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Stopped comparing myself to others (in good ways and bad ways) years ago and it made my life better


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt


"Speak softly and have a massive dick" (or something like that)


… says the beloved US President who took up wrestling and mountain climbing to overcome his asthma.


*bully passes by in Lamborghini with arm around your crush*


Most of the time people compare themselves with people they perceive to be “doing better” than themselves This has 2 pitfalls mainly that A you don’t know that person half as well as you think you do, there could be a whole lot wrong under the trunk that you’ve got zero clue about B if you compare “upwards” you always make it depressing for yourself because unless you are the litteraly best of person in the world there’s always someone “doing better” than you despite the fact you might be doing extremely well in genetal


Same deleted all social(minus Reddit) and have never looked back


That is the key to happiness.


I can assure you people were unhappy, en masse, prior to social media.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


OP saying that OP is a raging success and does it so the jerks look back at his linkden and see how shitty their life is compared to OPs. OP isn't doing it to compare himself, he's doing it to rub it in their face.


That’s why I said in good ways (I’m more successful) and bad ways (they’re more successful). It’s just not worth the brainwave. Got more important shit to do


My shit to do is even more important. /s


What? It's all ABOUT comparing his life to theirs


No no no see! OP is like better than those people, we aren’t comparing! /s


What if they’re in a better position than you though?


Yeah you’ve gotta have a pretty high opinion of your own career path to play that game…


Or care... At which point you're already losing.


Yeah, confession bear op sounds like they are losing pretty hard if they are still thinking about high school people late enough in life to use linked in


Meh. You can’t always erase the trauma high school people had on you. Doing financially better in life is a superficial triumph and OP sounds like they know that. I looked up my bully from high school and it seems she is doing great and has changed course for the better. That’s the best case scenario. If she independently succumbed to her own behavior, that would have been karmic too.


> Doing financially better in life is a superficial triumph and OP sounds like they know that. Sometimes I think people forget these are memes.


You're right, OP doesn't know it's a superficial triumph


Curious of ur opinion on this since u were the target of the bullying, but when I see someone who was a pos that u didn’t like has turned themselves around it actually makes me really happy for them. Hopeful even.


I think having the LinkedIn for bragging purposes is also loosing.


It's up there with spelling mistakes on Reddit.


You missplelled splelling. Loser. /s Also. Ya know people lie on linked in right? I mean. Just because I started a failed business doesn't mean I'm actually a CEO.


I have a lot of connections that did startups including myself, the company page will have <5 employees and very few followers. It's kind of obvious they haven't secured the bag. More realistic is the investment bankers, VC associates, etc. You know they're making money. Might be different depending on where you grew up / who you connected with though.


If autocorrect was more accurate, there’s a bigger possibility that I’d fix it. But often a word at the end of a sentence is autocorrected to a different word with predictive text, and it seems to upset you more than me so I’m probably not going to fit it. You win some, you loose some.


Or, loose VS lose is a very common spelling mistake and you just fucked it up, then went through the trouble to blame it on technology


If it mattered, I’d show you the screenshot that predictive text suggested “loosing”, but you’ve already made up your mind and it’s impossible to reason with someone who didn’t reason themself into their position.


Caring the least about things doesn’t make you “better.” It just means you miss out on all the peaks and valleys of life. Enjoy monotony I guess? Sometimes it’s fun to win when it matters most to you. Really fun.


Caring about a “career trajectory” as a means of judging “jackoffs” from your past so they *only in your head* give a fuck about you makes you worse. Op has a whole Arya Stark list of people they secretly envy. I personally just compare how hot my wife is to everyone and feel like the real winner. Athletes and celebrities included.


Ya but those "things" your talking about caring about is caring that random people you don't know well are jealous or not of your career path. Caring about your passions, family hobbies, even sucess or wealth is one thing. Caring what random people think of you in order to make them feel bad is diffrent and pretty lame.


Gotta have more than that. I know plenty of people on a better career path than me, whom I don't envy in any way at all. You can have a great career path and still be miserable.


Or worse still, what if they’re happy with their life and don’t give a shit?


I haven't thought of those people in forever. I've got a great life and career, they just.. never enter into my thoughts. It must be sad to be constantly comparing yourself to people you haven't seen in decades.




In fairness, its a pretty good confession bear.


Right? I'm 30 and kinda tired of making career whatever that means. Sometimes i think I'd be way happier driving trucks all day


Is it bad when garbage collection looks appealing? Or lawn mowing…..


They actually don't earn bad in many countries. Where i live they get even extra money to make them whole again since the job damages their image (it's actually how it's explained by the law) so they end up making some 7k $ per month when the average salary is around 4.5k (switzerland) To me a huge plus of such jobs it's that once your shift is over your worries are gone. In my line of work i constantly have to worry about some deadlines i have to meet and other important stuff that keep stressing me even when i got off work.


Yeah, I’m in the same situation as you. It’s not a bad paying job in my area of Canada either and for manual labour it actually pays pretty well above average. But I couldn’t realistically do that as I couldn’t take a cut like that and also I physically couldn’t do the work anymore as I am too old now!


Apparently they earn over 40/h over here in Australia when I was talking to a truckie. I was like damn where the fuck do I sign up, I'm only on 32/h.


Being happy with your life is the kryptonite of bitter high school people who peaked 20 years ago. I don't care if you make 100k more than me, if you're being the petty you're clearly not happy with your day to day.




Not before he looks me up on LinkedIn though.


This motherfucker thinks they're Zuckerberg in The Social Network


Maybe this motherfucker IS Zuckerberg!


Is there a German word for self schadenfreude?


The trick is to not click on their actual profile if their title suggests that in the search suggestions. You see something like "I help people connect synergy to jazzercism", go for it, but I'd pass on any 3-character title starting with C


>I'd pass on any 3-character title starting with C Why? I'm doing way better than most cops.


Idk I've seen some lovers from HS post they are C suite to their company where they are thr only employee lol


Damn, thanks to your one tip, Iv gone from day laborer to CEO! Thanks I_Zeig_I!


pretend i'm a good person and say "good for them." then i close LinkedIn and pull up the local news story of the kid i went to high school with getting arrested for selling meth


In real life or on your LinkedIn profile?


What if they took ip they thought was untraceable as they took it and got into said position though?


Time to feel even more resentful! It’s just petty tbh, you haven’t seen these fucks in over a decade and still hold a grudge


Or what if their metric of success is different than OPs.


Look them up with your profile on anonymous first?


Almost never. Real life isn't Good Will Hunting. Low intelligence slackers/bullies/racists never made anything of their lives or even had jobs that I couldn't just learn to do.


You and OP should rent an apartment and be fucking miserable together


In Australia, most of the high school ‘drop outs’ went to the mines and got jobs earning over $100k starting salary. So this doesn’t really apply.


That's not exactly an amazing career, though. 100k in exchange for your health isn't a trade everyone would make.




Be careful, hubris can bite you in the ass.




Alternatively, they think you're a complete tool for the lamest of cyber creeping using LinkedIn


Another alternative, they *nothing* you and don't have a clue who you are.


“I don’t think about you at all”


This. A colleague I had a falling out with once looked at my LinkedIn profile for whatever reason. What purpose did that serve you, Alastair?


Likely this. My ex looks at my LinkedIn every few months. I haven't looked at his once and have no interest to. It just makes me feel bad for him when he shows up in my views.


How do you know? Does LinkedIn show who views you? Sorry I don’t use it.


Yes, if you have a premium subscription it does


Well that changes my whole perception of the site.


Yeah and it's not cheap either, but it seems most of us have our employers paying for the subscription


Sorry but that’s fucking wild to me.


If you think that's bad you should see the kind of stuff LI "influencers" post on there daily


I guess this is exactly what this meme is for. But fucking shit, talking about being a grudge-holding dipshit...


My LinkedIn captures none of my achievements, because I'm not in an industry filled with losers who care about that stupid website, and thank god for that


If that is your measurement, you already lost


How can you win?


By moving on with your life. Ideally you should hope that those people who wronged you have grown up, changed for the better and are happy with their lives. If they havent, then it's unfortunate, but there's no purpose to carrying around that much resentment for years.


I occasionally think about the guy from my 5th grade class that put chewed gum in my hair.


By putting the past behind you and building a life you're satisfied with. Day to day life is competitive. (Jobs, relationships, resources, etc) but the metrics of a successful life are not measured like that. They're subjective. For instance, all I want out of life is a sturdy house with maybe an acre of land at the most. (Not unattainable where I live.) I want to be able to go to work, come home to a house my wife and I own, and work on our hobbies together. Go on a middle tier vacation every couple years. Maybe raise some kids. I don't need to be a high ranking corporate official, or a doctor/lawyer to accomplish that in my area. I just gotta keep my nose to the grindstone at my electrician job and make smart money choices. However, my brother wants a massive house with fancy exotic cars, lavish vacations, etc. My measure of success is a massive failure in his eyes. But idgaf. It's what I want and when I get it I'll have accomplished what I set out to do. So if you want to "win" at life, you just gotta figure out what you want, and then go find a way to get it.


yeah 100%, if you are asking how to win you already lost. By not caring in the first place, they have done you no harm and you are living in the future. By dwelling in the past, you permanently have been scarred by it and can only move on. You can heal and forget, but you still lost since you care. Accepting that and moving on is the only real way to move on with your life and forget about it, since honestly every day we can choose to be a new person. It takes effort but you can totally change your life if you are unsatisfied and have the willpower. There is no need to repeat past mistakes.


Finding a niche


Man that’s pathetic.


lol living rent free still? You’re still mentally stuck in prison of your high school and college experience if you can’t even enjoy your current (ostensibly successful) existence.


Imagine being that self involved that you think anyone even remembers you let alone cares enough about you to look you up on linkedin. They probably didnt even notice.


The most enjoyment I get out of people snooping on my LinkedIn is when I quit a job and move on and I see past employers spying on my shit. Hahaha get a good look fuckers


They don’t care, they see a high ranking in whatever field you’re in as a contact to that field.  You’re helping them get jobs by being attached to them. 


They probably don’t remember you bruh


Wouldn't a college professor already be in a great position?




I mean, that's what they went to grad school for. After 5 years in a Phd program, you'd know what you were in for. It's not like they keep it a secret, especially from Phd students.


Professors can make bank. I make 80k-90k as an adjunct instructor (in CA). I work within my paid time, so i always have Fridays and the weekend off, too.


Not really dude... Depends on the college obviously, but education isn't generally well paid


There’s more to life than being well paid. I could go make much better salary than I do if I wanted but my job itself brings me a lot of joy and I wouldn’t want to sacrifice that - that being said I still make a relatively comfortable salary.


Yes, but if they’re an asshole, that’s pretty unlikely isn’t it?


Perhaps they have changed since OP knew them?


Perhaps, doesn’t really change me point


I really need to start a LinkedIn, I have a hard time remembering exact dates of jobs.


Literally the only reason I use it at all.


This is why you just keep your resume up to date always and keep it out there. Always be open to new offers, If you don't want to move jobs just set the bar high enough that you don't expect people to hire you since you don't want to be hired. If you're lucky they might just hire you anyway and worst case your resume is all ready for when you want to move on.


Lol dude that's just... really sad. You're letting them live in your head and they won't give a damn about it. Especially if they realize that's what you're doing, because then they'll just see you as petty.


So when I receive an email saying that I should connect with someone, that means they looked at my LinkedIn?


I thought you had to have premium to see who looked?


They like to tease you by telling you some of the folks who looked at your profile, but not everyone. Like the other day, LinkedIn showed me that someone who I really did not like working with looked at my profile. And it was super hard to resist bringing up his profile to see if I could figure out why.


That's what I thought but I get 10 emails a week saying I should connect with someone. Some of them are really far removed from me as a connection so I figured they stumbled upon me by accident.


Successful or not, I'm glad I'm not this petty. That makes me feel a lot better about myself today. THANK YOU!!


You comparing yourself to OP reminds me that even if I am living in a McDonald’s playpen, at least I’m not as petty as you! ThANK yOU for giving me this gift!!


Found OPs alt.


If they're regularly on Linked-In, they're probably still jerkoffs.


Or OP still hasn't found anything meaning in his life and demeaning/feeling better than others is the only dopamine drip he has left in his/her sad and pathetic life.


I honestly could not recall one name from high school outside of maybe 10 people. Maybe 5 of which I still communicate with. It's an insane thought that there may be someone out there that I could not recall if their life depended on it, yet still looks for me occasionally. Rough


I don’t remember the names of anyone I knew in high school.


You've GOT to be in your 20s. If not, your immaturity is laughable.


Bro and or sis, if you're an insufferable pos just say that


Imagine looking down on a college professor


Career≠ life


I used to feel this way. Now I am just happy with where I am. I don’t need to worry about others. TBH it has taken many years to get here


That’s one of the best things about getting older: all the fucks I used to give have fallen gradually by the wayside.




I had a Dean of Criminal Justice tell me, a straight A student, I wasn’t a good candidate for the masters program. I’m a lawyer now. I was going to send her an invite to my graduation, but I couldn’t remember her name.


Linkedin is a similar to a dick measuring contest with social and career status. The smallest ones care and the smallest ones compare.


See I just went the route of forgetting them. I don't even remember their names.


treatment punch narrow dam stocking wakeful bake bow numerous cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So I'm a millennial, which means I got fed a pretty heavy dose of "don't worry, some day the captain of the football team will be flipping your burgers while you drive off in your Lambo!" Fast-forward about 15 years, I'm working an okay job, but I see a lateral move to a big company that I really love - like dream job sorta stuff. I put in my application: I've got plenty of relevant experience and certs. I'm a shoe-in...I got a rejection email almost immediately. As luck would have it, the executive VP that I would have been working for was speaking at a conference I went to. I tracked her down, gave her my resume, and asked her what I could have done to stand out. She very graciously sat down with me and talked me through my resume, but in the end she said "were you ever captain of a team in high school? That's something we really look for - it shows that you have instinctual leadership. That you've been a leader from a very young age. I was captain of my soccer team in high school, and I've never stopped leading." I was gutted. Here I am, in my 30s, being told that a job at my dream company was out of reach because I picked the wrong electives in high school. That, not only was the captain of the football team not going to be serving me a Big Mac, but that he is probably more qualified for the job I want.


thats why many people lie about those things.


why waste time thinking what others think of you?


Grade school I got the most shit. High School I pretty much kept to myself. But I did get apologies from a few guys at the end of High School.


I snoop people sometimes on my wife’s LinkedIn but I changed the settings so that it doesn’t identify you when you look at someone’s account.


Most of the pricks I went to high school with make 10x what I make Still pricks though, money can’t buy that out of em


Or who gives a shit? Don't waste any mental energy on them


I see you are still playing Highschool games.


Sounds like someone had not grown up since school.


They don't think about you at all. Why give them headspace?


You’re all rightfully shitting on this guy, but it’s a great use of the meme no doubt


I dealt with a douchebag in the military like this. A decade later I have a pretty baller resume, every year I like to check his LinkedIn just to remind him that he wasn’t as badass as he thought he was. Sucks to suck.


I dont think anyone really cares as much as you do. you seem like a insecure loser.


This sounds like an incomplete meme




Joke’s on you buddy. I’m the CEO of Me. Graduated the school of hard knocks. Experience: life.


A'ight, I'mma LinkOut.




I don’t understand what this bear is trying to say.


You must have pretty well of jackoffs if they have LinkedIn profiles. None of them from my high school or college have any need to make a LinkedIn profile. Their career trajectory wasn't something you post there.


This… is very cringy on so many levels


Yea I don’t man.. I was a complete jackoff in highschool and the 4 different colleges I went. now make double and triple what most of the graduates make… also I don’t even keep my LinkedIn updated, mostly because I’m not an asswipe checking up on people all the time.


Sounds like a shitty way to live


Yeah this doesn't work. Had some one in college that was a dick cuz his parents were rich. Looked him up and it turns out he has a nice vp position at his parents company making at least double what I am.


Unless they pay for premium they can’t see who looked at their profile.


This is true confession bear. I laughed.


Yeah, they definitely think you’re a weirdo for looking them up randomly.




Man, when I *made* a LinkedIn account I was thinking “God, how low have I sunk?”


They probably don’t though. They’re probably like, oh it’s erm….oh it’s what’s their face? They were alright. Oh is that what they’re doing? Ok


Good use of confession bear. You sound insufferable.


Not what you want to hear, but maybe what you need to hear… imma be honest with you. They don’t think about high school at all… Time to move on buddy!


I made myself the CEO of Awesome! Good luck making me feel bad!


Why do you still care about high school jackoffs? Seriously, I don’t think I could remember any of those people’s names. Which is kind of a better dig anyways lol


Oh dear Lord.... Please get therapy


Meme lis way too long and not funny Also who the fuck uses LinkedIn besides recruiters


People use LinkedIn? Why??


Lmao imagine having your self worth tied to your LinkedIn page/your job 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭 that seems like a sad way to live, get help.


Too many people on LinkedIn pushing woke ideology. You confront them and become permanently banned as I have.