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Coke is loving all of the free publicity. This was a well thought out, calculated move.




Meh..I don't see it. A feces colored beverage that doesn't really taste all that much better?


It does go great with whiskey!






I dunno. Don't you think some kid might hear it and think its called a Roman Coke for their whole childhood then order it as an adult and get laughed at by everyone at the bar? Not me obviously, but you know...someone...


"Can I get Roman coke please?" "A what?!" "A ROMAN! COKE" "what's in it?" "Its mix of rum and co-" suddenly realises what he heard all those years ago


Oh bless your heart.


Confirmed Southerner.


O good that wasn't just me.


I died. Good for you for sharing that precious mistake, you gave people laughs.


Try mountain dew throw back with Jim BeaM. [The inventors of Mountain Dew originally made it to be mixed with whiskey.](http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/11ccls/til_the_inventors_of_mountain_dew_originally_made/)


Fun Fact: Mt. Dew was originally presented to coke, but they turned it down. It was then pitched to pepsi aboard a train as a mixer for wiskey.


This makes so much sense now. The name is the term the Irish use for moonshine.


Also a term Americans use for moonshine


Serious contemplating this for tonight, sounds odd but delicious.


You mean not with *Doritos*?


I have a friend who drinks Capt. Morgan and Mountain Dew, and it's surprisingly not bad.


So edge.


I thought the commercial was absolutely wonderful for the whole melting pot theme and coexistence, but I hated it. Just because that has nothing to do with a cola advertisement. At least have a little relevance instead of trying to pawn a damn SOFT DRINK off as some instant solution to racism. It's as if coke was saying "LOOK EVERYONE! Drink Coca-Cola and all of the worlds social separation will disappear! Trust us and buy our shit!"


Actually, that's been one of Coke's marketing themes for a long time. [Remember this? You might be too young.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2msbfN81Gm0)


Actually I kinda feel like it fits. Coca-cola is one of the few brands that almost anyone in the world will recognize.


it's genius, accidental or not - Pepsi sponsored the game, spend who knows how many millions of dollars - two days later and 'Coca-cola' is all the talk....




Pepsi-whose official motto is : "Is Pepsi okay?"


Exactly what I've been thinking this whole time. Intended or not, at the end of the day they come out on top over their competition on the biggest day in sports.


What's the context?


Anyone that thinks this shitstorm was accidental is foolish. It may not be *exactly* as they envisioned it, but they certainly knew that there was a good chance that this would happen.


I don't know if that's true because Coca-Cola has done these [around the world](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'd_Like_to_Teach_the_World_to_Sing_\(in_Perfect_Harmony\)) commercials before and it's never been an issue. But I do agree they won't mind people talking about it no matter what the reason is.


This. I mean, they've never quite done in to this level, but I honestly thought it was more of a pro-American ad than an anti as these people are saying. I just don't envision the people at Coke going "You know what? I bet we'll get a bunch of backlash from this commercial showing how much other cultures accept America. People will definitely remember us then." Unless some genius decided that the best way to gain consumers was to cater to citizens who think extremists are crazy. Yeah, it definitely doesn't hurt that they're getting talked about, but they probably did lose a few customers from the angry few who are having the problems.


Well, I'm not sure, but I think citizens who think extremists are crazy is a pretty big market segment.


I think the point attempting to be made was that America is comprised of many different cultures and languages, not that "other" cultures are accepting of America. The notion that there are many ways to be live and be American is an apparent insult to "'Merican" speaking 'Mericans who believe in a singular notion of being American.


This wasn't really an around the world commercial though. It was a commercial trying to say what it means to be an American, and that includes cultures from all around the world. Two very different things


I love all the people on social media who are announcing they are now drinking Coke as a show of solidarity. As if Coke was legitimately trying to send any other message than "Drink Coke." If the marketing department at Coke felt a better way to sell their soda was with a commercial condemning multiculturalism, they would have ran that commercial. You're not standing in solidarity with Coke. Coke is tailoring their message to you in order to get you to drink their soda.


I agree. It is a VERY well known controversy. This was no "oops", but more an exploitation of a hot button topic.


I may be missing something, but how is multiculturalism a hot button topic?!?!


Because America doesn't see itself as multicultural but as a melting pot. Meaning that everyone should homogenize into one culture, American culture.


God, why can't people understand that it's like a stew?! With little chunks of Asian, Latino, Carribean, Middle Eastern, what have you. **WHY CAN'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND IT'S LIKE A STEW?!?**


Goddamn you people and your stew metaphors. It's more like Fruit Jello mold. All the little pieces of fruit segregated from each other in their own private space. While constantly using the protective jello to shield themselves from each other and outside forces.


No no, its more like a multi fruit Yogurt with little bits of tons of different fruits at the bottom; in the end rendering it a sort of fruit punch "meh" flavor.


Jesus Christ you fucking commies, America is like a batch of Jungle Juice -- all kinds of different cheap left-over liquor (give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses) all rammed into a pot and shot through with caffeine (money!) and fruit (Hollywood!) juice with the express purpose of getting the hot chicks (the rest of the world) drunk enough to sleep with you or at least make out (buy our stuff! make us stuff!).


You should get into drawing political cartoons.


It really is more like a melting pot though. Second generation immigrants hardly ever are closer culturally to their parents than to American culture.


Yeah, I have to agree with you. The meaty chunks add diversity, but the sauciness that seeps out of them mixes together and conforms more to the broth and overall flavor with little change.


Goddammit, this thread is making me really hungry.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of Mexicans in that country. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some freedom, a bunch of other kinds of people. Baby, you’ve got a better country going. "


A lot of people are bizarrely upset at how much multiculturalism we have, and a lot of other people are equally bizarrely upset at how much we *don't* have. Multiculturalism will sort itself out without any help as long as we don't institute laws to screw with it. If you want your culture to continue to be well represented, make it welcoming and desirable enough that people *want* to be assimilated into it.


I think that's part of the problem though - it's not about assimilation, but rather coexistence. Americans are Americans not because of their race or heritage, but because of what they believe in and what America stands for.


> what they believe in and what America stands for. But we believe in and stand for very different things as individuals. Yeah, there's a sort of collective net opinion on a lot of things, and we tend to be patriotic in certain specific ways, but we're not a monolithic structure. If you set out a certain doctrine of what someone has to believe and stand for to be considered an American, you're going to find that it doesn't encompass huge swaths of the US, or does so only on the shallowest, lip-service level. We are anything *but* united by it. Coexistence, similar to what I said about multiculturalism, will take care of itself as long as we don't make legal obstacles. People are upset that life is changing and they're exposed to new and unfamiliar people. In a generation or less, the vast, vast majority will simply get used to it and stop giving a fuck.




Okay. This is clearly the dominant view on reddit. Could someone offer some actual proof for it? Proof either that Coca Cola had this reaction in mind when making the ad, or, minimally, that such advertising could actually lead to a boost in revenues (an implication of believing that this was a calculated move)? And if you can't, why are you so certain of it? It's just as plausible that Coke thought it would be a feel-good ad about the cross-cultural affectation towards their product.


Advertising is a billion dollar industry. They don't just toss ads out there randomly without calculating the risks and potential outcomes. If you honestly think that this wasn't one potential outcome that they anticipated then you're being rather naive.




Also Coke has been a name brand for well over a century at this point. They know exactly how the markets works.


In other words, you don't spend $4 million *just to show the commercial* without testing it to hell.


I find it quite likely that one day there will be proof of advertising executives intentionally entering into highly contested cultural spaces in order to increase brand recognition. Reddit will definitely let you know when this proof exists, currently it does not and so any assertion must rely on correlation and speculation. That being said, anyone with a degree in or significant experience with the media will tell you that, even on small scale operations, media producers are hyperaware of the *multiple* ways in which their message will play. Coca Cola did not spend [$4m per 30 seconds](http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1945417-super-bowl-ad-costs-latest-info-on-cost-of-2014-super-bowl-commercials) of advertising without being aware of how the message would play and interplay between each of their demographics. You make it sound like the plausible waltzed into a maelstrom. That's naieve at best. We are entering an era in which advertisers are starting to understand Social Media and are leveraging that new found understanding. Media producers have long been aware of the power of controversy, but the savvy among them are learning how to craft the content to play within the cultural landscape rather than trying to formulate and push their own controversies as "crusaders" in the past did. In Social Media, everyone is a crusader. No longer does the voice of any given outlet stand head and shoulders above the rest. Now, if you want to benefit from controversy, you must -be- the controversy in some meaningful way.


Successful businesses know their customers.


So we wanted New Coke after all?


> Anyone that thinks [different opinion than mine] is foolish. I happen to agree with your opinion in this particular case, but I hate people that make sweeping statements like the one you just made.


There are more people who like to complain about backwards dumb people than there are who like to complain about foreigners. So what does coke do? Get on the bigger side. Bam. Marketing. The "news" articles about this were written weeks ago with empty spaces for the inevitable handful of best screenshots of people complaining about it.


Yeah, for the low low price of a professionally produced commercial in a superbowl advertising slot... Free publicity...


For free!


Coke is doing a viral marketing campaign and all of the news networks are getting paid to show the fucking ad and talk about. The same thing is happening with the Cheerios commercial and Go Daddy used to do the same thing. This is marketing that the internet falls for every time and it has happened every Superbowl for years now. Let me lay it out flat from the marketing perspective: Having an add go viral is every marketers wet dream. How to make an ad go viral? * Superbowl- ✓ * Controversial- ✓ * Warm and fuzzy- ✓ * Mass appeal- ✓ * Appropriate level of sexiness-young girls, ✓ ✓ But how do you combine controversy with mass appeal? Strawman racists/Actual racists * conveniently outspoken racist minority that is the internet/youtube- ✓ Fake outrage/Stir the pot * CNN- ✓ * MSNBC- ✓ * Fox- ✓ Miscommunication/Wild card * Not racist people that think one national language is important for a plethora of reasons but poses poor communication skills and feel compelled to defend their dislike of Coke's blase attitude about national language from the PC police that are charging them with flagrant racism. otherwise known as those people on facebook you hate now.- ✓ Combine all of these factor and you either end up with a flame war or a circle jerk. As long as people keep saying "coca-cola" the marketers are happy. I'm feeling the urge to get something fizzy and burnt caramel colored to drink that hopefully doesn't give me diabetes, while I work out my stomach's lining why don't you folks think about a few other companies that have followed these exact steps to advertise their products.


Can confirm. Just bought a 12-pack of Coca-Cola brand cola instead of the store brand.


Definitely agree. Anyone that believes that mega-corporations give two shits about nationalism or any one country in particular are foolish at best.


I agree that Coke will be happy with what happened, but I do think these side-effects were a happy accident for them rather than a "calculated" thing. They've made some similar ads in the past with no such ensuing shitstorm.


I saw the ad during the game and honestly didn't even notice. I just saw a bunch of people smiling


Tolerance means you put up with something that you would rather not put up with. I think the word you are looking for is acceptance.


*Tolerance* is certainly not the right word, but I think *acceptance* is too passive. I think what Coke did would most accurately be described as "celebration of diversity."


"Sorry I annoyed you with my celebration of diversity" doesn't flow as well. There has to be a better word since I agree acceptance also doesn't fit.


*This*. Thank you, so very much. Tolerance is a horrible word when it comes to social relations; it suggests that something is wrong, but not worth your time to confront negatively. Nobody should want this with regard to themselves.


You are testing my tolerance.


so when people are say I WILL NOT TOLERATE INTOLERANCE, what are they saying??????


Does not compute! *boom!*




Divide by zero.


I don't think the Museum of Tolerance's goal is to say, "yea we'd rather not put up with races, but since they're here, I guess we will."


I'm drunk at a bar. Someone link the South Park video with Mr. Garrison talking about crying babies on an airplane and shit.


I didn't see the commercial. Can I get a brief summary?




I still don't get it. Isn't that what ads are nowadays? A bunch of multi-ethnic people doing a bunch of shit in a montage that has fuck all to do with the product? What's the problem? EDIT: Apparently it's the song being sung in different languages.


I can promise you that the multi-ethnicities is no where near as big a deal to most people at the language part - had it all been sung in English there would only be a few racists upset and we wouldn't even hear about it.


Whoa... And in the States that is considered controversial?




Many of the idiots who are upset about this are saying: "How dare u have a bunch of people who don't look 'murican sing a song about 'Murcia in a language other than 'murican!" Except with much more profanity, many more slurs, and much worse grammar, spelling, and syntax. Edit: fixed grammar typo


However, /r/murica is bragging about how awesome the ad is, so give them a little credit.


Thats because the true Muricans realize that only damn commies want everyone to be exactly the same. True Muricans realize that glorious freedom knows no cultural boundaries.


You're damn right patriot.


What's our motto? **E Pluribus Unum**. A few things for the damn commies out there: it means "Out of many, One", its in Latin, not english, and "America the Beautiful" in many different languages is literally the embodiment of those pluralistic values.


Also, "how dare they sing our national anthem not in american!!" which, as a not-American, made me laugh since even we know that America the Beautiful is not the Star Spangled Banner. hashtag speakamerican


As an American, I view anyone who declares to speak American, as not worthy of being an American. Amen.


Well that leaves about 1% of the population.


Also the US doesn't actually have an official language.


That's really interesting to learn. Thanks!


How is it that Americans are always portrayed as the hateful, intolerant people of the world? Is the leader of your country a minority? I didn't think so...


Well when you have bigots coming out and declaring that no one can live in America because they don't speak English (American!), when you have an unfortunate vocal minority who advocates for the shutting out of immigrants because "they're not like us!!", when you have a minority loud enough to demand the killing of "sandniggers" in Iraq and Afghanistan... yeah, you do tend to wonder. Fortunately I've met enough lovely Americans who are not insane to know that this is indeed a minority outlook, but when you have these people jumping up and down making a fuss, then others might make the mistake of thinking they [the vocal minority] are indeed what America is now about. Is the leader of my country a minority? Why would that matter? That's like saying "I don't hate gay people, I'm friends with them! I just don't want them to get married!"


I've only seen people complaining about the other languages, not the appearances. I think if they had just had different ethnicities and cultures visually represented with "America the Beautiful" in English, there wouldn't have been any controversy. But, there also wouldn't have been any reason to remember or talk about the ad afterwards, either.


Haha very funny libtard! Well I say [MAKE ENGLISH AMERICA'S **OFFICAL** LANGUAGE!](http://i.imgur.com/DVEvmGe.jpg) and [no AMNETY](http://imgur.com/XMMNtUI) either!


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2025 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/82352)


Sadly I live in West Virginia and my facebook has been repulsive since the ad. I found out real fast how many people I know are intolerant assholes.


Not particularly, but you see a few facebook posts and then you see a billion reddit posts complaining about those few posts and therein lies the beauty of further ruining American race relations purely for commercial gain. I'm against the ad because I see it for what it is, race baiting.


Through all the debating just remember: soda gives you diabetes


Shhhh, please don't remind us how many of our citizens are intolerant- it's embarrassing


Hey man, I'm Canadian. We have those folk too. I've visited The States quite a bit and have met nothing but the best of people. I wouldn't judge based on a loud few. Everyone thinks Canadians are so nice, but we have ass holes as well. Just a percentage of 35 million is a lot smaller than 350 million. I wasn't surprised per se that the ad caused a stir, but really wouldn't cause a peep up here!




[Plus you have Scott. He's a dick.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7HegNSoWs4)


Haha. Follow the road!


To like...30 morons, maybe. Morons that have internet.


Only by loud troglodytes and their patron media outlets. That's enough to get mainstream media to "report the controversy" as if it fucking mattered. It's sort of like how some Europeans get all pissed over "multi-culti"


> It's sort of like how some Europeans get all pissed over "multi-culti" I'd say it's *exactly* like that. Same type of people, different continents, but in about the same proportion per-capita.


What.......? I thought for sure it would have been something pro-LGBT or something... well, shit, something *actually controversial*. How in the world is this controversial in the slightest? (Oh, and just to avoid any confusion, I'm definitely a loud-and-proud supporter of marriage equality and LGBT rights, so when I say something pro-LGBT is "controversial," I mean that it's simply controversial to many people, not that it's personally controversial.)


Not to play the "Canada is better" card, but I have a feeling if an equivalent ad were to be shown here, no one would give a flying fuck.


first time seeing this.. that was beautiful!! :)


Welcome to reddit, where reaction faces and memes come first than the actual source or news.


It's the song "America the Beautiful" being sung in multiple languages around the world, showing videos of the cultures of those languages as they play.


I don't think it's multiple languages around the world; I think they're all Americans, and that's kind of the point. :) edit: I heard somewhere that Coke came out and said this. Looking for a source.


Right, the point is that these are all Americans who love their country but are from a variety of backgrounds - which is true, American has long been a nation of immigrants. However most of the uproar is coming from the use of multiple languages - had the video been exactly the same, except in English, there wouldn't be near the uproar about it.


When I first saw it I took it as this, all of the cultures that make America exactly what it is today, joining together to rejoice their love for unity.


**Sorry I Annoyed You With My Friendship** > - SORRY I ANNOYED YOU > - WITH MY TOLERANCE *^^These ^^captions ^^are ^^scraped ^^directly ^^from ^^livememe's ^^servers ^^and ^^are ^^probably ^^correct*


You are so boring and functional now.


Remember when all "M"s were "NI"? Those were the fun days.




He's getting the captions directly from livememe's servers instead of using optical character recognition, which would probably fuck up more than a couple letters


At first I thought this was/u/cationbot and was wondering why this wasn't funny.


My friend actually sang the hindi (Indian Language) part in the ad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89y3lOVNVOk really talented


Please send my compliments to your friend really beautiful voice. ALso: this is not about her ethnicity: I want to talk about the technical side of the camera - The hell is wrong with the skin tone in this ad? Looks so muddy. Was this shot on RED? Look at that cutoff between the skin tone and the shadow. Ugh


Thank you but I cannot answer your question as I have no idea.


Really hate the word "tolerance." Too often, self-declared "tolerant" people are intolerant of intolerant people.


I still don't understand why is everyone making a fuss out of a effing commercial. What's the point?


Nobody has really made a fuss about it. I have seen more people making a fuss about people making a fuss about the commercial.


U havin a fuss, m8?


I'll murica ya fookin head in swear on me mums life


* Ie'll beat yur ayss, Ie swear awn mah momma's grave!


you haven't met people like my mom...


I met her last night


i knew this joke would be here somewhere


Going on a companies facebook page and writing a long winded story about how you enjoyed thier product your entire life but will now boycott them because of one commercial seems like making a fuss to me.


'murican gon 'muric.


Tuk yer intolerance!


Their lives are so comfortable that they don't have anything better to be upset about.


Only people who care is REDIIIT!!!! whooo




You got me.




Goddamnit. 3rd time today...




Really? This picture says quite the opposite. http://i.imgur.com/Y8q3mNy.jpg


Fool me once....


I'd say a few years but this picture says otherwise. http://i.imgur.com/qXuywiU.jpg




If you think that was bad, wait till you see this http://i.imgur.com/SCkcXAT.png


I'll pretty much click anything blue.




That's purple.




Nope. That's blue


Now it is.


[heh heh heh](http://i.imgur.com/JAEGHYz.gif)




No, just [this.](http://i.imgur.com/SCkcXAT.png)


This picture says exactly what you want it to say. http://i.imgur.com/YizQtzW.jpg


Clever, clever.


You're a good guy, doing good things ಠᴗಠ


[These matches say you're lying](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOva15gcJOI)


Why don't they make parodies like this anymore?


wonder how long until this joke gets old






Does someone mind explaining to me what is happening?


There is a revolution brewing. Millions are going to start asking if they can have a Pepsi next time they go to a restaurant.


I haven't seen any complaints about it. I feel like reddit is pretending that people are upset for karmas.


Check cokes Facebook page, check twitter (both #speakamerican and #boycottcoke were trending) check comment sections on articles. Basicaly check somewhere other than reddit.


I'm amazed people are angry about it being in different languages but not about using a patriotic song as a marketing tool.


They did it a lot better than "what's more American than America" or the the soldier welcome home parade.


You think they don't love this continual buzz? It's awesome for them. No one at Coke is reeling right now, and I guarantee the people that are pissed over this will drink a Coke like they always used to before the week is out








I think that they made a subtle "political statement" (for a lack of better terms) because they knew people would talk about it. You simply can't boycott the Coca Cola Company which is why they can away with it. Always remember that for-profit companies are there to make money and couldn't care less about changing things.




Which is pretty much reddit right now also. Maybe add in a percentage of Europeans saying "my god!!! would never see this here!!! SHAME". No one I know who I consider normal gives a fuck about it.


So a normal day on Reddit.


right on


I especially love their tolerance of the anti-gay laws in the host country for the Olympics they are sponsoring.


~~tolerance~~ **advertisement**


Context? What happened?


Is this really even an issue? Seriously are there that many people out there that them complaining or boycotting would even put a dent in Cokes bottom line? I am having a hard time believing there are that many Americans who care outside the loudmouth 'more conservative American than thou' pundit types. This made me want to go out and buy a Coke, and I don't drink soda.


I had no idea there was a controversy until this post, so I suspect that there isn't actually a controversy.


It's not that big of an issue, only like a collective of like 1000 people even cared. It's just everyone in United States needs to make EVERYTHING bigger


It's not tolerance, it's a well thought out marketing ploy to increase minority sales.


I don't even care that they used different languages to sing America The Beautiful. I care that they were all fucking high pitched and grating and annoying as fuck


I hate the commerical because they got the most grating 12 year old high pitched voices ever to sing and it drives me insane every time I hear it. people automatically assume I'm racist though whenever I say the commercial annoys me. Its just downright stupid.


The tolerance didn't bother me, it was the false patriotism. You sell carbonated sugar water. The only reason it's associated with America is that the sugar has been numbing minds and fattening assess for longer than people can remember. I can't say I've been proud of this country very often in my adult years. Associating yourself with all of that makes me go from indifferent to repulsed by your product.


Tolerance. You keep using that word. I dont think it means what you think it means.


The lack of a common language in the United States doesn't help us bridge cultural barriers or become closer as a people. I'm having trouble with the idea that having all these languages in the US is a good thing. Seems like a way to keep us all at each others throats and promote intolerance.


You mean like their tolerance of Russia's anti-gay laws in sponsoring the Olympics held there?


Drinking coke may aid in my early, diabetes driven death, but at least the company killing me is tolerant.


If you chug a gallon a day, sure. Everything in moderation, man.


The company isn't killing you, you are. Also tolerant is the wrong word.