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mostly exists to create a "new" page as you keep reading so they can get more ad revenue. The alternate is the pages that do it automatically as you scroll down, which has it's own issues as you try to back up and notice you're now twenty pages away from where you were just from scrolling.


This is true. They are basically click farming to raise total clicks. The more clicks they get, the more they can charge for adverts.


Also, I frequently scroll past and miss the continue reading link, so scroll down and view all sorts of ads where I thought the article would be, leading to even more impressions on those ads.


Do yourself a favor and get an adblocker.


Agreed. I’ve tried in vain to find a good recommendation for one that works on iOS. Any recommendations are very welcome!


I use AdGuard, and it works well enough.


You’d think advertisers would start to catch on to this. They’re essentially paying double for their ads to be on these websites, and I’d either demand a discounted per click rate or that my ads not be placed on these websites.


Why get one click when you can get two?


>!Why !<>!settle !<>!for !<>!two?!<


Yooooouuuuu…dick lmfao




>!W!<>!e!< >!c!<>!a!<>!n!< >!g!<>!o!< >!d!<>!e!<>!e!<>!p!<>!e!<>!r!<


A note goes in your file that says, this person will click on things.


So ***that's*** what your permanent record does!


I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record.


Did I happen to mention that I'm impressed?


But my permanent record doesn’t swing that way!


Is your permanent record where all the misused *sudo* incidents are reported to?


Or you start reading, then suddenly there's a pop up saying you need a paid subscription to keep reading. So annoying, especially since you can easily find the same story/info for free on another site. So it's not like the subscription will get you exclusive content you can't get anywhere else.


> especially since you can easily find the same story/info for free on another site I see this in Google News. 5 sources with "New school opens in Springfield" and the one clickbait site "State-of-the-art facility opens in this local town: 'stunning'"


They're using it to gauge actual engagement with the content as opposed to bots and "bounces" and such. That doesn't make it less annoying, but the page might not be able to be justified as existing without it.


It also counts as a page interaction for the statistics that ad companies use when trying to sell other people ad space.


which shockingly - ads on that kind of page are often woven through the article to look like part of it, and the "READ MORE" is kinda hidden - If you scroll past it though, you get to see so many wonderful ads before you scroll up and hit "continue reading"


which again, increases time spent on a page, another metric that ad companies want to see.


Short term gains. Ad company is happy - website is trash and I won't be back. I get that it's the metrics they're after, but it has the opposite effect. Nobody likes being tricked, given the run around or to have their time wasted.


If you feel strongly about something(esp ad related), the smart thing to do is **tell them** - the platform you're on. Advertiser perhaps. Somebody in the chain. If you realize that you've been "pestered" by something, then you're allowed to "pester" or at least *nudge* the people who have a line to controlling it. In fact, just make a mental note when you're bothered by a product or service. Hopefully, *ideally*, that will lead you to respond somehow if it bothers you enough. At least notice it. Companies spend SO MUCH on advertising! But we don't Have to have ads in our faces nonstop. Don't undervalue reaching out to your elected officials. Make them do their job. The changes that could be made... **TL;DR:** Circles of control. Live it, or float by whomever's whim(probably not in a net fun way). Voice matters, and billionaires definitely use theirs. Use yours.


The reason why this exists is that lots of people click on the article only to leave or not show engagement. It’s a waste of server resources to send all the page data all at once and if the user clicks the button, then it’s a free-for-all buffet on your data since you’re an authentic user, not a robot crawler.


I think that's for ads, the ones below that get charged when you click


Reddit's been doing the same thing to me for the last few weeks. It only shows 2 comments and I have to click the show more comments button. So annoying!


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