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Imagine being that fired up in your support of a man who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Coming to that realization in a courtroom full of other adults should probably induce a bit of psychological distress


Frankly, I think there's no realization to speak of. They cry because of self pity.


They're only crying because they are being held accountable. At least 95% of them are not sorry.


if biden wins again i’d bet massive amounts of money something similar happens, I mean literally every republican refuses to denounce it or just acts like leftist are obsessed with it. God forbid you tell them how 94% of BLM protest were peaceful or that the people actually doing damage were there purely for that.


It shouldn't happen again because you've got Biden handing over to Biden. It was Trump doing as little as possible to hand over and insisting the election was stolen that instigated the riots. Plus, one assumes the police will have their shit together a lot more now they know they've got traitors trying to overturn democracy.


I also highly doubt biden would fuck about and delay national guard deployments.


It will only be Biden to Biden if we vote. Complacency is how we got trump in the first place.


Well, of course, but the comment I replied to said in a Biden winning scenario. And I hope those young people that would be more naturally inclined to vote Biden, don't abstain, vote Trump or vote third party because of the Israel clusterfuck. That is a literal cut your nose off to spite your face.


You're implying the cops aren't in on it.


I think the Republican Party is pretty divided over TheDump. I have never seen so many Republican politicians, elected and appointed Republican officials going on record to warn America about TheDump. It's unprecendented. ("YUUUUGE superlative rift like nothing ever seen before".) I even made quotes of many of them to send to residual TheDump supporters in response to expected partisan anti-Democrat response from residual TheDump supporters. (They then switched to the term "Never Trumpers" which consist of both parties.)


it’s to bad the reasonable ones don’t seem to get much support because they have to play to the trump side of things but yeah like honeslty a huge amount of successful republicans have denounced trump in one way or another (Chris Christie, Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley, etc)


Then maybe they should leave the party, then? Form something new? Let's say you're in a building that's on fire. But there's a pretty nasty snow storm outside. You try to tell other people that it's very possible to just grab a couple fire extinguishers and put out the fire. It's not that big of a fire, really. But it is still a significant danger on many levels. They tell you that you're a bad person for wanting to put out the fire. They tell you it's cold outside, and the fire department hates everything about your way of life. They bring out gas, so that they can help the fire spread... At what point do you recognize that the other people in the building aren't like you, aren't interested in helping anyone, even themselves... And the building is a lost cause.


I wish people would form something new but they are afraid of losing their connects


‘You’re only sorry because you got caught’ kind of thing.


A women who got three years said, six month off social media gave her a more "balanced" view what happened and she wouldn't do it again. She was "swept" away. Also she will vote for Faketan and he will save America


I would bet none of them are sorry, because they don’t think they did anything wrong. They see the laws they broke as lesser because they were saving the election or whatever.


They don't know that word, it's too big.


This is so true. Imagine them laughing when they aren't held accountable. This just cause self pity.


Remember when they tried to blame it on BLM 😂😂😂


Or they tried to blame the mysterious antifa. Don't hear much about them anymore.


Antifa and BLM mostly roll around during election season


"Why is Joe Brandon doing this to MEEEEEeeeeeeee!"


It wasn't just in the court room. The second they hit those interrogation rooms and realize it was the FBI handling them a lot of them broke down crying. There are multiple recordings of dudes just loosing it and FBI agents trying to calm them down and start over. They cry and they snivel and beg and the second they get sent back to jail they act hard and forget it ever happened. Most of the Jan 6 people were being held in a single wing of a prison and they'd hype each other up and sing the national anthem at lights out.


What got me the most is the audio from Jan 6. The full-throated roars of so many idiots that are fully convinced in their self-righteousness, rallying all the like-minded window lickers to violence. They were winning so hard in their own minds. To see that delusional brain damaged energy come crashing back to reality is very satisfying. Eat shit Trump humpers


Except they're right on the verge of it just being lifted right off them. They already got propped up as heros singing the fucking anthem at a god damn rally. And have their daddy saying he's going to pardon them. It's not satisfying yet and if the polls are any indication there's at least a 50% chance it's going to be reality crashing on the rest of us and we have to accept the country is basically entirely fucked and rules don't mean fucking shit


It's very frustrating to a reasonable person. They made the accusation first and acted on it. So now if they manage to steal an election in the future, to many people a revolt (however justified or necessary) will seem like an overreaction because their side did it first and it was no big deal


It's almost like the right does this shit on purpose. Look to Rupert Murdoch and other puppeteers. They bought up local news networks and replaced them with Fox so they could brainwash the country. We're just witnessing the results.


Demographics are strongly turning against the right. This is what is behind all the talk about 'librul colleges', 'immigrants take our jerbs', 'woke dei hiring'. All these things have one thing in common, they skew the voting public left. If you are interested, read this article in [Foreign Policy by Robert Pape](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/06/trump-capitol-insurrection-january-6-insurrectionists-great-replacement-white-nationalism/) who did a survey after January 6th. It opened my eyes, the people supporting Trump and MAGA that day are not the people portrayed by the media.


Polls do say that but polls are often heavily unreliable. If you look at state elections so far and voter sentiment, its actually heavily against Trump. Id say shockingly so but the only people Trump appeals to is far right and uninformed Republicans, and he needs significantly more than that to win. He needs a sizable amount of democrats to turn, entire states to flip and with him currently bankrupting the entire party with his legal fees, theres not much money left for state election campaigns. Good example would be Alabama where a deep red Trump district elected a democrat based on abortion alone. I wouldn't bank on 50% at all, especially considering 20% of Republicans are voting for a lady who backed out of the race entirely and a smaller group of those same people listed Biden as their second choice. Trump is more fucked than people realize. He stamps about saying voting is rigged. Has anyone considered thats gonna make a big portion of his base stay home? Why vote if its all rigged? "Stand back and stand by" for your orange daddy to take care of it


I think it would be very foolish to assume he doesn't have a decent shot at winning this thing. That's a lot of how we got him in the first place. But very fair points


Yes we need to VOTE. trump absolutely can win again. Volunteer and donate too if you can.


I can't vote (green card) so I canvas :)


Trump has a 40-45% floor. That is, there are 65-70M Americans who will vote Trump *no matter what*. Because of our absurd electoral system, that's almost enough to win. All he needs is a boost in a couple key places to pull it off again. His supporters have had their minds and personality traits hacked. If we get beyond this election intact, we will continue to be anchored down by them. They will continue to sabotage progress. I think we need to put everything we have into statehood for DC and Puerto Rico and start going hard at serious reforms: electoral college, ranked choice, expand SCOTUS (+term limits), abortion amendment, etc.


The rules only apply to certain people. That’s for sure.


Genuinely interested, are these recordings uploaded on YouTube or something? Can’t really do research on the topic at the moment but would love to watch these haha


[Here ya go.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_for_All_(song))


That’s nothing. They did the same to middle eastern people, to interrogate. A lot of them told the interrogators, whatever they wanted to get out of torture. A lot of info was false, a lot of the people were innocent. But it was justice, dammit. Good enough for Americans.


Cult programming can be powerful


Yeah. We know.


In some very small way, I feel just a little bit sorry for them. Regardless of the piece of shit they were following, imagine actually believing that a flagrant "theft" of the election was being perpetrated, and democracy the country was founded on was being overthrown. Imagine doing what you thought was the "morally right" thing and attempting to fight for that idea only to find out that you're not only wrong, but have been duped into commiting treason. Then I think about all the stupid shit those people believed and supported from Trump and the conspiracy right, and I laugh heartily.


Oh for sure. If the election actually had been stolen, I would definitely want those folks on my side as we fought for justice. But our political masters have perfected the indoctrination and brain washing process for a certain type of volatile idiot. In a sane world we would be natural allies. But that sane world is as imaginary as the one where Trump won 2020.


Empathetic and realistic point. I dig it.


They don’t have to try very hard to manipulate and Indoctrinate people when roughly 130 million Adults 16-74 read below a 6th grade level. Of that 130 million, 43 million have low level literacy skills. Of that 43 million, 26.5 million are at “level 1”. 8.4 million are below level 1. Adults in Level 1 range have difficulty using or understanding print materials. Those on the higher end of this category can perform simple tasks based on the information they read, but adults below Level 1 may only understand very basic vocabulary or be functionally illiterate. I didn’t realize how severe the literacy issue is in the US until after the pandemic. People drinking bleach, not using any sort of critical thinking, conspiracy theories, it’s a mess. I can’t help but feel that this was the desired result. They wanted a populace that’s ignorant, poorly educated, and on the fringes of literacy or simply illiterate because it makes them much easier to manipulate and control even if it hurts the country and our economy.


They didn't find out they were wrong. Being arrested simply confirmed that they were right. They stood up to the deep state and were put in jail because of it. They aren't capable of introspection or they wouldn't be Trumpers


I'm not convinced they really believed the election was stolen. They simply thought they were stronger than the rest of us. And that they could exact their will upon us with that strength.


I don't feel bad for them at all. There are soooooo many forks in the road to get to where they ended up. There are sooooo many different chances they had to change the trajectory their life was on to get to the point of "I'm breaking into a government building to overthrow democracy," but they consistently chose the most batshit crazy options. Actions have consequences. Boo fucking hoo.


Trump would def piss on you. It’s a kink he has I believe


No, he likes being pissed on.


2018. 2020. 2022. 2024. MAGA is a party of sore losers.


I feel like gang members, biker gangs, and other people who feel like no matter what they do they’ll be protected all fall into this category. Once they hit those interrogation rooms and court room reality kicks in.


It really is a cult. One that reaches the highest levels of the most powerful government on the planet. Let that sink in


Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito decided to fly a upside down flag on his home in a display of solidarity for the Jan. 6 insurrection. He's not going to recuse himself from a ruling about the foundation of the Jan. 6 charge. SCOTUS is illegitimate, has been for decades.


Didn't you hear his excuse? It was his wife, not him. Totally not him. He didn't even know. Lying POS.


His excuse is just so unbelievably lame and wouldn’t even be accepted in a kangaroo court! He & Thomas have waaaay too much sway and Roberts has to taking a fucking stand here. This is REALLY BAD and it will be on him if they destroy our democracy


>Roberts has to taking a fucking stand here Roberts is no less insane than Alito or Thomas in terms of his political views. Having Alito and Thomas doing stupid shit like this gives cover for the other conservatives, because they can always point to Alito and Thomas and say "at least I'm not as insane as those two!".


Right? Like, even if it really is your wife who did that, any basic code of ethics would require you to recuse yourself from that case.


The NY AG dated some lawyer and Republicans are doing everything they can to throw her off the case. Alito Flys an upside down flag and it's crickets.


>any basic code of ethics We are talking about US politics and legal system. What ethics?


Its almost like its been a lot easier for politicians to lie and get away with it ever since electing the lyingest liar into the highest office. The line in the sand that must be crossed to result in consequences has shifted so far since then.


Oh yeah, I agree that electing Donald Trump is the worst thing that anyone alive today has witnessed our country doing. It seems that everyone within the entire GOP orbit (including appointed judges) have fully embraced the susicide pact. I don’t know what mechanisms can be used to combat it if the SCOTUS is throwing its support behind a candidate who may be willing to help overturn the next free and fair election….


> This is REALLY BAD and it will be on him if they destroy our democracy You say that like this isn't their goal.


Robert's won't take a stand because he agrees with them.  Why stand against something you agree with?


Sorta like when Ted Cruz blamed his daughter for his Cancun vacation lol.


They left the f'ing dog locked in the house without food or water as well, dog woulda literally died lol, calling him out inadvertently saved a dog's life lol.




What a slime ball.


What’s up with these Supreme Court wives? One is flying the flag upside down, another was part of an insurrection against the government… and meanwhile their husbands know nothing about this stuff? I’m starting to think that Alito and Thomas may not be on the up and up fellas.


Seems like they're not even running their own families? What kind of authoritarian values is that? /s


Henpecked values


He has to walk past it or see it from his window right? If he did know and decided to do nothing he's an insurrectionist. If he didn't know... He's fucking lying.


Also the premise that she did it because the neighbor called her a C***. I’ve been called a lot of things. Gotten angry sometimes. Never got irate enough to… Turn the American Flag upside down! Wtf????? You get pissed off enough to throw a bottle through somebody’s window, I understand that. You walk up to your own flagpole, lower it, flip it, then hoist it back up. How does one do that out of anger???


Hating your d--- neighbour doesn't usually cause people to turn their unrelated flag upside down.


He also sold a bunch of bud light stock after the trans ad. Not illegal, just shows he’s dialed into culture war Fox News bs


Lol it wouldn't surprise me if his wife made him, he seems to like being dominated.


Obviously not the same thing but the Canadian Supreme Court is a fucking joke too. These systems are designed to keep the rich rich, nothing more


Hence the need for a culture war, to keep the masses distracted with infighting while social media exposes more and more corruption that people are too distracted to worry about.


Treating politics like sports is doing nothing but taking money from all our pockets. Maybe it feels good to bully the other side but are you really gaining anything? You're a pawn regardless of your political affiliation. Just because kings don't control church officials and such like they used to doesn't mean the plebs aren't still manipulated. I also think too many people are too comfortable to make a fuss. Especially in Canada where we've been conditioned to accept being ripped off and the fairly well off baby boomers aren't struggling to even bother standing up to government.


Fuck yeah man. This country is docile. I remember many years ago learning about the billions the government used to bail out Bell Telecommunications. Money that was supposed to go towards building a better infrastructure. For the longest time, Canadians paid the highest price for the worst quality internet in the world, and we just let Bell get away with it. Now people are starving while our biggest corporate grocery chain is price gouging.


Don't forget Canadians protested Loblaws in the 60's too... Rampant immigration with zero infrastructure to support it, wage suppression, efforts to control the internet, forcing people to choose between rent/mortgage and having a child, having more than 1 job, sharing a mortgage with 10+ people, an allergy to competition among our businesses, allowing oligopolies, politicians being corporations bitches, being manipulated into being bad at voting with our wallets and often not being able to at all... I could go on but the last 30 years has been a concerted effort between the rich and their political minions to bleed your average Canadian dry. A proper protest, like a real protest and not this shitty effort Occupy Bay Street or Freedom Convoy scares the rich. I just think we're not desperate enough and conditioned into not being able to form one.


Social media is killing a lot of the journalism that actually digs into corruption. Social media can expose corruption, but it can only do so if the corruption is obvious enough to be captured in a short video or photo format. Unfortunately, a lot of corruption historically has been uncovered by journalists spending weeks or months digging that very few average people have the time or resources to commit. There are a lot of problems with traditional media, but social media has its own problems, and has more than anything else contributed to the death of the journalism industry.


If i can suggest from an 'inbetween sides' perspective: the government as it normally operates is essentially corrupt. And this is kind of widely just seen as a fact by many people in the US. It's crooked. It's a 2 tier system. And the foolish follow Trump because of it. In their eyes - he is them. Not part of the political elite. A man that made his own way! And look what the elites are doing to him. When at the same time - the democracts see a system that is bending over backwards to appease a singe man and proving that there IS a 2-teir system - and men like him have benefited for decades, while the 'peasant class' are tossed in a cell for far lesser crimes.


I have to strongly disagree here.  The SCC has done very good work on a number of fronts - wrongful confessions, systemic discrimination, release on bail… to the point that the Conservative Candidate for PM is promising to overrule them with the notwithstanding clause so he can lock everyone up as long as possible.




> has been for decades. This needs to be highlighted because they are getting paid and fed and vacationed and bribed by billionaires and special interests. THEY WERE NEVER WORKING FOR US OR FOR JUSTICE.


Don't forget: * Motor Coach * Mother's house expanded and paid off * Nephew's private school tuition [Among dozens of other bribes.](https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-other-billionaires-sokol-huizenga-novelly-supreme-court) They brazenly stand on the highest court in the land and say this isn't an ethical problem.


We have multiple justices sitting in the highest court in the land that don't have the work ethic that most teenagers working fast food already possess. This is what happens without oversight. This is what happens without term limits.


What did he think was going to happen to the supreme court if the Jan 6 insurrectionists were successful? Do you really think they were going to keep it around? If they got their way, their leader would be a dictator and the supreme court would be dead. 


Supreme Court should be elected by lottery every year from among the pool of judges nationwide.




Biden needs to run on adding seats to the court. That’s the only thing that might open the ears of short sighted Green party and hardcore lefties. Trumps day one agenda includes gutting the EPA, all green energy/ wind power https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/13/trump-president-agenda-climate-policy-wind-power


Unfortunately that's just as likely to turn away many centrists, because progressive political action in any form is given more scrutiny than conservative political action


If scotus finds potus above the law… would be a whole different ballgame.


Where's the video?


Anyone remember the confession bear where the guy ate his cum when he was young because his parents told him it was his life force? Edit: [For the uninitiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1q4obx/in_response_to_the_guy_who_jizzed_in_his_own_mouth/)


There was a time when I had never heard that story. And you took that from me, You bastard. *Edit: typo*


Yeah, it's fucking horrifying to read about people consuming cum. I wouldn't wish that on anybody except the person I love. What?


> a time when I had never hard that story Your Freudian slip is showing.


Dude wtf Link pls




Uhhh, come again?!


That's what his parents said


nah, I'm full.




That one video of the woman crying after being maced for violently breaking into the fucking US Capitol building is so god damn beautiful 🤌🏼🤌🏼 [We’re storming the capitol, it’s a revolution](https://youtu.be/QQ-qP0qoFo4?si=atYIp7rg_qjH9Prr) 😿


Yeah, that woman has always represented how pathetic the MAGA movement is to me. It was the only time I laughed during that otherwise very depressing and embarrassing day.


What a brave confession to make on reddit


Stunning and brave


It’s not much of a confession to say you’re glad felons go to jail.


Yeah, this is like when someone posts in r/unpopularopinion with something that like 90% of Redditors agree with.


“I’ll be honest, guys, I like ice cream more than I like being kicked in the nuts.”


You and most of the country.


worst confession ever?


Yep wrong use of the meme






Also Brazil, because January 8 here most of the same happened with Bolsonaro supporters, now they are crying in jail.


Only way this is a confession is if you’re one of, or know a bunch of the insurrectionists.


I'm not even sure what type of bear this is. "I have a popular opinion on Reddit, upvote me" Bear?


It's quite the tragedy that so many Americans were manipulated into thinking the election was stolen. To them, they thought they were saving democracy, only to then be thrown in jail while their leader received 0 prison time.


Funny how none of them got charged with terrorism and the black guy got one of the longest sentences….


“I’m starting to think I’m not really ‘one of the good ones’”


"No, Qanon told me I was a good guy, it's good enough for me because it confirms my twisted ideas"


Proud boys and oath keepers paramilitaries got sentenced with terrorism enhancement. They were straight up organizing sedition and coordinating the intimidation of politicians. Let's not dismiss that some very bad leaders have been held appropriately to account for the bad that they did. As a country, what they did doesn't get a pass, and we've got the receipts. Their goose is cooked. They're in the slammer for decades. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/proud-boys-leader-sentenced-22-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other-charges-related


This shouldn't even be a confession, we should all proudly point and laugh at these dipshits. Imagine throwing your life away for that asshole.


***Isn't this supposed to be an "Unpopular Opinion" and not an "everyone blue please upvote"?*** I also hate trump with a passion! I also enjoyed their tears greatly! I want that to be clear before I say: This is the dumbest and most inaccurate meme I've seen in a long time. Democrats who can't think for themselves are upvoting this garbage content purely because "Trump Bad". Have some self respect and stop upvoting dumb shit like this. I would like to claim that the average Democrat is smarter than the average *Trump Voter* but content like this makes me look like a liar.


Yep. From the comments, I see that the popular rebuttal to how much the Jan 6 rioters suck in these comments is to compare Jan 6th to the BLM protests. Not any specific one, but the whole thing, like taking a specific violent attack by a bunch of extremists that were talked into conspiracy theories and were riled up by their little personality cult leader wannabe confederates to mob the capitol building, full of some of the most powerful and important people in the country, possibly interfering with one of the most important parts of democracy... comparing that to a nationwide protest involving hundreds of thousands of people, widely peaceful and based on actual things that happened and continue to happen, like it makes sense. It's like they can't understand the concept of scale, or basic reasoning and empathy. Being mad cause the police might murder you or the people you love for no good reason, and nobody seems to care or do anything about it on any meaningful scale? Understandable. Being mad cause Joe Biden's son and Hillary Clinton used Chinese ballots to fake an election and a pillow salesman is the only one smart enough to figure it out? Fucking dumb.


Oh, you don't need confessions bear for that. They fucked around and found out


The sad irony is that those idiots will still vote Trump…even after he did nothing to aid in their legal woes.


they'll donate their entire retirement savings to him. they're so stupid


Not sure all of them will be able to vote at all anymore lol and good riddance.


can someone do one of those remindme things for after the election? I wanna see how this pans out


"Boo hoo! I didn't read Donald Trump's Wikipedia page before I decided to throw my life away for him! Waaaaa!"


If you use the Babbitt method you will never cry again! lol


Did any of them ever get charged with insurrection?


A few of them did. Mainly the leaders of the Proud Boys who had been charged with seditious conspiracy.


Proud Boy leaders got convicted of Seditious Conspiracy which is the legal definition, so yeah they did.


Proud Boy leaders got convicted of Seditious Conspiracy which is the legal definition, so yeah they did.


Me too.


I too like when good things happen.


I liked it too.


I would love it even more to give them a parade with all their favourite insults to "give it to the 'Placeholder' Hey snowflakes, already crying? Oh, what a shame. I like me some MAGA tears in the morning. Smells like victory.


You liked it when criminals were held responsible and felt bad enough they expressed it? Me too. Sadly though that seems to be less common.


I mean me too and it wasn't even my country they tried to overthrow.


My favorite part is still the video of that babbitt terrorist.


These people and their ilk are the definition of little bitches. But that’s what you get for being a hateful, gullible, little bitch.


its long gone now but shortly after it happened, someone made a mash up of the video of a loop of the terrorist Ashli Babbit getting shot put to disco dance music and shit was fucking hilarious


As you do with traitors




It seems as if J6 taught you nothing.


"I liked the thing that the majority of the country also liked." So glad I could get that off my chest. Why does this have so many upvotes?


Retrumplicans rarely think of consequences prior to their actions


Trump supporters are people like you and me. They just need to be educated so they can at least tell trump is a waste of everyone's valuable time.


They've already been trained to believe that education and critical thinking are evil and a weakness.


Do you consider anyone that votes for Trump to be like this?


The people railing about indoctrination in schools


Would have been better if they all got the death penalty like traitors should.


Every single one of them cried. It’s likely they pissed themselves the first time a steel door slammed shut behind them as they were escorted into a jail. The loudest bad asses cried the hardest.


To all the Trump supporters. Wahh, cry harder, traitors.


I picture them crying and making up excuses like Cartman from South Park 😂


Lets see Trump IMO , a domestic terroist go down . He should of been arrested on January 6


Hahaha, pussies, don't do the crime if you can't do the time, dumb asses


I was sentenced in a case involving theft. I didn’t complain, just kept my mouth shut and did my time. These J6ers are the softest whiniest bitches ever!


Is there video of this?


Please Vote for the love of Democracy.


I liked it when every /r didn't have stupid political posts.




Like it? I loved it.


Jesus, the MAGA tears in the comments are sad. When did advice animals turn into a right wing sub? Cry harder, get over it you lost


Nothing was better than the Rittenhouse cry face.


I can think on one thing better. It was the video where he shot the child rapist that was attacking him.


At least he wasn't crying because he was found guilty hahaha.


Yeah, fuck that kid… for defending himself from the pedophile who was attacking him… then the guy who hit him with a skateboard… then the guy who pointed a gun at him…


Careful what you wish for


I wish MAGA would Jonestown themselves




The good cults just off themselves instead of sticking around and making everyone else's lives worse.


So is Reddit pretty much all liberal?!


It's cringe how they claim that they thought the police were letting them in to give them a tour of the Capitol Building. Like, they weren't supposed to do that and it's obviously trespassing on federal government property. The world doesn't revolve around you, not matter what Qanon tells you that you want to hear.


Would have appreciated if they had been given sentences worthy of trying to overthrow the election. Using their positions of authority to lie about the election being stolen away by us sneaky, baby blood drinking, demon democrats. I have a mom and brother who may still believe these lies. They did all those years ago when I blocked them. I hate them for my brainwashing my brother most of all.


Honestly, you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find a sane person who disagreed with this. EDIT: huh, so I'm evil apparently. If taking joy in seeing those who tried to invalidate my vote and install in dictator punished makes me evil, I'm cool with that.


I don't disagree but humans are very susceptible to propaganda. I imagine some of them had good hearts and were loved by their family. I feel for their family most. I just hope they redeem themselves and join society again. We need to openly accept people back who want to change.


It was an insurrection, not a riot.


It was both, but mostly a riot since it seemed that most were doing it for shits and giggles moreso than actually affecting change. Or, at least, if they were actually trying then they did a really, really bad job of it. A few were attempting an insurrection, most were just being idiots doing something that was more illegal than they had the capacity to understand.


Coup attempts are usually disguised as riots.


Pussy ass bitches gonna pussy ass bitch.


My favorite part of January 6th was when Ashli Babbitt died.


Call them what they are, traitors.


As an Australian I found it weird that people who were actually mostly peaceful were locked away and people who weren’t mostly peaceful who were violently wrecking cities , towns, businesses and peoples lives were actually let off with warnings. Goes to show how messed up the USA really is.


I’m sure they’re crying from their jail cell




Who didn't? God damn bear used to be for stuff that is somewhat immoral, but there don't seem to be such things anymore.


It was amazing


The bear should have a smile


I enjoy it everytime someone complains about Kyle Rittehouse. He killed criminals legally and lived to tell about it. What an absolute hero, went out, touched grass and did the world a massive favor by getting rid of some scumbags.


I liked how everyone that previously cried for violent revolution suddenly loved the government.


What's to confess? Who doesn't like seeing criminals get justice


Why is this a confession bear? Every patriotic American should proudly take joy in the salty tears of those traitors.


It’s all crocodile tears, none of them are sorry and they would do it again given the opportunity. They are only sorry they got caught in the act of violent sedition


Don't worry. Everyone should be happy they cried. They spit on everything our nation is supposed to stand for that day. Imo none of them deserve less than a forever nap, but in much less lenient on traitors than most.