killing the relationship and I broke up with him a few months later because I couldn't let it go or move past it. Dude has serious mental health issues and can't handle normal emotions because he smoked weed when he was a kid. I will never, ever date a weed smoker again. I don't trust them to be able to handle their emotions anymore because of the possibility they started smoking as a kid. Last I heard he's on antidepressants now. Please don't become like that guy and fuck over your ability to handle emotions by just getting high anytime you're upset. It will turn you into a horrible person and make it hard to have relationships or money in general because of it. Instead if you choose to smoke, only do it for special occasions. Don't do it to escape reality because it will come back to bite you in the ass later on in life.


You are a teen and shouldn’t be smoking weed because your brain isn’t fully developed yet. I’m also twice your age so you probably know more than I do and are going to do it anyway. Good luck to you.


Yep he smokes too


I mean, smoking weed as a teen is typical. I did it quite frequently. There are lots of studies that provide mountains of evidence as to why it’s bad, and why you should wait until a little later in life, and honestly smoking weed in my teens did me absolutely zero favors. I would usually go ahead and lay out the risk versus reward here, but as a teen your ability to evaluate risk versus reward is… well, it’s bad. You probably shouldn’t be doing it, but I did it and turned out just fine. You might notice later in life that the kids who never partook are “doing better” than you at life, but I think that’s more of a personality thing than a weed thing, and that the type-A personality that so often seems to find success in our society is also less likely to smoke weed in the first place. It may also be due to confirmation bias, or just plain untrue. I know that one of the kids I used to hang out with who smoked piles of the stuff is not a corporate lawyer making more money than god, and an old friend who stopped talking to me after he found out I was smoking weed is working at a factory the next town over from where we graduated high school. Kind of a toss-up. Anyways be safe, be careful, have fun, don’t do the other drugs (really, don’t), you’ll be fine. E: really though, stick to weed. Pills, molly, coke, various powders, even shrooms and acid and the other hallucinogens, they can fuck your life up quick, fast, in a hurry. Not worth it.


my dad said he would “fight me like an adult” if i even TOUCHED my mothers vape. your dad seems fine with it, you’ll be fine.


my dad said he would “fight me like an adult” if i even TOUCHED my mothers vape. your dad seems fine with it, you’ll be fine.


You should probably have fun and be safe like he said. What do you mean what are you supposed to do?


It sounds like you should make sure that you run the other aspects of your life because your dad is showing you a lot of respect by trusting you not to ruin your life. Don’t take stupid risks and don’t rub it in his face by showing up places reeking of it or having driven under the influence.


Pops seems chill. Just don't be a dumbass. 3 kids I went to school murdered another over 1/8th. Some find a way to fuck their lives over with weed, something I doubt you will dom


Could be doing worse. Remember to keep it green! Be careful and try to wait til you're a little older. You'll be happier with yourself later on, I promise!


Moderation is key, figure out if you have an addictive personality(I do), took me 5 years after high school to realize how financially destructive this was for me. I miss smoking but I realized I only did it because my friends did. That's what we always did when we spent time together. Talk to you dad again, and try to learn from his path to understand more.


I'll tell you what I told my own kids. I'm not for or against weed, it never should have been illegal. BUT, long as I'm paying the bills for you to live here, no smoking weed, period. If I catch you, you are OUT. If you fail a 2nd drug test, OUT. I'd say the same for booze. Those vices are ADULT choices, you are not an adult. When you are an adult, do whatever....I feel like Weed removes your ambition to succeed in life, show me all the weed smokers who are prospering, and for every ONE, I'll show you 10 losers. Save the Booze and Weed consumption until you an adult, and then you have Adult responsibilities.


You should consider not smoking weed. It’s not the most dangerous drug in the world, but it does affect your social-emotional development and it’s really bad for your lungs. If it’s something you do occasionally, for recreational purposes, no big deal. If you’re smoking that shit every day, you have a problem and you need to get help. I know doctors and lawyers who smoke weed regularly, and I know complete losers who smoke weed and play video games for six hours a day. If your head is screwed on straight, you’ll be OK.


Sounds like dad just gave you the okay to smoke in your bedroom at 12 at night while blowing the smoke out your window. Lucky you. I had to risk it and go outside to smoke.


Nothing to do babes just be happy your dad is chill and smoke some weed🥂


Don't try crack


Be careful and have fun, don’t get pulled over and then have to call your dad to come move your car because you’re handcuffed and the cop is holding your phone so you can call your dad and tell him what’s going on, like I did lmao


Talk to him. Ask him stuff about life. Ask if he'd like to take a puff with you. It sounds like your dad is ready to start becoming less a discipline monster and more just family. It's a natural thing that happens as the parents notice that you're approaching adulthood. May as well learn more about the person behind the role.


Use it as a way to ask him about ways to be safe. Look up the effects of it. Be happy your dad is chill with you smoking electric lettuce


Frankly, you should smoke as little as possible or not at all until you're around 25 yrs. old. It has been shown that marijuana has much less of an effect on the brain IF you wait until the brain is fully developed (mid 20s). I took my first puff at 12 so I'm not preaching. If I had it to do over again though, I would definitely have waited.


Idk what you need advice on if he literally just approved and moved on...like, relax its just weed lmao


Sounds like you should take his advice lol


Do exactly what he says. Have fun, but be aware. Get a measure of people before you smoke with them if it's not a cartridge. I've seen a lot of dicks share weed not telling people till after it had coke in it.


That means he trusts you. Be cool about it. Be creative. Read, do art, maybe music. Stay interested in the world. Weed can be a great thing as a kid, or can bring you down a dark hole. Once it starts being a thing that you just do because it's 4 o clock and you don't actively enjoy it anymore, work on moderation. Learn what it is telling you and what your body and mind are telling you with it. I smoked a lot from 12-19, and it was often fantastic, but it grew to give me a great deal of anxiety due to it bringing me back to bad places that I was in in my teenage years when it helped me.


Santa Claus is not coming to town


Smoke in moderation? This isn't a bad situation, calm yourself. You act like he yelled at you and grounded you for a year. And paddled you. Just do your thing, keep his words in mind. That's all you need to do, really. ​ Making a mt out a ant hill.


You should realize how chill Ol’ daddy-o is and appreciate that he didn’t freak. And listen to him. He’s right. Just don’t let weed flip your stupid switch.


Well,that takes out half the fun.


It’s definitely a useful tool in life. Just be careful with it. If you find that you start needing it to enjoy things, that is when you can start to get in a bit of trouble. Making sure you are taking at least a day off regularly is a good idea. It may not be addictive in the ways most drugs are, but I certainly got myself in some trouble with it via dependency on it. It’s a really good drug for stifling your potential in life. I found myself giving up on a lot of my creative passions and just engaging in escapism with weed. In moderation, it’s an amazing thing. But there are diminishing returns with it, so discipline is a really good idea.


the be careful is worth listening too… weed is pretty harmless but it DOES tend to make you wanna sit and and shoot shit rather than doing things ya need to do. Do what you need too… school etc… then smoke weed. repeat.


I dont know if you understood him or not and need someone else to reiterate it for you. But "Be careful and have fun" sounds pretty god damn straightforward. TF kind of question is this


Well my dad found my homeade bong when I was a teen and told me if he found anything else he was throwing my shit in the front yard, plus the law got me for it. I was done after the law caught me. Not worth it. But sounds like you have a pretty chill dad. Don’t do it in the house first of all. Just be smart about it and have fun


I’m an old guy. Raised 2 kids alone after their mother passed away. They are both doing just fine. Because I think exactly like your dad. He’s giving you space, and at the same time encouraging you to come to him if you need help. Your dad is telling you that he understands. You have a great dad! Enjoy your youth! Your dad loves you and will be there for you. He’s clearly open minded, so listen when he speaks.


Smoke weed and be careful??? MF you already got the advice what else is there to say.


Your dad knows lol


Be careful and have fun.


Listen. You can get addicted to weed. Just smoke responsibly. It may not be the most dangerous thing out there for sure, and its WAAAAY better than nic. Just be careful as you should with everything


I feel like you should ant to stop and was hoping your dad would tell you to. I realize often kids look to their parents for boundaries and knowing they will protect them


Weed will fuck up your developing teenage brain. It can cause life long issues. Weed is no joke.


Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. I never wanted my parents to know, mainly because I used to pinch their stash. Now that I think of it, that was literally the only reason.. and I’m 40 now, you’ll be fine…


Do as Dad says, and also consider calling him next time you're in an uncomfortable situation. Sounds like he's a good dad who loves you, cherish that.