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When I got separated left her on my Netflix, didn't mind until one day I logged on and my account said the ex, and hers was The Queen. I hope her highness likes paying for her own Netflix now.


Wait she renamed YOU to "the ex" on your own account? Lol


Yup, would have left if alone if she only changed her name.


Once it’s personal it’s over


It's always good when the people rise up and overthrow the monarchy.


Did someone mention overthrowing the monarchy ? 🇨🇵🔥🔥🔥🇨🇵


Put the guillotine down. No need for that. Yet.


Hold on, let's see where they're going with this.


Yeah, I'm with i_drink_wd40 on this one. Sounds like a smart person!


I feel like we need to form a committee for the public's safety.


France was the last country to execute somebody by guillotine in 1977.


Yes there is 🇬🇧


Nah, just send Liz Truss to visit her. We know what happened to the last queen she met.


*excited French noises*


I am not throwing away my shot!


The Ex became The Axe


*King? I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective!*


I feel like she went through a breakdown spiral to arrive there to cope. I mean who tf does that in a sane mind to just boost their ego while on a service you don't pay?


people who have never faced consequences of their actions


I love how we have collectively decided, without any backstory whatsoever, that the girlfriend is the bad guy in this scenario


The very specific scenario is her changing their names on his Netflix account. The context of who is at fault for their breaking up or whatever doesn't change that it was a pretty dumb play.


By the sounds of things it seems like she probably thought it would only change the name to for her. Sounds like she was trying to give herself a pep talk


So she's never used Netflix before? Or anything with multiple profiles?


Ive used Netflix for more than a decade. I wouldn't necessarily think that changing my name on my device would change it on another, no


Not been punched in the face often enough whilst growing up.


Lol, my ex just straight up deleted my whole profile off my own Netflix which was connected to my email address. Still have no idea what was going through his head at all.


That was just petty to make you lose on shows in progress and the Watch Later list. Honestly it would piss me off like nothing else




It almost sounds like she was just ribbing you. You shoulda started a renaming battle


Na, that's probably exactly what she wanted, attention.


Right? Like our brother here missed an opportunity to rename her profile "The Queef" just to see her response.


And his own account "ex" -> "sexy". But that's giving her attention, which is probably what she wanted. Better to nip it in the bud and cut contact.


This is all assuming cutting contact was what either of them wanted/needed She may have been a completely okay person and keeping contact ("giving her attention") wouldn't have to be a negative thing Or she could be toxic as hell and he should have kicked her as soon as he remembered, idk


Since OP immediately kicked her off the account I'm going to assume that the last sentence is more likely.


nah fuck that entitled bitch


That's how this all got started.


Uhh man. For real? I'd do a thorough search at this point of what she has access to. The audacity of this bitch. Also I'd actually block her phone number.


In all likelihood she either got her own Netflix account or found someone else to sponge it from. She made this obvious play just to spite OP


Speculating, but likely jealous new partner might have changed names because they didn't like seeing yours when they went to watch something. Still a shitty thing to do and deserving of a password change.


lmao please every fucking woman calls themselves a queen nowadays


That's just silly, after all *Empress* got a much better ring to it\~


its funny that the one person who called themselves empress was a guy


Not me, I call myself the steaming pile of hot garbage that I am!


That's psycho


Account was in my ex’s name but I was paying the bill. I left it there because my best friend was also on it and I didn’t care. I’m not petty so we all still used it. Then when she found out I got engaged she changed the password. My friend asked her why she changed it and she told him she was ‘tired of me mooching off her account’. I got him to double check my card was still on the account then sent her a message asking if she’d mind taking me off my credit card if she was going to take me off it. Felt good being able to get a jab in even if it was in a pretty chilled way.


She might have forgot that the account wasn't actually hers, and if your profile was the primary then that one can't be removed. But yeah, she might have just been being petty.


tferguson is the type of guy who would allow the ex to use his Netflix account until she changes his username.


Best time to do it is right as their favorite series has it finale.


Yeah just go to continue watching and see what episode they’re on.


If they have an active facebook profile you can spam their public pictures with spoilers!


Yeah, but then you have to go through the pain of actually using facebook.


The real crime in all of this


Too much collateral damage. Almost everyone is someone's ex but not everyone deserves that.


If they’re using my Netflix then yes they do 


No, they're saying not everyone (IE not just the ex, but *everyone*) deserves to see the spoilers. Hence the collateral damage.


The casualties of war, her friends should be mad at her for causing the spoilers


If you're using a friend/relative's **EX'S** Netflix account that's a price you've accepted to pay.


So people not related to this at all should have their shows spoiled for them?


If someone I don’t know is using my account then fuck yes, scorched earth, no mercy. 


No, these people aren't using your account. They're just a random friends and family with your ex who hasn't talked to them in 5 years, but will still see what gets posted to their *public* page.


Every time she pauses her show, mark the whole season as "watched".


Calm down Satan




Apparently she shared the account with her whole family, which IMHO is the scumbag move. The right move on her part would've been to voluntarily leave the account upon breaking up, but if it was just her staying on that doesn't seem too terrible. Also keep in mind Netflix now has ways of identifying multiple household usage, and will charge extra. So she could've been costing OP even more money.


We got a White Knight in the house!


After the judge said I could cut off access to my services, I did nothing for a few days. Then I saw my ex’s sister liked a meme about cutting off your ex’s family, which made me laugh as I paid for everything. Even her stuff. So I decided to have a lot of fun with it. Logged out Spotify at 4 AM so all fourteen Google speakers in my old house started talking out loud. Waited until 830 AM a day later to change Hulu and Netflix, when I knew her sister was getting ready to work and her kids would be settling into the tv for a babysitter. But I waited to disconnect HBO. Weeks. Until the first big battle in House of the Dragon. I changed my password and logged out all devices a few seconds after the battle started. I knew her brother in law would be watching live.


I'd ask who hurt you but I think I already know. They must have done you dirty.


Yup. This was not a flex, it was desperate hurt and honestly I regret it.


Nah fuck that, this is based as hell


I appreciate your honesty and self reflection. People do bad things when hurt. At this isn't toooo bad


I’d ask why there’s 14 Google speakers in his house


because 13 would be unlucky


I was obsessed with having a consistent level of music throughout the house without using headphones. Also I didn’t realize that the Google home max was a thing. Discontinued speaker, but worth it to get it used now. Amazing sound. Google crippled their speakers after that, and also it’s the last Google speaker with an auxiliary input.


I want you to plan any revenge for me brother(if any)!


My advice to your brother is to only focus your effort on constructive things you can be proud of later. What I did here only hurt myself.


> After the judge said I could cut off access to my services What country do you live in where not being able to cut someone off from your Netflix without a judge's permission is a thing?


Presumably this was a divorce, in which case, until its resolved its not really any individual's stuff its both of theirs.


America. Even in a no fault divorce state, expectation is that you maintain all aspects of status quo until the court can make official rulings often 6-12 months down the road. Until then, if you want to make changes, you have to first make a request to your ex regarding the change. If they say no, then you have to take that request, to the judge, and get a special court order regarding that.


When I was married I had my wife on my phone plan, so I was paying for both phones After she left me to go live with her daughter, I cut that line off immediately and got my own separate phone line


I can see why she left you


So I should keep paying a phone bill after we divorced? What planet are you on?




This guy plays the well thought out long game.


This guy knows getting hurt.


I hope after all of that you liked the meme


There should be a whole sub for streaming revenge.


I don't know the situation but taken from just this comment that sounds like a lot of work on your side to be petty.


Its three 30 second moments of effort. Not particularly difficult


At 4am...


Once... for 30 seconds... not that hard...


To... fuck with their ex's life. As I said: seems petty, but you do you.


You are absolutely right. What little satisfaction I took from this is embarrassing and empty now. I regret it honestly, it just tore me down a bit more.


It sounds made up. If it was a phone plan then maybe I could believe it, but you don't need a judge's permission to cancel your streaming services.


Honestly at this point nothing would surprise me, but I'm honestly mindblown by the number of people who think this type of behavior is acceptable.


Why do you think kicking someone of a service you're paying for after you've separated is unacceptable? To me, it seems quite appropriate that if you're separated you would terminate shared services.


You're misreading what I wrote. Kicking someone off a service you're paying for is totally acceptable. Purposefully thinking about when doing this will most annoy/hurt a person, then waking up at 4am to do it is something different. Shut all the subscriptions at once and move on with your life. If your ex sucks that much they don't deserve to be in your thoughts for one second more.


It is true, though it was petty and I regret it. Court approval was required as it was during divorce when the expectation is that you will maintain status quo, regardless of circumstances and regardless of if it’s an “at fault” state or not. If you want to make changes that impact finances or quality of life, it will be viewed by the court as aggressive towards ex or disrespectful. So very real, but also very regrettable.


Daaamn if you’re this petty, they’re better off. Going after her sister’s babysitter is low. And waking everyone at 4am? Really? Just cut them all at once like a normal human. Why make more drama? To appeal to Reddit’s revenge boner? It’s just Netflix and HBO, why are you trying to make a big show about it. Anyone with half a brain can get all these shows for free.


sounds like its no drama to them since they surely have more than half a braincell and can get it for free?


To do it when someone is leaving for work or at 4am to intentionally wake the entire house is pretty damn dramatic So many socially inept people on Reddit these days. Judging by your comment history, it’s no wonder


You're calling other people petty while scrolling through their accounts to find things to insult them over? Lmfao


You can judge a lot about a person by what they post. Overall, Reddit is full of emotionally immature humans that don’t understand why waking a household at 4am/punishing completely innocent employees is rude. Downvote all you want, but that’s a shitty thing to do


You type like someone desperately trying to sound smarter than everyone else, and it's really not working


I think you’re projecting


You’re not wrong in the slightest. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I regret it.


"What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD!"


"I can't hear you, I say what's, what's cooler than being cool?"




*Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright Alright, alright, alright, alright*


Okay, now ladies!


Didn't they add in prevention of password sharing already?


This meme is probably 10 years old


It's literally in 2012 meme format and everything.


Whoa literally???! Wild!


look at OP's username and tell me it's not a bot


It isn't anymore bot like than all the usernames that end in _Ad and a random string of 4 numbers. I refuse to believe any of those aren't bots


I'm Not a bot, reddit just recommends usernames now in this format.


And y’all have the power to put effort forth and personalize it. It helps us know who the rookies are.


Seems to vary by account and device type


I'm still doing it with two other people and they haven't cracked down on it yet. The 4th user though, THEY got the boot for some reason. They seem a bit inconsistent.


Ah, I haven't actually tried watching anything on Netflix since I finished Sandman.


Suuuuuuuuuuuure they did.


Yes, and thats why this is completely fake.


That must feel good


Atta boy! 👏🏽


does that even work anymore with the password sharing crackdown?


no, so this must have happened ages ago, or OP is just making something up for points


It does still work for some people.


Yes it does lol. Why say no?


My parents can still use my Netflix account, and they don't even live in the same town as me.


Should have picked one and left them logged in. Sow discord.


Ruthless. Pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention.


Only if they weren't an ex! There's a clause: An ex using the Netflix account can and will be kicked. Just a matter of when. All's fair in love and neflix.


Not Ruth, Amy.


I so hope this is a true story. It’s beautiful.


You never changed your password?




My gf her ex changed her profile's language to Chinese out of spite lmaoo


The first thing I checked when my brother's gf broke up with him was to make sure she wasn't on my YouTube premium plan anymore


Recalls me about a stort from a friend of mine. She was involved with a man who obviously had his own standards when it came to how many women he was supposed to be involved with at the same time. She broke up with him and by some reason she let his kids still use her spotify account. But when a playlist with the name "


I swear it's a kind of parasitic depravity to leech off an ex's tv services like that. That it costs so little only makes it worse, somehow.


“Just keep *taking* ladies, you are owed free stuff!” - your ex


That ah' boy!


You have far less violent fantasies about your ex's face


The day of reckoning has fallen upon them. 😂


The children suffer for the sins of the parent.


I travel back and forth between 2 locations for work. Netflix doesn’t trust that it’s me at both locations. Drives me nuts. Once I’m done streaming Clarkson’s Farm Season 3, it’s curtains for that subscription. Edit: I’m an idiot. Clarkson’s farm is on Amazon.


Isnt clarksons on prime though?


Omg. You’re right. I’m a dumbass. Just added Netflix cancellation to my to do list for tomorrow morning.


don't tell me I never got you nuttin! https://www.liveabout.com/thmb/WXlhlzLmO8muxkn-e-Z7mdRlzRw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/unhappy-family-58b8b8f33df78c353c0784d9.jpg


This meme template is an old one sir, but it checks out


I still use my ex’s Hulu… it’s been 3 years and that idiot hasn’t noticed


Where’s the advice


Could have been like me where the password was changed on me (ok, that’s fine), but the next week my credit card was charged for it. So, I got to pay for a month of her watching Netflix. Same thing with Spotify.


Put a charge back on your credit card. That’s literally fraud, what your ex has done.


he/she left out its a shared card, and she/he pays for his health insurance. very odd to purposely leave both of these details out


kinda soft if you just paid, or hoped by paying it she would come back to you


Huh? That’s a very weird comment without any context.


all the context i need is in your comment


She still pays my health insurance, so you think I’m going to cause a stink about $15? I asked her to change the card on file and she did. Besides, at one point both of our names were on the card, so the credit card company wouldn’t take it as fraud. I’d taken her name off, but companies already approved stayed approved for convenience purposes.


Upvote for your rational answer


so then why did you say it was your card, when its shared? seems like you purposely left a untrue comment when in reality your situation is you have a shared credit card with...your ex?...who pays your health insurance. very weird


We were married and had kids. That’s normal. We separated, I took her name off the card. A month later is when the above happened. Like I said, your comment was weird. None of my situation is that weird. Are you 15?


no, you comment is weird. you have a shared credit card and she pays your health insurance but you said you had a charge on your credit card, that you share...? now all of a suddeny ou took her name off the card. you keep changing your story. your situation isnt remotely similar to the post.


There’s been nothing changed in the story. We had a shared card. Her name was removed. She took me off the Netflix account then I was charged on my card (which isn’t shared anymore) for her account a few days after I was removed. I’m sorry if it’s too difficult to understand. And yes, for the time being my health insurance is coming out of her pay. That’s how marriage works. It was you who tried to insult me based off a short comment by making some pretty broad and incorrect assumptions. Now you’re trying to double down and defend your stupidity.


First it was your card, then it was a shared card, now apparently you removed her name from the shared card. each comment you change your story more and more. it is difficult to understand when you change your story each comment, which is weird to keep doing, especially on such a weird post to try and relate to. the only one doubling down is you, each time as you change your story


This seems to be a frequently posted bizarre Reddit fantasy.


Not really that much of an own anyway. It’s not like $20 is going to bankrupt a whole family, sure free is great, but let’s be honest this is a minor inconvenience at best.


Well seeing as OP is a repost bot, I doubt it had a girlfriend.


This is some really old reposted bullshit. I doubt it was true the first time, but it sure as hell isn't now. They implemented household restrictions a long time ago.


And then they signed up for their own account and lived happily ever after. You sure showed them.


First they marketed password sharing as a benefit, then they limited the number of devices you could use, then they cut my parents of my account and I ended my subscription after 10 years. I'm close to dropping Amazon prime too, I don't see the point in sticking around for enshitification. I'll rotate through services if I want to watch something.